Fanuc MOTN Alarm Codes

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Fanuc MOTN Alarm Codes

MOTN-000 WARN Unknown error (MO00)
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: The system may have been corrupted. This may have been caused by any of a number of
reasons including: Incorrect loading and setup loading incompatible options, mixing software version
when adding options and other memory corruption problems. The following is a list of possible
remedies: 1. Perform a cold start. 2. Perform an init start and setup the robot again 3. Confirm
that any options or additional software not on the original software distribution media is the same
version number. If the main system software was supplied on several disks or memory cards, make
sure that you are using a matched set. Also make sure that the installation manual being used is for
this version of software. If any of the software version are not matched, a complete re-load with the
correct software will be necessary. 4. Confirm that no incompatible or mutually exclusive option have
been loaded. 5. Full software reload. 6. If the error is not cleared, document the events that led to
the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
MOTN-001 STOP Internal error in osmkpkt
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-002 STOP Internal error in ossndpkt
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-003 STOP Internal error in oswrtmbx
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-004 STOP Internal error in ossigflg
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-005 STOP Internal error in osclrflg
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-006 STOP Internal error in osrcvpkt
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-007 STOP Internal error in osredmbx
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-008 STOP Internal error in oswaiflg
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-009 STOP Normal Single Step / BWD stop
Cause: System executes normal Single Step or Backward motion stop
Remedy: This is a normal condition. No action is required
MOTN-010 STOP Internal error in osathpkt
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-011 STOP Internal error in osdltpkt
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-012 STOP Invalid softpart MIR
Cause: Invalid softpart MIR
Remedy: Make sure the correct basic motion softpart is installed
MOTN-013 STOP Invalid softpart SEG
Cause: Invalid softpart SEG
Remedy: Make sure the correct basic motion softpart is installed
MOTN-014 WARN unknown error (MO14)
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-015 WARN unknown error (MO15)
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-016 WARN unknown error (MO16)
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-017 STOP Limit error (G:%d^2, A:%x^3 Hex)
Cause: Limit error
Remedy: Reteach the position out of limits
MOTN-018 STOP Position not reachable
Cause: Position not reachable Or near by singularity
Remedy: Reteach the position that is not reachable
MOTN-019 WARN In singularity
Cause: Position near by singularity
Remedy: Reteach the position that is near a singularity point.
MOTN-020 WARN Wristjoint warning
Cause: Wrist joint warning
Remedy: Wrist joint warning
MOTN-021 STOP No kinematics error
Cause: No kinematics
Remedy: Use joint motion
MOTN-022 STOP Invalid limit number
Cause: Invalid limit number
Remedy: Set limit number correctly
MOTN-023 STOP In singularity
Cause: The position is near a singularity point.
Remedy: Reteach the position that is near a singularity point.
MOTN-024 STOP Kinematics not defined
Cause: Kinematics is not defined
Remedy: Define Kinematics
MOTN-025 WARN unknown error (MO25)
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-026 FATAL MMGR initialization error
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-027 FATAL PLAN initialization error
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-028 FATAL INTR initialization error
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-029 FATAL FLTR initialization error
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-030 STOP Internal error in MMGR:PEND
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-031 STOP Internal error in MMGR:ESEG
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-032 STOP Internal error in MMGR:PRSD
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-033 STOP Internal error in MMGR:GNL
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-034 STOP Internal error in MMGR_MMR
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-035 STOP Internal error in MMGR_MIR
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-036 STOP Internal error in MMGR:MSTR
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-037 STOP Internal error in MMGR:MDON
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-038 STOP Internal error in MMGR:CAN
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-039 STOP Internal error in MMGR:FCAN
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-040 STOP Internal error in MMGR:CAND
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-041 STOP Internal error in MMGR:PSTR
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-042 STOP Internal in MSSR
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-043 STOP Internal error in MMGR:EPKT
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-044 STOP Internal error in MMGR:ERR
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-045 STOP Internal error in pro. start
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-046 STOP Internal error in MMGR:LSTP
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-047 STOP Internal error in MMGR:PRST
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-048 STOP unknown error (MO48)
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-049 STOP Attempt to move w/o calibrated
Cause: Robot not calibrated
Remedy: Calibrate the robot.
MOTN-050 STOP Invlaid spdlim (G:%d^2 A:%x^3 H)
Cause: Invalid joint speed limit
Remedy: Set $SPEEDLIMJNT correctly
MOTN-051 STOP Speed out of range (G:%d^2)
Cause: Speed out of range
Remedy: Set speed correctly
MOTN-052 STOP Jntvellim out of range (G:%d^2)
Cause: Joint vel limit out of range
Remedy: Set $JNTVELLIM correctly
MOTN-053 STOP Internal planner error (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-054 STOP Uninitialized dest pos (G:%d^2)
Cause: Uninitialized destination position
Remedy: Teach destination position
MOTN-055 STOP Uninitialized via pos (G:%d^2)
Cause: Uninitialized via position
Remedy: Teach via position
MOTN-056 WARN Speed limits used (G:%d^2)
Cause: Speed limits used
Remedy: This is just a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning message.
MOTN-057 STOP Invalid mir (G:%d^2)
Cause: Invalid packet received by planner
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-058 STOP Invalid cancel request (G:%d^2)
Cause: Invalid cancel request received by planner
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-059 STOP Null segment received (G:%d^2)
Cause: Planner received null seg when not expecting one
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-060 STOP Uninitialized base vec (G:%d^2)
Cause: Uninitialized base vector in relative moves
Remedy: Initialize base vector
MOTN-061 STOP Uninitialized distance (G:%d^2)
Cause: Uninitialized distance in relative moves
Remedy: Initialize distance
MOTN-062 STOP Invalid position type (G:%d^2)
Cause: Invalid position type received by planner
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-063 STOP Position config change (G:%d^2)
Cause: Configuration mismatch
Remedy: Reteach the destination position so that its configuration string matches the start position’s
configuration string.
