Fanuc TPIF Alarm Codes

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Fanuc TPIF Alarm Codes

l case occured on software.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
TPIF-002 WARN Operating system error (%s^1)
Cause: Illegal case occured on software.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
TPIF-003 WARN Window I/O error (%s^1)
Cause: Illegal case occured on software.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
TPIF-004 WARN Memory write error
Cause: Illegal case occured on software.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
TPIF-005 WARN Program is not selected
Cause: The program was not selected yet, when the program was displayed at the TEACH screen.
Remedy: Select a program in the SELECT screen.
TPIF-006 WARN SELECT is not taught
Cause: This taught statement needed the SELECT statement before the current line.
Remedy: Teach the SELECT statement before the current line.
TPIF-007 WARN Robot is not calibrated
Cause: The robot has not been calibrated properly.
Remedy: Calibrate the robot properly..
TPIF-008 WARN Memory protect violation
Cause: The program is write protected.
Remedy: Release protection of the program on the SELECT screen.
TPIF-009 WARN Cancel delete by application
Cause: Program is protected
Remedy: Release protection of the program on the SELECT screen then delete the program.
TPIF-010 WARN Cancel enter by application
Cause: Program is protected
Remedy: Try edit after release protection by application
TPIF-011 WARN Item is not found
Cause: Item is not found below this line
Remedy: Try another item or close search function
TPIF-012 WARN Kinematics solution is invalid
Cause: Cannot translate position data
Remedy: Check the configuration of robot and $MNUTOOL/$MNUFRAM system variables
TPIF-013 WARN Other program is running
Cause: You cannot select a program when another program is running or paused.
Remedy: Select a program after aborting the program which is currently run ning or paused.
TPIF-014 WARN Teach pendant is disabled
Cause: You cannot edit a program when the teach pendant is disabled.
Remedy: First enable the teach pendant, then edit the program.
TPIF-015 WARN Bad position register index
Cause: Specified aa invalid index of position register
Remedy: Check the index of position register
TPIF-016 WARN Memory access failed (%s^1)
Cause: Illegal case occured on software.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
TPIF-017 WARN Memory read failed
Cause: Illegal case occured on software.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
TPIF-018 WARN Unspecified index value
Cause: Specified index value is invalid.
Remedy: Check specified index value.
TPIF-019 WARN This item cannot be replaced
Cause: This item cannot be replaced
Remedy: Try another item or close replace function
TPIF-020 NONE Mnaction search error
Cause: Illegal case occured on software.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
TPIF-021 NONE Mnteach software error
Cause: Illegal case occured in software.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
TPIF-023 WARN WJNT and RTCP are not compatible
Cause: Wjnt and RTCP are not compatible.
Remedy: Remove Wjnt or RTCP before adding the other.
TPIF-030 WARN Program name is NULL
Cause: Program name is not set properly.
Remedy: Set a proper program name
TPIF-031 WARN Remove num from start of Program name
Cause: Start of program name is numeric.
Remedy: Remove numeric value from beginning of program name.
TPIF-032 WARN Remove space from Program name
Cause: Space is included in program name.
Remedy: Remove space from program name.
TPIF-033 WARN Remove comma from Program name
Cause: Comma is included in program name.
Remedy: Remove comma from program name.
TPIF-034 WARN Remove dot from Program name
Cause: Dot is included in program name.
Remedy: Remove dot from program name.
TPIF-035 WARN Remove minus from Program name
Cause: Minus is included in program name.
Remedy: Remove minus from program name.
TPIF-036 WARN Not enough memory
Cause: There is not enough memory available.
Remedy: Delete unused program.
TPIF-037 WARN Program must be selected by TP
Cause: Only the Teach Pendant default program can be edited on the CRT
Remedy: Select the program on the Teach Pendant before editing on the CRT
TPIF-038 WARN Invalid char in program name
Cause: Invalid character in program name
Remedy: Remove invalid character from program name
TPIF-040 WARN Label already exists
Cause: Same label No. already exists
Remedy: Change to different label No.
