Fanuc THSR Alarm Codes

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Fanuc THSR Alarm Codes

THSR-001 PAUSE Illegal instruction sequence
Cause: Trying to execute a touch sensing instruction out of sequence. For example, a Search Start
instruction follows a Offset start instruction without Offset end in between.
Remedy: Please check the touch sensing instruction sequence, or abort the current program and
start again.
THSR-002 PAUSE Illegal schedule number
Cause: The input schedule number is beyond the allowable range.
Remedy: Choose a schedule number from 1 to 32.
THSR-003 PAUSE Illegal work frame number
Cause: The input work frame number is beyond the allowable range
Remedy: Choose a work frame number from 1 to 32.
THSR-004 PAUSE Illegal output PR number
Cause: The input position register number is beyond the allowable range.
Remedy: Choose an approperiate position register number.
THSR-005 PAUSE Illegal search PR number
Cause: The specified position register for search result is beyond the allowable range.
Remedy: Choose an approperiate position register number.
THSR-006 STOP Search without search start
Cause: Search instruction without search start.
Remedy: Add search start instruction.
THSR-007 PAUSE Invalid touch I/O assignment
Cause: The touch I/O assignment is incorrect.
Remedy: Please check touch I/O setup screen under the setup menu.
THSR-008 PAUSE Arc enable detected
Cause: The arc weld circuitry is enable.
Remedy: Please disable arc welding circuitry before enabling touch sensing.
THSR-009 WARN Teach pendant not enabled
Cause: The Teach pendant is disable.
Remedy: Enable the teach pendant.
THSR-010 PAUSE Illegal motion state
Cause: The motion system is in error state.
Remedy: Hit the reset button to reset the controller.
THSR-011 PAUSE Illegal sensor port number
Cause: The specified search port is beyond the allowable range.
Remedy: Change the port type and port number in the touch I/O sub-menu.
THSR-012 PAUSE Illegal search pattern
Cause: The specified search pattern is not recognizable.
Remedy: Change the search pattern in the touch sensor schedule.
THSR-013 PAUSE Illegal number of search
Cause: Number of searches is not coincident with the search. pattern.
Remedy: Change the search pattern or add/delete search instructions.
THSR-014 WARN Illegal search distance
Cause: This is a warning message. The specified search distance is beyond the allowable range. A
default speed is used.
Remedy: Change the search speed in the touch sensor schedule.
THSR-015 WARN Illegal search speed
Cause: The specified search speed is beyond the allowable range.
Remedy: Change the search speed in the touch sensor schedule.
THSR-016 WARN Illegal return speed
Cause: The specified return speed is beyond the allowable range. A default speed is used.
Remedy: Change the retunr speed in the touch sensor schedule.
THSR-017 PAUSE No contact with part
Cause: The search produces no contact with the part
Remedy: Use touchup to teach a new search start position.
THSR-018 PAUSE Too many searches
Cause: Too many searches for the specified search pattern.
Remedy: Delete unnecessary search instructions
THSR-019 PAUSE Mixing search types
Cause: NONE search type can not be mixed with directional search within one search pattern.
Remedy: Delete all searches with NONE type or delete coordinated searches.
THSR-020 PAUSE Geometic computing error
Cause: The searches do not generate a satisfactory offset.
Remedy: Check the search pattern and search instructions in the pattern. Or, use touchup to teach
a new search start position.
THSR-021 PAUSE Points are too close
Cause: The touched positions are too close to each other.
Remedy: Teach new search start positions
THSR-022 PAUSE Part is not mastered
Cause: Search instructions have no master data.
Remedy: Mastering the part first
THSR-023 WARN No search start
Cause: The search instruction does not have a search start.
Remedy: Add search start before search
THSR-024 WARN No offset start
Cause: The offset end instruction does not have an associated offset start instruction.
Remedy: Add offset start instruction
THSR-025 PAUSE Nested search start
Cause: The search start instruction is nested inside another search start instruction.
Remedy: Add a search_end instruction in appropriate place or delete extra search start
THSR-026 PAUSE Nested offset start
Cause: The offset start instruction is nested inside another offset start instruction.
Remedy: Add a offset_end instruction in appropriate place or delete extra offset start
THSR-027 STOP Preplan is not allowed
Cause: No preplan motion inside search start.
Remedy: It is normal to issue an stop error when preplan is on within search start
THSR-028 PAUSE Group number mismatch
Cause: The search motion has to be in group 1. motion.
Remedy: Use group 1 to record search motions.
THSR-029 WARN No contact warning
Cause: The search produces no contact with the part
Remedy: Use touchup to teach a new search start position.
THSR-030 STOP Contact before search
Cause: Wire makes contact with part before search motion starts
Remedy: Check part and wire, or teach a new search start position.
THSR-031 WARN Illegal register number
Cause: The input register number is illegal, and it is reset by the software to the maximum available
Remedy: Check the input data.
THSR-032 PAUSE Position type mismatch
Cause: The position type in the position register should be XYZWPR type. Joint representation
is not allowed.
Remedy: Change the position representation to XYZWPR type.
THSR-033 PAUSE Not enough points
Cause: Touch sensing system does not have enough points to compute the geometry
Remedy: Record more points
THSR-034 STOP No bwd on search motion
Cause: Touch sensing does not allow backward execution on search motion
Remedy: Do not Shift-BWD on search
THSR-035 STOP Error Allocating Data
Cause: Not enough memory
Remedy: Remove unneeded loaded variables and programs
THSR-036 STOP Coord pair is not available
Cause: Coord motion is not installed or not calibrated
Remedy: Install coord motion and calibrate cd pair
THSR-037 STOP Illegal motion ref. grp.
Cause: Simple search must have schd_ref_grp = 1
Remedy: Modify reference grp
THSR-038 STOP Not matches to leader grp.
Cause: Touch frame or schedule reference grp mismatches leader grp
Remedy: Modify reference grp
THSR-039 STOP Reference grp mismatch
Cause: None simple search requires frame Reference grp equal to schedule reference grp
Remedy: Modify reference grp
THSR-040 STOP Search Distance Short
Cause: Search distance in touch schedule is too short
Remedy: Increase search distance in touch schedule
THSR-041 PAUSE Invalid touch group mask
Cause: An invalid touch sensing group mask in the program detail, or the Search routine was not
performed prior to Touch Offset.
Remedy: Check that the Touch Schedule and Robot Group Mask together with Reference Group
should be equal to the group mask in the teach pendant program header. Also, the Search routine
should be performed directly before the Touch Offset.
THSR-042 STOP Maint Program not allowed
Cause: Touch Sensing does not support a Maintenance Program.
Remedy: Disable the Maintenance Program in the Error Recovery menu, or use Resume Program in
teach pendant program for error recovery. To display the Error Recovery menu:
1. Press MENUS.
2. Select SETUP.
3. Press F1, [TYPE].
4. Select Err recovery.
THSR-043 WARN Calibration File not found
Cause: The touch sensing analog input calibration file was not found.
Remedy: Create an analog input calibration file called th_calib.dt. The calibration file needs to be
stored in frs: via the SMON command &qout;SMON(ppc)> rep th_calib.dt&qout;, then turn off and
then turn on the controller for the calibration file to take effect.
THSR-044 WARN Invalid TH Calibration Data
Cause: The analog input calibration file has an invalid data format.
Remedy: Correct the data format in the analog input calibration file, including configuration data and
lookup table. Refer to the &qout;Analog Input Calibration Data&qout; section in the Touch Sensing
chapter of the FANUC Robotics ArcTool Setup and Operations Manual for the correct data format.
THSR-045 STOP Analog Input Not Calibrated
Cause: Analog input support has not been calibrated.
Remedy: Create an analog input calibration file with the correct data format. Refer to the Laser
Analog Input Calibration Data section in the Touch Sensing chapter of the FANUC Robotics ArcTool
Setup and Operations Manual for more information.
THSR-046 STOP Invalid Analog Input Data
Cause: The analog input data is not valid.
Remedy: Analog input data needs to be within a valid range. The valid range of analog input value is
defined by MaxAnalogInput and MinAnalogInput specified in the same calibration file th_calib.dt.
THSR-047 PAUSE Can Not Construct A Circle
Cause: The searches do not generate a satisfactory circle.
Remedy: Check the OD/ID search pattern and search instructions in the pattern. Or, use touchup
to teach a new search start position.
THSR-048 PAUSE Illegal Num of 1D Search Dir
Cause: An illegal number of 1D/1D+R search directions exists.
Remedy: Check the 1D/1D+R search pattern and search instructions in the pattern. The number of
1D/1D+R search directions should be exactly 1.
THSR-049 PAUSE Illegal Num of 2D Search Dir
Cause: An illegal number of 2D/2D+R search directions exist.
Remedy: Check the 2D/2D+R search pattern and search instructions in the pattern. The number of
2D/2D+R search directions should be exactly 2.
THSR-050 PAUSE Illegal Num of 3D Search Dir
Cause: An illegal number of 3D/3D+R search directions exists.
Remedy: Check the 3D/3D+R search pattern and search instructions in the pattern. The number of
3D/3D+R search directions should be exactly 3.
THSR-051 PAUSE Err Compute Along 1st Srch Dir
Cause: An error occurred computing the offset along the first search direction.
Remedy: Check search instructions with the first search direction. The first search direction is
specified in the first search instruction in the corresponding Search Start section. Check the search
pattern and search instructions in the pattern. Or, use touchup to teach a new search start position.
THSR-052 PAUSE Err Compute Along 2nd Srch Dir
Cause: Error computing the offset along the 2nd search direction.
Remedy: Check the search instructions with the 2nd search direction. The 2nd search direction is
the first new search direction other than the 1st search direction in the corresponding Search Start
section. Check the search pattern and search instructions in the pattern. Or, use touchup to teach
a new search start position.
THSR-053 PAUSE Err Compute Along 3rd Srch Dir
Cause: An error occurred computing the offset along the 3rd search direction.
Remedy: Check search instructions with the 3rd search direction. The 3rd search direction is the first
new search direction other than the 1st and the 2nd search directions in the corresponding Search
Start section. Check the search pattern and search instructions in the pattern. Or, use touchup to teach
a new search start position.