MOTN-064 STOP Rs orientation error (G:%d^2)
Cause: RS orientation planning error
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-065 STOP AES orientation error (G:%d^2)
Cause: AES orientation planning error
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-066 STOP Degenerate circle (G:%d^2)
Cause: Degenerate circle
Remedy: Reteach via and/or destination positions
MOTN-067 STOP Ata2 error in circle (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal system error during circular planning
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-068 STOP Invalid Prgoverride (G:%d^2)
Cause: Prgoverride is not within 0 to 100
Remedy: Set $prgoverride within 0 to 100
MOTN-069 STOP Error in mocmnd (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal error: planner received invalid mocmnd
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-070 STOP Error in motype (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal error: planner received invalid motype
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-071 STOP Error in termtype (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal error: planner received invalid termtype
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-072 STOP Error in segtermtype (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal error: planner received invalid segtermtype
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-073 STOP Error in orientype (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal error: planner received invalid orientype
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-074 STOP Error in speed (G:%d^2)
Cause: Speed is not within 0 to $speedlim
Remedy: Set speed within 0 to $speedlim
MOTN-075 STOP Error in rotspeed (G:%d^2)
Cause: Rotspeed is not within 0 to $rotspeedlim
Remedy: Set Rotspeed within 0 to $rotspeedlim
MOTN-076 STOP Error in contaxisvel (G:%d^2)
Cause: Contaxisvel is not within 0 to 100
Remedy: Set contaxisvel to within 0 to 100
MOTN-077 STOP Error in seg_time (G:%d^2)
Cause: Seg_time is negative
Remedy: Set seg_time positive
MOTN-078 STOP Error in accel_ovrd (G:%d^2)
Cause: Accel_ovrd greater than 500
Remedy: Set accel_ovrd within 0 to 500
MOTN-079 STOP Error in accu_num (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal error: planner received invalid accu_num
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-080 STOP Via position required (G:%d^2)
Cause: Missing via position for circular motion
Remedy: Teach via position
MOTN-081 STOP Extended position error (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal error: planner received invalid extended position representation
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-082 STOP Null mir pointer (G:%d^2)
Cause: NULL MIR pointer
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-083 STOP Illegal SEG recvd (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal error: planner received segment belonging to another group
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-084 STOP Illegal CONSEG recvd (G:%d^2)
Cause: Not used
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-085 STOP Error in gp_concurrent(G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal error: planner received invalid mmr.gp_concurrent
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-086 STOP Not all CON_SEGs recvd(G:%d^2)
Cause: Group motion: not all segments are received
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-087 STOP Utool change not allowed(G:%d^2)
Cause: $utool is changed before move
Remedy: Do not change $utool for this move
MOTN-088 STOP Not cartesian move (G:%d^2)
Cause: Motype is not cartesian
Remedy: Must set motype to cartesian
MOTN-089 STOP Segment not planned (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal plan error:seg in list not all planned
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-090 STOP MIR mismatch (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal plan error:mir mismatch
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-091 STOP Va orientation error (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal plan error:atan2 error
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-092 STOP Extended not supported (G:%d^2)
Cause: Extended axes not supported
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-093 STOP Internal PLAN blend err(G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-094 STOP Blend corner too big (G:%d^2)
Cause: Not used
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-095 WARN Can’t blend corner line:%d^5
Cause: Warning, there is not enough distance to perform corner blending
Remedy: If corner blending is still required for the line shown reteach pos further apart
MOTN-096 STOP Cart rate not equal(G:%d^2)
Cause: Intellitrak On: $linear_rate and $circ_rate must be equal
Remedy: Set $linear_rate equal to $circ_rate. cycle power
MOTN-097 SVSTOP INTR overrun %d^3 (G:%d^2)
Cause: Interpolator overrun
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-098 STOP Circle angle too large
Cause: Taught points define an arc larger than half circle
Remedy: If arc bigger than half circle is intended use two or more Circular instructions to teach the
circle. If the intended arc is smaller than half circle then circle’s via point is not between Circle’s start
and destination points. Check the taught points and make the necessary changes.
MOTN-099 STOP INTR Fail to get MIRPKT (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal interpolator error:failed to receive mir when expecting one
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-100 STOP INTR Fail to get FDO (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal interpolator error:failed to receive fdo when expecting one
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-101 STOP MIR list is empty (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal interpolator error: mir list is empty when it shouldn’t be
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-102 STOP SEG list is empty (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal interpolator error: seg list is empty when it shouldn’t be
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-103 STOP Send ENB pkt fail (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal interpolator error: error in sending ENB packet
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-104 STOP Send DSB pkt fail (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal interpolator error: error in sending DSB packet
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-105 STOP Send TRG pkt fail (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal interpolator error: error in sending TRG packet
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-106 STOP Process motion done (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal interpolator error: process motion had completed without being restarted
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-107 STOP Bad filter type (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal interpolator error: invalid filter type received
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-108 STOP INTR seglist error (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal interpolator error: error in seg list management
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-109 STOP Internal INTR error (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-110 STOP Use FINE in last L (G:%d^2)
Cause: Cannot replan joint motion in interpolator for this move
Remedy: Use FINE in last L statement
MOTN-111 WARN Can’t switch filter(G:%d^2)
Cause: Warning message to indicate that switch filter cannot take place
Remedy: This is just a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning messsage.
