Fanuc VARS Alarm Codes

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Fanuc VARS Alarm Codes

VARS-001 WARN Corrupt variable file
Cause: An error has occured trying to read specifed file. This file is corrupt or the media is bad
Remedy: Try a different file.
VARS-002 WARN Open Error on File
Cause: The variable file does not exist on the device, director or media.
Remedy: Place correct media in drive or select the proper device/directory and try again.
VARS-003 WARN %s array length updated
Cause: A variable being loaded from a variable file exists in memory. The array length reflects
what was in the variable file.
Remedy: This is just a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning message.
VARS-004 WARN %s memory not updated
Cause: A variable being loaded from a variable file exists in memory. The variable file data cannot
be loaded
Remedy: Clear the program and load the variables first before loading program.
VARS-005 WARN %s PC array length ignored
Cause: A variable being loaded from a variable file exists in memory. The array length reflects
what was in the variable file.
Remedy: This is just a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning message.
VARS-006 WARN Unknown Variable Name
Cause: Referenced variable does not exist
Remedy: Load PC file or VR file to create the variable
VARS-007 WARN Unknown Type Code
Cause: Referenced type code does not exist
Remedy: Load PC file or VR file to create the type
VARS-008 WARN Type Name not found
Cause: Referenced type name does not exist
Remedy: Load PC file or VR file to create the named type
VARS-009 WARN SV Load at CTRL Start Only
Cause: A variable load has been requested while controller is capable of motion
Remedy: Create an error condition such as E-stop and load of variables is allowed
VARS-010 WARN Variable/field write-protected
Cause: The variable or field you are trying to access is write protected
Remedy: This variable is not to be changed by customer for safety or other reasons If you are trying
to change $SCR variables just change $PARAM_GROUP and cold start
VARS-011 WARN No data defined for program
Cause: Referenced program name does not have variables
Remedy: Load PC file or VR file to create the named program
VARS-012 WARN Create var – %s failed
Cause: Named variable could not be created.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use the Alarm Log screen to display the cause code.
VARS-013 WARN Variable Already Exists
Cause: Referenced variable already exist in memory
Remedy: This is just a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning message.
VARS-014 WARN Create type – %s failed
Cause: Named type could not be create
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use the Alarm Log screen to display the cause code.
VARS-015 WARN Too many vars/nodes/programs
Cause: The limit of variables types, programs or nodes has been reached
Remedy: You must delete some programs or reorganize programs to make more room
VARS-016 WARN Axis configuration mismatch
Cause: The variables you are trying to load are were created on a controller with a different axis
Remedy: These variable cannot be used on this controller
VARS-017 WARN Sysvar version mismatch
Cause: The system variable file you are attempting to load is not compatible with the loaded software
Remedy: You must use the default system variable file supplied with your version of software
VARS-018 WARN Compatible Type Already Exists
Cause: Referenced type already exists in memory
Remedy: This is just a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning message.
VARS-019 WARN Rename target exists
Cause: You are attempting to rename a program to a program which already exists
Remedy: Use a different program name or delete the program and and variables from existing program
VARS-020 WARN [%s]%s not fnd
Cause: Referenced variable is not found in the system
Remedy: Load PC file or VR file to create the variable
VARS-021 WARN Memory allocation failure
Cause: There is no more permanent memory available in the system
Remedy: You must delete unneeded programs, dictionaries or variables to make room
VARS-022 WARN Duplicate creation TYPE mismatch
Cause: Variable that is being created already exists but is of a different type than what you are
attempting to load/create
Remedy: Delete existing variable before creating it as a different type
VARS-023 WARN Array len creation mismatch
Cause: Variable that is being created already exists but has different dimensions than what you
are attempting to load/create
Remedy: Delete existing variable before creating it with conflicting dimensions
VARS-024 WARN Bad variable or register index
Cause: You are attempting to use an invalid index into an array or path
Remedy: Use a valid index
VARS-025 WARN Vision reference error
Cause: Do not have vision hardware on this system so cannot load vision variables
Remedy: Load these variables on an appropriate system
VARS-026 WARN File sequence error
Cause: The file which has been loaded is: A. Not a variable file B. A file on bad media C. A file not
compatible with your current software.
