Fanuc SEAL Alarm Codes

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Fanuc SEAL Alarm Codes

SEAL-000 ABORT Dispensetool internal error
Cause: This error is caused when Dispensetool encounters a problem it is unable to solve internally.
This fault is almost always caused by style paths which do things which were not anticipated when
this software was written. The reasons for this could be: 1. The sealing path is too fast 2. The sealing
instructions (SS and SE) are too close together 3. The delay and timing values specified in your
sealing schedules are too large or do not make sense. 4. Your robot’s CPU has failed
Remedy: Write down the exact error number and message shown. Write down exactly what your
robot was doing at the time of the failure. Make sure you include: Program name, line number, robot’s
location in the work cell, any cell I/O or other communciation activity, and exactly what the robot was
doing right before the fault occured. This fault is usually fixed by doing a COLD start. If that does not
work, contact your supervisor or call the FANUC robotics Hot Line.
SEAL-001 WARN %s
Cause: This error is caused when Dispensetool encounters a problem it is unable to solve internally.
This fault is almost always caused by style paths which do things which were not anticipated when
this software was written. The reasons for this could be: 1. The sealing path is too fast 2. The sealing
instructions (SS and SE) are too close together 3. The delay and timing values specified in your
sealing schedules are too large or do not make sense. 4. Your robot’s CPU has failed
Remedy: Write down the exact error number and message shown. Write down exactly what your
robot was doing at the time of the failure. Make sure you include: Program name, line number, robot’s
location in the work cell, any cell I/O or other communciation activity, and exactly what the robot was
doing right before the fault occured. This fault is usually fixed by doing a COLD start. If that does not
work, contact your supervisor or call the FANUC robotics Hot Line.
SEAL-002 STOP Flow rate update failed
Cause: This error is caused when Dispensetool encounters a problem it is unable to solve internally.
This fault is almost always caused by style paths which do things which were not anticipated when
this software was written. The reasons for this could be:
1. The sealing path is too fast.
2. The sealing instructions (SS and SE) are too close together.
3. The delay and timing values specified in your sealing schedules are too large or do not make
4. Your robot’s CPU has failed.
Remedy: Write down the exact error number and message shown. Write down exactly what your
robot was doing at the time of the failure. Make sure you include: Program name, line number, robot’s
location in the work cell, any cell I/O or other communciation activity, and exactly what the robot was
doing right before the fault occured. This fault is usually fixed by performing a Cold start. If that does
not work, contact your supervisor or call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
SEAL-003 STOP Digital I/O update failed
Cause: This error is caused when Dispensetool encounters a problem it is unable to solve internally.
This fault is almost always caused by style paths which do things which were not anticipated when
this software was written. The reasons for this could be: 1. The sealing path is too fast 2. The sealing
instructions (SS and SE) are too close together 3. The delay and timing values specified in your
sealing schedules are too large or do not make sense. 4. Your robot’s CPU has failed
Remedy: Write down the exact error number and message shown. Write down exactly what your
robot was doing at the time of the failure. Make sure you include: Program name, line number, robot’s
location in the work cell, any cell I/O or other communciation activity, and exactly what the robot was
doing right before the fault occured. This fault is usually fixed by doing a COLD start. If that does not
work, contact your supervisor or call the FANUC robotics Hot Line.
SEAL-004 WARN Dispensetool error at %d
Cause: This error is caused when Dispensetool encounters a problem it is unable to solve internally.
This fault is almost always caused by style paths which do things which were not anticipated when
this software was written. The reasons for this could be: 1. The sealing path is too fast 2. The sealing
instructions (SS and SE) are too close together 3. The delay and timing values specified in your
sealing schedules are too large or do not make sense. 4. Your robot’s CPU has failed
Remedy: Write down the exact error number and message shown. Write down exactly what your
robot was doing at the time of the failure. Make sure you include: Program name, line number, robot’s
location in the work cell, any cell I/O or other communciation activity, and exactly what the robot was
doing right before the fault occured. This fault is usually fixed by doing a COLD start. If that does not
work, contact your supervisor or call the FANUC robotics Hot Line.
SEAL-005 WARN Dispensetool error at %s
Cause: This error is caused when Dispensetool encounters a problem it is unable to solve internally.
This fault is almost always caused by style paths which do things which were not anticipated when
this software was written. The reasons for this could be: 1. The sealing path is too fast 2. The sealing
instructions (SS and SE) are too close together 3. The delay and timing values specified in your
sealing schedules are too large or do not make sense. 4. Your robot’s CPU has failed
Remedy: Write down the exact error number and message shown. Write down exactly what your
robot was doing at the time of the failure. Make sure you include: Program name, line number, robot’s
location in the work cell, any cell I/O or other communciation activity, and exactly what the robot was
doing right before the fault occured. This fault is usually fixed by doing a COLD start. If that does not
work, contact your supervisor or call the FANUC robotics Hot Line.
SEAL-006 STOP Memory request failed
Cause: This error is caused when Dispensetool encounters a problem it is unable to solve internally.
This fault is almost always caused by style paths which do things which were not anticipated when
this software was written. The reasons for this could be:
1. The sealing path is too fast.
2. The sealing instructions (SS and SE) are too close together.
3. The delay and timing values specified in your sealing schedules are too large or do not make
4. Your robot’s CPU has failed.
Remedy: Write down the exact error number and message shown. Write down exactly what your
robot was doing at the time of the failure. Make sure you include: Program name, line number, robot’s
location in the work cell, any cell I/O or other communciation activity, and exactly what the robot was
doing right before the fault occured. This fault is usually fixed by doing a Cold start. If that does not
work, your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
SEAL-007 STOP Condition handler failed
Cause: This error is caused when Dispensetool encounters a problem it is unable to solve internally.
This fault is almost always caused by style paths which do things which were not anticipated when
this software was written. The reasons for this could be: 1. The sealing path is too fast 2. The sealing
instructions (SS and SE) are too close together 3. The delay and timing values specified in your
sealing schedules are too large or do not make sense. 4. Your robot’s CPU has failed
Remedy: Write down the exact error number and message shown. Write down exactly what your
robot was doing at the time of the failure. Make sure you include: Program name, line number, robot’s
location in the work cell, any cell I/O or other communciation activity, and exactly what the robot was
doing right before the fault occured. This fault is usually fixed by doing a COLD start. If that does not
work, contact your supervisor or call the FANUC robotics Hot Line.
SEAL-008 STOP System call failed
Cause: This error is caused when Dispensetool encounters a problem it is unable to solve internally.
This fault is almost always caused by style paths which do things which were not anticipated when
this software was written. The reasons for this could be: 1. The sealing path is too fast 2. The sealing
instructions (SS and SE) are too close together 3. The delay and timing values specified in your
sealing schedules are too large or do not make sense. 4. Your robot’s CPU has failed
Remedy: Write down the exact error number and message shown. Write down exactly what your
robot was doing at the time of the failure. Make sure you include: Program name, line number, robot’s
location in the work cell, any cell I/O or other communciation activity, and exactly what the robot was
doing right before the fault occured. This fault is usually fixed by doing a COLD start. If that does not
work, contact your supervisor or call the FANUC robotics Hot Line.