TPIF-041 WARN MNUTOOLNUM number is invalid
Cause: Specified MNUTOOLNUM number is invalid
Remedy: Check system variable $MNUTOOLNUM
TPIF-042 WARN MNUFRAMENUM number is invalid
Cause: Specified MNUFRAMNUM number is invalid
Remedy: Check system variable $MNUFRAMNUM
TPIF-043 WARN External change is valid
Cause: You cannot change the robot (group), because the function that select robot by external
DI is valid.
Remedy: Set system variable $MULTI_ROBO.CHANGE_SDI to ZERO
TPIF-044 WARN Program is unsuitable for robot
Cause: The group mask of program differs from selected robot (group)
Remedy: Check selected robot (group) or check program attributes group mask
TPIF-045 WARN Pallet number is over max
Cause: Cannot teach more than 16 Palletizing instructions in one program,
Remedy: Teach another program.
TPIF-046 WARN Motion option is over max
Cause: Too many motion options for default motion
Remedy: Decrease motion options for default motion
TPIF-047 WARN Invalid program is selected
Cause: Program type is wrong
Remedy: Select TPE program
TPIF-048 WARN Running program is not found
Cause: There is currently no program running that can be monitored.
Remedy: Run program before attempting to monitor.
TPIF-049 WARN Port number is invalid
Cause: Port is not set for outside device
Remedy: Set port for outside device
TPIF-050 WARN Macro does not exist
Cause: A program is not assigned to this macro command
Remedy: Assign a program to this macro command
TPIF-051 WARN Program has been selected by PNS
Cause: When a program has been selected by PNS, you cannot select program from SELECT screen
Remedy: Turn off the PNSTROBE signal.
TPIF-052 WARN FWD/BWD is disabled
Cause: When the Disabled FWD function has been selected, you cannot execute the program by TP
Remedy: Select the Disabled FWD in the function menu, then you can release from the Disable FWD
TPIF-053 WARN Not editing background program
Cause: The program has not been selected by BACKGROUND editing
Remedy: Select the BACKGROUND program in the SELECT screen
TPIF-054 WARN Could not end editing
Cause: 1. There is not enough memory. 2. The background program is invalid.
Remedy: 1. Delete unnecessary programs. 2. Confirm the background program.
TPIF-055 WARN Could not recovery original program
Cause: Failed recovering original program which has been selected by the BACKGROUND
Remedy: End editing by the END_EDIT of [EDCMD] again before executing the origianl program
which has been selected by the BACKGROUND
TPIF-056 WARN This program is used by the CRT
Cause: The program of BACKGROUND cannot be selected by the CRT and TP at the same time
Remedy: End editing by the END_EDIT of [EDCMD] at the CRT
TPIF-057 WARN This program is used by the TP
Cause: The program of BACKGROUND cannot be selected by the CRT and TP at the same time
Remedy: End editing by the END_EDIT of [EDCMD] at the TP
TPIF-060 WARN Can’t record on cartesian (G:%d)
Cause: This current position is in singularity
Remedy: You can record this position on joint type only by selecting the function key.
TPIF-061 WARN Group[%s] has not recorded
Cause: This position data has not been changed to displayed groups because you selected the function
key which did not record the position, when checking in singularity
Remedy: Check this recorded position again before excution
TPIF-062 WARN AND operator was replaced to OR
Cause: All AND operators on this line were replaced with OR operators.
Remedy: You cannot mix AND and OR operator on a the same line. Verify that all logical operators
on this line are the same before execution.
TPIF-063 WARN OR operator was replaced to AND
Cause: All OR operator on this line were replaced by AND operators. You cannot mix AND OR
operaotr on a the same line
Remedy: Verify all logical operators on this line before execution
TPIF-064 WARN Too many AND/OR operator(Max.4)
Cause: Too many AND/OR operators (Max.4 on a single line)
Remedy: Teach the logical operation on another line
TPIF-065 WARN Arithmetic operator was unified to +- or */
Cause: Arithmetic operator on this line was changed to +- or */. Cannot mix arithmatic + and –
operators with * and / operators on the same line.
