Yaskawa Alarm Codes 4500 – 4599

Yaskawa Alarm Codes 4500 – 4599

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4500UNDEFINED USER FRAME SUB-Code: User co- ordinate numberSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the user coordinate.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4501OUT OF RANGE (PARALLEL PRO- CESS) SUB-Code: Task numberSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4502SL BOARD ON- LINE ERROR The option board was detected not to oper- ate normally at power ON.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
    YCP02 board failure(1) Turn the power OFF then back ON.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, replace the YCP02 board. Save the CMOS.BIN before replacing the board to be safe.
4505UNDEFINED POSI- TION FOR ARC ON  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Register a step before the ARCON instruction.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4506UNDEFINED POS FOR RESTART RE- TURN  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the JOB.
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4507REFP POS ERROR (SEARCH MO- TION)  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Perform the teaching again so that the search start point and the motion target point are not the same.
∙Increase the distance between the search start point and the mo- tion target point.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4508SPECIFIED ER- ROR (COORDI- NATE)0The specified coordi- nate system does not exist.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  1Designation error of the master tool coor- dinate system. This coordinate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  2Designation error of the tool coordinate system. This coordi- nate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  3Designation error of the direction of travel coordinate system (for a shared func- tion). This coordinate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  4Designation error of the any direction co- ordinate system (for a shared function). This coordinate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  5Designation error of the approximation tool coordinate sys- tem (for a shared function). This coordi- nate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  6Designation error of the conveyor coordi- nate system.  This co- ordinate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  8Designation error of the COMARC coordi- nate system.  This co- ordinate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  9Designation error of the power sensor co- ordinate system. This coordinate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  10Designation error of the cylindrical coordi- nate system.  This co- ordinate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  11Designation error of the coordinate sys- tem for the external reference point. This coordinate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  12Designation error of the coordinate sys- tem for 3D shifting. This coordinate sys- tem cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  13Designation error of the KOMATSU tool Z- direction operation coordinate system.
This coordinate sys- tem cannot be used.
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  14Designation error of the KOMATSU tool JOG operation coor- dinate system. This coordinate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  15Designation error of the coordinate sys- tem at IMOV for 3D shifting. This coordi- nate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  16Designation error of the H-LINK type cylin- drical coordinate sys- tem. This coordinate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  17Designation error of the FSER_FRAME type cylindrical coor- dinate system. This coordinate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  18Designation error of the reference US- ER_FRAME type cy- lindrical coordinate system. This coordi- nate system cannot be used.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the coordinate system which can be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4509MFRAME ERROR1The master-tool user coordinates could not be prepared.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Execute the MFRAME instruction in coordinated JOB when you make the master tool user coordinate.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  2Reference user frame cannot be used. (1) Check the following settings.
·reference user frame
     If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  3Position type variable (P variable) cannot be used. (1)Check the following settings.
·position type variable (P variable).
     If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4510CANNOT EXE- CUTE INSTRUC- TION (SQRT)  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the JOB settings so that the second argument of SQRT in- struction does not become negative.
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4511OUT OF RANGE (DROP-VALUE) SUB-Code: Control group exceeding the allowable valueSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Confirm the load setting to the robot.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4512TWO STEPS SAME LINE (3 STEPS)  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings so that the teaching points are not aligned in a straight line.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
 SUB-Code: Control group and axisSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Reduce the speed of the step where the alarm occurred.
∙Change the move instruction to joint interpolation (MOVJ).
* Be careful to the peripheral interference since its movement changes.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
 SUB-Code: Control group and axisSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Reduce the speed of the step where the alarm occurred.
∙Change the move instruction to joint interpolation (MOVJ).
* Be careful to the peripheral interference since its movement changes.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
4517SEARCH MONI- TOR SET ERROR (SERVO) SUB-Code: The relat- ed control-groupSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4518SEARCH MON RE- LEASE ERR (SER- VO) SUB-Code: The relat- ed control-groupSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4520AXIS BLOCKING SUB-Code: Control groupSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the general-purpose input signal set in the parameter.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4521WRONG JOB TYPE SUB-Code 0000_0001: A robot JOB was started from the concurrent JOB at CALL/JUMP instruc- tion execution.
0000_1001: A con-
current JOB was started from the robot JOB at CALL/JUMP
instruction execution. 1000_0001: A system JOB was started from the robot JOB at CALL/JUMP instruc- tion execution.