SEAL-009 WARN Data missing: %s
Cause: This error is caused when Dispensetool encounters a problem it is unable to solve internally.
This fault is almost always caused by style paths which do things which were not anticipated when
this software was written. The reasons for this could be: 1. The sealing path is too fast 2. The sealing
instructions (SS and SE) are too close together 3. The delay and timing values specified in your
sealing schedules are too large or do not make sense. 4. Your robot’s CPU has failed
Remedy: Write down the exact error number and message shown. Write down exactly what your
robot was doing at the time of the failure. Make sure you include: Program name, line number, robot’s
location in the work cell, any cell I/O or other communciation activity, and exactly what the robot was
doing right before the fault occured. This fault is usually fixed by doing a COLD start. If that does not
work, contact your supervisor or call the FANUC robotics Hot Line.
SEAL-021 WARN Gun on/off too late: Sch %d
Cause: In the Schedule number listed, the Gun On signal has been set up to turn on or off too long
after the node the SS[] or SE is attached to. Currently, if this signal is set up to turn on or off greater
than 100ms after the node, this warning will be posted and the signal will fore 100ms after the node.
These are the formulas used to determine when the gun will be turned on or off relative to the node for
seal schedule ‘n’: For SS[n]: Time_Before = EQUIPMENT_DELAY – GUNON_DELAY For SE:
Time_Before = EQUIPMENT_DELAY – GUNOFF_DELAY Note that a NEGATIVE Time_Before
means AFTER the node.
Remedy: There is no real danger in this condition. You should be aware that if you try to turn the
gun on or off after 100ms AFTER the node, the signal will always be fired 100ms after the node and
this warning will be posted. To correct this problem, make the equipment_delay more positive or the
gunon/gunoff delay more negative, to move the firing of the signal up earlier.
SEAL-022 WARN Meter on too late: Sch %d
Cause: In the Schedule number listed, the Start Meter signal has been set up to turn on or off too long
after the node the SS[] or SE is attached to. Currently, if this signal is set up to turn on or off greater
than 100ms after the node, this warning will be posted and the signal will fire 100ms after the node.
These are the formulas used to determine when this signal will be turned on or off relative to the node
for seal schedule ‘n’: For SS[n]: Time_Before = PRE_PRESSURE_DELAY + EQUIPMENT_DELAY
– GUNOFF_DELAY Note that a NEGATIVE Time_Before means AFTER the node.
Remedy: There is no real danger in this condition. You should be aware that if you try to turn
this signal on or off after 100ms AFTER the node, the signal will always be fired 100ms after the
node and this warning will be posted. To correct this problem, make the pre/de_pressure_delay or
equipment_delay more positive or the gunon/gunoff delay more negative, to move the firing of
the signal up earlier.
SEAL-023 WARN Air on/off too late: Sch %d
Cause: In the Schedule number listed, the Atomizing Air signal has been set up to turn on or off too
long after the node the SS[] or SE is attached to. Currently, if this signal is set up to turn on or
off greater than 100ms after the node, this warning will be posted and the signal will fire 100ms
after the node. These are the formulas used to determine when this signal will be turned on or off
relative to the node for seal schedule ‘n’: For SS[n]: Time_Before = ATOMIZING_ON_DELAY +
the node.
Remedy: There is no real danger in this condition. You should be aware that if you try to turn
this signal on or off after 100ms AFTER the node, the signal will always be fired 100ms after the
node and this warning will be posted. To correct this problem, make the atomizing_on/off/_delay
or equipment_delay more positive or the gunon/gunoff delay more negative, to move the firing of
the signal up earlier.
SEAL-024 WARN Error in motion triggering
Cause: The high performance I/O triggering system (Motion Trigger) has returned a bad status. When
this occurs, the redundant triggering system will take over, but the quality of the SSs and SEs will
be poor. This condition is usually caused by one or more of the following: 1. A Gun On output is
assigned to a output point which is nonzero and does not exist. 2. A Start Meter output is assigned to a
output point which is nonzero and does not exist. 3. A Atomizing Air output is assigned to a output
point which is nonzero and does not exist. 4. There is a problem with the software setup of the I/O
system. 5. There is a problem with the hardware setup of the I/O system.
Remedy: Go to the Equipment Output menu and verify that all the Gun on, Start Meter, and
Atomizing Air outputs are correctly defined or their indexes are set to zero. If the VALUE of a output
port is ‘****’, then the index number must be set to zero and the robot must be cold started. You must
cold start the robot after changing anything on this menu.
SEAL-031 WARN %s
Cause: Site-specific alarm caused by changes made for customer
Remedy: Please consult FANUC regarding specific changes made for your site.
SEAL-032 WARN %s
Cause: Site-specific alarm caused by changes made for customer
Remedy: Please consult FANUC regarding specific changes made for your site.
SEAL-033 WARN %s
Cause: Site-specific alarm caused by changes made for customer
Remedy: Please consult FANUC regarding specific changes made for your site.
SEAL-034 WARN %s
Cause: Site-specific alarm caused by changes made for customer
Remedy: Please consult FANUC regarding specific changes made for your site.
SEAL-035 WARN %s
Cause: Site-specific alarm caused by changes made for customer
Remedy: Please consult FANUC regarding specific changes made for your site.
SEAL-036 WARN %s
Cause: Site-specific alarm caused by changes made for customer
Remedy: Please consult FANUC regarding specific changes made for your site.
SEAL-037 WARN %s
Cause: Site-specific alarm caused by changes made for customer
Remedy: Please consult FANUC regarding specific changes made for your site.
SEAL-038 WARN %s
Cause: Site-specific alarm caused by changes made for customer
Remedy: Please consult FANUC regarding specific changes made for your site.
SEAL-039 WARN %s
Cause: Site-specific alarm caused by changes made for customer
Remedy: Please consult FANUC regarding specific changes made for your site.
SEAL-040 WARN %s
Cause: Site-specific alarm caused by changes made for customer
Remedy: Please consult FANUC regarding specific changes made for your site.
SEAL-041 STOP Seal not ready
Cause: The system ready signal(DI) turns off when the sealant is dispensed.
Remedy: Check the system ready signal of the sealing equipment or disable the system ready signal.
SEAL-042 ABORT Part ID mismatch detected
Cause: Transmitted and received part IDs to dispensing equipments do not match.
Remedy: Check wiring of group I/O line for part ID and part ID acknowledge signals. Check
dispensing equipment for proper operation.
SEAL-043 STOP High pressure
Cause: The pressure signal is above its upper limit for set time when the sealant is dispensed.
Remedy: Check the pressure signal of the sealing equipment, disable to check the high pressure
signal, or set the time high pressure timeout to a larger value.
SEAL-044 STOP Low pressure (E%d)
Cause: The pressure signal is below its lower limit for set time when the sealant is dispensed.
Remedy: Check the pressure signal of the sealing equipment, disable to check the low pressure
signal, or set the time low pressure timeout to a larger value.
SEAL-045 STOP High pressure (E%d)
Cause: The pressure signal is above its upper limit for set time when the sealant is dispensed.
Remedy: Check the pressure signal of the sealing equipment, disable to check the high pressure
signal, or set the time high pressure timeout to a larger value.