Remedy: Verify all arithmetic operators on this line before execution
TPIF-066 WARN Too many arithmetic operator(Max.5)
Cause: Too many arithmetic operators (Max.5 on a single line)
Remedy: Teach the arithmetic operation on another line
TPIF-067 WARN Too many arguments (Max.10)
Cause: Too many arguments (Max.10 for a program or a macro)
Remedy: Check arguments of the program/macro
TPIF-068 WARN Too many items
Cause: This instruction contains too many items. You can add only a limited number of items to
a line. It is limited by the fact that a single line can be only 255 bytes long. The number of items
depends on how much memory each item takes.
Remedy: Split this long complex line into several simpler lines.
TPIF-069 WARN Use background edit
Cause: You cannot foreground edit a program from the CRT or from the Internet. You can only edit
using a background program.
Remedy: Select the BACKGROUND program in the SELECT screen.
TPIF-070 WARN Cannot teach the instruction
Cause: Cannot teach the instruction.
Remedy: Check the sub type of the program.
TPIF-071 WARN Cannot change sub type
Cause: Cannot change sub type
Remedy: Check sub type of the program
TPIF-072 WARN Cannot change motion group
Cause: Cannot change motion group
Remedy: Check sub type of the program
TPIF-090 WARN This program has motion group
Cause: The program specified in $PWR_HOT, $PWR_SEMI and $PWR_NORMAL must not
have motion group.
Remedy: Set * to all motion group in program detail screen on TP.
TPIF-091 WARN PREG access error
Cause: An error occurred when accessing a position register.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code on the ALARM log screen.
TPIF-092 WARN Value %d expected %s
Cause: The value_array that was passed to a built-in was incorrectly specified. The error line shows
the index into value_array where the error occurred and the type expected by the built-in.
Remedy: Make sure the value_array specifies the correct names for the variables and that the types
expected are correct.
TPIF-093 WARN USER menu must be selected
Cause: A KAREL program called a user interface built-in which required the USER menu to be
displayed on the teach pendant or CRT.
Remedy: Use FORCE_SPMENU(tp_panel, SPI_TPUSER, 1) before calling the user interface
built-in on the teach pendant. Use FORCE_SPMENU(crt_panel, SPI_TPUSER, 1) before calling
the user interface built-in on the CRT.
TPIF-094 WARN USER2 menu must be selected
Cause: A KAREL program called a user interface built-in which required the USER2 menu to be
displayed on the teach pendant or CRT.
Remedy: Use FORCE_SPMENU(tp_panel, SPI_TPUSER2, 1) before calling the user interface
built-in on the teach pendant. Use FORCE_SPMENU(crt_panel, SPI_TPUSER2, 1) before calling
the user interface built-in on the CRT.
TPIF-095 WARN Execution history table error
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Perform a controlled start (it isn’t necessary to re-set the new item)
TPIF-097 WARN Can’t display running task’s history
Cause: The execution history of the executing program cannot be displayed
Remedy: Use this screen when the program is paused or aborted.
TPIF-098 WARN %s was not run
Cause: The program of $PWR_HOT, $PWR_SEMI or $PWR_NORMAL is not executed
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use the Alarm Log screen.
TPIF-099 WARN This program is being edited
Cause: The program specified in $PWR_HOT, $PWR_SEMI and $PWR_NORMAL is not executed,
when the program is in editing.
Remedy: Select the other program
TPIF-100 WARN No vacant table space
Cause: Illegal case occured on software.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
TPIF-101 WARN No such menu
Cause: Illegal case occured on software.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
TPIF-102 WARN E.STOP is asserted
Cause: FWD execution is selected while, E.STOP is asserted.
