Fanuc PRIO Alarm Codes
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Fanuc PRIO Alarm Codes
PRIO-001 WARN Illegal port type code
Cause: The port type code specified is invalid. This error code can be returned by several of the
Digital I/O-related builtins (e.g., SET_PORT_ASG) when an invalid port type code is supplied.
Remedy: Use one the port types defined in IOSETUP.KL.
PRIO-002 WARN Illegal port number
Cause: The port number is invalid or not presently assigned. Port numbers must be in the range of
1-32767. However, operator panel (SOP) port numbers can be zero. In most cases (e.g., DOUT[n] =
Off and calls to the SET_PORT_SIM builtin), the specified port already must be assigned.
Remedy: Correct the port number.
PRIO-003 SYST No memory available
Cause: Memory required for this operation is not available.
Remedy: Delete unneeded KAREL programs and/or variables to free memory.
PRIO-004 WARN Too few ports on module
Cause: There are not enough ports on the specified board or module to make the specified
assignments. This error code can be returned from the SET_PORT_ASG built-in.
Remedy: Correct either the first port number or the number of ports.
PRIO-005 WARN bad port number
Cause: The specified port number in an assignment is invalid. Port numbers must be in the range of
1 – 32767.
Remedy: Correct the port number so that it is within the valid range.
PRIO-006 WARN bad port number
Cause: The specified port number in an assignment (e.g., DIN[1] = ON) is invalid. The port number
must be in the range of 1 – 32767.
Remedy: Correct the port number so that it is within the valid range.
PRIO-007 WARN No match in SET_PORT_ASG de-assign
Cause: This error code is returned by the KAREL built-in SET_PORT_ASG when it is used as
ade-assign request (with a physical port type of zero) and the logical ports specified are not presently
Remedy: Correct the port number.
PRIO-008 WARN physical ports not found
Cause: The physical port to which ports are being assigned in a SET_PORT_ASSIGN built-in
call does not exist.
Remedy: Correct the rack number, slot number, port type, or port number.
PRIO-009 WARN number of ports invalid
Cause: The number of ports in a SET_PORT_ASG call is invalid. This must be in the range of 1 –
128 for digital port types (e.g., DIN), 1-16 for groups, and 1 for analog port types.
Remedy: Correct the number of ports, so that it is within the valid range.
PRIO-010 WARN bad physical port number
Cause: An invalid physical port number is specified in a call to the KAREL built-in SET_PORT_ASG.
This must be greater than 0.
Remedy: Correct the physical port number, so that it is greater than 0.
PRIO-011 WARN Assignment overlaps existing one
Cause: The port numbers in a SET_PORT_ASG call overlap existing assignments.
Remedy: Correct the first port number or number of ports or delete existing assignment using the
Digital I/O CONFIG screen or a SET_PORT_ASG call with physical port type zero.
PRIO-012 WARN Bad board address
Cause: The rack and/or slot number specified in a call of the KAREL built-in SET_PORT_ASG is
invalid or refers to an unused rack/slot number.
Remedy: Correct the rack and/or slot number.
PRIO-013 WARN No analog input sequence for bd
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an analog input sequence that has not been defined.
Remedy: Check the rack and/or slot number and that an analog input sequence has previously been
PRIO-014 WARN Analog input sequnce too long
Cause: The specified analog input sequence is too long; sequences must have from 1 to 15 ports
Remedy: Supply a sequence of an appropriate length.
PRIO-017 WARN I/O point not simulated
Cause: Attempt to set the state of an input port that is not simulated.
Remedy: Use the I/O menu or the SET_PORT_SIM KAREL built-in to set the port simulated or do
not set the port.
PRIO-020 STOP I/O Link comm error %x, %x, %x, %x (hex)
Cause: Indicates that an error has been detected in communication between the MAIN CPU PCB and
the process I/O board, Model-A I/O racks, or Model-B I/O interface units. The most common causes
of this are the following: o Power to a remote I/O rack or Model-B I/O interface unit is interrupted. o
The cable between the MAIN CPU PCB and the process I/O board, racks, or Model-B interface units
has been disconnected or is faulty. o Electrical interference between the I/O cables and other cables.
This can be eliminated by physically separating the I/O cables from other wiring. In very electrically
noisy environments, it might be necessary to use optical isolators with these cables.
Remedy: Check the cabling between theMAIN CPU PCB (JB-18 connector) and the process I/O
board and/or model A or B interface modules. Check power to the remote Model A I/O racks and
model B I/O interface modules. If corrections to these do not correct the problem, check the four
numbers displayed in this error message. The first value must be interpreted bit-wise. If a bit is 1, the
corresponding condition has been detected: Bit 0: (CFER) A CRC or framing error has been detected
by the SLC-2 chip on the MAIN CPU PBC. This is most frequently the result of the problems listed
above. Otherwise, it might indicate faulty SLC-2 chip, wiring between this and the JB-1B connector
on the main PCB, or faulty process I/O, model-A I/O rack, or model-B interface unit. Bit 1: (CALM)
An error has been detected by a slave SLC-2 (process I/O board, Model-A rack, or Model B interface
unit). More information is provided by the second number displayed with the PRIO-020 error. Bit 2:
(CMER) A communication error has been detected by a slave SLC-2. The potential causes are similar
to those for a CFER. Bit 3: (IPRER): Internal parity error accessing SLC-2 internal RAM. This
indicates a faulty SLC-2 chip. In this case, the third and fourth numbers displayed with the PRIO-020
error is the address and and data for which the error was detected. This indicates a faulty SLC-2 chip.
