Fanuc MHND Alarm Codes

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Fanuc MHND Alarm Codes

MHND-001 WARN Cannot resume program
Cause: Program cannot run because an error condition will not clear. When on the ALARM page,
select this error and press HELP to see error detail.
Remedy: Fix the error condition, press reset,
MHND-002 PAUSE Operator Panel E-stop ON
Cause: Program cannot run with operator panel E-STOP
Remedy: Release Operator panel E-stop, press reset and push cycle start to continue.
MHND-003 PAUSE Teach pendant E-stop ON
Cause: Program cannot run with teach pendant E-STOP
Remedy: Release teach pendant E-stop, press reset and push cycle start to continue.
MHND-004 PAUSE Teach pendant is enabled
Cause: Program cannot run with teach pendant enabled
Remedy: Disable teach pendant, press reset, and push cycle start to continue.
MHND-005 PAUSE System still in fault state
Cause: An error condition exists such that the robot cannot be reset.
Remedy: Fix the error condition, press reset.
MHND-006 WARN Program not selected
Cause: To run a .tp program in local you must first select the program.
Remedy: Press SELECT key and choose a program to run. If trying to run M.H. Shell, the key
switch must be in REMOTE.
MHND-007 WARN UOP Ignored. Wrong Start Mode
Cause: A UOP signal was detected, but the controller is not set up to start using UOPs.
Remedy: UOP must be set as the start device or the UOP signal will be ignored.
MHND-008 WARN SOP Ignored. Wrong Start Mode
Cause: A SOP signal was detected, but the controller is not set up to start using SOPs.
Remedy: SOP must be set as the start device or the SOP signal will be ignored.
MHND-009 WARN Could not run task %s
Cause: While M.H. Shell was internally trying to run another program in multi-tasking mode, an
error occurred.
Remedy: ABORT ALL and retry.
MHND-010 WARN Cycle power to change registers
Cause: An old smaller POSREG.VR file was loaded onto the controller. The number of position
registers was changed to fewer than what the current version of M.H. Shell needs.
Remedy: M.H. Shell logic has automatically set the number of position registers to the necessary size
again. But a cold start is needed to increase the position register table size. Do a cold start.
MHND-011 WARN Cycle power to change macros
Cause: An old smaller SYSMACRO.SV file was loaded onto the controller. The number of macros
was changed to fewer than what the current version of M.H. Shell needs.
Remedy: M.H. Shell logic has automatically set the number of macros to the necessary size again.
But it needs a cold start in order for the macro table size to be increased. Do a cold start.
MHND-012 WARN TEMP DRAM memory is low
Cause: Temporary memory is getting too low to download more files.
Remedy: Warning only. Delete any unneeded data before down-loading files.
MHND-013 PAUSE Robot is not calibrated
Cause: The robot must be calibrated to run tp programs.
Remedy: Calibrate the robot.
MHND-014 PAUSE Robot must be at home position
Cause: The At home check function is enabled but the robot is not at the home position when the
start was received.
Remedy: Move the robot to the home position. Once the robot is at home, then you can re-issue
the request.
MHND-015 PAUSE HOME refpos not taught
Cause: The At home check function is enabled but the Home refpos has not been fully setup.
Remedy: Select SETUP, [TYPE], Ref Position. Make sure the selected Refpos is taught and enabled.
Select SETUP, [TYPE], Shell config. Make sure the Which ReFpos is HOME position is setup under
the Special Positions DETAILS. Then ABORT and retry.
MHND-016 WARN REMOTE switch must be REMOTE
Cause: The REMOTE keyswitch is on LOCAL, and needs to be set to REMOTE.
Remedy: Turn the REMOTE keyswitch to REMOTE.
MHND-017 WARN UOP is not the master device
Cause: The UOP is not the master device, which prevents the run request from executing.
Remedy: Go the the Variables menu under SYSTEM, and set $RMT_MASTER=0.
MHND-018 WARN Program %s not loaded
Cause: The program that you tried to run is not loaded on the controller.