Remedy: Turn the E.STOP off. Then select FWD execution
TPIF-103 WARN Dead man is released
Cause: FWD execution is selected while, DEADMAN switch is released.
Remedy: Press and hold down the DEADMAN, then select FWD execution
TPIF-104 WARN Teach Pendant is disabled
Cause: FWD execution is selected while, TP is disabled.
Remedy: Enable the teach pendant. Then select FWD execution.
TPIF-105 WARN Program is not selected
Cause: FWD execution is requested without selection of program.
Remedy: Select a proram for execution Then select FWD execution
TPIF-106 WARN Program is already running
Cause: FWD execution is requested when program is running.
Remedy: Abort the running program before requesting FWD execution
TPIF-107 WARN FWD/BWD is disabled
Cause: When the Disabled FWD function has been selected, you cannot execute the program by TP
Remedy: Select the Disabled FWD in the function menu, then you can release from the Disable FWD
TPIF-108 WARN Form error, line %d, item %d
Cause: The Form Manager detected an error on the specified line with the specified item.
Remedy: Refer to the cause code on the ALARM log screen for the actual error.
TPIF-109 WARN %v not specified correctly
Cause: The Form Manager detected an error when displaying a %v item.
Remedy: To specify the %v enumeration type in a form dictionary, use lower case v followed by the
dictionary element which specifies the program name and variable name of the variable which contains
the display values. For example: &qout;Enum Type: &qout; &qout;-%6v(enum_fkey)&qout;
$-,enum_fkey &qout;TPEX&qout; &qout;CHOICE_ARRAY&qout; In the above example,
CHOICE_ARRAY is a KAREL string array variable in program TPEX which contains the
enumeration choices. The enumeration choices are displayed in a subwindow.
TPIF-110 WARN Screen used by other device
Cause: The screen you are attempting to use on the TP is currently displayed on CRT or the screen
you are attempting to use on the CRT is currently displayed on TP
Remedy: Exit from the screen on the other device
TPIF-116 WARN System variable error: %s
Cause: System variable name is invalid
Remedy: Check the spelling and format of the name.
TPIF-117 WARN Cannot backup to device: %s
Cause: The default device is not valid for backup
Remedy: Select a valid device and try again
TPIF-118 WARN File error for %s
Cause: File error
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
TPIF-119 WARN File compression failed
Cause: Failed creating compressed file
Remedy: Check backup device
TPIF-120 WARN Device failure
Cause: Device failure
Remedy: Check device and try again
TPIF-121 WARN Invalid copy. Use MOVE key.
Cause: Cannot COPY a file on a Memory device to the same Memory device.
Remedy: Use the MOVE key and try again
TPIF-128 WARN Verify logic of pasted line(s)
Cause: The reverse motion copy function does not support the following motion option instruction.
1. Application command 2. Skip, Quick Skip 3. Incremental 4. Continuous turn 5. Time before
Remedy: Check the above motion option instruction. And modify the copied statement correctly.
TPIF-129 WARN Group motion inst. is pasted
Cause: The group motion instruction is copyied. The reverse motion copy function does not
supported group motion instruction.
Remedy: Check the group motion instruction. And modify the copied statement correctly.
TPIF-131 WARN Please set application mask data
Cause: This program has no application mask
Remedy: Please set the application mask in the program detail screen
TPIF-132 WARN Can’t recover this operation
Cause: Because the data for UNDO can not be saved, this operation can not recover by UNDO
Remedy: Check the cause code. If the memory is full, please delete program or disable UNDO
TPIF-133 WARN Can’t recover this command
Cause: Palletizing command and Compliance control command can not be recovered by UNDO
Remedy: Check the cause code. If the memory is full, please delete program or disable UNDO
TPIF-134 PAUSE CTRL Upgrade is Armed
Cause: CTRL Upgrade is Armed
Remedy: This error is posted because CTRL Upgrade cannot be done while operating robot.