Bit 4: (OPRER): Parity error accessing external RAM by the SLC-2 chip. This might indicate bad
DRAM or CMOS memory on the MAIN CPU PCB. Bit 5: (ALMI): Indicates an alarm signalled from
outside the SLC-2. Check the controller Alarm Log for other errors reported. Bit 6: (BSY): Auto
scan is running. This might be either 0 or 1 and does not indicate an error. Bit 7: (CEND): Auto-scan
cycle has completed. This might be either 0 or 1 and does not indicate an error. The second number
displayed is significant only if the CMER bit above is one. Bits 0-4: Indicate the position in the I/O
Link chain of the slave unit in which error was detected. A value of 1 indicates the unit connected
directly to the I/O LINK connector. Bit 5 (CFER): Indicates a CRC or framing error detected by the
slave SLC-2. The causes are similar to those for a CFER error detected by the MAIN CPU SLC-2. Bit
6 (ALMI): Indicates an error asserted outside the slave SLC-2. This may indicate a problem with
process I/O board, model-B I/O rack, or model-B interface unit hardware. Bit 7 (SYALM): Indicates a
watchdog alarm or parity error detected by the slave SLC-2. This may indicate a problem with the
process I/O board, model-A rack, or model-B interface unit.
PRIO-021 SYST Unknown I/O hardware
Cause: An unknown device is connected to the I/O Link connector. This device is not recognized by
the current controller software version.
Remedy: Replace the device with a device that is compatible with the current software or install a
version of software that recognizes the device.
PRIO-022 SYST Too much I/O data on I/O link
Cause: The devices connected to the I/O Link exceed the I/O link capacity. A total of 64 bytes of
data each are available for input and output devices connected to the I/O link. Process I/O boards
typically use 16 bytes of input and 16 bytes of output each. Digital modules generally use one byte for
each 8 ports. Analog modules generally use two bytes per port
Remedy: Disconnect some devices.
PRIO-023 WARN No ports of this type
Cause: There are no ports of the type (e.g., GIN) specified in an I/O statement or built-in call.
Remedy: Change the port type, add I/O hardware with the required type of ports, or define ports (e.g.,
GIN or GOUT) of the specified type.
PRIO-033 WARN PLC interface init. fault %d
Cause: The PLC interface board is bad or not installed.
Remedy: Check that the PLC interface board is properly installed. Check the LED status on PLC
interface board. Refer to the Remote I/O interface for an Allen-Bradley PLC manual, or the Genius
Network Interface for GE FANUC manual.
PRIO-034 WARN PLC interface general fault %d
Cause: The PLC interface board is faulted.
Remedy: Check the LED status on the PLC interface board. Refer to the Remote I/O interface for an
Allen-Bradley PLC manual or the Genius Network Interface for GE FANUC manual.
PRIO-035 WARN PLC interface serial fault %d
Cause: The serial link to a PLC has failed.
Remedy: Check the LED status on PLC interface board. Refer to the Remote I/O interface for an
Allen-Bradley PLC manual or the Genius Network Interface for GE FANUC PLC manual.
PRIO-037 SYST Not supported for spec. port type
Cause: The operation is not supported for the specified port type.
Remedy: Check the specified port type.
PRIO-063 WARN Bad I/O asg: rack %d slot %d
Cause: One or more assignments to the process I/O board or module at the specified rack and slot
was invalid when the controller was turned on.
Remedy: Check the connections and power to the board or rack and that the module(s) are firmly
installed. If the board or module has been permanently removed, moved to a different Model A slot
or had its switch settings changed (model B), use the CONFIG option on the Digital I/O menu to
delete or update the assignment(s).
PRIO-070 WARN PLC interface option not loaded
Cause: An A-B RIO or Genius Network board is installed but the PLC software option is not installed.
Remedy: Install the PLC I/O (A-B/GENIUS) software option. Refer to the Remote I/O interface for
an Allen-Bradley PLC manual or the Genius Network Interface for GE FANUC manual.
PRIO-072 WARN Too many pulses active
Cause: The maximum of number of concurrent pulse output statements is 255.
Remedy: Modify program logic to ensure that not over 255 pulses are active at one time.
PRIO-076 WARN PLC I/O hardware not installed
Cause: A PLC I/O board is not installed in the backplane.
Remedy: Install a PLC I/O board into the backplane Refer to the installation procedure in the
Remote I/O interface for an Allen-Bradley PLC manual or the Genius Network Interface for GE
FANUC manual.
PRIO-081 STOP I/O is not initialized
Cause: This indicates that an severe error has occured during I/O initialization at controller power-up.
Other messages in the log will indicate the specific problems.
Remedy: Check other error messages displayed on the TP alarm screen. The conditions indicated
by these messages need to be corrected and the controller powered down and up before the robot
can be used.
PRIO-083 STOP Digital I/O is not recovered
Cause: Digital output port states are not recovered when semi-hot start is enabled because I/O device
configuration or assignments have changed. All outputs will be reset to OFF.
Remedy: Cold start the application.
PRIO-089 STOP PMC is not supported on this hardware
Cause: PMC function is not supported on this main board.
