Fanuc PWD Alarm Codes

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Fanuc PWD Alarm Codes

PWD-001 WARN Login (%s) %s
Cause: A user with Install level access logged in.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-002 WARN Logout (%s) %s
Cause: A user with Install level access logged out.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-007 WARN Password Timeout (%s)
Cause: A user was logged out because of a password timeout.
Remedy: Log in, if required. Adjust the timeout value if it is too short.
PWD-008 NONE Create program %s.TP
Cause: A teach pendant program was created.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-009 NONE Delete program %s.TP
Cause: A teach pendant program was deleted.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-010 NONE Rename %s.TP as %s.TP
Cause: A teach pendant program was renamed.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-011 NONE Set %s.TP subtype from %s to %s
Cause: A teach pendant program subtype was changed. For example, a .TP program was changed to
a Macro (.MR).
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-012 NONE Set %s.TP comment
Cause: A teach pendant program comment was edited.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-013 NONE Set %s.TP group mask
Cause: The group mask of a teach pendant program was changed.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-014 NONE Set %s.TP write protect on
Cause: Write protection was enabled for the program. This helps prevent mistaken edits of the
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-015 NONE Set %s.TP write protect off
Cause: Write protection was disabled for the program. The program can be edited.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-016 NONE Set %s.TP ignore pause on
Cause: The ignore pause feature was enabled for the program.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-017 NONE Set %s.TP ignore pause off
Cause: The ignore pause feature was disabled for the program.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-018 NONE Write line %d, %s.TP
Cause: A teach pendant program line was edited.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-019 NONE Delete line %d, %s.TP
Cause: A teach pendant program line was deleted.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-020 NONE Write pos %d, %s.TP
Cause: A teach pendant program position was recorded.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-021 NONE Delete pos %d, %s.TP
Cause: A teach pendant program position was deleted.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-022 NONE Renumber pos %d as %d, %s.TP
Cause: A teach pendant program position number was changed.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-023 NONE Set application data %s.TP
Cause: For some tool products, a teach pendant program may contain application related data.
This message indicates the data has changed.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-024 NONE Delete application data %s.TP
Cause: For some tool products, a teach pendant program may contain application related data.
This message indicates some data was deleted.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-025 NONE Load %s
Cause: The named file was loaded.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-026 NONE Load %s as Program %s
Cause: The named file was loaded. The program name may differ from the file name.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-027 NONE Edit %s Sch %d %s
Cause: A schedule was edited. Press HELP for more information.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-028 NONE Copy %s Sch %d to %d
Cause: The data in a schedule was copied to another schedule.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-029 NONE Clear %s Sch %d
Cause: The schedule was cleared, meaning the values were set to zero.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-030 NONE (%s to %s)%s
Cause: This message is used to provide detailed information for PWD-027. For example: PWD -027
Edit Weld Sch 1 Voltage PWD -030 (24.0 to 25.0) Volts
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
Cause: The Operator password level does not have access to the FULL MENUS. Either a timeout
occurred or a user logged out.
Remedy: Press the TP MENUS hardkey and select SETUP PASSWORDS. Log in with either the
Install, Setup, or Program password level. Press the TP FCTN hardkey and select QUICK/FULL
MENUS to return to FULL MENUS.
PWD-032 WARN Login (%s) %s from SMON
Cause: A user with Install level access logged in from SMON.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-033 WARN Login (%s) %s from KCL
Cause: A user with Install level access logged in from KCL.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-034 WARN Login (%s) %s from Teach Pendant
Cause: A user with Install level access logged in from Teach Pendant.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-035 WARN Login (%s) %s from CRT/Keyboard
Cause: A user with Install level access logged in from CRT/Keyboard.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-036 WARN Logout (%s) %s from SMON
Cause: A user with Install level access logged out from SMON.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-037 WARN Logout (%s) %s from KCL
Cause: A user with Install level access logged out from SMON.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-038 WARN Logout (%s) %s from Teach Pendant
Cause: A user with Install level access logged out from SMON.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-039 WARN Logout (%s) %s from CRT/Keyboard
Cause: A user with Install level access logged out from SMON.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use for tracking operations performed by the users.
PWD-050 WARN Pwd Timeout (%s) from SMON
Cause: A user was logged out because of a password timeout from SMON.
Remedy: Log in, if required. Adjust the timeout value if it is too short.
PWD-051 WARN Pwd Timeout (%s) from KCL
Cause: A user was logged out because of a password timeout from KCL.
Remedy: Log in, if required. Adjust the timeout value if it is too short.
PWD-052 WARN Pwd Timeout (%s) from Teach Pendant
Cause: A user was logged out because of a password timeout from Teach Pendant.
Remedy: Log in, if required. Adjust the timeout value if it is too short.
PWD-053 WARN Pwd Timeout (%s) from CRT/Keyboard
Cause: A user was logged out because of a password timeout from CRT/Keyboard.
Remedy: Log in, if required. Adjust the timeout value if it is too short.
PWD-054 WARN Login (%s) %s from Internet
Cause: A user with Install level access logged in from the Internet.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use to track operations performed by the users.
PWD-055 WARN Logout (%s) %s from Internet
Cause: A user with Install level access logged out from the Internet.
Remedy: This is a status message you can use to track operations performed by the users.
PWD-060 WARN Pwd Timeout (%s) from Internet
Cause: A user was logged out because of a password timeout from the Internet.
Remedy: Log in if required. Lengthen the timeout value from the SETUP Passwords menu if it is
too short.
PWD-067 WARN Edit operation not allowed
Cause: You attempted to perform an operation that was password protected.
Remedy: You must log in using the SETUP Passwords menu. If the operation is still not allowed, you
might need to contact the user at your site with INSTALL level permissions to change your level.
PWD-068 WARN Menu access is not allowed
Cause: You attempted to display a menu that was password protected.
Remedy: You must log in using the SETUP Passwords menu. If the operation is still not allowed, you
might need to contact the user at your site with INSTALL level permissions to change your level.
PWD-069 WARN Operation password protected
Cause: You attempted to perform an operation that was password protected.
Remedy: You must log in using the SETUP Passwords menu. If the operation is still not allowed, you
might need to contact the user at your site with INSTALL level permissions to change your level.
PWD-070 WARN Passwords disabled
Cause: Passwords have been disabled.
Remedy: To enable passwords, go to the SETUP Passwords menu, press LOGIN and reenter the
INSTALL user password.