Fanuc PROG Alarm Codes

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Fanuc PROG Alarm Codes

PROG-001 ABORT Invalid pointer is specified
Cause: This indicates an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
PROG-002 ABORT Invalid task name is specified
Cause: The task name specified is invalid.
Remedy: Check the task name.
PROG-003 ABORT Invalid prog name is specified
Cause: The program name specified is invalid.
Remedy: Check the program name.
PROG-005 WARN Program is not found
Cause: The specified program cannot be found.
Remedy: Check the program name.
PROG-006 WARN Line is not found
Cause: The specified line number cannot be found.
Remedy: Check the line number.
PROG-007 WARN Program is already running
Cause: The specified program is already being executed.
Remedy: Check the program name.
PROG-008 WARN In a rtn when creating a task
Cause: Execution cannot be started in sub-routine program.
Remedy: Check the line number.
PROG-009 WARN Line not same rtn as paused at
Cause: Resumption was attempted at a different line from the paused line.
Remedy: Check the line number.
PROG-010 WARN Not same prg as paused
Cause: Resumption was attempted in a different program from the paused one.
Remedy: Check the program name.
PROG-011 PAUSE Cannot get the motion control
Cause: Motion control cannot be obtained.
Remedy: Check the teach pendant enable switch and other running programs to determine who has
motion control.
PROG-012 WARN All groups not on the top
Cause: There is paused motion later than motion that was attempted to resume.
Remedy: Resume the motion paused the last time.
PROG-013 WARN Motion is stopped by program
Cause: This motion was paused by the MOTION PAUSE instruction. Only the RESUME MOTION
program instruction can can resume the motion.
Remedy: Use RESUME MOTION instruction in the program.
PROG-014 WARN Max task number exceed
Cause: The number of programs you attempted to start exceeded the maximum number.
Remedy: Abort dispensable programs or perform a CTRL start and select PROGRAM INIT option to
increase the number of tasks allowed.
PROG-015 WARN Cannot execute backwards
Cause: Backward execution cannot be used.
Remedy: Do not use backward execution at this point
PROG-016 WARN Task is not found
Cause: The specified task is not running or paused.
Remedy: Check the task name. The task name is always the name of the program that was run. The
task name will not change even if the running program calls a routine from a different program.
PROG-017 WARN Task is not running
Cause: The specified task is not running.
Remedy: Check the task name.
PROG-018 ABORT Motion stack overflowed
Cause: Too many programs are paused.
Remedy: Resume or abort some programs.
PROG-019 WARN Ignore pause request
Cause: The request to pause the program was ignored.
Remedy: Change the NOPAUSE task attribute or use the KCL PAUSE command with the FORCE
PROG-020 WARN Task is already aborted
Cause: The specified program was already aborted.
Remedy: Check the program name.
PROG-021 WARN Ignore abort request
Cause: The request to abort the program was ignored.
Remedy: Change the NOABORT task attribute or use the KCL ABORT command with the FORCE
PROG-023 WARN Task is not paused
Cause: The specified program is not paused.
Remedy: Pause the program.
PROG-024 WARN Not have motion history
Cause: The motion path record is lost.
Remedy: Do not attempt backwards execution at this time.
PROG-025 WARN Cannot execute backwards
Cause: Backward execution cannot be used.
Remedy: Do not use backwards execution here.
PROG-026 WARN No more motion history
Cause: Backward execution cannot be used any more. The current line is on top of the memorized
Remedy: Do not use backwards execution here.
PROG-027 WARN Invalid task number
Cause: The task number specified is invalid.
Remedy: Check the task number.
PROG-029 WARN Buffer size is not enough
Cause: This indicates an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
PROG-030 WARN Attribute is not found
Cause: The specified task attribute is not found.
Remedy: Check the attribute.
PROG-031 WARN Attribute is write protected
Cause: The specified task attribute is write protected.
Remedy: Do not try to change the attribute.
