Fanuc RIPE Alarm Codes

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Fanuc RIPE Alarm Codes

RIPE-001 WARN Time is resynchronized
Cause: System network timing has been lost. The system has automatically been reestablished.
Remedy: If this continues to happen, the physical Network wiring configuration and setup should be
checked for errors. Usually this is just a result of a re-power of one of the controllers.
Cause: System network timing has been lost but the system has automatically reestablished timing.
Remedy: If this continues to happen, the configuration and setup should be checked for errors.
RIPE-003 WARN FRS:ROSIPCFG.XML has %d warnings
Cause: The syntax of ROSIPCFG.XML is not correct.
Remedy: Consult TD:RIPINIT.TXT for detailed warnings and correct them.
RIPE-004 WARN Tracking error
Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
RIPE-006 WARN Bad destination CPU ID
Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
RIPE-007 WARN %s is offline
Cause: This is a notification that a robot has gone offline. This is posted whenever a member robot
is turned off or unplugged.
Remedy: None
RIPE-008 WARN %s is online
Cause: This is a notification that a robot has gone offline. This is posted whenever a member robot
is turned on or plugged in.
Remedy: None
RIPE-009 WARN Member data is updated
Cause: Information about a member is updated. This is only posted in a system which is not
automatically synchronized.
Remedy: None
RIPE-010 WARN %s has been reset
Cause: The indicated robot has had its protocol reset. This might be the cause of some other error.
Remedy: None
RIPE-011 WARN This robot is not in the ring
Cause: The IP address of this robot is not found anywhere in FRS:ROSIPCFG.XML.
Remedy: The configuration must include the correct IP addresses.
RIPE-012 WARN Initial time synchronization
Cause: An initial tick time synchronization has occured. This message is posted after all robots
are powered up.
Remedy: None
RIPE-013 WARN Robot not found in ring data
Cause: A robot specified in a destination is not part of the ring defined in ROSIPCFG.XML.
Remedy: The configuration must include information on all robots in the ring.
RIPE-014 WARN Packet is too large
Cause: The system has attempted to send a packet which is too large. The limit is 1472 bytes.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
RIPE-015 WARN Packet cannot round trip
Cause: A packet sent to all robots cannot be a round trip packet.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
RIPE-016 WARN Robot time not synchronized
Cause: A call was made to get network tick before the system ticks are synchronized.
Remedy: Wait for the synchronized message before requesting tick value.