MOTN-112 SABRT Increment move turn Mismatch
Cause: Incremental motion causes turn number mismatch
Remedy: Change position to absolute position
MOTN-113 WARN Robot not calibrated
Cause: Robot not calibrated
Remedy: Calibrate the robot
MOTN-114 WARN Servo is on (G:%d^2)
Cause: Servo in still on
Remedy: Turn off servo
MOTN-115 WARN Invalid brake mask (G:%d^2)
Cause: Invalid brake mask
Remedy: Check brake mask
MOTN-116 WARN Invalid solution (G:%d^2)
Cause: Invalid kinematics solution
Remedy: reteach position
MOTN-117 WARN Robot not mastered (G:%d^2)
Cause: Robot not mastered
Remedy: Master the robot. Refer to the Setup and Operations Manual specific to your application.
MOTN-118 WARN Robot in over travel (G:%d^2)
Cause: Robot in overtravel
Remedy: Reset over travel jog the robot outside over travel position
MOTN-119 WARN Servo is off (G:%d^2)
Cause: Robot servo is on
Remedy: Turn off servo
MOTN-120 WARN Invalid reference position (G:%d^2)
Cause: Invalid reference position
Remedy: Check reference position
MOTN-121 WARN Invalid config. string (G:%d^2)
Cause: Invalid config string
Remedy: Reteach your config string
MOTN-122 STOP Dfilter not empty (G:%d^2)
Cause: System internal error
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-123 WARN Not enough node (G:%d^2)
Cause: System internal error
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-124 STOP INTR:Bad Mirpkt req_code(G:%d^2)
Cause: System internal error
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-125 STOP INTR got illegal pkt (G:%d^2)
Cause: System internal error
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-126 STOP Can’t init CH KPT (G:%d^2)
Cause: System internal error
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-127 STOP Can’t detatch CH PKT (G:%d^2)
Cause: System internal error
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-128 STOP Group mtn not supported(G:%d^2)
Cause: Group motion not supported
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-129 STOP Local cond ptr conflict(G:%d^2)
Cause: Conflict in local condition list pointers
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-130 STOP Non-empty local cond list(G:%d^2)
Cause: Local condition list attached to SEG is not NULL
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
MOTN-131 STOP In singularity
Cause: Position near by singularity
Remedy: Reteach position that is near a singularity point.
MOTN-132 STOP Group circ not supported(G:%d^2)
Cause: Group motion: circular motype for all groups not supported
Remedy: Reteach motype
MOTN-133 WARN Time after limit used(G:%d^2)
Cause: Local condition time after value is too big. System will use time after limit This is just
a warning
Remedy: No corrective action required
MOTN-134 STOP Can not move path backward (G:%d^2)
Cause: Backward path/subpath motion is not supported
Remedy: Remove backward command
MOTN-135 STOP Last motype can’t be circular (G:%d^2)
Cause: Backward last node motype can not be circular
Remedy: Change last node motype
MOTN-136 STOP Circular Points too close(L:%d^5)
Cause: Two of the circular taught points are too close to each other.
Remedy: Re-teach the points. Ideally circular points should be evenly spaced. Otherwise a small
change in one point can drastically change the programmed circle.
MOTN-137 STOP No circular softpart (G:%d^2)
Cause: The circular motion softpart is not loaded in the system.
Remedy: Load the circular softpart
MOTN-138 STOP No joint short motion SP (G:%d^2)
Cause: Joint short motion softpart is not loaded in the system.
Remedy: Load joint short motion softpart
MOTN-139 STOP No cart short motion SP (G:%d^2)
Cause: Cartesian short motion softpart is not loaded in the system.
Remedy: Load cartesian short motion softpart
MOTN-140 STOP No KAREL motion softpart (G:%d^2)
Cause: The KAREL motion softpart is not loaded in the system.
Remedy: Load the KAREL motion softpart.
MOTN-141 STOP No KAREL motion func. ptr (G:%d^2)
Cause: The KAREL motion function pointer is not initialized or does not exist.
Remedy: Check that the KAREL Motion softpart has been loaded, and restart the controller.
MOTN-142 STOP No Group Motion SP (G:%d^2)
Cause: The Group Motion softpart is loaded and multi-group motion is specified
Remedy: Check that the Group Motion softpart has been loaded, and restart the controller.
MOTN-143 STOP No Motion Resume SP (G:%d^2)
Cause: The Motion Resume softpart is loaded and path resume motion is specified
Remedy: Check that the Motion Resume softpart has been loaded, and restart the controller.
MOTN-144 STOP No joint Turbo Move SP (G:%d^2)
Cause: Joint Turbo Move softpart is not loaded in the system.
Remedy: Load joint Turbo Move softpart
MOTN-145 STOP No cart Turbo Move SP (G:%d^2)
Cause: Cartesian Turbo Move softpart is not loaded in the system.
Remedy: Load cartesian Turbo Move softpart
MOTN-146 STOP INTR can’t replan major axis(G:%d^2)
Cause: Mismatch in major axis turn number
Remedy: Reteach position
MOTN-147 WARN L->J replan joint slowdown (G:%d^2)
Cause: Cause: Linear motions ignore turn numbers. Therefore, when a joint motion follows several
linear motions, the turn number might be mismatched, causing the robot to slow down
Remedy: Change the current motion’s motype to linear or change the previous motion’s motype to
joint. If the problem persists, re-teach the path.
MOTN-148 WARN Can’t move concurrently (G:%d^2)
Cause: Two motion groups cannot synchronize with each other due to replanning of one group. This
will cause slow down on both groups.
Remedy: If slow down is not acceptable, re-teach the path.
