Fanuc SCIO Alarm Codes

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Fanuc SCIO Alarm Codes

SCIO-003 WARN Cannot teach any more.
Cause: You cannot add the instruction to the same line. The size of mnemonic code exceeds
maximum size of one line data.
Remedy: Please reduce the instruction like a parameter string.
SCIO-016 WARN Prog uses un-installed option.
Cause: The TPP program being loaded uses an option which is not installed on the controller where
the program is being loaded (target controller).
Remedy: Determine what options are installed on the controller on which the program was saved
(source controller) and are not installed on the target controller Then, on the source controller, check
which of these is used in the program. Assuming the option(s) are authorized for the target controller,
install the necessary options. If some of these options are not authorized, it ay be necessary to remove
uses of the unauthorized option uses and re-save the program on the source controller.
SCIO-020 WARN LBL[%d] exists in line %d:
Cause: This label number exists in another line.
Remedy: Select another label number.
SCIO-030 WARN JOINT motion in slave program
Cause: Robot Link slave program and slave alone program can not use JOINT motion statement.
Remedy: Record this line as LINER or CIRCULAR motion statement
SCIO-031 WARN JOINT position in slave program
Cause: Robot Link slave program and slave alone program can not use JOINT position representation.
Remedy: Record this line as CARTESIAN position representation
SCIO-032 WARN Master UT mismatch
Cause: Current Tool frame number of Master robot is different from Master Tool Number specified
in Program detail menu.
Remedy: Change Tool frame number of Master Robot or change master tool number in Program
detail menu.
SCIO-033 WARN Slave can have ony one motion line
Cause: Robot link Slave program can have only one motion line.
Remedy: Please teach only one line in slave program.