Remedy: Change main board or remove PMC function. If you need clear this alarm, please turn
off K17.2 (SDO[10139]). PMC does not run at power up, and this alarm does not occur until you
order to run PMC program.
PRIO-090 WARN SNPX communication error
Cause: Error occurs at SNPX communication.
Remedy: Please refer cause code.
PRIO-091 STOP Op panel comm error(ch:%d) %x, %x (hex)
Cause: Indicates that an error has been detected in communication between the MAIN PCB and
Panel PCB.
Remedy: Check the cabling between the MAIN PCB and Panel PCB.
PRIO-092 STOP Force sensor comm error %x, %x (hex)
Cause: This indicates that an error has been detected in communication between the MAIN PCB
and the Force sensor.
Remedy: Check the cabling between the MAIN PCB and Force sensor.
PRIO-093 STOP Fuse blown Rack:%d Slot:%d
Cause: Fuse on process I/O board is blown.
Remedy: Please replace the fuse.
PRIO-094 STOP Overload Rack:%d Slot:%d DO:%d-%d
Cause: The specified DO may be grounded.
Remedy: Please check the connection of the specified DO.
PRIO-095 STOP Overload %s
Cause: The DO of the specified connector might be grounded.
Remedy: Check the connection of the DO of the specified connector.
PRIO-100 STOP Model B comm fault %srack:%d slot:%d
Cause: Communication between the Model B interface unit and DI/DO units, or between DI/DO
units, is lost.
Remedy: Check the power and cabling from Model B interface unit and DI/DO unit, or between
DI/DO units.
PRIO-102 WARN Cycle power to restart PLC I/O
Cause: The PLC Interface hardware (A-B RIO or Genius Network PCB) is already running and can
not be restarted without cycling power.
Remedy: Turn off and then turn on the controller.
PRIO-104 STOP Device is off-line
Cause: An attempt has been made to access to a port assigned to a device or board which is offline.
This might be the result of an error or device having been set offline manually.
Remedy: For DeviceNet ports, troubleshoot as follows: Check the status of the DeviceNet board
using the Digital I/O DeviceNet screen. If the status field for the board is OFF, set it ONLINE. If the
status is ERROR, check the following: 1.) The daughter board is installed on the Interface board.
2.) There is power on the network. If these do not indicate a problem, set the board ONLINE. If the
board is ONLINE, check the DEV LST screen entry for the indicated device. If the status field
for the device is OFF, set it ONLINE. If the status is ERROR, check the following: 1. The device
is physically present on the network. 2. The baud rate is set correctly. 3. There are not devices
with duplicate MAC-Id’s on the network. 4. The device with the required MAC-Id is the device
type indicated in the DEV LST screen.
PRIO-106 STOP Device with port is off-line
Cause: An attempt was made to access a port assigned to a device which is offline. For DeviceNet
ports, troubleshoot as follows: This might be caused by an error or the device being manually set
Remedy: First, determine the port type and number being accessed. Then use the appropriate Digital
I/O CONFIG screen to determine the DeviceNet board and device MAC-Id to which the port is
assigned. Check the status of the DeviceNet board using the Digital I/O DeviceNet screen. If the
status field for the board is OFF, set it ONLINE. If the status is ERROR, check the following: 1.)
The daughter board is installed on the Interface board. 2.) There is power on the network. After the
problem is corrected, use the Digital I/O DeviceNet DEV LST screen to set the board ONLINE. If the
board is ONLINE, check the DEV LST screen entry for the indicated device. If the status field for the
device is OFF, set it ONLINE. If the status is ERROR, check the following: 1. The device is physically
present on the network. 2. The baud rate is set correctly. 3. There are no devices with duplicate
MAC-Id’s on the network. 4. The device with the required MAC-Id is the device type indicated in the
DEV LST screen. Once the problem is corrected, use the DEV LST screen to set the device ONLINE.
PRIO-119 WARN Too many DIGITAL I/O ports
Cause: There are too many DIGITAL I/O ports.
Remedy: Disconnect some DIGITAL I/O devices.
PRIO-121 WARN Stop PMC program
Cause: You can not do this operation when PMC peogram is running.
Remedy: Please stop PMC program execution.
PRIO-125 SYST SLC2 initialization error
Cause: The SLC2 is in an error state at the end of initialization.
Remedy: Check SYSFAIL of the other PCB. Also check the main PCB.
PRIO-126 WARN No PMC program
Cause: PMC program does not exit.
Remedy: Download PMC program.
PRIO-127 WARN PMC file load error
Cause: PMC program format is incorrect.
Remedy: Download PMC program again.
PRIO-128 PAUSE T,C,K and D data may be lost
Cause: Saving of keep relay (K), Timer (T), Counter (C) and Data table (D) at last power down is
failed. Current data of them may be old value.
Remedy: Load PARAM.PMC file.
PRIO-129 WARN SUB%d is not supported
Cause: Illegal function command is found in PMC program.
Remedy: Please check PMC program.
PRIO-130 WARN PMC option is not installed
Cause: Integrated PMC option (A05B-2400-J760) is not installed.
Remedy: Please install Integrated PMC option.
PRIO-131 WARN PMC file name error
Cause: 1. File name must be LADDER.PMC ot PARAM.PMC. The other file name is used for save
or load. 2. Device name to access is too long.