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the JOB to be started.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
4522TAG DATA CHANGE PRO- CESS ERROR0An attempt was made to change the con- tents of variable tag data.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙The variable tag cannot be changed. Correct the JOB so as not to use the variable tag.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  1An attempt was made to change the tag data for the JOB pro- hibited from being ed- ited.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Release the prohibition.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  2An error occurred at instruction read-in.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  3The tag is not regis- tered.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  4The tag data was vari- able specification.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙The variable tag cannot be changed. Correct the JOB so as not to use the variable tag.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  5The value which it was made to change exceeded the limit of tag data.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the contents of changing data.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  7An error occurred at tag data change.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4523SHARED AXES CONTROL ERROR1The teaching points are incorrect.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4524CANNOT EXE- CUTE INST(CON- CUR JOB)  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Delete an instruction that cannot be executed such as move in- struction in the concurrent JOB.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4525CANNOT EXE- CUTE SPECIFIED JOB1An interrupt JOB (us- er setting) is started up during the back operation.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the JOB so that the interrupt JOB will not start-up during the back operation.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  2An suspend macro JOB is started up during the back oper- ation.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the JOB so that the suspend macro JOB will not start-up during the back operation.
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  3An interrupt JOB (in- side the system) is started up during the back operation.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the JOB so that the interrupt JOB will not start-up during the back operation.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
started up from a JOB except the registered master JOB.
 (1)Check the following settings.
·Check the JOB so that the FOLGE JOB will start-up from the reg- istered master JOB.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4527UNDEFINED PORT NO.(AOUT)  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the specified analog output port number.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4528SYNTAX ERROR1A syntax error was found in the IF sen- tence.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4529TWIN COORDINAT- ED ERROR1A JOB without control group was started by SYNC instruction.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the control group setting of the JOB to be started by SYNC.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  2A JOB only with robot axes was started by SYNC instruction.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the control group setting of the JOB to be started by SYNC.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  3A JOB only with mas- ter control group axes was started by SYNC instruction.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the control group setting of the JOB to be started by SYNC.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  4At full synchroniza- tion, the completion timings of move in- structions for the master and the slave disagreed.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  5At full synchroniza- tion, no operation re- quest from the master was sent.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  6At full synchroniza- tion, the execution timings of move in- structions for the master and the slave disagreed.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  7The twin synchronous ID number is incor- rect.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  8An attempt was made to execute triple syn- chronization when specified Sub-master for the master was dif- ferent.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Match the system number specification of the master between the JOB to be started by SYNC.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4530CONVEYOR TRACKING ERROR1The base axis specifi- cation is other than 1 or 2 for conveyor characteristic file.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Set the base axis specification of conveyor characteristic file to either 0, 1, or 2.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  2No robot axis in the JOB for robot axis trackingSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Correct the JOB setting so that the robot axis tracking is executed in the JOB where robot axis exists.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  3No base axis in the JOB for base axis trackingSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Correct the JOB settings so that the base axis tracking is execut- ed in the JOB where base axis exists.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  4The conveyor board number and conveyor characteristic file number used are in- correct.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the specification of conveyor condition file number for use.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  5There was no convey- or start position data at prereading pro- cessing.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  10No base axis in the JOB for arc trackingSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Correct the JOB setting so that the arc tracking is executed in the JOB where robot axis exists.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  11The set value for the TRACKING COR-
RECTION in a con- veyor condition file is abnormal.
Setting error(1)Check the following settings.
·Set a larger value for the TRACKING CORRECTION in the con- veyor condition file to be used.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4531UNDEFINED CON- VEYOR COND FILE SUB-Code: Conveyor characteristic file numberSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Set “Use state” of conveyor characteristic file to “1: Use.”
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
4532CONVEYOR SPEED DOWN SUB-Code: Conveyor numberSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Correct the “Conveyor Lowest Speed” set in the conveyor char- acteristic file.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4533ARITHMETIC ER- ROR (CV TRACK- ING)1Designation error of the conveyor tracking control-groupSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  2Designation error of the user coordinates for the conveyor trackingSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  3An attempt was made to use the conveyor tracking function with the slave robot at co- ordinate motion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙The conveyor tracking cannot be executed to the slave robot of the coordinate system. Correct the JOB so that the conveyor tracking perform by the robot unit or without coordinated motion.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  4Zero is set for the res- olution for the turn-ta- ble synchronization.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the resolution.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
4534TORQUE INTER- FERENCE  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Correctly set the weight information in the tool file. (Are the weight: W and the number set to the load value of either Xg, Yg or Zg)
∙Reduce the speed in the step where the alarm occurred.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4535TARGET VARI- ABLE TYPE UN- MATCHED0An attempt was made to obtain the byte type system variable by the other type vari- able.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Obtain as the byte type variable.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  1An attempt was made to obtain the integer type system variable by the other type vari- able.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Obtain as the integer type variable.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  2An attempt was made to obtain the double- precision integer-type system variable by the other type vari- able.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Obtain as the double-precision integer-type variable.
