Fanuc XMLF Alarm Codes

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Fanuc XMLF Alarm Codes

XMLF-001 WARN Tag too long
Cause: The XML tag string is too long.
Remedy: The XML tag limit is a maximum of 32 characters.
XMLF-002 WARN Attribute too long
Cause: The attribute data is too long.
Remedy: Limit the length of the attribute data to 64 characters. If a very long attribute string is
required use it as the body of the XML for example: <MYTAG> This is a string longer than 64
characters. In fact it could be many pages of text </MYTAG> There is no limit to the length of the
data in this case. A KAREL program can retreive the data 127 characters at a time from the XML data
as the string. Refer to the KAREL Reference manual examples for more information.
XMLF-003 WARN Invalid use of / character
Cause: In general the \ character cannot be used in a tag name. This is a special character.
Remedy: Do not use \ in tag (or attribute) names. For example, <TAG> <\TAG> is valid. However,
<TA\G> <\TA\G> is not.
XMLF-004 WARN Invalid character in tag
Cause: Tag names cannot contain special characters such as &<>\ or “.
Remedy: Do not use special characters in tag names.
XMLF-005 WARN No value for attribute
Cause: There is no value string for an attribute. This error occurs if the attribute is not like the
follwing example: name = “value”
Remedy: Make sure all attributes are of the form name = “value”.
XMLF-006 WARN End tag with no matching start
Cause: An end tag was found with no matching start tag.
Remedy: Start tags and end tags must alway balance. That is, for every start tag <TAG> there must
be an end tag <\TAG> or <TAG name=”value”\>.
XMLF-007 WARN Invalid character in attribute
Cause: An attribute contains an invalid character. Attributes cannot contain the characters <>\”/
Remedy: Change the attribute. For example, <TAG ATT=”val”\> is valid. However, <TAG
ATT=”val\”\> is not.
XMLF-008 WARN Cannot find file
Cause: The specified file does not exist.
Remedy: Make sure the file you are trying to access exists on the device you are specifying.
XMLF-009 WARN Tag nesting level too deep
Cause: The nesting of tags is limited to 32 levels deep. This error indicates that you have more
than 32 tags within tags.
Remedy: Reformulate your XML file to reduce the complexity. Make sure that the file can be
edited by a standard PC XML editor.
XMLF-010 WARN Error in comment
Cause: The XML source has a badly formed comment.
Remedy: Follow the rules for XML comment delimeters. This means that the comment must begin
with <!– and end with –>.
XMLF-011 WARN Unknown character &xxx;
Cause: The & is used to denote special characters. Only &, <, >, and ” are supported as special
Remedy: If the character is not supported as a special character, you can use the character directly.
XMLF-012 WARN Tag not found
Cause: This is returned by the remove tag builtin xml_remtag in the case that the tag was not
previsouly registered.
Remedy: Register the tags before you remove them.
XMLF-013 WARN Unexpected end of file
Cause: The XML file ended before the starting tag was closed.
Remedy: Make sure that the last tag in the file closes the first tag in the file.
XMLF-014 WARN Scan limit exceeded
Cause: The KAREL builtin xml_scan returned becuase it had scanned as many lines as possible
in the time slot.
Remedy: Recall the builtin xml_scan to scan more lines.
XMLF-015 WARN Function code return
Cause: This is returned by the KAREL builtin xml_scan when a registered tag has been found.
Remedy: This indicates that the builtin should process the returned tag.
XMLF-016 WARN Tag %s %s
Cause: The iPendant detected a problem with an XML tag. Most likely an unknown or misspelled tag
was used.
Remedy: Correct the XML content, and retry the operation.
XMLF-017 WARN Attr %s %s
Cause: The iPendant detected a problem with an ATTRIBUTE / VALUE pair in the XML content.
Remedy: Correct the XML content, and retry the operation.
XMLF-018 WARN User func %s
Cause: The iPendant detected a syntax error in the XML content.
Remedy: Correct the XML content, and retry the operation.