MOTN-149 STOP CF:rotspeedlim exceeded line:%d^5
Cause: CF:rotspeedlim exceeded
Remedy: Set $cf_paramgp[].$cf_framenum=1 or 2 and cycle power or reduce speed or use FINE
in prev line
MOTN-151 SVSTOP PM: WPR data error (L:%d)
Cause: The rotation move exceeded the tolerance.
Remedy: Check the position data(WPR) in the IBGN file which is output to MC or PC by the
External Path Modification function. When the rotation between interpolation data is over the limit
set by system variable, $PM_GRP[g].$ROT_ERR_LIM, MOTN-151 alarm will be generated.
MOTN-152 SVSTOP PM: Can’t current record data
Cause: The IBGN instruction could not record the interpolation data.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical
MOTN-153 SVSTOP PM: Joint move fast (L:%d)
Cause: Joint angle move exceeded the tolerance.
Remedy: Joint might be move too fast because of moving around a singular point. Reteach the
point without the singularity.
MOTN-154 SVSTOP PM: I/O data error (L:%d)
Cause: Cannot output data.
Remedy: I/O data in ibgn.txt might be different from that in SENSPS.txt. Check I/O data in
MOTN-155 SVSTOP PM: No interpolation data
Cause: No interpolation data.
Remedy: Interpolated data does not exist. Check interpolation data in IBGN.txt.
MOTN-156 SVSTOP PM: Config changed(L:%d)
Cause: Configuration changed.
Remedy: The configuration has been changed. Check the configuration in IBGN.txt.
MOTN-157 STOP PM: Internal error(%d)
Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical
MOTN-158 STOP PM: Original path invalid
Cause: The original path is invalid.
Remedy: Set the original path resume function to TRUE.
MOTN-159 SVSTOP PM: Joint data error (L:%d)
Cause: Joint data is invalid. The recorded data might be near a singular point therefore the
configuration is changing.
Remedy: Retry recording the data again without the singularity.
MOTN-161 WARN (%s^4 L:%d^5) Can’t look ahead
Cause: Could not get the next motion instruction. This can happen due to: – Using unlocked position
registers – Using IF/SELECT statements – Control transfer to another program – Changing the setting
for a system variable in the program.
Remedy: Use LOCK PREG instruction to lock position registers. Remove conditional branching
(IF/SELECT) if possible. Consolidate programs if possible. Move the parameter instruction to
a different line if possible.
MOTN-170 WARN Load is close to capacity
Cause: The robot payload is close to capacity.
Remedy: Change the tool or hand to satisfy the payload condition
MOTN-171 WARN Overload
Cause: Overload.
Remedy: Change tool/hand to satisfy load condition
MOTN-172 STOP Another robot is re-linked
Cause: Another link robot was paused and restarted.
Remedy: Pause and restart all the link robot.
MOTN-173 STOP Robot link configuration error
Cause: An incorrect configuration has occurred for a linked robot.
Remedy: Confirm setup data and program detail data. Confirm that the master and slave group
numbers are set correctly in the Multi-Arm setup menu. Confirm that host names are set correctly.
MOTN-174 STOP No motion control
Cause: The attempted operation requires motion control.
Remedy: Confirm motion control status and retry the operation.
MOTN-175 STOP Failed to be MASTER
Cause: The setup or group mask in the program might be incorrect, or the robot is still moving.
Remedy: Confirm setup data and group mask in the program and retry the operation.
MOTN-176 STOP Failed to be SLAVE
Cause: The setup or group mask in the program might be incorrect, or the robot is still moving.
Remedy: Confirm that the setup data and the group mask are correct in the program.
MOTN-177 STOP Failed to end sync motion
Cause: The setup or group mask in program might be incorrect, or the robot is still moving.
Remedy: Confirm that the setup data and group mask are correct in the program.
MOTN-178 STOP Link robot is HELD
Cause: The robot link program is held.
Remedy: Confirm each link robot’s position and restart the program.
MOTN-179 STOP Robot link internal error
Cause: Cartesian filter is used for robot link.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
MOTN-180 STOP Robot link Calib-data not found
Cause: The robot link calibration data is not correct.
Remedy: Confirm that the calibration setup is correct.
MOTN-181 SABRT Robot link Version mismatch
Cause: The robot link version is not compatible with the peer robot.
Remedy: Confirm that the software version is consistent between robots.
MOTN-182 STOP Failed to get data from master
Cause: The slave robot failed to get the position data from the master robot.
Remedy: Confirm that communication status and setup data are correct.
MOTN-183 STOP Invalid MNUTOOLNUM data array
Cause: The current UTOOL number is not correct.
Remedy: Confirm UTOOL number and retry the operation.
MOTN-184 STOP Invalid MNUTOOL data array
Cause: The current UTOOL data is not correct.
Remedy: Confirm the UTOOL data and retry the operation.
MOTN-185 WARN Protect of ACK BF to be sent
Cause: Failed to send ACK from slave.
Remedy: Confirm communication status and retry the operation.
MOTN-186 WARN Protect of BCST BF to be sent
Cause: Failed to send broadcast from master.
Remedy: Confirm communication status and retry the operation.
MOTN-187 WARN Protect of ACK BF to be read
Cause: Failed to read ACK from slave.
Remedy: Confirm communication status and retry the operation.
MOTN-188 WARN Protect of BCST BF to be read
Cause: Failed to read broadcast from master.
Remedy: Confirm communication status and retry the operation.
MOTN-189 WARN Slave motion remained
Cause: The slave robot is still moving.
Remedy: Confirm that the slave program is already stopped at link end.
MOTN-190 STOP Slave cannot use JOINT pos
Cause: Joint position data is used for the slave program.
Remedy: Use XYZWPR data for the slave program.