Continue with CTRL Upgrade or ABORT
TPIF-135 SYST CTRL Upgrade is Started
Cause: CTRL Upgrade has Started
Remedy: This error is posted because CTRL Upgrade is underway. Allow the process to complete.
with CTRL Upgrade or ABORT
Cause: CTRL Upgrade Restore Failed
Remedy: See FRD:REST_LOG.LS for a listing of files and status of attempt to load each. Retry
failed files from file menu.
TPIF-137 WARN TP: %s interactive login
Cause: A user has logged into the teach pendant menuing system.
Remedy: This is for information only. No action is required.
TPIF-138 WARN TP: %s diagnostic login
Cause: A user has logged into the teach pendant diagnostic monitoring system.
Remedy: This is for information only. No action is required.
TPIF-139 WARN TP: %s logged out
Cause: A user has logged off of the teach pendant menuing system.
Remedy: This is for information only. No action is required.
TPIF-140 WARN Connection limit exceeded
Cause: An attempt to log into the teach pendant menuing system from an external web browser has
failed because the connection limit has been reached.
Remedy: The system variable $UI_CONFIG.$NUM_CONNECT controls the number of external
connections allowed. The maximum number of connections is five INCLUDING the teach pendant.
Reconnect the external connections in your system so that no more than five exist.
TPIF-141 WARN No memory for connection
Cause: A user has failed to log into the teach pendant menuing system because not enough RAM
memory is available to make the connection. The system might still be usable because the connection
requires a predefined amount of available memory to start up.
Remedy: Add RAM memory to your system. You can also lower the memory limit required for login
by changing the system variable $UI_CONFIG.$MEM_LIMIT to a lower value.
TPIF-142 WARN Menu limit exceeded
Cause: Too many user interface menus are active. The iPendant requires three menus which are
always available for it to use. External browser onnections require one menu for each window in
use. Therefore, a browser connection might use a maximum of three menus – one for each of the
three windows in triple window mode.
Remedy: Eliminate some active browser windows or increase the number of menus in
$UI_CONFIG.$NUM_MENUS. The total maximum number of menus is eight.
TPIF-143 WARN Connection error
Cause: An external connection to the teach pendant menus has failed.
Remedy: Restart the controller, and try again.
TPIF-145 WARN Configuration change time out
Cause: A change to the iPendant window configuration has taken longer than expected. This can
occur on startup or after you make a basic system configuration change. It might also occur in the
presence of significant system activity. For example this error could occur if is being
backed up via the Network.
Remedy: When this error occurs, the display might not be what is expected. In this case, change
back to Single mode, and try the operation again.
TPIF-146 WARN TP firmware version is too new
Cause: The firmware version on your iPendant is incompatible with the system software loaded on
your controller. In some cases this will cause the iPendant to execute in &qout;legacy&qout; mode. In
this mode it only provides the functionality that is available on an old style teach pendant.
Remedy: You will need to update the firmware to execute all available iPendant functionality. Refer
to the Software Installation Manual for more information on how to load iPendant firmware.
TPIF-147 WARN TP firmware version is too old
Cause: The firmware version on your iPendant is too old to provide all functionality for your system
software release. In some cases this will cause the iPendant to execute in &qout;legacy&qout; mode.
In this mode it only provides the functionality that is available on an old style pendants.
Remedy: You will need to update firmware to have all functionality available. Refer to the Software
Installation Manual for more information on how to load iPendant firmware.
TPIF-149 WARN Must complete operation first
Cause: You cannot change the focus of the iPendant in the middle of an entry operation. The entry
operation must be completed first.
Remedy: Finish the current operation by pressing ENTER, or abort the operation by pressing PREV.
TPIF-150 WARN Look mode only, use TP to edit
Cause: No editing is permitted on the device you are using to access a teach pendant program.
Remedy: Select a valid pane for an edit operation. You can only edit teach pendant programs on the
iPendant in single or Status/Single mode, or in the left hand pane in Double and Triple modes.