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  3An attempt was made to obtain the real- number type system variable by the other type variable.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Obtain as the real-number type variable.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  4An attempt was made to obtain the charac- ter-string type system variable by the other type variable.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Obtain as the character-string type variable.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4538ROBOT AXIS TRACKING INVAL- ID0“SYMOVJ” instruction is executed at robot- axis tracking.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Do not use “SYMOVJ” instruction in robot axis tracking.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4539CORNER R CON- TROL ERROR1The Corner-R motion cannot be used for coordinated motion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Do not use the Corner-R motion for coordinated motion.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  2An attempt was made to execute the Cor- ner-R motion for the same point.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the teaching so that the start step and end step are not on the same point.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  3The Corner-R zone is taught on a straight line.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for teaching so that the Corner-R zone is not on a strait line.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  4The start position or end position for the Corner-R motion could not be calculat- ed inside the start zone or the end zone.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Make the setting for the Corner-R radius small.
∙Make the moving amount of the Corner-R start step long.
∙Make the moving amount of the Corner-R start end long.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  5The Corner-R motion cannot be used for coordinated motion (with master robots).Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Do not use the Corner-R motion for master robots at coordinated motion.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  6The Corner-R motion cannot be used for MOVC, MOVS, and
EIMOVC instructions.
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Use a MOVL instruction when using the Corner-R motion.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  7The Corner-R motion is disabled during weaving.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Do not perform weaving when using the Corner-R motion.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  8Different tool num- bers are set in a Cor- ner-R zone (for the Corner-R middle step and end step).Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Use the same tool number in a Corner-R zone.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  9The Corner-R motion is disabled when the higher-order acceler- ation/deceleration is specified.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Disable the higher-order acceleration/deceleration when using the Corner-R motion.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  17The Corner-R motion is disabled during conveyor tracking.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Do not perform the conveyor tracking when using the Corner-R motion.
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  18Arithmetic error oc- curred when calculat- ing the acceleration and deceleration time for the Corner-R oper- ationSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Do not perform the conveyor tracking when using the Corner-R motion.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  19Arithmetic error oc- curred when calculat- ing acceleration and deceleration during test run in consider- ation of SERVO delay for the Corner-R mo- tion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Do not perform the conveyor tracking when using the Corner-R motion.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4540JOB QUE EMPTY ERROR  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Use “CALL QUE” under the condition that the JOB data is set to the JOB queue.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
4541INVALID INPUT STRING(VAL)1There was no charac- ter string representing a constant in charac- ter string to be ex- tracted at VAL instruction execution.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the data of the character string to be ex- tracted.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4542MRESET ERROR1An MRESET instruc- tion was executed while no endless axis was designated.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Set the endless axis.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4543STACK LESS THAN 0 (JOB CALL) At JOB return, an at- tempt was made to fetch a data from an empty JOB call stack or to stack a data in the JOB call stack that is full.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4544MID$ INST ERROR1The first character of character string to be extracted is null at MID$ instruction exe- cution.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the data of the character string to be ex- tracted.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  2The extraction start position exceeds the character string length at MID$ in- struction execution.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the data of the character string to be ex- tracted.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4545FOLLOWING ARITHMETIC ER- ROR1The trajectory calcu- lation couldn’t be per- formed since the V/T is set to less than 4.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Review tag setting of the FOLLOW2 instruction.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  2The trajectory calcu- lation couldn’t be per- formed since total stroke volume is less than caught volume.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Review the DD= tag of the FOLLOW2 instruction.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4546CANNOT EXE- CUTE SYSTEM JOB SUB-Code: System numberSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4547PRIMITIVE ERROR SUB-Code: Error codeSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
4548CANNOT OPER- ATE SPECIFIED EVENT SUB-Code: System numberSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4549NOT EXECUTION OF INIEVNT SUB-Code: System numberSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Execute an INIEVNT instruction before executing an event relat- ed instruction.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4550CANNOT EXE- CUTE INST(USER JOB) SUB-Code: System numberSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙This instruction cannot be executed in the system JOB. Correct the JOB so that the instruction is executed in the user JOB.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4551CANNOT MEA- SURE TIP INSTALL COEF SUB-Code: Gun numberSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Execute the “SVGUNCL TWC-AE”, and then execute the “SV- GUNCL TWC=BE”.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4565SOFTWARE UN- MATCH1The multi-layer weld- ing function is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  2The observer function is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  3The TURBO function is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  4The COMARC func- tion is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  5The conveyor/press synchronization func- tion is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  6The shared motion function is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  7The layer motion function is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  8The general sensor function is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  9The SERVO float function is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  10The laser cutting function (with small circle cutter) is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  11The motor gun func- tion (for spot welding application) is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  12The speed control function (VCON/ VCOF) is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  13The SERVO hand function (for handling application) is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  14The laser cutting function (for form cut- ting operation) is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  15The series communi- cation function be- tween the systems (PSEND/PRECV) is
not used.
Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  16The motion extension function is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  17The bending function is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  18The ME-NET function is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
function is not used.
Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  20The 3D-SHIFT func- tion is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  21The Equalization function is not used.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  255An attempt was made to execute an unde- fined instruction.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4566USER FRAME MAKING ERROR1The teaching points are incorrect.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  2The teaching points for user-coordinate turning are incorrect.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Among three taught points in the teaching position. Teach the three points again so that they do not lie in the straight line.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  3The robot axis is not specified for the con- trol group of the JOB to prepare the user coordinates.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  5Position data errorSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  6Setting error of the slave group for user coordinate conver- sionSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4567CANNOT MONI- TOR DISTANCE  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Change the interpolation instruction to MOVL/MOVC.
∙Change the setting so that the arc retry or restart operation does not perform.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4568UNDEFINED PRESS COND DATA FILE SUB-Code: Press characteristic file numberSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Set the status of press characteristic file to be used in the JOB to “Used State.”
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4569UNDEFINED PRESS RESOLU- TION DATA SUB-Code: Press characteristic file numberSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Set the press resolution data to be used in the JOB.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
4571SERVO FLOAT MODE RELEASE ERR  Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4572NO SERVO GUN CONTROL GROUP  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Set the “motor gun axis” in the control group setting of MAINTE- NANCE mode.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4573SPOT WELDER NO. ERROR SUB-Code: Welder numberSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Correct the welder number set in the gun characteristic file.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4574SPOT WELD COM- PLETE TIME LIMIT SUB-Code: Welder numberSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Turn ON the timer contactor power.
∙If the response from the timer takes too long time due to the sys- tem layout, increase the timeout time.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4575ERROR IN WELD START TIMING SET  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the “WST” tag.
∙Check the settings for the pressure file.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4576ERR IN MOTOR GUN CONT MODE  Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
4577ERR IN MOTOR GUN MODE RE- LEASE  Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4578SPOT WELD ER- ROR SUB-Code: Welder numberSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the timer conductor where the welding er- ror occurred.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4579ANTICIPATION CONTROL ERROR1No availability in an- ticipation controlSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
·Maximum simultaneous execution number of anticipation control is twenty. Correct the settings for the JOB so that it is within twen- ty.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  2The anticipation data exceeded the maxi- mum length.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  3Anticipation control did not complete with- in the setting time.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4580ANTICIPATION DISTANCE NOT ENOUGH  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Operate the robot to the start position of the step where the alarm occurred, and then re-execute.
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4581DEFECTIVE AN- TICIPATION OT FILE1Incorrect setting of OT output number for anticipation output fileSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the setting value of OT output number.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  2Incorrect setting of OG output number for anticipation output fileSetting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the setting value of OG output number.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4583CANNOT EXE- CUTE GUN TYPE  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the motion mode set to the gun.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4584STRWAIT TIME LIMIT  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the cause such as defective limit switch.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4585SERVO PG ON ER- ROR  Connection failure(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, check the connection and inserting state of the following cables and connectors.
∙Each axes encoder cable
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4587MOTOR GUN CHANGE ERROR1A GUNCHG instruc- tion was executed in the system configura- tion that did not allow the gun change func- tion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Validate the gun change parameter.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
struction was execut- ed while the motor gun motor was SER- VO ON.
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Execute GUNCHG/PICK instruction when the motor gun motor is SERVO OFF.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
struction was execut- ed while the ATC was in unchuck status.