MOTN-191 STOP Slave cannot JOINT motion
Cause: Joint motion is not available for the slave program.
Remedy: Use Cartesian motion and retry the operation.
MOTN-192 STOP UT of MASTER was changed
Cause: The UTOOL of the master robot is changed during link motion.
Remedy: Confirm that the master program is not to change the UTOOL.
MOTN-193 STOP UT of SLAVE was changed
Cause: The UTOOL of the slave robot was changed during link motion.
Remedy: Confirm that the slave program is not to change the UTOOL.
MOTN-194 STOP Machine Lock is ENABLED
Cause: Robot link is not available when machine lock status.
Remedy: Confirm the robot’s position and disable machine lock.
MOTN-195 SABRT RLINK internal error %d^5
Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical
MOTN-198 WARN CRC Start-Via too close(L:%d^5)
Cause: Circular Start and Via points are too close to each other.
Remedy: Re-teach the points. Ideally circular points should be evenly spaced. Otherwise a small
change in one point can drastically change the programmed circle.
MOTN-199 WARN CRC Via-Dest too close(L:%d^5)
Cause: Circular Via and Dest. points are too close to each other.
Remedy: Re-teach the points. Ideally circular points should be evenly spaced. Otherwise a small
change in one point can drastically change the programmed circle.
MOTN-200 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Too long anticipate time
Cause: Specified TimeBefore (anticipation) value was too large
Remedy: 1. Reteach the previous point to make motion segment longer. 2. Specify smaller
TimeBefore value.
MOTN-206 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Singular Node
Cause: This is a notice posting only. This notice shows the specific node that was correct due to a
singularity position.
Remedy: No action is required.
MOTN-208 WARN Config Not Reached (L:%d)
Cause: The Auto Singularity Avoidance function ignores the taught wrist configuration (flip/non-flip)
to avoid a detected singularity. As a result, the taught configuration might not be reached. This
warning message is posted under single-step-forward mode when the actual configuration is different
from the taught one.
Remedy: Make the taught configuration reachable by touching up the point at the stop position when
the warning message is posted under single-step-forward mode.
MOTN-209 WARN Modify Singular Dest(L:%d)
Cause: This warning message indicates that the taught position at the specific line is inside a
singularity zone. By default, the system modifies it in order to control the rotation of axis 4. If
$ra_prarmgrp[].$use_strt_j4 = TRUE, the Auto Singularity Avoidance function will internally modify
the destination position when it is inside a pre-defined singularity zone in the following way:
• The joint angle of Axis 4 is kept the same as the value of the previous position
• The TCP location (x, y and z) of the position is the same as it was taught (no location error)
• The orientation (w, p and r) of the position is kept as close to the taught position as possible
(minimal orientation error)
This warning message is posted only when the program motion is executed under T1/T2 mode and
$ra_paramgrp[].$warnmessenb = TRUE.
Remedy: If you do not want the system to modify the singularity point, set $ra_paramgrp[].$use_strt_j4
MOTN-210 STOP Failed to resume program
Cause: Original Path Resume was used for Robot Link but the Resume condition was not satisfied.
Remedy: Abort and re-run the program.
MOTN-211 STOP Dual ARC not allowed at T1
Cause: Dual ARC motion is not allowed in T1 mode.
Remedy: Switch to T2 or AUTO mode
MOTN-212 STOP Link is in held status (G:%d^2)
Cause: Jog motion of the robot in the status of Held or Link Incomplete is not allowed.
Remedy: Change status to MASTER or ALONE at MANUAL screen to jog the robot.
MOTN-215 WARN Single Step Complete (Rob#%d^2)
Cause: Single step motion stops at the taught position.
Remedy: Continue in single step mode.
Cause: Single step motion is held due to other robot stops.
Remedy: Continue in single step mode.
MOTN-217 STOP SSTEP motion line only
Cause: The Master or Slave is set to single step on the statement.
Remedy: Set step statement type to MOTION in TEST CYCLE SETUP.
Cause: Single Step engaged during a Robot Link Global time move.
Remedy: Engage Single Step only before or after a Robot Link move with Global time.
MOTN-220 STOP Group motion resume mismatch
Cause: This group motion does not have consistent resume flag.
Remedy: Abort the program and continue from the same instruction line. Or perform backward
execution on the same line, then continue the program.
MOTN-221 SABRT RLINK Broadcast data expected
Cause: An internal robot link error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
MOTN-222 SABRT RLINK Broadcast queue full
Cause: An internal robot link error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
MOTN-223 SABRT RLINK Broadcast queue empty
Cause: An internal robot link error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
MOTN-224 SABRT RLINK No output data
Cause: An internal robot link error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
MOTN-225 STOP RLINK Turn number mismatch
Cause: The wrist turn number does not match the destination during robot link.
Remedy: Reteach the program to avoid a wrist turn number mismatch.
MOTN-226 STOP RLINK Motor Speedlim
Cause: A motor speedlimit was encountered during robot link.
Remedy: Reduce the speed or reteach program to avoid motor speedlimit.
MOTN-227 STOP RLINK start sync mismatch
Cause: An internal robot link error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
MOTN-228 STOP RLINK Position number mismatch
Cause: Position numbers do not match during simultaneous robot link motion.
Remedy: Reteach programs so that the position numbers in each program correspond.
MOTN-229 STOP RLINK Internal Error
Cause: An internal robot link error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
MOTN-230 WARN T1 rotspeed limit (G:%d^2)
Cause: T1 mode rotation speed limit is used
Remedy: Reduce speed or Use (deg/sec) or sec as speed unit
MOTN-231 WARN T1 speed limit (G:%d^2)
Cause: The speed has been reduced at T1 mode even though the command speed is not greater than
Remedy: This is just a notification that the robot might move with a lower speed than in production
mode even though the command speed is not greater than safe speed.