TPIF-151 WARN Pane does not have focus
Cause: A popup menu was requested for the pane that does not have focus. This error only occurs
in Double, Triple, or Status/Single Display Modes. For instance, if you connect to the iPendant
menus from Internet Explorer, bring up a web page that has the ComboBox Control, switch focus
to another pane, and then use the mouse to click on the ComboBox Control, you will get this error
because the pane does not have focus.
Remedy: Press the DISP key to change the focus to the correct pane before requesting the popup
TPIF-152 WARN Read Only Mode Enabled
Cause: The keystroke that was just entered was not accepted by the system because the system
does not allow edits. Typically remote operations will be &qout;read-only&qout; so no changes are
allowed from this connection.
Remedy: Make the change from the iPendant instead. Your access to make changes will depend on
your security setup. In some configurations there are security procedures on the iPendant.
TPIF-153 WARN Edit operation not allowed
Cause: You are trying to edit a field that is write protected. This happens if you are editing from an
external connection, or if your password privileges do not allow you to change this field.
Remedy: Perform this operation from the teach pendant, or log in.
TPIF-154 WARN TP firmware Core/Plugins mismatch
Cause: The iPendant firmware consists of Teach Pendant Core Firmware and Browser Plugins. The
Browser Plugins, also referred to as application code, can be updated independently of the Teach
Pendant Core Firmware. However, the major versions must match. For example, Teach Pendant Core
Firmware V6.22xx cannot be used with Browser Plugins V6.31xx. When this happens, the iPendant
will detect the problem, post this error, and reconnect in legacy mode. The STATUS Version ID menu
can be used to show the versions for the Browser Plugins and the Teach Pendant Core Firmware.
Remedy: Update the whole firmware for the iPendant. Refer to the Software Installation Manual
for details on updating the iPendant firmware.
TPIF-156 WARN No type menus
Cause: The [TYPE] pullup menu cannot find any other menus to display. The current menu might be
the only menu in this category.
Remedy: Press MENUS to select another menu catagory.
TPIF-157 WARN Menu cannot be displayed
Cause: The controller attempted to display a menu that can only be displayed by the iPendant.
Remedy: Another menu will be displayed instead and you can ignore this warning. If you want
to display the menu and you have a monochrome teach pendant, contact FANUC Robotics for
information on obtaining an iPendant.
TPIF-158 WARN TP is already connected
Cause: You are attempting to connect a teach pendant to a robot that already has a teach pendant
Remedy: To log in to a robot remotely with the iPendant, you must configure an iPendant ring.
Press MENUS to reconnect to the local robot. If you are attempting to log in to a robot remotely
with Internet Explorer, verify that the port number is not specified so that the Web Server’s default
port of 80 will be used.
TPIF-159 WARN iPendant Controls too new
Cause: You attempted to log in to a robot remotely with Internet Explorer and the iPendant Controls
installed on your PC are not compatible with the robot’s version.
Remedy: Install the version of the iPendant Controls that match the robot version. Refer to the
application-specific Setup and Operations Manual, Advanced iPendant Functions Appendix, for
information on installing the iPendant Controls.
TPIF-160 WARN iPendant Controls too old
Cause: You attempted to log in to a robot remotely with Internet Explorer and the iPendant Controls
installed on your PC are not compatible with the robot’s version.
Remedy: Install the version of the iPendant Controls that match the robot version. Refer to the
application-specific Setup and Operations Manual, Advanced iPendant Functions Appendix, for
information on installing the iPendant Controls.
TPIF-161 WARN Cannot change position ID
Cause: The position ID cannot be changed by setting the system variable.
Remedy: Set the system variable $POS_EDIT.$LOCK_POSNUM to FALSE to change the position
TPIF-162 WARN Can’t enter P-SPS in PAUSED
Cause: The Edit screen cannot enter the daughter program while the program is paused outside of
the daughter program.
Remedy: Abort the program to enter the P-SPS.