SEAL-046 STOP Seal not start
Cause: The gun full open signal(DI) has been on for the set time since sealing start.
Remedy: Check the gun full open signal of the sealing equipment, disable the check for this feature,
or set the timeout for a longer period.
SEAL-047 STOP Seal interrupt
Cause: The gun full open signal(DI) has been on for the set time since sealing start.
Remedy: Check the gun full open signal of the sealing equipment, disable the check for this feature,
or set the timeout for a longer period.
SEAL-048 ABORT Dispenser mode mismatch (E%d)
Cause: Dispenser switch position does not match equipment set up
Remedy: Check key switch on the dispensing equipment and equipment setup
SEAL-049 WARN Calibrations not complete (E%d)
Cause: One or more calibration procedures are not complete
Remedy: Visit equipment SETUP menu and complete all calibration procedures
SEAL-050 WARN Shot meter not full (E%d)
Cause: The dispenser should be full at this point, and is not.
Remedy: Check that the dispenser is full for this operation.
SEAL-051 WARN Both Drums are empty (E%d)
Cause: Both drums are empty
Remedy: Check sealant supply drums to be sure they are properly filled
SEAL-052 ABORT Same fault posted repeatedly (E%d)
Cause: Same fault occurs repeatedly
Remedy: Check dispensing equipment and clear the reported fault
SEAL-053 WARN Robot is in dry run mode
Cause: Dry run parameter is ON.
Remedy: Set DRY RUN parameter to OFF and run calibration again.
SEAL-054 WARN Robot lock mode is ON
Cause: Robot lock parameter is ON.
Remedy: Set ROBOT LOCK parameter to OFF and run calibration again.
SEAL-055 ABORT Part ID out of range
Cause: The Part ID in the JOB header is out of the allowed range for this robot.
Remedy: Make sure the Part ID in the JOB header is between 0 and the maximum Part ID allowed on
this equipment.
SEAL-056 WARN Dispenser not ready (E%s)
Cause: Dispenser ready input signal from dispenser is OFF.
Remedy: Check dispenser manual for further information.
SEAL-057 WARN Dispenser fault (E%s)
Cause: A fault was detected at the dispensing controller.
Remedy: Perform the standard dispenser fault recovery procedure. See the dispensing controller’s
manual for more information.
SEAL-058 WARN Flow rate fault (E%s)
Cause: The dispenser has detected a abnormally low or high material flow rate. This could be
caused by a plugged gun.
Remedy: See the dispensing equipment manual for more information. You could try cleaning and
purging the gun.
SEAL-059 WARN Not calibrated warning (E%s)
Cause: One or more calibration procedures are not complete
Remedy: Visit equipment SETUP menu and complete all calibration procedures
SEAL-060 WARN High pressure (E%d)
Cause: The high pressure signal(DI) has been on for the configured time during sealing.
Remedy: Check the sealing equipment high pressure signal, disable the check for the high pressure
signal, or set the timeout value for a longer period
SEAL-061 WARN Seal not ready
Cause: The system ready signal(DI) turns off when sealant is being dispensed.
Remedy: Check the sealing equipment ready signal or disable the check of the equipment ready signal.
SEAL-062 WARN Reload fault (E%d)
Cause: There is a reload problem with the meter
Remedy: Check the shot meter
SEAL-063 WARN High pressure
Cause: The high pressure signal(DI) has been on for the configured time during sealing.
Remedy: Check the sealing equipment high pressure signal, disable the check for the high pressure
signal, or set the timeout value for a longer period
SEAL-064 WARN Not at purge position
Cause: Robot is not at purge position
Remedy: Make sure the robot returns to purge position at the end of each cycle
SEAL-065 WARN Maximum purge count reached
Cause: The Auto Purge feature has determined that the robot should purge now, but the maximum
number of purges it is allowed to perform in a row (as set in the equipment setup menu) has been
Remedy: Increase the maximum number of purges allowed or remove the disposable mixing tip from
the gun, to prepare it for long term inactivity.
SEAL-066 WARN Seal not start
Cause: The gun full open signal(DI) has been on for the set time since sealing start.
Remedy: Check the gun full open signal of the sealing equipment, disable the check for this feature,
or set the timeout for a longer period.
SEAL-067 WARN Seal interrupt
Cause: Gun full open signal(DI) has been on for too long while dispensing.
Remedy: Check the gun full open signal of sealing equipment, disable the checking of this alarm, or
set the timeout value to a longer time.
SEAL-068 WARN Flow command excessive%s
Cause: Flow command output voltage is larger than the maximum output.
Remedy: Decrease the motion speed or increase the maximum output.
SEAL-069 WARN Dispenser malfunction (E%d)
Cause: The dispensing equipment controller has detected a fault in its hardware.
Remedy: Perform maintenance and debug procedures as described in the dispensing equipment
SEAL-070 WARN Gun malfunction (E%d)
Cause: A dispensing gun malfunction has been detected by the dispensing controller.
Remedy: Perform dispensing gun maintenance and debug procedures.
SEAL-071 WARN Gun full open too long (E%d)
Cause: A low pressure condition has been detected by the dispensing controller
Remedy: Check the pressure sensors at all points in the system. Perform standard system debug
and maintenance procedures.
SEAL-072 WARN High nozzle pressure (E%d)
Cause: A high pressure condition has been detected in the dispensing gun nozzle. In specific, nozzle
pressure signal is greater than (NOZZLE SENSOR RATING/100) * 5 volts for over one second.
Remedy: Reduce system pressure if it is permissible. Select a nozzle pressure transducer with a
wider operating range.
SEAL-073 WARN High dispensed volume (E%d)
Cause: The volume of material dispensed on the previous job was above the preset limit.
Remedy: Verify that the volume limits are correct for the specified job.
SEAL-074 WARN Low dispensed volume (E%d)
Cause: The volume of material dispensed on the previous job was below the preset limit
Remedy: Verify that the volume limits are correct for the specified job.
SEAL-075 WARN Flow meter fault (E%d)
Cause: A error was detected in the flow meter readings.
Remedy: Verify that the flowmeter is operating correctly.
SEAL-076 WARN Bead defect detected (E%d)
Cause: An incorrect bead condition was detected.
Remedy: Perform dispensing gun maintenance procedures.
SEAL-077 WARN Sealer equipment fault (E%d)
Cause: An unknown error code was received from the dispensing controller.
Remedy: Check the dispensing controller for an error condition. Also check the communication link
between the dispensing controller and robot controller.
SEAL-078 WARN Dispenser comm fault (E%d)
Cause: An error was encountered reading fault data from the dispenser
Remedy: Check the communications link between the dispenser and robot
SEAL-079 WARN Dispenser E-stop (E%d)
Cause: An Emergency Stop condition was detected at the dispensing controller
Remedy: Clear the fault and perform the proper Emergency Stop recovery procedure.
SEAL-080 WARN Dispenser fault (E%d)
Cause: A fault was detected at the dispensing controller.
Remedy: Perform the standard dispenser fault recovery procedure. See the dispensing controller’s
manual for more information.
SEAL-081 WARN Volume comp at maximum (E%d)
Cause: Interim value for volume has exceeded maximum interim limit.