Remedy: 1. Change file name to LADDER.PMC for PMC program, PARAM.PMC for PMC
parameter file. 2. Make device name string short.
PRIO-132 WARN PMC operation is locked
Cause: One of the following is locked by another task. PMC program edit, DI/O port simulation
change, PMC program backup.
Remedy: Please try again later, or use the other method.
PRIO-133 WARN PMC program size is too big
Cause: Step of PMC program is too big.
Remedy: Please check PMC program step size.
PRIO-134 WARN Invalid PMC addr %s%d.%d
Cause: The specified PMC address is not valid for PMC.
Remedy: Please check the address in the PMC program.
PRIO-135 WARN PMC address is not assigned
Cause: Specified PMC address is not assigned to any device.
Remedy: Please check address in PMC program.
PRIO-136 WARN BYTE access to %s%d.%d
Cause: Specified PMC address can not be used as byte address.
Remedy: Please check address in PMC program.
PRIO-137 WARN BIT access to %s%d.%d
Cause: Specified PMC address can not be used as bit address.
Remedy: Please check address in PMC program.
PRIO-138 WARN %s%d is used in SUB%d
Cause: Specified address can not be used in specified function command. – F0-F255 and G0-G255
can not be used except MOVW. – Odd address of F0-F255 and G0-G255 can not be used in MOVW.
Remedy: Please check address in PMC program.
PRIO-139 WARN Invalid CNC addr %x.%x(hex)
Cause: Specified CNC address is invalid.
Remedy: Please check PMC type of FAPT LADDER II.
PRIO-140 WARN Can’t display all PMC errors
Cause: There are more than 10 errors in PMC program. And error display is stoped. There may
be more errors.
Remedy: Check the other PMC errors.
PRIO-141 WARN Invalid PMC program
Cause: PMC program data is invalid.
Remedy: Chack PMC program, and load again.
PRIO-142 WARN Need E-STOP or CTRL start
Cause: To write PMC progeam to flash file, E-SOP must be pressed or start mode is controlled start.
Remedy: Press E-STOP or do controlled start.
PRIO-143 PAUSE Writting PMC program to ROM
Cause: You can not clear alarm status during writting PMC program program to ROM.
Remedy: Press wait until writing PMC program is completed.
PRIO-144 PAUSE Faild to run PMC program
Cause: Faild to run PMC program.
Remedy: Refer to the previous error messages.
PRIO-145 PAUSE Purging flash file, please wait
Cause: Purging flash file now. It takes a few minutes. Don’t cut power until ‘Flash file purge
is completed’ is displayed.
Remedy: It is message only.
PRIO-146 WARN Flash file purge is completed
Cause: Purge of flash file is completed.
Remedy: It is message only.
PRIO-147 SYST DIO config file too new
Cause: The DIO configuration file (.IO) file loaded is in a format that is too new to load on this
Remedy: Save the DIO configuration on a compatible version and load this file.
PRIO-148 SYST DIO config file too old
Cause: The DIO configuration file (.IO) file loaded is in a format that is too old to load on this
Remedy: Save the DIO configuration on a compatible version and load this file.
PRIO-149 WARN Invalid assignment recorded
Cause: An invalid port assignment has been recorded
Remedy: No action is neccesary; the invalid assignment will not be in effect until it is corrected
or the DIO configuration is changed.
PRIO-150 STOP CNET Card Init Error Bd %d
Cause: The ControlNet card failed to initialize. Possible problems can be the following: * The board
system variable for firmware is invalid. Correct the value or restore the system variables. * The
board firmware is not supported. Restore system variables. If necessary reload the controller. * The
card or the motherboard is defective
Remedy: Look at possible causes. Remedies are mentioned therein.
PRIO-151 WARN CNET Internal Error 0x%x
Cause: ControlNet option encountered an internal error. The number is the system error in
Remedy: Please look up the error to find the root cause.
PRIO-152 WARN CNET Invalid Scan Config Bd %d
Cause: The configuration loaded on the CNET daughterboard is invalid.
Remedy: Reload the configuration from the config tool. For adapter mode, verify that all paramters
are correct. Verify that EDS files used for the config tool are valid. Verify that the configuration of the
scan- list is valid in the config tool.
PRIO-153 WARN CNET Conn. Ownership Conflict
Cause: The target connection is already owned by some other device.
Remedy: Verify all connections to the target device from all scanners on the network. Inputs to a
device cannot be multicast
PRIO-154 STOP CNET Duplicate Mac ID Bd %d
Cause: Duplicate MAC-ID detected
Remedy: Check MAC-IDs of all devices on the network
PRIO-155 STOP CNET Network Error Bd %d
Cause: The CNET card is not attached to the network.
Remedy: Check wiring to the card. Check for duplicate MAC-ID. Ensure that there is atleast one
other device on the network.
PRIO-156 STOP CNET Er %s Bd %d MAC %d
Cause: The connection for the device Mac listed encountered an error. The Er number is the
ControlNet error code.
Remedy: Refer to cause code if listed. If not, refer to the ControlNet error code in the System
manual or the ControlNet specification
PRIO-157 STOP CNET Err Loading BIN file Bd %d
Cause: The firmware for the card could not be loaded.
Remedy: Refer to cause code. Verify Board sys vars to check for validity of values
PRIO-158 WARN CNET File Not Found
Cause: The firmware file was not found
Remedy: Verify Board sysvars $CN_BD_INFO[%d] are set correctly.