TPIF-163 WARN Can’t exit P-SPS in PAUSED
Cause: The Edit screen cannot exit the daughter program and enter the parent program while the
program is paused inside of the daughter program.
Remedy: Abort the program to exit the daughter program.
TPIF-164 WARN This program has no motion group
Cause: This program has no motion group defined. The MOTION instruction cannot be taught.
Remedy: Change the MOTION instruction or set up the motion group in the program DETAIL screen.
TPIF-165 WARN Can’t resume in P-SPS
Cause: An attempt is being made to resume the daughter program while the parent program is paused.
Remedy: Use BWD to return to the parent program, and then resume.
TPIF-166 WARN FWD/BWD in left window only
Cause: When the focus is in the right hand window of the teach pendant, you cannot execute the
Remedy: Press DISP to change the focus to the left hand window. Use DISPLAY menu item EDIT
<–> EDIT to swap the right hand program with the left hand program.
TPIF-167 WARN Program already in background edit
Cause: The program you selected is already being edited in the background in another window.
Remedy: Select End_edit in the other window’s background edit session.
TPIF-168 WARN Cannot connect iPendant
Cause: You are attempting to connect an iPendant to a remote robot that will not accept your
IP address.
Remedy: To connect an iPendant to a remote robot, you must configure an iPendant ring. Press
MENUS to reconnect to the local robot. If you are attempting to log in to a robot remotely with
Internet Explorer, verify that the port number is not specified so that the Web Server’s default port of
80 will be used.
TPIF-169 WARN TP is enabled
Cause: You are attempting to connect an iPendant to a remote robot that already has a teach pendant
connected and enabled.
Remedy: Disable the remote robot’s teach pendant. Press MENUS to reconnect to the local robot.
TPIF-170 WARN Can’t start this program
Cause: This program cannot be started because the program name is not an allowed program name.
Remedy: Select the correct program, and start the program again.
TPIF-171 WARN iPendant is not ready yet
Cause: The operation cannot be performed because the iPendant system is not initialized.
Remedy: Wait until the iPendant is initialized to do this operation. Typically, this is a force link call
from a $PWR_NORMAL program.
TPIF-172 WARN Only available from pendant
Cause: The operation you selected is only available from the teach pendant.
Remedy: Perform this operation from the attached teach pendant.
TPIF-173 WARN The pos. can’t be handled part repr.
Cause: The position data is wrong. Refer to the cause code for details.
Remedy: Change the position data correctly, and press F5 DONE.
TPIF-174 WARN New pos. can’t be handled part repr.
Cause: The new position data is wrong. Refer to the cause code for details
Remedy: Type the correct position data.
TPIF-176 STOPL Illegal state(D1:%d, D2:%d)
Cause: The situation unexpected by the software occured. The index value indicates the reason.
Remedy: Turn off controller power and turn it on again. If the problem persists, document the events
that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
TPIF-201 WARN Next line exist.
Cause: You cannot record motion line using the record button if the next line exists.
Remedy: Move the cursor to the end of the program, and press the record button again.
TPIF-209 WARN Because destination program is executing, cannot copy.
Cause: The destination program is executing.
Remedy: Stop the destination program.
TPIF-211 WARN Specify the copy range.
Cause: The copy range is not specified.
Remedy: Specify the copy range.
TPIF-214 STOPL Run/continue from logic instruction
Cause: You cannot run or continue from a logic instruction.
Remedy: Move the cursor to a motion instruction and try again.
TPIF-215 WARN iPendant login unsuccessful
Cause: An error occurred trying to log in as an iPendant connection.
Remedy: If you are using Internet Explorer, verify the settings. The PC must have Microsoft(TM)
Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater installed. The PC must have the iPendant Controls installed. The PC
must be connected to a network, and be properly configured to allow a TCP/IP connection to and
from the robot controller. If you are using a proxy server, make sure that your access to the robot does
not go through the proxy server. Verify that cookies are enabled. If using a robot name instead of an
IP address, verify that &qout;_&qout; is not in the robot name.