Remedy: Re-learn part or increase maximum limit.
SEAL-082 WARN Drum A empty (E%d)
Cause: The first of the two drums is empty
Remedy: This is a warning to the operator that the drum might need service
SEAL-083 WARN Drum B empty (E%d)
Cause: The second of the two drums is empty.
Remedy: This is a warning to the operator that the drum might need service.
SEAL-084 WARN Reload timed out (E%d)
Cause: Reload of shot meter took longer than the specified time.
Remedy: Check your dispensing equipment for faults, to make sure time out is long enough.
SEAL-085 WARN Calibration aborted
Cause: Calibration aborted due to user request or possible fault.
Remedy: If unknown cause — see next most recent alarm for help.
SEAL-086 WARN Volume strobe timeout (E%d)
Cause: Volume present signal not received from Pro-Flo unit.
Remedy: Run calibration again – check Pro-Flo unit for malfunction.
SEAL-087 WARN Volume above limit (E%d)
Cause: The volume of material dispensed on the previous job was above the preset limit.
Remedy: Verify that the volume limits are correct for the specified job.
SEAL-088 WARN Material cal timeout (E%d)
Cause: Material cal complete signal not received from Pro-Flo unit.
Remedy: Check Pro-Flo for malfunction or increase dispense time.
SEAL-089 WARN Volume below limit (E%d)
Cause: The volume of material dispensed on the previous job was below the preset limit
Remedy: Verify that the volume limits are correct for the specified job.
SEAL-090 WARN Nozzle over pressure (E%d)
Cause: The problem is either the nozzle pressure is greater than setpoint for more than time limit or
the upstream hose is ruptured and is leaking material.
Remedy: Use on-board diagnostics on the dispensing controller to verify that the nozzle pressure
sensor is in order, replace sensor as required. Check for clog in gun or nozzle tip. If the problem is
ruptured hose, replace hose
SEAL-091 WARN Matl weight input = 0 (E%d)
Cause: User input was zero for material weight.
Remedy: Run calibration again – do not enter zero for material weight.
SEAL-092 WARN Specific gravity = 0 (E%d)
Cause: User input was zero for specific gravity.
Remedy: Assign a nonzero value for specific gravity. Run cal again. –
SEAL-093 WARN Volume read is zero (E%d)
Cause: Zero volume was detected from Pro-Flo analog signals.
Remedy: Check Pro-Flo for malfunction.
SEAL-094 WARN Dispense time is zero (E%d)
Cause: User input was zero for dispense time.
Remedy: Assign a nonzero value for dispense time. Run cal again. –
SEAL-095 WARN Nozzle worn out (E%d)
Cause: Nozzle pressure has dropped below setpoint value for more than time limit.
Remedy: Use on-board diagnostics on the dispenser controller to verify that the nozzle pressure
sensor is in order, replace sensor as required.
SEAL-096 WARN Matl press entered=0 (E%d)
Cause: User input was zero for material pressure.
Remedy: Check why material pressure is zero during calibration.
SEAL-097 WARN Pressure read is zero (E%d)
Cause: No change in analog signal from pressure transducer.
Remedy: Check pressure transducer and ensure varying pressures during calibration.
SEAL-098 WARN Upstream over pressure (E%d)
Cause: Upstream pressure is greater than setpoint for more than time limit.
Remedy: Use on-board diagnostics on the dispenser controller to verify that the upstream pressure
sensor is in order, replace sensor as required. Check for clog in gun or nozzle tip
SEAL-099 WARN Air pressure entered=0 (E%d)
Cause: User input was zero for air pressure.
Remedy: Check why air pressure is zero during calibration.
SEAL-100 WARN NO scale factor/bias (E%d)
Cause: The Scale factor or bias is zero
Remedy: Perform the calibration procedures
SEAL-101 WARN Volume strobe timeout (E%d)
Cause: The volume timer expired
Remedy: Check dispensing equipment for faults, or give the time out variable more time
SEAL-102 WARN Press calib incomplete (E%d)
Cause: Pressure calibration has not been completed.
Remedy: Perform pressure calibration before running this calibration.
SEAL-103 WARN Dispenser not in AUTO (E%d)
Cause: Dispenser Auto Mode signal to the robot has dropped.
Remedy: Make sure dispenser mode selection is set to AUTO or MANUAL as needed
SEAL-104 WARN Analog cal incomplete (E%d)
Cause: Analog voltage calibration has not been completed.
Remedy: Perform analog calibration before running this calibration.
SEAL-105 STOP Dispenser not ON (E%d)
Cause: The Dispenser On signal (from the dispenser to the robot) has dropped.
Remedy: Turn on the dispenser.
SEAL-106 WARN Upstream under press (E%d)
Cause: Upstream pressure has dropped below setpoint value for more than time limit.
Remedy: Use on-board diagnostics on the dispenser controller to verify that the upstream pressure
sensor is in order, replace sensor as required.
SEAL-107 WARN Matl calib incomplete (E%d)
Cause: Material learn calibration has not been completed.
Remedy: Perform material calibration before running this calibration.
SEAL-108 WARN Material timeout = 0 (E%d)
Cause: Material learn timeout value is zero
Remedy: Set timeout to nonzero value before running this calibration.
SEAL-109 WARN Low press>=high press (E%d)
Cause: Low pressure atomizing air input was greater or equal to high pressure
Remedy: Check atomizing air equipment
SEAL-110 STOP System/drive not ready (E%d)
Cause: System and Drive Ready signal (from the dispenser to the robot) has dropped.
Remedy: Perform standard dispenser maintenance procedures.
SEAL-111 WARN Negative volume read (E%d)
Cause: Volume read was negative.
Remedy: Check dispensing equipment and run calibration again.
SEAL-112 WARN Vol sig cal incomplete (E%d)
Cause: Volume signal calibration has not been completed.
Remedy: Perform volume signal calibration.
SEAL-113 WARN I/O config incomplete (E%d)
Cause: At least one I/O signal assignment is zero.
Remedy: Set proper I/O ports for all necessary dispenser I/O.
SEAL-114 WARN Dispenser not ready (E%d)
Cause: Dispenser ready input signal from dispenser is OFF.
Remedy: Check dispenser manual for further information.
SEAL-115 WARN Too low material flow (E%d)
Cause: The dispenser has detected a abnormally low or high material flow rate. This could be
caused by a plugged gun.
Remedy: See the dispensing equipment manual for more information. You could try cleaning and
purging the gun.
SEAL-116 WARN Flow command too low
Cause: Flow command output voltage is lower than the minimum output.
Remedy: Increase the motion speed or decrease the minimum output.
SEAL-117 WARN System/drive not ready (E%d)
Cause: System and Drive Ready signal (from the dispenser to the robot) has dropped.
Remedy: Perform standard dispenser maintenance procedures.
SEAL-118 WARN Dispenser not in AUTO (E%d)
Cause: Dispenser Auto Mode signal to the robot has dropped.
Remedy: Make sure dispenser mode selection is set to AUTO or MANUAL as needed
SEAL-119 WARN Low pressure (E%d)
Cause: A low pressure warning has been detected by the dispensing controller
Remedy: Check system pressure. Check the pressure sensors in the system. Perform standard system
debug and maintenance procedures.