PRIO-159 WARN CNET Cycle pwr to restart scan
Cause: Scan list was modified. ControlNet interface is stopped.
Remedy: Cycle power to the controller for the changes to take affect.
PRIO-160 STOP CNET Connections Broken Bd %d
Cause: All connections to the card are broken. No I/O is exchanged and all ports are Offline. This
happens when a network configuration is being performed or the Scan list is being changed.
Remedy: Finish the change. When the network is completed, the connections will be restored. If scan
list is changed, the power will have cycled for the interface to the restarted.
PRIO-161 WARN CNET Network Change Occuring
Cause: A config tool is performing a network change.
Remedy: Finish the change. When the network is completed, the connections will be restored. If scan
list is changed, the power will have cycled for the interface to the restarted.
PRIO-162 WARN CNET Connections Restored Bd %d
Cause: The CNET interface has restored the connections.
Remedy: This is a caution message to the user.
PRIO-163 WARN CNET Network Change Complete
Cause: The config tool has completed the network change.
Remedy: This is a caution message to the user.
PRIO-164 STOP CNET Scan list modified Bd %d
Cause: A config tool has modified the scan list of the interface card.
Remedy: At this point, a network config needs to performed using a network config tool such as
PRIO-165 WARN CNET Connection Not Found
Cause: The interface could not establish a connection as it was not found.
Remedy: Verify the scan-list configuration and match it with the target device. Verify the connection
paths. The connection path expected by the scan- list can be found in the EDS file for the target
device. The connection path supported by the target device can be found in its documentation. Verify
that the target device and the EDS file used by the Scanner config match.
PRIO-166 WARN CNET Invalid Connection Type
Cause: Invalid connection type in scanlist.
Remedy: Use correct EDS file in the scan-list config tool and reload the scan-list.
PRIO-167 WARN CNET Vend ID/Prod. Code Mismatch
Cause: The vendor ID of the device in the scan-list and that of the actual device do not match.
Remedy: Use correct EDS file and reconfigure the scan-list of the CNET interface on the system.
PRIO-168 WARN CNET Invalid Connection Size
Cause: The connection size of the device in the scanlist does not match the target device.
Remedy: Verify correct size and reload the scan-list using the config tool
PRIO-169 WARN CNET Device Not Configured
Cause: The connection has not been scheduled
Remedy: Run a network configuration tool such as RSNetworx and configure the network.
PRIO-170 WARN CNET Product Type Mismatch
Cause: The Product Type of the device in the scan-list and that of the actual device do not match.
Remedy: Use correct EDS file and reconfigure the scan-list of the CNET interface on the system.
PRIO-171 WARN CNET Maj/Min Revision Mismatch
Cause: The Major/Minor revison of the device in the scan-list and that of the actual device do not
Remedy: Use correct EDS file and reconfigure the scan-list of the CNET interface on the system.
PRIO-172 WARN CNET Target App Out of Conn.
Cause: The target device does not have enough connections
Remedy: Close some connections to target device.
PRIO-173 WARN CNET Needs Network Config.
Cause: The connection has not been scheduled
Remedy: Run a network configuration tool such as RSNetworx and configure the network.
PRIO-174 WARN CNET Connection Lost
Cause: The connection to the remote device is lost.
Remedy: Check network connections. Check to see that the remote device is online. Check the
status of the remote device.
PRIO-175 WARN CNET Bad Device State
Cause: The device is not in correct state to respond to this connection request.
Remedy: Run a network configuration tool such as RSNetworx and configure the network. Check if
any other scanner has exisiting connection to the device.
PRIO-176 WARN CNET Connection Request Failed
Cause: Remote device refused the connection. This could be due to an invalid connection path.
Remedy: Verify that the correct EDS file is being used for the device. Check the target device
PRIO-177 WARN CNET Invalid configuration
Cause: The Card has an invalid scan-list configuration.
Remedy: Check the configuration on the scanner config tool. Verify correct EDS files are used.
Verify Input and Output sizes to devices.
PRIO-178 WARN Blk scns lost; %d %d %d
Cause: A group of consecutive scans were lost; if n1=1, scans were lost on the main processor; if
n1 = 2, scans were lost on the communications processor; n2 = number of lost scans; if n2 is less
than 5, this may not be a serious problem; n3 = total scans since pwr up since power-up. Generally
indicates overloading of the indicated processor.
Remedy: Review software configuration to determine how loading can be reduced.
PRIO-179 WARN Run scns lost; %d %d %d
Cause: A group of scans were lost within a run of 100 scans. If n1=1, scans were lost on the main
processor; if n1 = 2, scans were lost on the communications processor; n2 = number of lost scans; if
n2 is less than 20, this may not be a serious problem; n3 = total scans since pwr up since power-up.
Generally indicates overloading of the indicated processor.
Remedy: Review software configuration to determine how loading can be reduced.
PRIO-180 WARN CNET Sys Err %d %d 0x%x
Cause: An element could not be added to the system I/O scan When this error is posted, ControlNet
I/O is not Operational. Possible causes are: * Invalid Configuration of scanner scan list * Too many
I/O points for any given CNET device * Too many I/O points in the whole system
Remedy: Verify all I/O is valid. Check all CNET devices and ensure the sizes are resonable. Max
I/O is limited by that allowed for the system.
