Fanuc R-J3iC Controller

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Introduction the Fanuc R-J3iC

The Fanuc R-J3iC controller stands as an evolution from its predecessor, the R-J3iB, representing a newer generation in Fanuc’s controller lineup.. It debuted between 2006 and 2009, sharing features akin to the FANUC R-30ia controller and subsequently transitioning to the R-30ia nomenclature around 2010.

Cabinet Variants and Robot Compatibility:

Cabinet Styles:

  • Larger robots, exemplified by the FANUC M-710ic/50 RJ3IC, employ the B-cabinet style housing a larger essential servo amplifier (FANUC A06B-6107-H002).
  • Smaller robots, like the versatile FANUC M16ib, offer flexibility in utilizing either the A or B cabinet style based on their operational needs.

Enhanced Performance and Capabilities:

  • Improved Motion and Application Performance:
    • The RJ3IC surpasses the R-J3IB, exhibiting enhanced motion dynamics and application performance, amplifying operational efficiency.
  • Integration of Vision Systems:
    • Integration of 2D and 3D vision systems elevates operational capabilities significantly, broadening application potential.
  • Vibration Control Enhancement:
    • Enhanced vibration control enables faster acceleration and deceleration, effectively reducing cycle times.

Functionalities and Technical Specifications:

  • Operating System and Security Features:
    • Operates on the FANUC operating system, ensuring quick start-up times and heightened security measures.
  • Control and Axis Management:
    • Capable of controlling multiple robots and managing up to 40 FANUC motor-based axes concurrently.
  • Built-in Features and Options:
    • Boasts built-in Ethernet, dual check safety, collision detection, and servo monitoring, with additional options including Devicenet and CClink.

R-J3iC Comparison with R-30iA Controller:

  • The RJ3iC was released by Fanuc in 2006, later transitioning to the R-30iA, primarily differing only in names.
  • The R-30iA introduces the R-30iA Mate, a compact, stackable version of the R-30iA, besides sharing similarities with the RJ3iC.
  • Both controllers can control up to 40 axes of motion, including 4 robots and another 16 auxiliary axes, and offer improved vision system functionality.
  • The ergonomic design of teach pendants in both the R-30iA and RJ3iC ensures user-friendly operation, featuring lightweight construction, large screens to prevent eye strain, and user-friendly touch screens.

Conclusion: The RJ3iC and R-30iA exhibit striking similarities, representing essentially the same system. They both carry the esteemed Fanuc name, emphasizing the tradition of quality and reliability synonymous with the brand.

Soure: Fanuc

Fanuc A-Cabinet, B-Cabinet and Mate-Cabinet
Fanuc A-Cabinet, B-Cabinet and Mate-Cabinet