SEAL-120 WARN Dispenser not ON (E%d)
Cause: The Dispenser On signal (from the dispenser to the robot) has dropped.
Remedy: Turn on the dispenser.
SEAL-121 STOP Dispense signal fault (E%d)
Cause: The Dispensing signal (from the dispenser to the robot) should be high during dispensing,
but it is not.
Remedy: Perform dispenser maintenance procedures to determine why dispensing is not occurring
as it should. Also verify that the dispensing schedule data is correct, and that the dispenser I/O
to/from the robot has been mapped correctly.
SEAL-122 ABORT Sealing task already active
Cause: You tried to run a JOB or PROC TPP while another JOB or PROC TPP is already running
in another task.
Remedy: Only one sealing task may be running at any time. This means that only one JOB or
PROC may be running at any time. You must abort the JOB or PROC which is already running
before starting a new one.
SEAL-123 ABORT Job aborted
Cause: The current Job has been aborted due to a fatal error.
Remedy: Correct the cause of this error, which is usually posted immediately after this one.
SEAL-124 ABORT Critical IO is invalid
Cause: This error is usually caused by an IO point which is required by Dispensetool being set
to an invalid index number or type.
Remedy: Make sure that all inputs and outputs on the Dispenser IO screen are set to valid IO points
(the VALUE is not shown as *****) or the index number has been is set to 0. Cold start the robot
controller after making any changes to this screen.
SEAL-129 ABORT Index incorrect
Cause: The index value of seal start instruction is invalid.
Remedy: Check the index value of this SS instruction.
SEAL-131 ABORT SS/SE timing invalid
Cause: This error is caused by timing problems with Sealing commands (SS or SE). Timing problems
could occur if the robot does not have enough time to plan for a sealing instruction before the robot
passes that point in the path. For example: If the user is using a sealing schedule with a gunon delay of
1000ms and a gunoff delay of -1000ms and the robot executes the seam in 1500ms, the Dispensetool
will detect the logic problem and post this fault. A path which has many sealing instructions very
close to each other (closer than 30mm at 500mm/sec) is likely to have this problem.
Remedy: Make sure there is adequate time for each SS and SE to execute. You may do this by
making sure you have only the minimum number of points in your path that you require. Dispensetool
works best with as few points as possible. Also, make sure none of your schedules have gunon,
gunoff, or equipment delays beyond that which is needed (usually between -100ms and +100ms is
adequate). NOTE: Whenever a SEAL-131 occurs, the robot MUST be cold started to recover.
SEAL-132 WARN Seam segment too short
Cause: There was not enough time between a SS and the next SS or SE for the flow rate computations
to be done.
Remedy: Step through your sealing PROCess program, making sure there is at least a centimeter
between the points attached to each sealing instruction. Increase the distance between sealing
instructions, delete one of the sealing instructions, or slow the robot down.
SEAL-144 WARN Joint motion
Cause: Robot moved with joint motion during sealing.
Remedy: Change motion type from joint to linear or circular.
SEAL-147 ABORT Equipment does not exist
Cause: This equipment is not exist.
Remedy: Check the equipment number in the program detail display.
SEAL-148 ABORT No SE Instruction
Cause: SE instruction is not exist.
Remedy: Add an SE instruction.
SEAL-149 ABORT No equipment number set
Cause: Equipment is not set on this program.
Remedy: Set the equipment number in the program detail display.
SEAL-150 ABORT Equipment is already busy
Cause: Other program is using this equipment now.
Remedy: Change the equipment number or check interlock of each program.
SEAL-151 ABORT TPP not created correctly
Cause: The teach pendant program is not created properly
Remedy: Check program header if the teach pendant program is either a JOB or a PROCESS type to
ensure application data header is created correctly
SEAL-152 WARN I/O not correctly assigned
Cause: The index value or type of this I/O port is incorrectly assigned.
Remedy: If you wish to use this I/O port, set the port index and I/O type to the correct values.
Verify that a valid value is shown on the I/O menu for this I/O port instead of If you do not wish to
use this I/O point, set the index number to zero.
SEAL-153 WARN Program is running
Cause: You can not set volume set point while a program is running
Remedy: Volume set points must be established after program execution
SEAL-155 WARN No SS Instruction before SE
Cause: There is no SS instruction before SE.
Remedy: Check SS instruction on this program.
SEAL-156 WARN MOV_ TPP execution failure
Cause: Unsuccessful execution of a MOV_ type program.
Remedy: Ensure MOV_ program is executable. Reset holds and emergency stops.
SEAL-157 WARN Seal schedule data is zero
Cause: Desired volume or bead width for first sealing schedule was zero.
Remedy: Enter a valid setting for desired volume or bead width.
SEAL-159 WARN UTOOL #1 is not taught
Cause: Current utool is zero – has not been taught.
Remedy: Teach utool before running this calibration.
SEAL-160 WARN REFPOS is not taught
Cause: Current REFPOS has not been taught – is zero.
Remedy: Teach REFPOS before running OFFSET calibration.
SEAL-161 WARN OFFSET out of range
Cause: Difference between REFPOS and OFFSET positions was too large.
Remedy: Check for damaged tool, change tip and run calibration again.
SEAL-162 WARN OFFSET config mismatch
Cause: Difference exists between REFPOS and OFFSET position configurations.
Remedy: Run calibration again while maintaining REFPOS configuration
SEAL-163 WARN File is not closed
Cause: File to be executed is not closed.
Remedy: Perform cold start or temporarily SELECT a different file.
SEAL-164 WARN File does not exist
Cause: File to be executed does not exist.
Remedy: Create and teach the file.
SEAL-170 WARN Invalid tool position
Cause: Commanded tool position is not valid
Remedy: Check supply air to the tool Check proximity sensors on the tool
SEAL-171 WARN Gripper not opened (GP%s)
Cause: All grippers are not opened
Remedy: Check to see if release mechanism is working
SEAL-172 WARN Gripper not closed (GP%s)
Cause: All grippers on this valve are not closed
Remedy: Check to see if clamping mechanism is working
SEAL-173 WARN Part not present (GP%s)
Cause: Sensors not reporting part present
Remedy: Check sensor correct operation
SEAL-174 WARN Part Present (GP%s)
Cause: Sensors reporting part present
Remedy: Check sensor correct operation
SEAL-175 WARN Un-assigned Bit mask
Cause: Variable $sltlstup[1].valve is not assigned
Remedy: Go to Tool Setup and setup gripper configuration
SEAL-177 WARN EOAT timed out: Flip
Cause: The Four Position End of Arm tool was moved, but the FLIP sensor reports that the tool is
not in the correct FLIP/UNFLIP position (could be ON or OFF) after the timeout period set on
the tool setup menu expired.
Remedy: Check air supply to the four position tool. Check proximity sensors on the four position
tool. If the tool is slow, increase the timeout delay on the tool setup screen to allow enough time for
the tool to complete motion.
SEAL-178 WARN EOAT timed out: Unflip
Cause: The Four Position End of Arm tool was moved, but the UNFLIP sensor reports that the tool
is not in the correct UNFLIP/FLIP position (could be ON or OFF) after the timeout period set on
the tool setup menu expired.
