Fanuc ROUT Alarm Codes

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Fanuc ROUT Alarm Codes

ROUT-022 PAUSE Bad index in ORD
Cause: Incorrect number is specified for ORD builtin routine.
Remedy: Specify a number less than the string length.
ROUT-023 PAUSE Bad index in SUBSTR
Cause: Incorrect number is specified for SUBSTR builtin routine.
Remedy: Specify a number less than the string length.
ROUT-024 PAUSE SUBSTR length less than 0
Cause: Negative number is specified for length argument for SUBSTR builtin routine.
Remedy: Specify a positive number.
ROUT-025 ABORT Illegal semaphore number
Cause: Incorrect number is specified for semaphore id.
Remedy: Specify a number between 1 and 32.
ROUT-026 WARN Illegal group number
Cause: Invalid group number is specified.
Remedy: Specify exisiting group number.
ROUT-027 WARN String size not big enough
Cause: Specified string variable does not have enough room to hold the return data.
Remedy: specify larger size string variable.
ROUT-028 ABORT Illegal file attribute number
Cause: Incorrect file attribute id was specified.
Remedy: Specify correct file attribute id.
ROUT-029 ABORT Illegal file attribute value
Cause: Incorrect file attribute value was specified.
Remedy: Specify correct attribute value.
ROUT-030 WARN Non existent register number
Cause: A non-existent register number is specified.
Remedy: Specify a correct register number.
ROUT-031 WARN Illegal register type
Cause: Incorrect register type is specified.
Remedy: Specify the correct register type for the attempted operation.
ROUT-032 ABORT Position type mismach
Cause: Position type is not correct for the operation.
Remedy: Specify correct position type.
ROUT-033 ABORT Illegal attribute type
Cause: Illegal attribute id was specified.
Remedy: Specify correct attribute id.
ROUT-034 WARN Not a TPE program
Cause: A non-tpe is specified.
Remedy: Specify a program name other than a Karel program.
ROUT-035 WARN Value is out of range
Cause: The specified value is out of range.
Remedy: Specify a value within the range.
ROUT-036 ABORT Illegal port id value
Cause: Incorrect port id was used
Remedy: Specify correct port id.
ROUT-037 ABORT Bad TPE header size
Cause: Value used in SET_HEAD_TPE for bfr_size is invalid.
Remedy: Use buffer size in the range 1-255.
ROUT-038 PAUSE Uninitialized TPE position
Cause: Attempt to access position data or type from TPE program when the position has not been
Remedy: Record position data using the TPP TOUCHUP function
ROUT-039 WARN Executing motion exists
Cause: Cannot unlock group while motion is executing.
Remedy: Wait until executing motion has completed.
ROUT-040 WARN Stopped motion exists
Cause: Cannot unlock group while stopped motion exists.
Remedy: Resume stopped motion and wait until motion has completed or cancel stopped motion.
ROUT-041 ABORT Dym. disp. var. not static
Cause: Variable displayed for dynaoic display is not a static variable. Parameter may be a local or
constant. Neither of these is permitted as the displayed variable in INI_DYN_DIS calls.
Remedy: Copy constant or local variable to static variable and use this inINI_DYN_DIS* call.
ROUT-042 WARN TPE parameters do not exist
Cause: The parameter designated by param_no does not exist.
Remedy: Confirm the param_no and the parameter in CALL/MACRO command in main TPE
ROUT-043 WARN TPE parameter %s wrong data type
Cause: The parameter data type does not match the CALL/MACRO argument data type.
Remedy: Confirm the parameter data type in CALL/MACRO command in main TPE program.
ROUT-044 WARN Tag name too long
Cause: Tag name supplied in MSG_CONNECT, MSG_DISCO, or MSG_PING call was too long.
Remedy: Use tag name not over 12 characters.
ROUT-045 WARN Dictionary name too long
Cause: Dictionary name supplied in built-in call is too long.
Remedy: Use name of 4 or less characters.
ROUT-046 WARN Option array not initialized
Cause: Call to apnd_mtn_opt, write_xyzwpr, or write_joint with option array not initialized
Remedy: Initialize the array by calling INIT_MTN_OPT
ROUT-047 WARN Stream buffer full
Cause: Stream instruction program buffer is full.
Remedy: Wait for stream program execution to complete more instructions, then retry.
ROUT-048 WARN Stream not active
Cause: The streaming program is not currently running.
Remedy: Issue the function on an active stream program.
ROUT-049 WARN Invalid motion options
Cause: The motion option data supplied in the motion write routine call is not valid, or does not
match the specified motion type.
Remedy: Initialize and fill the motion options correctly.
ROUT-050 WARN SET comment builtin string too long
Cause: A string containing over 16 characters passed as comment argument in SET_TPE_CMT call.
Argrument truncated to 16 characters.
Remedy: Use comment string of 16 or fewer characters.