Fanuc PALT Alarm Codes

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Fanuc PALT Alarm Codes

PALT-001 ABORT Inadequate register value
Cause: The column/row/layer number is illegal.
Remedy: Confirm the palletizing register.
PALT-004 ABORT Increment value is ill
Cause: The increment value of the palletizing CONFIG screen is illegal.
Remedy: Correct the increment value.
PALT-010 ABORT Route pattern unfound
Cause: The route pattern is unfound.
Remedy: Check the route pattern in the palletizing route pattern screen.
PALT-024 ABORT Calculation error occured
Cause: Palletizing data is incomplete.
Remedy: Verify that you have taught all the bottom points and route points.
PALT-026 ABORT Cannot read/write to PL[]
Cause: Cannot read/write to palletizing register.
Remedy: Check the palletizing register index.
PALT-030 WARN Pallet number is over max
Cause: Do not teach more than 16 palletizing instructions.
Remedy: Do not teach more than 16 palletizing instructions in this program. Reteach the program.
PALT-031 WARN Can not be set FREE or INTER
Cause: In FREE configuation, can not be set INTER over two directions.
Remedy: In FREE configuation, can be set INTER only one direction (ROW, COLUMN or LAYER).
PALT-033 WARN This speed type isn’t supported
Cause: The palletizing option does not support this speed type.
Remedy: Select the other motion statement.
PALT-034 WARN Layer pattern num was 0.Changed to 1
Cause: The layer pattern number was 0. Because this is an illegal value, change the layer pattern
number to 1.
Remedy: Delete the pallet instruction and teach it again.
PALT-035 ABORT Group 1 is not set up.
Cause: If Motion group 1 is not set up, The Palletizing option is not avaiable.
Remedy: Set up Motion group 1.