PRIO-181 WARN CNET Conn. Req. Timeout
Cause: Target device did not respond to the connection request.
Remedy: Verify that the target device is online and the status is OK. Verify that correct EDS file was
used for the Scan-list configuration in the scanner configuration tool.
PRIO-182 WARN CNET CCO Change Aborted
Cause: Network change was aborted. Connections will be restored and I/O will be exchanged.
Remedy: This is a caution message.
PRIO-183 WARN Unknown port type name
Cause: Unrecognized port type name supplied to tpptnptc
Remedy: Supply name from element tp_daio_tp_names_c in tpdaio*.utx
PRIO-184 WARN CNET Connection Idle
Cause: The target (adapter) connection is idle. A scanner has not connected yet. All the ports
corresponding to this device will be offline.
Remedy: Check the remote scanner configuration. Check the sizes and other configuration
parameters such as vendor ID, product code, product type, revision and connection path and verify
they are correct. Verify that the scanner is online.
PRIO-185 WARN CNET Config Er %d %d
Cause: There is an error with the Scan-list configuration.
Remedy: Refer to the cause code.
PRIO-186 WARN CNET Invalid Header size
Cause: The input header size in case of scanner mode or the output header size in case of adapter
is invalid.
Remedy: Enter a valid header size. The valid header is less that or equal to the total connection size.
The total connection size is a sum of the I/O size and the header size.
PRIO-187 WARN CNET Invalid Num of Slots
Cause: The number of slots for the device in the scan is invalid.
Remedy: Verify the configuration in the scanner config tool and reload the configuration. Verify
that the EDS files are valid.
PRIO-188 PAUSE Sim. Skip output not defined
Cause: There is no output defined for the Simulated Input Skip featue and a WAIT instruction
containing a skipped input is being executed.
Remedy: Define the Simulated Input Skip output using the System Config menu.
PRIO-189 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) WAIT will time out
Cause: The input used in this WAIT instruction is simulated and is designated as Skip When
Simulated. This WAIT instruction will timeout and program exection will proceed with the next line.
Remedy: None. This is only a warning to indicate that a Simulated Input Skip will occur.
PRIO-196 WARN AB-RIO Config Error, Slot %d
Cause: There was a problem with a rack configuration. The slot will indicate which rack
configuration. The problem might be one of the following:
1. The rack number is not between 0 & 31
2. The rack size or ending rack boundary is larger than the 128 I/O (full rack) maximum (eg. start
group at 4 and a size of more than half a rack).
Remedy: Correct the rack configuration on the AB-RIO user interface.
PRIO-197 WARN AB-RIO Slot %d Idle
Cause: The I/O connection associated with this slot is not actively exchanging I/O. Note that the
alarm severity (STOP or WARN) is affected by the error severity setting on the AB-RIO configuration
screen. The last state setting on this screen affects the state of the inputs.
Remedy: Check the wiring, baud rate, and PLC configuration.
PRIO-198 WARN AB-RIO Slot %d in Test/Prog
Cause: The plc is in test mode, program mode, or the connection might be inhibited in the PLC. Note
that the alarm severity (STOP or WARN) is affected by the error severity setting on the AB-RIO
configuration screen. The last state setting on this screen affects the state of the inputs.
Remedy: Check that the PLC is in run mode and that the connection is not inhibited in the PLC setup.
PRIO-220 WARN EGD Producer name/IP not init
Cause: EGD Producer name/IP address is not initialized.
Remedy: On the EGD screen, type the robot IP address in the &qout;Producer Name/IP:&qout; field.
PRIO-221 WARN EGD Consumer size misconfigured
Cause: The amount of input consumed does not match the configured size.
Remedy: Check the EGD producer and make sure the configured producer size matches the
configured consumer size.
PRIO-222 WARN EGD Consumer init failed
Cause: The EGD Consumer task initilization failed. The consumer module is not loaded on the robot.
Remedy: The consumer module is not loaded on the robot. Re-load the EGD option.
PRIO-223 WARN EGD Producer socket error
Cause: The EGD Producer was unable to create a UDP network socket.
Remedy: This alarm generally implies that the Ethernet or TCP/IP interface is not set up correctly.
For example, if no IP address is defined, then the Ethernet/IP cannot initialize. Verify network
connectivity using the ping utility (on the robot and also on the local PC).
PRIO-224 WARN EGD System Error
Cause: An EGD System Error has occurred.
Remedy: Turn off the controller, then turn it on again.
PRIO-225 WARN EGD Consumer timeout – Id:%d
Cause: The EGD Consumer timed-out while waiting for an I/O message from an EGD Producer.
Remedy: Press RESET to clear the error. Check the EGD Producer device to verify that it is
functioning properly. Check the EGD Consumer timeout value. Typically, the EGD timeout value
should be three times the EGD Producer’s interval. Refer to the Ethernet Global Data Setup and
Operations Manual for more information.
PRIO-226 WARN EGD Consumer socket create error
Cause: The EGD Consumer was unable to create a UDP network socket.
Remedy: This alarm generally implies that the Ethernet or TCP/IP interface is not set up correctly.
For example, if no IP address is defined, then the Ethernet/IP cannot initialize. Verify network
connectivity using the ping utility (on the robot and also on the local PC).