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Execute GUNCHG/PICK instruction when the ATC is in chuck status.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
instruction was exe- cuted while the ATC was in unchuck sta- tus.
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Execute GUNCHG/PLACE instruction when the ATC is in chuck status.
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  5The encoder power supply could not be turned ON when exe- cuting a GUNCHG/ PICK instruction.Connection failure(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, check the connection and inserting state of the following cables and connectors.
∙The encoder cable of motor gun
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  6The encoder power supply could not be turned OFF when ex- ecuting a GUNCHG/ PLACE instruction.Connection failure(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, check the connection and inserting state of the following cables and connectors.
∙The encoder cable of motor gun
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  7The gun number specified by the GUNCHG instruction did not agree with the gun identification sig- nal.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Change the gun characteristic file number specified by GUNCHG instruction to object gun number.
∙Change the gun identification signal so that it become the objec- tive gun number.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  8The 1st gun axis se- lection signal is not set when executing the twin-wrist gun change.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the 1st gun axis selection signal setting.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  9The right and left gun axis selection signals were duplicated when executing the twin- wrist gun change.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the setting for the gun axis selection signal.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  10The control group for gun axis is not set in the gun change JOB.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the control-group of the JOB.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  11Multiple robots are not set in the gun change JOB.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the control-group of the JOB.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4589ABRASION BASIS POS UNSETTING  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Resister the reference position of wear correction.
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4590NO SERVO HAND CONTROL GROUP  Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Set the “SERVO hand axis” in the control group setting of MAIN- TENANCE mode.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4591SPEED CTRL MODE SET ERR (SERVO)  Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4592SPEED CTRL MODE CANCEL ERR(SV)  Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4593SVHAND CTRL MODE SET ERR (SERVO)  Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
4594SVHND CTRL MODE CANCEL ERR (SV)  Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
4595CAN’T DO FIXED FORM CUT MO- TION1The setting for radius is incorrect.
(1) For a circle, it is in- correctly set as: radi- us <= 0, radius < minimum radius val- ue, or radius > maxi- mum radius value.
(2) For an ellipse, it is incorrectly set as: ra- dius <= 0, radius < minimum radius val- ue/2, or radius > (maximum radius/2 – width/2).
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Setting of the radius data
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  2The setting for width is incorrect.
(1) For a rectangle, it is incorrectly set as: width < 1.0, width > sqrt (maximum diam- eter2 – height2), or width > maximum di- ameter.
(2) It is incorrectly set as: width < 0, width > maximum diameter -2
* radius.
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Setting of the width data
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  3The setting for height is incorrect.
(1) For a rectangle, it is incorrectly set as: height > maximum di- ameter, height < mini- mum diameter/2, or height > sqrt (maxi- mum diameter2 – width2).
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Setting of the height data
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  4The setting for the corner radius is incor- rect.
(1) For a rectangle, it is incorrectly set as: corner radius > width/ 2 or corner radius > height/2.
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Setting of the corner radius
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  5The setting for over- lap is incorrect.
(1) For a rectangle, it is incorrectly set as overlap > width/2.
(2) For a circle, it is in- correctly set as over- lap > ABS (2π * radius).
(3) For an ellipse, it is incorrectly set as overlap > π * radius
+ABS (width/2).
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Setting of the overlap data
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  6The setting for the cutting speed is incor- rect. It is set as the cutting speed > maxi- mum linear speed.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Setting of the cutting speed
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  7Coordinated motion cannot be used with the Form Cutting mo- tion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Do not use the coordinated motion.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  8Zero or a negative value is set in the min- imum diameter pa- rameter (S1CxG063) for the Form Cutting motion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙The setting of the minimum diameter parameter (S1CxG063) for the Form Cutting motion.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  9Zero or a negative value is set in the maximum diameter parameter (S1CxG064) for the Form Cutting motion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙The setting of the maximum diameter parameter (S1CxG063) for the Form Cutting motion.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  10Although “PLACE- MENT” or “AUTO” is
set for the start point designation on the FORM CUT SET-
TING window, the FORMAPR instruc- tion was not execut- ed.
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Execute the FORMAPR instruction.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  11The Cut file setting of the FORMAPR in- struction is different from that of the FORMCUT instruc- tion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙The Cut file settings of FORMAPR and FORMCUT instructions must be same.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  12A FORMAPR instruc- tion was used for the conventional FORM- CUT instruction.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙The FORMAPR instruction cannot be used for the conventional FORMCUT instruction.