Remedy: Check air supply to the four position tool. Check proximity sensors on the four position
tool. If the tool is slow, increase the timeout delay on the tool setup screen to allow enough time for
the tool to complete motion.
SEAL-179 WARN EOAT timed out: Extend
Cause: The Four Position End of Arm tool was moved, but the EXTEND sensor reports that the tool
is not in the correct EXTEND/RETRACT position (could be ON or OFF) after the timeout period
set on the tool setup menu expired.
Remedy: Check air supply to the four position tool. Check proximity sensors on the four position
tool. If the tool is slow, increase the timeout delay on the tool setup screen to allow enough time for
the tool to complete motion.
SEAL-180 WARN EOAT timed out: Retract
Cause: The Four Position End of Arm tool was moved, but the RETRACT sensor reports that the tool
is not in the correct RETRACT/EXTEND position (could be ON or OFF) after the timeout period
set on the tool setup menu expired.
Remedy: Check air supply to the four position tool. Check proximity sensors on the four position
tool. If the tool is slow, increase the timeout delay on the tool setup screen to allow enough time for
the tool to complete motion.
SEAL-182 WARN Invalid kinimatic solution
Cause: Current robot position invalid.
Remedy: Run calibration again.
SEAL-183 WARN Tool offset internal error
Cause: Internal tool offset calibration error.
Remedy: Contact FANUC Robotics Hotline.
SEAL-200 WARN Dispenser malfunction (E%s)
Cause: The dispensing equipment controller has detected a fault in its hardware.
Remedy: Perform maintenance and debug procedures as described in the dispensing equipment
SEAL-201 WARN Gun malfunction (E%s)
Cause: A dispensing gun malfunction has been detected by the dispensing controller.
Remedy: Perform dispensing gun maintenance and debug procedures.
SEAL-202 WARN Gun full open too long (E%s)
Cause: A low pressure condition has been detected by the dispensing controller
Remedy: Check the pressure sensors at all points in the system. Perform standard system debug
and maintenance procedures.
SEAL-203 WARN High nozzle pressure (E%s)
Cause: A high pressure condition has been detected in the dispensing gun nozzle. In specific, nozzle
pressure signal is greater than (NOZZLE SENSOR RATING/100) * 5 volts for over one second.
Remedy: Reduce system pressure if it is permissible. Select a nozzle pressure transducer with a
wider operating range.
SEAL-204 WARN High dispensed volume (E%s)
Cause: The volume of material dispensed on the previous job was above the preset limit.
Remedy: Verify that the volume limits are correct for the specified job.
SEAL-205 WARN Low dispensed volume (E%s)
Cause: The volume of material dispensed on the previous job was below the preset limit
Remedy: Verify that the volume limits are correct for the specified job.
SEAL-206 WARN Flow meter fault (E%s)
Cause: A error was detected in the flow meter readings.
Remedy: Verify that the flowmeter is operating correctly.
SEAL-207 WARN Bead defect detected (E%s)
Cause: An incorrect bead condition was detected.
Remedy: Perform dispensing gun maintenance procedures.
SEAL-208 WARN Volume comp at max (E%s)
Cause: Interim value for volume has exceeded maximum interim limit.
Remedy: Re-learn part or increase maximum limit.
SEAL-209 WARN Nozzle over pressure (E%s)
Cause: The problem is either the nozzle pressure is greater than setpoint for more than time limit or
the upstream hose is ruptured and is leaking material.
Remedy: Use on-board diagnostics on the dispensing controller to verify that the nozzle pressure
sensor is in order, replace sensor as required. Check for clog in gun or nozzle tip. If the problem is
ruptured hose, replace hose
SEAL-210 WARN Nozzle under press (E%s)
Cause: Nozzle pressure has dropped below setpoint value for more than time limit.
Remedy: Use on-board diagnostics on the dispenser controller to verify that the nozzle pressure
sensor is in order, replace sensor as required.
SEAL-211 WARN Upstream over press (E%s)
Cause: Upstream pressure is greater than setpoint for more than time limit.
Remedy: Use on-board diagnostics on the dispenser controller to verify that the upstream pressure
sensor is in order, replace sensor as required. Check for clog in gun or nozzle tip
SEAL-212 WARN Upstream under press (E%s)
Cause: Upstream pressure has dropped below setpoint value for more than time limit.
Remedy: Use on-board diagnostics on the dispenser controller to verify that the upstream pressure
sensor is in order, replace sensor as required.
SEAL-213 WARN Sealer equipment fault (E%s)
Cause: An unknown error code was received from the dispensing controller.
Remedy: Check the dispensing controller for an error condition. Also check the communication link
between the dispensing controller and robot controller.
SEAL-214 WARN No material flow (E%s)
Cause: The dispenser has detected a abnormally low or high material flow rate. This could be
caused by a plugged gun.
Remedy: See the dispensing equipment manual for more information. You could try cleaning and
purging the gun.
SEAL-215 WARN Reload timed out (E%s)
Cause: Reload of shot meter took longer than the specified time.
Remedy: Check your dispensing equipment for faults, to make sure time out is long enough.
SEAL-216 WARN Reload fault occured (E%s)
Cause: There is a reload problem with the meter
Remedy: Check the shot meter
SEAL-217 WARN NO scale factor/bias (E%s)
Cause: The Scale factor or bias is zero
Remedy: Perform the calibration procedures
SEAL-218 ABORT Same fault posted (E%s)
Cause: Same fault occurs repeatedly
Remedy: Check dispensing equipment and clear the reported fault
SEAL-219 WARN Volume strobe timeout (E%s)
Cause: The volume timer expired
Remedy: Check dispensing equipment for faults, or give the time out variable more time
SEAL-220 WARN Volume out of range (E%s)
Cause: The volume dispensed in the last job was out of the normal volumetric range of material
dispensed for this job. This could be caused by terminating the job early, causing much less material
to be dispensed. This could also be caused by problems with the material, such as using material
which has exceeded its shelf life.
Remedy: This warning is normal if it was caused by terminating a job early. If this error happens
during normal production, examine the quality of the dispensed job and verify that the dispenser
and material are in good condition.
SEAL-221 WARN Bubble detected (E%d)
Cause: A significant bubble was dispensed with the material during the job. This is usually caused by
improper loading of new material. NOTE: This will often cause poor quality sealing. Examine the
finished part for any gaps in the sealant bead.
Remedy: Make sure any new material is loaded properly into the supply pump. Make sure all excess
air has been drained off before using any new material.
SEAL-222 WARN Dispenser not ON (E%s)
Cause: The Dispenser On signal (from the dispenser to the robot) has dropped.
Remedy: Turn on the dispenser.
SEAL-223 WARN Dispenser not in AUTO (E%s)
Cause: Dispenser Auto Mode signal to the robot has dropped.
Remedy: Make sure dispenser mode selection is set to AUTO or MANUAL as needed
SEAL-224 WARN System/drive not ready (E%s)
Cause: System and Drive Ready signal (from the dispenser to the robot) has dropped.
Remedy: Perform standard dispenser maintenance procedures.
