Fanuc TAST Alarm Codes

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Fanuc TAST Alarm Codes

TAST-000 WARN unknown error (TAST00)
Cause: Internal system error
Remedy: Cold start controller
TAST-001 WARN TAST global vars failure
Cause: The Through Arc Seam Tracking (TAST) variables are not loaded
Remedy: Perform a controlled start to initialize motion softparts
TAST-002 STOP TAST error IO allocation
Cause: An IO memory allocation error has occurred
Remedy: Perform a cold start of controller
TAST-003 STOP TAST IO initialization failed
Cause: An analog port number error has occured
Remedy: Check a connection of process IO board
TAST-004 STOP TAST IO start failed
Cause: IOSETRTN error has occurred
Remedy: Perform a cold start of controller
TAST-005 WARN TAST time tick missing
Cause: Time tick missing in TAST IO memory
Remedy: Change the value of weaving frequency to be lower or the value of comp timing on TAST
data screen to be longer
TAST-006 STOP TAST memory dispose failure
Cause: An IO memory disposition error has occurred
Remedy: Perform a cold start of controller
TAST-007 STOP TAST RPM saving failure
Cause: RPM data saving error has occurred
Remedy: Check RPM softparts was loaded correctly If same position IDs are used at same RPM
record section, change position IDs to different one
TAST-008 STOP TAST incorrect schedule num
Cause: An invalid TAST schedule number was specified
Remedy: Change the schedule number to be in range (1 – 20)
TAST-009 STOP TAST weave freq is too low
Cause: An invalid weaving frequency was specified for TAST
Remedy: Change the frequency value to be higher
TAST-010 STOP TAST software error (SRIF)
Cause: Internal system error (SRIF)
Remedy: Perform a cold start of controller
TAST-011 STOP TAST software error (PMPT)
Cause: Internal system error (PMPT)
Remedy: Perform a cold start of controller
TAST-012 STOP TAST software error (INTP)
Cause: Internal system error (INTP)
Remedy: Perform a cold start of controller
TAST-013 STOP TAST software error
Cause: Internal system error
Remedy: Perform a cold start of controller
TAST-014 STOP TAST weave freq is too high
Cause: Weaving frequency is too high for TAST
Remedy: Change the value of weaving frequency to be lower