∙Validate the new FORMCUT instruction.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  13A form other than a circle, rectangle, and ellipse was designat- ed for the convention- al FORMCUT
Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙A form other than a circle, rectangle, and ellipse cannot be des- ignated for the conventional FORMCUT instruction.
∙Validate the new FORMCUT instruction.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  90The radius data set- ting for special circu- lar interpolation is incorrect. It is incor- rectly set as the radi- us <= 0.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Setting of the radius data
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  91The arc center coordi- nates could not be calculated at special circular interpolation. Incorrect teaching may be the cause.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Setting of the teaching
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  93The averaging time at special circular inter- polation motion is too short.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Moving distance
∙Motion speed
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  94Because the desig- nated plane included reference points at special circular inter- polation motion, the arc center coordi- nates could not be calculated. Incorrect teaching of the refer- ence point 2 may be the cause.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Setting of the reference point 2
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  100The arc center posi- tion is not set for the special circular inter- polation motion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the reference point 1 as the arc center po- sition.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4596FORMCUT ERROR1An attempt was made to re-execute the FORMCUT instruc- tion after interrupting it.Execute condition failure(1) Check the following settings.
∙Re-execute the move instruction executed before the FORMCUT instruction, and then execute the FORMCUT instruction again.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4597OFFLINE POSI- TION DATA CON- VERT ERR1Incorrect information of reference position data for offline posi- tion data conversionSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  2Incorrect user-coordi- nate number designa- tion in the standard position data for of- fline position data conversionSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  3Incorrect reference- point data for offline position data conver- sionSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  4The standard position data for offline posi- tion data conversion could not correctly be calculated.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙The variable position may be out of the robot motion range. Check if the variable position is within the robot motion range.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  5Incorrect pulse incre- mental value for of- fline position data conversionSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  6The position data could not correctly be added by the pulse in- cremental value at the offline position data conversion.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  7Incorrect Cartesian incremental value for offline position data conversionSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  8The position data could not correctly be added by the Carte- sian incremental val- ue at the offline position data conver- sion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙The variable position may be out of the robot motion range. Check if the variable position is within the robot motion range.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  9The position conver- sion could not be done in the designat- ed coordinate system at the offline position data conversion.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  10Incorrect incremental value of angle for of- fline position data conversionSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  11The position data could not correctly be added by the incre- mental value of angle at the offline position data conversion.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  12The reverse shift val- ue for 3D shifting could not correctly be calculated at the of- fline position data conversion.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  13The reverse shift val- ue for 3D shifting could not correctly be added at the offline position data conver- sion.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  14The reverse shift val- ue could not correctly be calculated at the offline position data conversion.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  15The reverse shift val- ue could not correctly be calculated at the offline position data conversion.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  16The 3D shifting value could not correctly be added at the offline position data conver- sion.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  17The shift value could not correctly be add- ed at the offline posi- tion data conversion.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  18No reference point is specified for the of- fline position data conversion.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  19The positions for the mirror shift function could not correctly be calculated at the of- fline position data conversion.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  20The positions could not correctly be con- verted for the mirror shift function at the of- fline position data conversion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙The variable position may be out of the robot motion range. Check if the variable position is within the robot motion range.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
  21The expansion posi- tions for the mirror shift function could not correctly be con- verted at the offline position data conver- sion.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙The variable position may be out of the robot motion range. Check if the variable position is within the robot motion range.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
  22Incorrect designation of coordinates for a new mirror-shift con- version function at the offline position data conversionSoftware operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  23Incorrect designation of the occupation con- trol group for welding path shift function.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, select [UTILITY]-[ARC SHIFT CANCEL], and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  24The inverse shift data for welding path shift function could not cor- rectly be calculated.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, select [UTILITY]-[ARC SHIFT CANCEL], and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
  25The inverse shift data for welding path shift function could not cor- rectly be added.Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, select [UTILITY]-[ARC SHIFT CANCEL], and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).
Alarm No.Alarm NameSUB-
4598PAINTOUT ERROR1The parameter set- ting for the universal input group number is incorrect.Setting error(1) Check the following settings.
∙Check the settings for the AxP011.
    otherIf the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTENANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about oc- currence status (operating procedure).
4599SERVO COMMAND ERROR An attempt was made to issue the command while the SERVO control processing has not completed.
CPU bit number
Software operation error occurred(1) Reset the alarm, and then try again.
(2) If the alarm occurs again, save the CMOS.BIN in MAINTE- NANCE mode, and then contact your YASKAWA representative about occurrence status (operating procedure).