MOTN-232 SABRT RLINK FDO queue full
Cause: An internal Robot Link error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
MOTN-233 SABRT RLINK FDO queue empty
Cause: An internal Robot Link error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
MOTN-237 SABRT RLINK option not loaded
Cause: Robot Link option is not loaded or enabled.
Remedy: You may not use robot link features without the option Please purchase and load the robot
link option
MOTN-240 STOP J4 is not zero
Cause: Given position’s J4 angle is not zero.
Remedy: Confirm position data
MOTN-241 STOP OFIX stroke limit
Cause: Given position is out of stroke limit
Remedy: Confirm position data
MOTN-242 STOP OFIX is disabled
Cause: Specified motion group is OFIX disabled.
Remedy: Confirm motion group and robot type
MOTN-243 STOP OFIX error
Cause: By error, OFIX motion is not available.
Remedy: Check cause code.
MOTN-244 STOP OFIX Detect J4 is not 0
Cause: J4 angle is not 0 at start or destination.
Remedy: Confirm position data
MOTN-245 STOP OFIX Wrist config mismatch
Cause: Configuration mismatch between start and dest pos.
Remedy: Confirm position data
MOTN-246 STOP OFIX Invalid rail vector
Cause: This robot is not setuped for OFIX
Remedy: Confirm robot type
MOTN-247 STOP E-Effector is not vertical to rail
Cause: E-Effector angle is not vertical to rail axis.
Remedy: Confirm position data
MOTN-248 STOP OFIX Too large tool rotation
Cause: Tool rotation angle is too large for 1 motion.
Remedy: Reduce tool rotation angle
MOTN-249 STOP OFIX Too large tool spin
Cause: Tool spin angle is too large for 1 motion.
Remedy: Reduce tool spin angle
MOTN-250 STOP Use CNT0/FINE for L/C before OFIX
Cause: Linear or Circular motion just before OFIX must terminate motion with CNT0 or FINE.
Remedy: Change term type of previsou motion.
MOTN-252 STOP OFIX: No plan data
Cause: Accupath or CJP may be used. OFIX does not work with these option.
Remedy: Confirm software option.
MOTN-253 STOP OFIX: Motion type mismatch
Cause: OFIX can work with linear motion.
Remedy: Confirm motion type.
MOTN-254 STOP OFIX: Detect large spin
Cause: Tool spin angle is too large.
Remedy: Confirm tool spin angle between start and destination
MOTN-255 STOP OFIX: Detect J4 is not 0
Cause: Detect J4 is not zero angle during interpolation.
Remedy: Confirm start and destination position are both J4 = 0 position.
MOTN-256 STOP OFIX: TCP config limit
Cause: Reached to stroke limit within this TCP configuration.
Remedy: Change position data.
MOTN-257 STOP Wrist start angle mismatch
Cause: Wrist axis turn number is differ from position data
Remedy: Confirm position data turn number and actual turn number. Fix turn in config data.
MOTN-258 STOP Not reached to dest rotation
Cause: OFIX motion does not reached to correct rotation angle
Remedy: Confirm destination’s wrist axis position data
MOTN-259 STOP Not reached to dest spin
Cause: OFIX motion does not reached to correct spin angle
Remedy: Confirm destination’s wrist axis position data
MOTN-265 STOP MPDT not finished(G:%d^2 A:%d^3)
Cause: There is an axis which needs to have Magnetic Phase Detection (MPDT) performed in that
group, and the MPDT has not finished for that axis.
Remedy: Execute the Magnetic Phase Detection process for that axis.
MOTN-270 STOP TB parameter error 1(G:%d^2)
Cause: The calculation of Turbo move on Joint motion has an error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
MOTN-271 STOP TB parameter error 2(G:%d^2)
Cause: The torque calculation of Turbo move due to the Turbo move parameter has an error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
MOTN-272 STOP TB parameter error 3(G:%d^2)
Cause: Calculation of Turbo move on Joint motion has an error that the iteration count is too high.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
MOTN-273 STOP TB parameter error 4(G:%d^2)
Cause: The calculation of Turbo move on Joint motion has an error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
MOTN-280 STOP LD: exceed resume tolerance
Cause: The resume motion will exceed the Linear Distance tolerance.
Remedy: Backward execute the resume motion to the previous line, then continue the program.
MOTN-281 STOP LD: Line tracking not allow
Cause: The linear distance function does not support the line tracking function.
Remedy: Remove the Linear distance instruction.
MOTN-282 STOP LD: COORD motion not allow
Cause: The linear distance function does not support Coordinated motion.
Remedy: Remove the Linear distance instruction.
MOTN-283 STOP LD: Continue motion not allow
Cause: The linear distance function does not support a Continuous motion type.
Remedy: Remove the Linear distance instruction.
MOTN-290 STOP UTOOL not supported G:%d^2
Cause: The UTOOL specified is not supported for this robot.
Remedy: Set UTOOL properly for this robot.
MOTN-291 STOP Can’t convert to joint pos
Cause: In this point, the Cartesian position can not be converted to a joint position.
Remedy: Reteach the position.
MOTN-292 STOP Encoder Limit (G:%d^2, A:%x^3 Hex)
Cause: The maximum encoder rotation limit of 4085 was exceeded.
Remedy: Reduce the gear ratio or reduce stroke of the axis or Contact FANUC Robotics for
alternative solutions.
MOTN-293 STOP Increase ITP time
Cause: The ITP time is too short for this robot.
Remedy: Increase the ITP time by at least 2ms and recycle power on the controller.
