Fanuc WNDW Alarm Codes

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Fanuc WNDW Alarm Codes

WNDW-001 WARN Invalid screen name format
Cause: Format of screen name in DEF_SCREEN, ACT_SCREEN, or ATT_WINDOW_S call
is invalid.
Remedy: Screen names must be 1-4 alpla- characters Supply a valid screen name
WNDW-002 WARN Invalid window name format
Cause: Format of window name in ATT_WINDOW_D, ATT_WINDOW_S, or DET_WINDOW
call or an OPEN statement is invalid.
Remedy: Window names must be 1-4 alpla- characters Supply a valid window name
WNDW-003 WARN Invalid keybd. name format
Cause: Invalid display device name in DEF_SCREEN or ATT_WINDOW_D call
Remedy: Use TP for teach pendand screen or CRT for KCL screen
WNDW-004 WARN Invalid disp dev name format
Cause: Invalid format of display device name in DEF_SCREEN or ATT_WINDOW_D call
Remedy: Device names must be 1-4 alpla- characters Supply a valid device name
WNDW-005 WARN Bad number of rows
Cause: Invalid n_rows in DEF_WINDOW call
Remedy: n_rows value must be 1 to 50 Correct the value
WNDW-006 WARN Bad number of cols
Cause: Invalid n_cols in DEF_WINDOW call
Remedy: n_cols value must be 1 to 132 Correct the value
WNDW-007 WARN Bad row number
Cause: Invalid value of row parameter in ATT_WINDOW_S, AT_WINDOW_D, or SET_CURSOR
Remedy: For ATWINDOW_S or AT_WINDOW_D calls, row must be in the range
1-(display_device_size-window_size+1) Correct the row parameter value For SET_CURSOR calls,
the value must be in the range 1-50
WNDW-008 WARN Bad col number
Cause: Invalid value of col parameter in ATT_WINDOW_S, AT_WINDOW_D, or SET_CURSOR
Remedy: For ATWINDOW_S or AT_WINDOW_D calls, col must be in the range
1-(display_device_size-window_size+1) Correct the col parameter value For SET_CURSOR calls,
the value must be in the range 1-132
WNDW-011 WARN Unk. disp dev name
Cause: Unknown display device name in DEF_SCREEN or ATT_WINDOW_D call
Remedy: Use TP for teach pendand screen or CRT for KCL screen
WNDW-012 WARN Unk k/b dev name
Cause: Keyboard device specified in a PUSH_KEY_RD or POP_KEY_RD call or OPEN statement
is invalid
Remedy: Use ‘TP’ for teach pendant keys or ‘CRT’ for KCL keyboard
WNDW-013 WARN Duplicate screen name
Cause: Screen name specified in DEF_SCREEN call is already defined
Remedy: If the screen is a system-defined, it cannot be redefined. If the existing screen definition
is not being changed, this may not be a problem. Otherwise, it may be necessary to cold-start the
controller to delete the existing definition: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and
hold the SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on
the robot.
WNDW-014 WARN Duplicate window name
Cause: Window name specified in DEF_WINDOW call is already defined
Remedy: If the window is a system-defined window, it cannot be redefined. If the window is a
system-defined, it cannot be redefined. If the existing window definition is not being changed, this
may not be a problem. Otherwise, it may be necessary to cold-start the controller to delete the existing
definition: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot.
WNDW-015 WARN Unknown screen name
Cause: The screen name specified in a ATT_WINDOW_S, DET_WINDOW, or ACT_WINDOW
call is not defined
Remedy: Use the name of a defined screen
WNDW-016 WARN Unknown window name
Cause: The window name specified in a ATT_WINDOW_S, ATT_WINDOW_D, or DET_WINDOW
call or an OPEN statement is not defined
Remedy: Use the name of a defined window
WNDW-017 WARN Window already attchd to scrn
Cause: The window name specified in a ATT_WINDOW_S, ATT_WINDOW_D is ready attached
to the specified screen
Remedy: If the present attach is acceptable, this may not be a problem. Otherwise it will be necessary
to call DET_WINDOW
WNDW-018 WARN Invalid file name string
Cause: The file name in an OPEN statement begins WD: or KB: but is not a valid format.
Remedy: The following forms are valid: WD:wnam KB:knam WD:wnam/knam KB:knam/wnam
where wnam and knam are 1-4 alpha-numberic characters Correct the format of the file name
WNDW-019 WARN Write to file w/o window
Cause: A write was issued to a file opened to a keyboard (KB:knam), but not a window
Remedy: Either change the OPEN to specify a window or do not WRITE to the file
WNDW-020 WARN Bad buffer length on read
Cause: The buffer_size parameter in a INI_DYN_DISI INI_DYN_DISR, INI_DYN_DISS or
READ_KB call is invalid
Remedy: Specify a value in the range 10-128 for INI_DYN_DISx calls; for READ_KB calls, specify
a range of 1-128, unless the accept mask is zero, when a buffer_size value of zero is permitted.
WNDW-021 WARN Invalid timeout value
Cause: The time_out value in a READ_KB call is Invalid
Remedy: The value must be less than 65535000. Use a valid value
WNDW-022 WARN Zero term char mask in read
Cause: The terminate character mask in a keyboard read is zero.
Remedy: Use a non-zero value for the terminate character mask
WNDW-023 WARN Initial data too long
Cause: The init_data value is longer than the buffer size parameter
Remedy: Either increase the value of buffer_size or specify a shorter string for init_value
WNDW-024 WARN Attempt to read with no kb
Cause: A READ_KB call or READ statement was executed on a file that was OPENed to a window
but not a keyboard
Remedy: Either modify the OPEN FILE statement to specify a keyboard or do not use the file in a
READ_KB call or READ statement
WNDW-025 WARN Echo window for read not act
Cause: A READ_KB call was executed where the specified file is opened to a window that is not
attached to the active screen and the terminate mask included the no_window bit
Remedy: This may be a normal result if the user intended READ_KB requests to fail if the required
window is not displayed. Otherwise, either modify the terminate mask or use ATT_WINDOW_D or
ATT_WINDOW_S to attach the required window.
WNDW-026 WARN Read for same keys/kbd active
Cause: A READ_KB call was executed where the the keyboard for the specified file currently
has another READ_KB call or READ statement that accepts some of the same classes of keys and
the terminate mask included the kbd_busy bit
Remedy: This may be a normal result if the user intended READ_KB requests to fail if the Keyboard
is in use. Otherwise, modify the terminate mask, modify the accept mask of this or the conlicting
read, or use a PUSH_KEY_RD call to suspend conficting reads
WNDW-027 WARN Too many pushes active
Cause: The maximum depth of key read PUSH operations has been exceeded.
Remedy: Check for situations in which a PUSH_KEY may be executed and no POP_KEY is exected.
WNDW-028 WARN Mis-match on push/pop seq
Cause: This indicates that the pop_index specified in a POP_KEY_RD call is not the expected value,
indicating that call are being made out of order.
Remedy: Check the logic in use of PUSH_KEY_RD and POP_KEY_RD to ensure that the pop_index
values are being suplied in the correct order. If more than one task is issuing PUSH_KEY_RD
and POP_KEY_RD calls, extra care is required
WNDW-030 WARN Invalid time
Cause: The interval parameter in a INI_DYN_DISI, INI_DYN_DISR, or INI_DYN_DISS call
is invalid
Remedy: This must be in the range 1-32767 (ms)
WNDW-032 WARN No match on var disp cncl
Cause: There is no currently active dynamic display for variable and window specified in a
Remedy: Check the variable and window names. Also check logic to see that dynamic display had
been started and not already cancelled.
WNDW-033 WARN Field width invalid
Cause: The field_width parameter in a call to one of the INI_DYN_DIS builtin routines is invalid.
Remedy: Value must be in the range of 0-255
WNDW-065 WARN window not attached to screen
Cause: The window specified in a DET_WINDOW call is not attached to the specified screen.
Remedy: This is only a warning. It can be ignored or avoided by not detaching windows that are
not attached.