PRIO-227 WARN EGD Consumer socket bind error
Cause: The EGD Consumer was unable to bind to a UDP network socket.
Remedy: This alarm generally implies that the Ethernet or TCP/IP interface is not set up correctly.
For example, if no IP address is defined, then the Ethernet/IP cannot initialize. Verify network
connectivity using the ping utility (on the robot and also on the local PC).
PRIO-228 WARN EGD System error – Code:%x
Cause: EGD System Error. A general system failure has occurred.
Remedy: Turn off the controller, then turn it on again.
PRIO-230 WARN Ethernet/IP Adapter Error (%d)
Cause: The Ethernet/IP Adapter Connection running on the robot is enabled and has an error. Refer
to additional cause code text for further details.
Remedy: Alarm severity can be modified on the EtherNet/IP adapter configuration screen on a per
connection basis, and last state behavior can be modified with $EIP_CFG.$KEEP_IO_ADP. Refer to
the Ethernet/IP Setup and Operations Manual for more information.
PRIO-231 WARN Ethernet/IP Adapter Idle
Cause: The Ethernet/IP Adapter connection is enabled but no scanner has been connected to it. Note
that it is normal to see this message when the controller first is turned on since the scanner (eg. PLC)
might not connect to the robot immediately after the robot has been turned on. The PLC will retry the
connection again so normally the connection is made shortly after powerup.
Remedy: Configure the scanner (eg. PLC) to connect to the robot. Press RESET to clear alarm. An
alarm will be reposted if the connection is still idle.
PRIO-232 WARN Ethernet/IP Not Initialized
Cause: The Ethernet/IP Adapter was not able to initialize.
Remedy: This alarm generally implies that the Ethernet or TCP/IP interface is not set up correctly.
For example, if no IP address is defined, then the Ethernet/IP cannot initialize. Verify network
connectivity using the ping utility (on the robot and also on the local PC).
PRIO-233 WARN Ethernet/IP Scn Not in Run Mode
Cause: An EtherNet/IP scanner is connected to the robot adapter in IDLE mode. No I/O data will be
Remedy: Put the scanner in run mode, and retry the operation.
PRIO-268 WARN IO LinkII(M) RX Buf overflow
Cause: Fail to run Cell Finder Motn Cannot start the Cell Finder motion.
Remedy: Clear all the errors before executing Cell Finder.
PRIO-320 STOP CC-LK System error(ID=%x)(%d)
Cause: An internal system error occurred.
Remedy: Contact FANUC’s service site. The ID number in the brackets is necessary to track the
PRIO-321 WARN CC-LK Board not installed
Cause: No CC-Link Remote Device Station PCB is installed.
Remedy: Install the CC-Link Remote Device Station PCB.
PRIO-322 STOP CC-LK St.No out of range(%d)
Cause: A station number out of the range (1 to 64) was occupied.
Remedy: Change the Station No. or Number of Stations on the CC-Link SETUP screen.
PRIO-323 WARN CC-LK CRC error(%d)
Cause: A CRC error was detected.
Remedy: Confirm the connection of CC-Link cable and terminal registers, and countermeasures to
noise. Set the Baud rate to match the Master station’s baud rate.
PRIO-324 STOP CC-LK Data link error(%d)
Cause: This Remote Device station left the data link. The CC-Link cable were disconnected or the
Master station was turned off.
Remedy: Confirm the connection of CC-Link cable and the status of the Master station. NOTE If you
turn on the Remote Device station while the CC-Link cable is disconnected or the Master station is
off, this alarm will NOT be posted.
PRIO-325 STOP CC-LK Seq. CPU stopped(%d)
Cause: The sequencer CPU stopped.
Remedy: Confirm the status of the sequencer. NOTE This alarm is detected correctly only while the
Remote Device station is exchanging data with the Master station.
PRIO-326 STOP CC-LK Seq. CPU abnormal(%d)
Cause: The sequencer CPU is abnormal.
Remedy: Confirm the status of the sequencer. NOTE This alarm is detected correctly only while the
Remote Device station is exchanging data with the Master station.
PRIO-327 STOP CC-LK Reg index error(%d)
Cause: A non-existent register was used.
Remedy: Change Number of Registers or Reg start index on the CC-Link SETUP screen.
PRIO-328 STOP CC-LK AO/R too many(%d)
Cause: Too many AOs or Registers were assigned to RWr.
Remedy: Change the Number of AOs and Number of Registers on the CC-Link SETUP screen.
PRIO-329 STOP CC-LK AI/R too many(%d)
Cause: Too many AIs and Registers were assigned to RWw.
Remedy: Change Number of AIs and Number of Registers on the CC-Link SETUP screen.
PRIO-330 STOP CC-LK PNTtoUOP not enough(%d)
Cause: The number of points of RX/RY to be assigned to UOP are not enough.
Remedy: Change the Number of Stations on the CC-Link SETUP screen.
PRIO-350 WARN Ethernet/IP Scanner Error (%d)
Cause: The Ethernet/IP Scanner Connection running on the robot is enabled and has an error. Refer
to additional cause code text for further details.
Remedy: Alarm severity can be modified using the EtherNet/IP advanced scanner configuration screen
on a per connection basis, and last state behavior can be modified with $EIP_CFG.$KEEP_IO_SCN.
Refer to the Ethernet/IP Setup and Operations Manual for more information.