SEAL-225 WARN Low pressure warning (E%s)
Cause: A low pressure warning has been detected by the dispensing controller
Remedy: Check system pressure. Check the pressure sensors in the system. Perform standard system
debug and maintenance procedures.
SEAL-226 WARN High pressure warning (E%s)
Cause: The pressure signal is above its upper limit for set time when the sealant is dispensed.
Remedy: Check the pressure signal of the sealing equipment, disable to check the high pressure
signal, or set the time high pressure timeout to a larger value.
SEAL-227 WARN Low pressure fault (E%s)
Cause: A low pressure warning has been detected by the dispensing controller
Remedy: Check system pressure. Check the pressure sensors in the system. Perform standard system
debug and maintenance procedures.
SEAL-228 WARN High pressure fault (E%s)
Cause: The pressure signal is above its upper limit for set time when the sealant is dispensed.
Remedy: Check the pressure signal of the sealing equipment, disable to check the high pressure
signal, or set the time high pressure timeout to a larger value.
SEAL-229 WARN Calibration incomplete (E%s)
Cause: One or more calibration procedures are not complete
Remedy: Visit equipment SETUP menu and complete all calibration procedures
SEAL-230 WARN High Dispensed Volume (E%d)
Cause: High Dispensed Volume.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-231 WARN Low Dispensed Volume (E%d)
Cause: Low Dispensed Volume.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-232 WARN High Material Supply Pressure (E%d)
Cause: High Material Supply Pressure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-233 WARN Low Material Supply Pressure (E%d)
Cause: Low Material Supply Pressure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-234 WARN No Material Supply Pressure (E%d)
Cause: No Material Supply Pressure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-235 WARN Nozzle Clog or Down Stream Blockage (E%d)
Cause: Nozzle Clog or Down Stream Blockage.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-236 WARN Gun Cable Failure (E%d)
Cause: Gun Cable Failure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-237 WARN Flowmeter/Booster Pump Failure (E%d)
Cause: Flowmeter/Booster Pump Failure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-238 WARN Nozzle Pressure Transducer Failure (E%d)
Cause: Nozzle Pressure Transducer Failure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-239 WARN Flowmeter cable Failure (E%d)
Cause: Flowmeter cable Failure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-240 WARN Upstream Pressure Transducer Failed (E%d)
Cause: Upstream Pressure Transducer Failed.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-241 WARN Upstream Pressure Transducer Cable Failed (E%d)
Cause: Upstream Pressure Transducer Cable Failed.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-242 WARN Robot Signal Out of Sequence (E%d)
Cause: Robot Signal Out of Sequence.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-243 WARN Gun Failure (E%d)
Cause: Gun Failure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-244 WARN Bead Defect Detected (E%d)
Cause: Bead Defect Detected.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-245 WARN Joint Motion While Dispensing
Cause: Joint motion is used between SS and SE instructions
Remedy: Use Linear or Circular motion between SS and SE instructions
SEAL-250 WARN High Dispensed Volume (E%s)
Cause: High Dispensed Volume.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-251 WARN Low Dispensed Volume (E%s)
Cause: Low Dispensed Volume.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-252 WARN High Material Supply Pressure (E%s)
Cause: High Material Supply Pressure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-253 WARN Low Material Supply Pressure (E%s)
Cause: Low Material Supply Pressure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-254 WARN No Material Supply Pressure (E%s)
Cause: No Material Supply Pressure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-255 WARN Nozzle Clog or Down Stream Blockage (E%s)
Cause: Nozzle Clog or Down Stream Blockage.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-256 WARN Gun Cable Failure (E%s)
Cause: Gun Cable Failure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-257 WARN Flowmeter/Booster Pump Failure (E%s)
Cause: Flowmeter/Booster Pump Failure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-258 WARN Nozzle Pressure Transducer Failure (E%s)
Cause: Nozzle Pressure Transducer Failure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-259 WARN Flowmeter cable Failure (E%s)
Cause: Flowmeter cable Failure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-260 WARN Upstream Pressure Transducer Failed (E%s)
Cause: Upstream Pressure Transducer Failed.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-261 WARN Upstream Pressure Transducer Cable Failed (E%s)
Cause: Upstream Pressure Transducer Cable Failed.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-262 WARN Dispense IO Sequence error (E%s)
Cause: Robot Signal Out of Sequence.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-263 WARN Gun Failure (E%s)
Cause: Gun Failure.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-264 WARN Bead Defect Detected (E%s)
Cause: Bead Defect Detected.
Remedy: Refer to Nordson Pro-Flo II dispenser equipment user document.
SEAL-265 STOP Major Dispenser Fault on (E%s)
Cause: A Major Fault was detected on the dispensing equipment.
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-266 WARN Minor Dispenser Fault on (E%s)
Cause: A Minor Fault was detected on the dispensing equipment.
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-267 STOP Volume dispensed out of range (E%s)
Cause: Volume OK signal NOT received from dispensing equipment.
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-268 WARN Flow rate is zero (E%d)
Cause: This error is reported when the process mode is wet and the computed flow rate is equal to
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-269 WARN Flow command below minimum (E%d)
Cause: This error is reported when the computed flow rate command is less than the minimum flow
rate specified by the user during the equipment setup.
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-270 WARN Flow command above maximum (E%d)
Cause: This error is reported when the computed flow rate command is great than the user specified
(or calibrated) maximum flow rate, which is specified specified under the equipment setup.
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-271 WARN Channel 2 analog is zero (E%d)
Cause: This error is reported when the process mode is wet and the computed Channel 2 analog
command is equal to zero.
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-272 WARN Channel 2 analog is below set point (E%d)
Cause: This error is reported when the computed Channel 2 analog command is less than the
minimum Channel 2 analog output specified by the user during the equipment setup.
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-273 WARN Channel 2 analog is above set point (E%d)
Cause: This error is reported when the computed Channel 2 analog is great than the user specified (or
calibrated) maximum Channel 2 analog output, which is specified under the equipment setup.
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-274 WARN Dispenser not pressurized (E%s)
Cause: Dispenser is not pressurized
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-275 WARN Dispenser meter not full (E%s)
Cause: Dispenser meter is not full
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-276 WARN Dispense meter not pressurized (E%s)
Cause: Dispense meter is not pressurized
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-277 WARN Drum empty (E%s)
Cause: Drum is empty
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-278 WARN Auto purge requested (E%s)
Cause: Auto purge is requested
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-279 WARN primer check passed (E%s)
Cause: Primer check passed (E%s)
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-280 WARN Primer check failed (E%s)
Cause: Primer check failed
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-281 WARN Felt not advanced (E%s)
Cause: Felt not advanced
Remedy: Refer to dispensing equipment for fault details.
SEAL-282 WARN Meter Empty (E%d, Mtr %s)
Cause: This warning is posted when the system detects that the meter has reached to its stroke limit
during dispensing. After this condition, the system automatically switches to the other meter, and
continue dispensing.
Remedy: 1. Reposition the meter prior to start dispensing for the seam. 2. Lower the flow rate
so that it can cover the entire seam
SEAL-283 WARN Both Meters Empty
Cause: This warning is posted when the system detects that both meters have reached to their stroke
limit during dispensing. This situation occurs if the material supply pressure is too low. After this
condition, the system automatically stops dispensing, but the robot keeps moving. Use Error table to
change the severity to PAUSE if you want to pause the program with this warning.