PROG-032 WARN Invalid value for attribute
Cause: The value for the specified attribute is invalid.
Remedy: Check the attribute value.
PROG-034 WARN Routine not found
Cause: The specified routine cannot be found.
Remedy: Check the routine name and verify it is loaded.
PROG-035 WARN Not locked the specified group
Cause: Motion control for the specified group cannot be locked.
Remedy: Check the teach pendant enable switch and other running programs to determine who has
motion control.
PROG-036 WARN The length of trace array is 0
Cause: Not enough memory or the task attribute is not set correctly.
Remedy: Set the trace buffer length using the KCL SET TASK TRACELEN command.
PROG-037 WARN No data in the trace array
Cause: There is no execution record in memory.
Remedy: Turn on tracing using the KCL SET TRACE ON command.
PROG-039 WARN locked, but not get mctl
Cause: Motion control for the specified group was reserved, but it cannot be obtained.
Remedy: Check the teach pendant enable switch and other running programs to determine who has
motion control.
PROG-040 PAUSE Already locked by other task
Cause: Motion control for the specified group was already reserved by another program.
Remedy: Check the other running programs to determine who has motion control.
PROG-041 WARN mctl denied because released
Cause: Motion control is released. The teach pendant currently has motion control. The robot
cannot be started until motion control is obtained.
Remedy: Disable the teach pendant.
PROG-042 WARN Already released
Cause: Motion control was already released.
Remedy: If you had expected that the task may have already released the group, this may not be an
error. Otherwise, check UNLOCK_GROUP usage.
PROG-043 WARN Already released by you
Cause: Motion control was already released by request of this program.
Remedy: If you had expected that the task may have already released the group, this may not be an
error. Otherwise, check UNLOCK_GROUP usage.
PROG-044 WARN Arm has not been released yet
Cause: Motion control was not released yet.
Remedy: If you had expected that the task may have already locked the group, this may not be an
error. Otherwise, check LOCK_GROUP usage.
PROG-045 WARN Other than requestor released
Cause: Motion control was already released by the request of another program.
Remedy: If you had expected that another task may have already released the group, this may not be
an error. Otherwise, check UNLOCK_GROUP usage.
PROG-046 PAUSE TP is enabled while running (%s^7)
Cause: The teach pendant was enabled while the program is executing.
Remedy: Disable the teach pendant and resume the program.
PROG-047 PAUSE TP is disabled while running (%s^7)
Cause: The teach pendant was disabled while the program is executing.
Remedy: Enable the teach pendant and use shift-FWD to resume execution.
PROG-048 PAUSE Shift released while running (%s^7)
Cause: The shift key was released while the program is executing.
Remedy: Hold the shift key and press the FWD key to resume execution.
PROG-049 WARN Cannot release, robot moving
Cause: Motion control cannot be released because the robot is moving.
Remedy: Check the status of robot motion.
PROG-050 WARN Abort still in progress
Cause: The program is in the process of being aborted.
Remedy: Wait a second. If this error continues to occur, perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2.
On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT
and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the
error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
PROG-051 WARN Cannot skip the return stmt
Cause: The specified lines to which a move was attempted exceed the number of lines in the program.
Remedy: Check the line number.
PROG-052 ABORT Process is aborted while executing
Cause: The user application task was forced to abort while the application is executing. The AMR
may not have been completely processed.
Remedy: This requires no special action for the user.
PROG-053 ABORT User AX is not running
Cause: The user application task was not executed.
Remedy: Start the user application task before executing the application.
PROG-054 PAUSE FWD released while running (%s^7)
Cause: FWD key was released while the program is executing.
Remedy: Hold the FWD key with shift key to resume execution.
PROG-055 PAUSE BWD released while running (%s^7)
Cause: BWD key was released while the program is executing.
Remedy: Hold the BWD key with shift key to resume execution.
PROG-056 ABORT Motion data out is enable
Cause: Motion data output function is enable instead of machin lock id disable.
Remedy: Please disable motion data output in test cycle menu.