Remedy: Try a different file or convert the current file to an updated version.
VARS-027 WARN Variable used by other program
Cause: Variable is used by another program
Remedy: Delete other program which references these variables
VARS-028 WARN Value out of range
Cause: Value that you entered is not a valid value. It is either too big or too small
Remedy: Consult your SYSTEM RJ-2 Controller Software reference Manual for valid values for
the variable you are changing
VARS-029 WARN Requires PROGRAM password
Cause: The operation that you are attempting is password protected.
Remedy: You must go to the password setup screen and enter the PROGRAM password
VARS-030 WARN Requires SETUP password
Cause: The operation that you are attempting is password protected.
Remedy: You must go to the password setup screen and enter the SETUP password
VARS-031 WARN Requires INSTALL password
Cause: The operation that you are attempting is password protected.
Remedy: You must go to the password setup screen and enter the INSTALL password
VARS-032 WARN Variable size too big
Cause: The variable you are loading is larger than 65,535 bytes or has an array element larger than
32,767 bytes
Remedy: Make the array size smaller or use a path data type for large arrayed variables Maximum
path length is 2,007 Maximum node size is 32,767
VARS-033 WARN Maximum path length exceeded
Cause: A path can only contain 2,007 nodes.
Remedy: You must break up the large path into smaller paths
VARS-034 WARN Variable cannot be accessed
Cause: The CMOS variable that you attempted to delete was created This could also be because a
KAREL program, Network or KCL was adding deleteing or doing a node operation when access was
Remedy: Delete the variable in the same start mode that the variable was created. For example if a
CMOS variable was created at CONTROLLED start it must be deleted at CONTROLLED start. If if
is because of some access conflict the attempt the operation again when no other variable accesses
are in progress.
VARS-036 FATAL CMOS memory is corrupt
Cause: CMOS memory has been destroyed
Remedy: Controller initial start must be performed
VARS-037 WARN Position register is locked
Cause: Position register is locked by program operation
Remedy: Wait until program is finished
VARS-038 WARN Cannot change CMOS/DRAM type
Cause: An existing variable is being created in a different memory area (CMOS vs DRAM)
Remedy: Delete the variable or change the memory type to be used.
VARS-039 WARN Data set created
Cause: Permanent memory was successfully allocated.
Remedy: This is just a notification. You do not have to do anything for this message.
VARS-040 WARN Cannot load at CONTROL START 2
Cause: Variables may not be properly created if loaded at this time.
Remedy: Load variables at COLD start or at CONTROLLED START 1 before save image operation.
VARS-041 WARN Invalid Node Number
Cause: Path insertion or delete of a node occured with node number which exceeded the number of
nodes in a path.
Remedy: Perform operation with a valid node number.
VARS-042 WARN TEMP type invalid for CMOS create
Cause: The type definition for the variable being created is in temporary DRAM memory. This
means variable cannot be remembered after power off
Remedy: The program with the type definition for the variable you are creating must be loaded at
controlled start. This implies the type definition is image.
VARS-043 WARN Variable memory pool is invalid
Cause: The memory pool for this variable does not exists on the controller. An auxiliary board has
probably been removed or replaced
Remedy: Put the old board in back into the controller. If this board is not not available then an
INITIAL START is required
VARS-044 WARN Group number mismatch on load
Cause: The variable file has different number of groups defined than controller.
Remedy: You must configure the groups from controlled start setup before loading variable files
VARS-045 WARN Mismatch SV – %s System %s
Cause: The robot type referenced in the loaded SV file is different than the type that the controller is
setup for.
Remedy: Setup the controller for the proper robot type and load system variables which were saved
on a compatible robot
VARS-046 WARN Buffer size mismatch
Cause: When transferring a variable to a different computer the memory buffer size is too small
Remedy: Allocate a larger buffer for the transfer
VARS-047 WARN Incompatible var file version
Cause: The variable file that you specified does not contain key information it is probably not a
variable file
Remedy: This file is not useful. You need to get the information from a different file
VARS-048 WARN Name is too big
Cause: The variable name specified in the request is too long.