PRIO-351 WARN Ethernet/IP Cannot Open Socket
Cause: The EtherNet/IP Scanner was not able to open a TCP or UDP network socket.
Remedy: This alarm generally implies that the Ethernet or TCP/IP interface is not set up correctly.
For example, if no IP address is defined, then the Ethernet/IP cannot initialize. Verify network
connectivity using the ping utility (on the robot and also on the local PC).
PRIO-352 WARN Ethernet/IP Cannot Bind Socket
Cause: The EtherNet/IP Scanner was not able to bind a TCP or a UDP network socket.
Remedy: This alarm generally implies that the Ethernet or TCP/IP interface is not set up correctly.
For example, if no IP address is defined, then the Ethernet/IP cannot initialize. Verify network
connectivity using the ping utility (on the robot, and also on the local PC).
PRIO-353 WARN Ethernet/IP Send Error
Cause: The EtherNet/IP Scanner was not able to send information on a TCP or UDP network socket.
Remedy: This alarm generally implies that the Ethernet or TCP/IP interface is not set up correctly.
For example, if no IP address is defined, then the Ethernet/IP cannot initialize. Verify network
connectivity using the ping utility (on the robot and also on the local PC).
PRIO-354 WARN Ethernet/IP Cannot Resolve Name
Cause: The EtherNet/IP Scanner could not resolve the Adapter host name.
Remedy: Verify the Name/IP Address entered in the Scanner Configuration Screen is valid. Try
to ping the address from the main EtherNet/IP screen. If using DNS, verify the DNS is properly
configured. If using Host Name tables (LOCAL and/or SHARED), verify the tables are properly
configured. Press RESET to restart the scanner connection.
PRIO-355 WARN Ethernet/IP Connect Error
Cause: The EtherNet/IP Scanner was not able to connect to the adapter device on a TCP network
Remedy: Verify the Robot and the Adapter device are both connected to the network. Check the
adapter device and verify it is running properly. Ping the adapter device from the robot. Press RESET
to restart the scanner connection.
PRIO-356 WARN Ethernet/IP List Serv Failed
Cause: The EtherNet/IP Scanner did not receive a List Services Reply message from the adapter.
Remedy: Verify the Robot and the Adapter device are both connected to the network. Check the
adapter device and verify it is running properly and verify that EtherNet/IP is enabled on the adapter.
Ping the adapter device from the robot. Press RESET to restart the scanner connection.
PRIO-357 WARN Ethernet/IP Reg Sess Failed
Cause: The EtherNet/IP Scanner did not receive a Register Session Reply message from the adapter.
Remedy: Check the adapter device and verify that EtherNet/IP is enabled. Press RESET to restart
the scanner connection.
PRIO-358 WARN Ethernet/IP Fwd Open Failed (0x%x)
Cause: The EtherNet/IP Scanner either did not receive a ForwardOpen Reply message from the
adapter, or the Scanner received a ForwardOpen Reply message indicating a failure to establish an
I/O connection.
Remedy: Verify the Scanner settings in the Scanner Configuration screen are correct. Review the
adapter manual for the correct settings. Verify that the adapter does not currently have a duplicate
explicit owner connection (another scanner device already connected to the same connection points).
Check the adapter device and verify that EtherNet/IP is enabled. Press RESET to restart the scanner
PRIO-359 WARN Ethernet/IP I/O Timeout Error
Cause: The EtherNet/IP Scanner timed-out while waiting for an I/O message from the adapter.
Remedy: Press RESET to restart the scanner connection. Check the adapter to verify it is functioning
PRIO-360 WARN Ethernet/IP Adp Not in Run Mode
Cause: The EtherNet/IP adapter to which the robot scanner is connected is in IDLE mode. No
input data will be committed.
Remedy: Put the adapter in RUN mode.
PRIO-490 WARN Modbus TCP Server Error
Cause: The Modbus TCP Server running on the robot is enabled and has an error. Refer to additional
cause code text for further details.
Remedy: Alarm severity and last state behavior can be modified using the Modbus TCP Slave
configuration screen. Refer to the Modbus Setup and Operations Manual for more information.
PRIO-493 WARN Modbus Socket Error
Cause: The Modbus TCP Server was not able to open and use a TCP network socket.
Remedy: This alarm generally implies that the Ethernet or TCP/IP interface is not set up correctly.
For example, if no IP address is defined, then the TCP/IP stack cannot initialize. Verify network
connectivity using the ping utility (on the robot, and also on the local PC).
PRIO-494 WARN Modbus Active Close
Cause: A Modbus TCP master device is trying to establish a connection with the robot Modbus slave,
but the server is already using all available connections. This is a warning alarm and will only be
posted the first time this happens after each power-cycle. Per the Modbus TCP protocol, when a new
connection request arrives and there are no unused connections, the oldest connection will be closed,
and the new connection request will be accepted.
Remedy: Increase the number of connections using the Modbus TCP screen.
PRIO-495 WARN Modbus Timeout
Cause: The Modbus TCP server timed-out while waiting for an I/O message from a Modbus TCP
Remedy: Check the Modbus TCP client to verify it is functioning properly. Adjust the robot Modbus
TCP timeout if necessary.
PRIO-499 WARN Modbus System Error
Cause: Modbus TCP System Error. A general system failure has occurred.
Remedy: Turn off the controller, then turn it on again. If the error still occurs, document the events
that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative