Fanuc TCPP Alarm Codes

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Fanuc TCPP Alarm Codes

TCPP-000 WARN Unknown (TC00)
Cause: System internal error.
Remedy: Notify FANUC Robotics.
TCPP-001 WARN No global variables
Cause: TCP Speed Prediction global variables are not loaded.
Remedy: Perform a controlled start and initialize motion softparts.
TCPP-002 WARN No mmr pointer
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start on the controller.
TCPP-003 WARN No mir pointer
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start on the controller.
TCPP-004 WARN No sysvar pointer
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start on the controller.
TCPP-005 WARN No tcppir pointer
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a controlled start and initialize the motion softparts.
TCPP-006 WARN Error allocating memory
Cause: A failure occured while allocating memory.
Remedy: Check amount of memory being used by system.
TCPP-007 WARN Error making TCPP mailbox
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start on the controller.
TCPP-008 WARN Error making TCPP spmktsk
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start on the controller.
TCPP-009 WARN Pnts too close before line:%d^5
Cause: The program positions prior to this line are too close together to allow proper speed prediction
to be performed. It is also most likely that the robot can not perform at the programmed speed either.
Remedy: The positions being executed prior to the one specified should be moved further apart,
or the programmed speed should be decreased.
TCPP-010 WARN Error writing PLAN mailbox
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start on the controller.
TCPP-011 WARN Pred time skips first motion
Cause: The first motion segment time (time between first two taught points) is shorter than the
prediction equipment delay time as specified by $TCPPIR.$TCDELAY.
Remedy: Extend time of first motion segment (increase distance or decrease speed) to allow TCP
Speed Prediction to begin during the first motion segment.
TCPP-012 WARN Invalid TCPP filter type
Cause: The motion was commanded using an invalid motion filter type.
Remedy: Check program setup to ensure proper program header data, motion types, and position data.
TCPP-013 WARN Invalid TCPP start pos
Cause: The start position is not valid.
Remedy: Check the values for the current and previous positions.
TCPP-014 WARN Invalid TCPP destination pos
Cause: The destination position is not valid.
Remedy: Check the values for the current and previous positions.
TCPP-015 WARN Invalid time into segment
Cause: The time computed for the current segment exceeds the segment length.
Remedy: Check the value for the current position data.
TCPP-016 WARN No cfseg data
Cause: The Cartesian Filter data is not valid.
Remedy: Check to make sure that the Cartesian Filter option has been properly loaded and initialized.
TCPP-017 WARN Modone computation error
Cause: The internal Motion Done computation generated an error.
Remedy: No action is necessary, but the TCP Speed value will not be valid for several motions.
TCPP-018 WARN Begin Error Mode at line:%d^5
Cause: The program positions beginning with this line have caused an error condition which makes
further speed prediction invalid. The speed prediction task has therefore entered an error handling
mode within which it discontinues speed prediction but provides the actual robot speed as an output
reference with an affective equipment delay time of 0. (That is, with $TCPPIR.$TCDELAY = 0.)
Remedy: Check the error log to find speed limit errors which may be causing this TCPP error to
occur. Check the program beginning with this line to determine if the robot can not function as
programmed. Modify the program to avoid all such speed limit errors. In cases which list speed
limit errors for the wrist axes, the error can often be eliminated by changing the motion command
from using mm/sec speed commands to using deg/sec speed commands which better control motion
with large wrist orientation changes.
TCPP-019 WARN Speed Ovrd Mode at line:%d^5
Cause: A speed override occured beginning with this line causing an error condition which makes
further speed prediction invalid. The speed prediction task has therefore entered an error handling
mode within which it discontinues speed prediction but provides the actual robot speed as an output
Remedy: Normal prediction will resume automatically once the speed override has propagated
through the system. No further action is required. The user should avoid this during production
program execution and should be aware that it may invalidate live application testing since neither the
robot nor the speed prediction task are performing as programmed.
TCPP-020 WARN TCPP internal cartseg error
Cause: Internal error when searching cart segment.
Remedy: No action is necessary, but the TCP Speed value will not be valid.
TCPP-021 WARN Allocate TCPP/VC memory error
Cause: Internal error when allocating memory to TCPP AccuPath segment.
Remedy: Check amount of memory being used by system. Perform a cold start on the controller.
TCPP-022 STOP Invalid delay time specified
Cause: Internal error specified delay time for TCP extention is too big
Remedy: System problem. Need to fix the problem by modifying code.
TCPP-070 STOP Speed output failed (T_S[%d])
Cause: A failure occured while writing I/O or a register.
Remedy: Check the program to determine whether both target type and index are valid.
TCPP-071 STOP Min.speed >= Max.speed (T_S[%d])
Cause: The minimum speed is not less than maximum speed.
Remedy: Correct the speed values.
TCPP-072 STOP Invalid index (T_S[%d])
Cause: The specified index of TCP_SPD[] is invalid.
Remedy: Correct the index.
TCPP-073 STOP Unknown target type
Cause: The specified target type is invalid.
Remedy: Correct the target type.