MOTN-300 STOP CD not support:Use CNT L:%d^5
Cause: Term type CD is not supported.
Remedy: Change termtype FINE or CNT.
MOTN-301 STOP Path to resume is changed(G:%d^2)
Cause: Can’t resume motion.
Remedy: Abort and run program.
MOTN-302 WARN Corner speed slowdown L:%d^5
Cause: Corner speed slows down automatically because of robot constraint.
Remedy: If slow down is not acceptable, re-teach the path.
MOTN-303 WARN Can’t maintain CDist L:%d^5
Cause: Can’t maintain corner distance because path is short or speed is high.
Remedy: Lengthen path or reduce speed.
MOTN-304 WARN CS:Prog speed achieved L:%d^5
Cause: SPD value does not affect corner speed anymore.
Remedy: This is just a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning messsage.
MOTN-305 WARN Can’t maintain speed L:%d^5
Cause: Can’t maintain program speed on the path because of robot constraint.
Remedy: This is just a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning messsage.
MOTN-306 STOP Can’t replan (G:%d^2, A:%x^3 Hex)
Cause: Resume motion cannot reach stop position Can’t resume orginal path.
Remedy: Abort program and rerun
MOTN-307 STOP Mismatch MMR (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal system error. Can’t resume orginal path.
Remedy: Abort program and rerun
MOTN-308 WARN FINE termtype used L:%d^5
Cause: Can’t generate corner between two motion because of motion instruction. And CNT or
CD is ignored.
Remedy: Use LOCK PREG instructiion when PR[] is used for positiion or OFFSET instruction is
MOTN-309 WARN Circular speed reduced L:%d^5
Cause: Circular speed is reduced because of robot contraint
Remedy: Reduce program speed not to display.
MOTN-310 STOP Pos. Cfg. change 2 (G:%d^2)
Cause: Configuration mismatch
Remedy: Reteach the destination position so that its configuration string matches the start position’s
configuration string.
MOTN-311 STOP Path to resume is changed(G:%d^2)
Cause: Can’t resume motion on the original path.
Remedy: Abort and run program. Then, the resumed motion may not be on the original path.
MOTN-312 STOP Can’t resume in single step CJ
Cause: Can’t resume motion in single step mode.
Remedy: Abort program and rerun.
MOTN-313 STOP Can’t resume motion CJ(2)
Cause: Can’t resume motion on the original path.
Remedy: Abort and run program. Then, the resumed motion may not be on the original path.
MOTN-314 SABRT Can’t resume motion CJ(3)
Cause: Can’t resume motion on the original path due to motion condition.
Remedy: Abort and run program. Then, the resumed motion may not be on the original path.
MOTN-315 STOP Command speed is changed CJ
Cause: Can’t resume motion on the original path due to command speed change.
Remedy: Modify back the command speed, or abort program
MOTN-316 STOP Override change not allowed
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
Cause: CJLP does not support Resume Prog Error Recovery. The function was loaded but disabled
by CJLP.
Remedy: Do not attempt to use Resume Prog.
MOTN-318 STOP unknown error (MO318)
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered by the user during normal
Remedy: Refer to Remedy of MOTN-000
MOTN-319 STOP CRC large orient change (G:%d^2)
Cause: Small circle but large orientation change
Remedy: Reteach circular points
MOTN-320 WARN Adj out of limit at line %s
Cause: An unreachable position is detected in the adjustment precheck
Remedy: Check the alarm log to find out at which position motion error will occur, use CLR_Adj
to clear the adj value
MOTN-321 WARN Posn unreachable at line %s
Cause: An unreachable position is detected in the adjustment precheck
Remedy: Check the alarm log to find out at which position motion error will occur, use CLR_Adj
to clear the adj value
MOTN-331 STOP CR not support:Use CNT L:%d^5
Cause: Term type CR is not supported.
Remedy: Change termtype FINE or CNT.
MOTN-340 STOP Fast fault recovery
Cause: This is notification for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when the alarm
position is found.
Remedy: N/A
MOTN-341 WARN NO Z offset for INC motion
Cause: Z offset is specified for INCREMENTAL motion. Z offset can not be applied for INCRE
motion. This is notification that Z offset was not applied for the motion.
Remedy: Please don’t use incremental motion if you need Z offset
MOTN-342 STOP Override change not allowed
Cause: Change in teach pendant override setting while the program is running.
Remedy: Set Teach Pendant’s override to the desired value and resume the program
MOTN-343 STOP Constant Path Low Override
Cause: The teach pendant override setting was too low to ensure a constant path.
Remedy: Increase override setting and resume the program.
MOTN-350 STOP Please disable Accupath
Cause: AccuPath does not support Circular ARC motions.
Remedy: Disable Accupath or do not teach circular ARC motions.
MOTN-351 STOP Please disable COORD
Cause: The Coordinated Motion softpart does not support Circular ARC motions.
Remedy: Disable COORD or do not teach circular ARC motions.
MOTN-352 STOP Please disable LineTrack
Cause: The Line Tracking softpart does not support Circular ARC motions.
Remedy: Disable Line Tracking or do not teach circular ARC motions.
MOTN-353 STOP Please disable CJLP
Cause: The CJ/CJLP softpart does not support Circular ARC motions.
Remedy: Disable CJLP or do not teach circular ARC motions.
MOTN-354 STOP ARC Internal Error (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal system error. This class of error should not be encountered during normal operation.
Remedy: Refer to the Remedy of MOTN-000.
MOTN-355 STOP ARC: No 3 Poses (G:%d^2)
Cause: There is no third position data to plan an ARC motion.
Remedy: Make sure there are always three points available for circular ARC motion.