Remedy: 1. Increase the material supply pressure. 2. Lower the flow rate.
SEAL-284 WARN Plugged Tip Detected (E%d)
Cause: The system has detected that the material flow has been blocked.
Remedy: 1. Check and clean the gun tip.
SEAL-285 WARN Premature Reload Term (E%d)
Cause: One meter could not complete reloading before the other meter has come to near-empty zone.
Remedy: 1. Increase the material supply pressure 2. Lower the flow rate
SEAL-286 WARN Low Air Pressure (E%d)
Cause: This error message is not currently not implemented
Remedy: N/A
SEAL-287 WARN Cmd prs NOT achieved (E%d)
Cause: The material pressure did not reach the specified pressure within the specified time.
Remedy: 1. Check the IPD air supply pressure 2. Increase the pressure tolerance
SEAL-288 WARN Application setup not done
Cause: The application specific TPPs and macros have not been loaded.
Remedy: Perform a controlled start, then select SETUP APPLICATION under the FCTN menu while
the application disk is in the drive.
SEAL-289 STOP Macro table already full
Cause: Dispenstool has attempted to install additional macros, but the macro table (under menu
SETUP:Macros) was already full.
Remedy: Reduce number of macros needed and remove them from the macro table or contact
FANUC and request a update to expand macro table size.
SEAL-290 STOP Invalid call to SL__INST
Cause: SL__INST has been called, but there was no valid macro index number in register 32.
Remedy: Do not run SL__INST as a program, only call SL__INST from a macro after setting
a valid macro index number up in register 32.
SEAL-291 WARN No start sealing input defined
Cause: The PNS Ack Verified input, which is needed with the current communication configuration,
has not been defined.
Remedy: Set up a PNS Ack Verified in the Cell Input I/O menu and restart the robot.
SEAL-292 STOP Max Error table entry exceeded
Cause: In setting up the Default error table the maximum number of error table entries
($ERRSEV_NUM) was exceeded.
Remedy: Go into controlled start, Press MENU-0, then choose PROGRAM SETUP. Change the
Error Severity Table entry to be a larger number in order to contain all default errors, and press
FCTN-START (COLD). After Cold Start, go back into the Error Table setup screen and manually
enter in those error that were not setup correctly.
SEAL-294 WARN Style bit is out of range (E%s)
Cause: The style bit in your JOB program is either less than 0 or great than the maximum style
bit value.
Remedy: Set up a bigger maximum style bit or change the style bit in your JOB header
SEAL-295 WARN I/O not assigned Eq%s
Cause: The key dispenser input such as dispenser ready is not assigned.
Remedy: You must set the port index and the type of the dispener input to the correct values. Verify
that a valid value is shown on the I/O menu for the I/O port instead of
SEAL-296 STOP Configurable error table empty
Cause: The Dispenstool configurable error table is empty.
Remedy: No action is required, but user should be aware that configurable fault reporting will
not function at full capacity.
SEAL-297 WARN Dispenser meter near empty (E%s)
Cause: This warning is posted when the system detects that the meter near empty signal is asserted
during dispensing.
Remedy: 1. Reload the meter prior to start dispensing for the seam. 2. Lower the flow rate so that
it can cover the entire seam
SEAL-298 WARN %s option has not been loaded
Cause: The option required to setup this equip- ment has not been loaded.
Remedy: Please load the required option, and then try to set this equipment type.
SEAL-299 WARN Enc Belt slip (E%d, Mtr %s)
Cause: System has detected that the encoder to meter belt linkage is slipping.
Remedy: Tighten the belt tension.
SEAL-300 WARN %s I/O not mapped correctly
Cause: Specified I/O point has not been assigned.
Remedy: Assign specified I/O point before attempting calibration.
SEAL-301 WARN OK to reload timeout (E%d)
Cause: Timed out waiting for the OK to reload signal from the Cell controller.
Remedy: Make sure that the Input signal for OK to Reload is mapped and is coming on in response to
the Reload Request signal.
SEAL-302 WARN ISD not configured (ISD%d)
Cause: IPD mastering and/or calibrations have not been completed. IPD cannot leave SHUTOFF
mode unless they are completed.
Remedy: Complete IPD mastering and calibrations.
SEAL-303 WARN Unable to go FULL resume dist
Cause: Robot was unable to go back the full resume distance because the last taught point was
reached before full distance was traversed. Gap may result.
Remedy: 1. Shorten the resume distance. 2. Re-teach points so that there is more distance between
SEAL-304 WARN Force FFR Process Recov items
Cause: Fast Fault Recovery has ended and process specific recovery options must be displayed.
Remedy: Choose a process specific recovery option
SEAL-305 WARN Dispense complete timeout (E%s)
Cause: Fast Fault Recovery has ended and process specific recovery options must be displayed.
Remedy: Choose a process specific recovery option
SEAL-308 WARN Fault Reset Timeout (E%s)
Cause: The dispenser was unable to clear the fault.
Remedy: Check the dispenser controller, and clear the cause of the dispenser fault.
Cause: The IN_PROCESS dispenser signal is ON before the styleID communication starts.
Remedy: Check the dispenser controller, and make sure that the dispenser is performing the I/O
handshaking correctly.
SEAL-310 STOP IN_PROCESS OFF before DispComp
Cause: The IN_PROCESS dispenser signal is OFF before the DispenseComplete communication
Remedy: Check the dispenser controller, and make sure that the dispenser is performing the I/O
handshaking correctly.
SEAL-311 STOP VOL_OK ON before DispComp
Cause: The VolumeOK dispenser signal is ON before the DispenseComplete communication starts.
Remedy: Check the dispenser controller, and make sure that the dispenser is performing the I/O
handshaking correctly.
SEAL-313 WARN VOL_OK ON before sending style ID
Cause: VolumeOK dispenser signal is ON before sending the style ID to the dispense controller.
Remedy: Consult the dispenser controller, and make sure that the dispenser does the I/O handshaking
SEAL-314 WARN Rmt Strt/Purge req. timeout (E%s)
Cause: The dispense ready signal was not received within the Remote Start/Purge request time.
Remedy: Consult the dispenser controller, and clear the cause of the dispenser fault.
SEAL-315 WARN Flow meter disabled (E%s)
Cause: Flow meter has been disabled via setup menu item.
Remedy: Enable setup menu item.
SEAL-316 WARN Adaption disabled (E%s)
Cause: Real-time adaption has been disabled via setup menu item.
Remedy: Enable setup menu item.
SEAL-317 WARN %s
Cause: Parameter checking has determined that the value is too high or low.
Remedy: Check variable indicated for source of the problem.
SEAL-318 WARN Bubble detected (E%s)
Cause: A significant bubble was dispensed with the material during the job. This is usually caused by
improper loading of new material. NOTE: This will often cause poor quality sealing. Examine the
finished part for any gaps in the sealant bead.
Remedy: Make sure any new material is loaded properly into the supply pump. Make sure all excess
air has been drained off before using any new material.