Remedy: You must change the variable name to make it shorter.
VARS-049 WARN Bad Element in a Structure
Cause: The ASCII value specified is invalid.
Remedy: Specify a valid ASCII value.
VARS-050 WARN PC Revision mismatch %s
Cause: The version of the saved PC image and saved VR image are different. This is probably
because power was removed in the middle of the operation.
Remedy: Load the PC file again.
VARS-051 WARN Illegal operation
Cause: The requested operation is not supported on this processor
Remedy: You must do this operation in a different context
VARS-052 WARN Variable %s converted
Cause: A system variable file created on an earlier version has been loaded. The specified variable
changed since that early release so it has been converted. Some infommation in the system variable
may have been lost
Remedy: This is informational.
VARS-053 WARN Input data pointer invalid
Cause: The variable data pointer specified is incorrect Or an invalid pointer was sent to the controller
from a PC.
Remedy: This is an error in the application Check all pointers being sent from the PC using RPC calls.
VARS-054 WARN Sysvars – %s loaded
Cause: A system variable file created on an earlier version has been loaded.
Remedy: This is informational.
VARS-055 WARN Program name is not unique
Cause: Another program exists with the same program name in first eight Characters. Program
name must be unique in the first eight characters.
Remedy: Change the name of the program
VARS-056 FATAL No more system types available
Cause: All available system types are already being used on this controller.
Remedy: You cannot load any additional options on this controller. If you need a different set of
options you must reinitilize the controller with the new set of options.
VARS-057 WARN Using %s for save
Cause: There are too many user types defined to be saved in one file. Each file can hold up to
255 types. If more than 255 types are referenced, then it will use additonal files. This error should
only occur on internal system variable saves.
Remedy: When you load this file you must load all of the individual files created. During loading,
the file names will have an index appended to them and you must find all of the files.
VARS-058 WARN Remote version is not compatible
Cause: You attempted to access a controller that is using an incompatible software version.
Remedy: Update the target controller to the same version of software as the source controller.
VARS-059 WARN Program name syntax is bad
Cause: The program name syntax is invalid.
Remedy: Make sure you use UNC compatible naming to access a network robot. For example:
VARS-060 WARN Variable type is not compatible
Cause: The program name syntax is bad.
Remedy: Make sure you use UNC compatible naming conventions such as \robotnameprogram
to acccess network robots.
VARS-061 WARN No more user types available
Cause: All available user types are already being used on this controller.
Remedy: You cannot load any additional programs on this controller. You can delete programs and
variables to free up types. Be sure that you are properly using the ‘FROM’ directive in your KAREL
programs so that the same type is not defined in multiple programs.
VARS-063 WARN [%s]%s CMOS lost/reallocated
Cause: The CMOS memory for the named variable was corrupted. This named variable was
reallocated as a result of the corruption.
Remedy: The named variable will be set to &qout;Uninitialized&qout; in the process and might need
to be set back to a valid initial value. In general, the only way to recover is an initial start. Refer to the
FANUC Robotics application-specific Setup and Operations Manual for more information.
VARS-107 WARN Illegal array operation
Cause: The alarm will occur when you attempt to do a GET_VAR or SET_VAR but the array
indices do not match. For example, the variable type is a one dimensional array but you specify two
dimensions in the variable name string.
Remedy: Be sure that the array indices line up with the variable that you are attempting to access.
VARS-203 WARN [%s] (%d) Interrupted file save
Cause: Power cycle interrupted the variable file backup.
Remedy: The system has attempted to recover. Cycle power to avoid problems.
VARS-204 WARN Power off incomplete %d
Cause: Power off processing did not complete.
Remedy: If the problem persists, replace the hardware.
VARS-205 WARN Shadow memory full
Cause: SHADOW memory is full.
Remedy: Move some variables to DRAM or mark variables NOTSCANNED.