MOTN-356 STOP ARC:180 deg SPIN change(G:%d^2)
Cause: The change in the SPIN angle from start to destination is 180 deg.
Remedy: Re-teach points such that the change in the SPIN angle from start to destination is less
than 180 deg.
MOTN-357 STOP ARC: can’t resume (G:%d^2)
Cause: The resumed planned data is not the same as the original data.
Remedy: Press RESET or Abort the program.
MOTN-358 STOP Strt-Prev too close (L:%d^5)
Cause: Prev and start positions of this A motion are too close to each other.
Remedy: Re-touch up the taught point(s) of the immediate previous A motion line(s) OR jog robot
away from current position.
MOTN-359 STOP Strt-Next too close (L:%d^5)
Cause: Start and Next positions of this A motion are too close to each other.
Remedy: Re-touch up either the taught point of the previous A motion line or the taught point
of the next A motion line.
MOTN-360 STOP Dest-Prev too close (L:%d^5)
Cause: Destination and Previous positions of this A motion are too close to each other.
Remedy: Re-touch up either the taught point of the current A motion line or the taught point of the A
motion line that is prior to the previous A motion line.
MOTN-361 STOP Dest-Next too close (L:%d^5)
Cause: Destination and Next positions of this A motion are too close to each other.
Remedy: Re-touch up either the taught point of the current A motion line or the taught point of
the next A motion line.
MOTN-363 STOP Please disable ToTrk
Cause: Motype A does not support tracking.
Remedy: Do not use motion type A.
MOTN-364 STOP MT_ARC: not support the option
Cause: Motype A does not support the option.
Remedy: Do not use motion type A.
MOTN-365 STOP Don’t use motion type A
Cause: The softpart does not support motion type A.
Remedy: Do not use motion type A.
MOTN-366 STOP MT_ARC: not support RPM
Cause: RPM does not support motion type A.
Remedy: Do not use motion type A.
MOTN-367 WARN MT_ARC: colinear (L:%d^5)
Cause: Degenerate case for MT_ARC
Remedy: This is just a notification message only. Re-taught points if necessary.
MOTN-375 STOP NotSupport KarelPath (G:%d^2)
Cause: The system does NOT support KAREL path motions.
Remedy: Do not run KAREL Path motions and use teach pendant programs instead.
MOTN-380 STOP Arm-Runner too close
Cause: The main body’s arm and runner are too close to each other.
Remedy: Expand the distance of main body’s arm and Runner.
MOTN-381 STOP Hand-Runner too close
Cause: The main body’s hand and runner are too close to each other.
Remedy: Expand the distance of main body’s hand and runner.
MOTN-390 FATAL %s is required for %s
Cause: The required motion option is not loaded.
Remedy: Verify motion options loaded in the controller and make sure the required option is also
MOTN-391 WARN Motion option cfg file missing
Cause: Motion option configuration file is not loaded or cannot be read.
Remedy: Re-load correct motion option config file.
MOTN-400 STOP No Coll. Guard Reg. Defined
Cause: No register has been defined for use with the Collision Guard Update macro.
Remedy: Use the Collision Guard SETUP screen to define a register for use with the macro.
MOTN-401 STOP Coll. Guard Reg. Data Error
Cause: The data contained in the Collision Guard macro register is not an integer or is not in the
range of 1 to 200.
Remedy: Enter the correct data into the Collision Guard macro register.
MOTN-404 WARN Group %d^1 does not support HSCD
Cause: The COL ADJUST instruction was used in a teach pendant program, but the group mask
contained a group that did not support High Sensitivity Collision Detection (HSCD).
Remedy: Do not attempt to change the sensitivity for a group that does not support HSCD.
MOTN-411 STOP Fast fault recovery 1
Cause: This is notification of PX1 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-412 STOP Fast fault recovery 2
Cause: This is notification of PX2 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-413 STOP Fast fault recovery 3
Cause: This is notification of PX3 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-414 STOP Fast fault recovery 4
Cause: This is notification of PX4 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-415 STOP Fast fault recovery 5
Cause: This is notification of PX5 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-416 STOP Fast fault recovery 6
Cause: This is notification of PX6 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-417 STOP Fast fault recovery 7
Cause: This is notification of PX7 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-418 STOP Fast fault recovery 8
Cause: This is notification of PX8 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-419 STOP Fast fault recovery 9
Cause: This is notification of PX9 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-420 STOP Fast fault recovery 10
Cause: This is notification of PX10 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-421 STOP Fast fault recovery 11
Cause: This is notification of PX11 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-422 STOP Fast fault recovery 12
Cause: This is notification of PX12 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-423 STOP Fast fault recovery 13
Cause: This is notification of PX13 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-424 STOP Fast fault recovery 14
Cause: This is notification of PX14 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-425 STOP Fast fault recovery 15
Cause: This is notification of PX15 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-426 STOP Fast fault recovery 16
Cause: This is notification of PX16 for application process enabled in the fast fault recovery when
the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is an internal notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact
your FANUC technical representative.
MOTN-431 STOP Fast fault recovery 1
Cause: This is notification of instruction number 1 for application process enabled in the fast fault
recovery when the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is just notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC
technical representative.
MOTN-432 STOP Fast fault recovery 2
Cause: This is notification of instruction number 2 for application process enabled in the fast fault
recovery when the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is just notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC
technical representative.
MOTN-433 STOP Fast fault recovery 3
Cause: This is notification of instruction number 3 for application process enabled in the fast fault
recovery when the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is just notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC
technical representative.
MOTN-434 STOP Fast fault recovery 4
Cause: This is notification of instruction number 4 for application process enabled in the fast fault
recovery when the alarm position is found.
Remedy: This is just notification. Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC
technical representative.