Remedy: Load or create the program. If the program name shown in the error code is wrong, then
check that the MENU, SETUP, Shell Config TP program ID method and DETAILS are correct
MHND-019 WARN Robot mode must be MANUAL
Cause: The robot mode is not MANUAL, so the operation requested cannot be performed.
Remedy: The manual mode din from the PLC is set OFF. It must be ON for manual mode operations.
MHND-020 WARN Robot must be in AUTO mode
Cause: The robot must be in full automatic mode with the PLC before production operation can occur.
Remedy: The manual mode din from the PLC is set ON. It must be OFF for automatic control of
MHND-021 WARN Robot is in MANUAL mode
Cause: On manual mode entry – Manual mode input from the PLC just turned ON. All PLC manual
mode input functions are enabled.
Remedy: Status message only.
MHND-022 WARN Robot is in AUTO mode
Cause: On manual mode exit – Manual mode input from the PLC just turned OFF. All PLC manual
mode input functions are disabled. Normal auto mode execution is allowed.
Remedy: Status message only.
MHND-023 WARN Robot is busy. Mode change pending.
Cause: Robot mode is being changed while the robot is busy
Remedy: When the robot is idle, change the manual mode bit again to the desired state. NOTE: The
system is watching for a change in input setting to change the robot mode.
MHND-024 WARN Step mode must be disabled
Cause: Step mode is enabled, which prevents the run request from executing.
Remedy: Press the STEP hardkey to disable step mode.
MHND-025 WARN UOP CYCLE START can only resume
Cause: A UOP CYCLE START input was detected but no paused program exists.
Remedy: None available. This error is only generated if your Cell interface has been specified using
$shell_cfg.$cont_only=TRUE. If this is the case, then for safety reasons UOP CYCLE START is only
used for resuming paused programs.
MHND-026 WARN Illegal DIN program select received
Cause: A DIN program select was detected but either the keyswitch is not in remote or the selected
program does not exist.
Remedy: Check the keyswitch settings. Check the program selected.
MHND-027 WARN %s program select signal received
Cause: A program select was detected.
Remedy: Status message only.
MHND-028 WARN Illegal PNS program select received
Cause: A PNS program select was detected but either the keyswitch is not in remote or the selected
program does not exist.
Remedy: Check the keyswitch settings. Check the program selected.
MHND-029 WARN Illegal GIN program select received
Cause: A GIN program select was detected but either the keyswitch is not in remote or the selected
program does not exist.
Remedy: Check the keyswitch settings. Check the program selected.
MHND-030 WARN Illegal RSR program select received
Cause: A RSR program select was detected but either the keyswitch is not in remote or the selected
program does not exist.
Remedy: Check the keyswitch settings. Check the program selected.
MHND-031 WARN Cycle interrupt disabled
Cause: The cycle interrupt option has been disabled.
Remedy: This is a status message only.
MHND-032 WARN Cycle interrupt enabled
Cause: The cycle interrupt option has been enabled.
Remedy: This is a status message only.
MHND-033 WARN DIN Ignored. Wrong Start Mode
Cause: A DIN signal was detected, but the controller is not set up to start using DINs.
Remedy: DIN must be set as the start device or the DIN signal will be ignored.
MHND-034 WARN %s Job select setup error
Cause: The job selection setup was not completed properly. Selected I/O does not exist.
Remedy: Go to the MENU, SETUP, Shell Config menu and make sure the TP program ID method
and details are setup correctly.
MHND-035 WARN Start Ignored. Already running
Cause: A start signal was received but a TP program is already running. A second TP program will
not be started at this time.
Remedy: Informative message only.
MHND-037 WARN START Ignored. Menu Testing.
Cause: The menu test screen is displayed on the TP. A TP program cannot be started until a different
screen is displayed.
Remedy: Display a different menu on the TP and give another start signal.
MHND-038 WARN %s is not running.
Cause: MULTIIO.TP is not running. It will be restarted.
Remedy: If MULTIIO.TP does not automatically restart, check alarm log for errors.
MHND-039 WARN Cycle power to change user alarms
Cause: The new number of user alarms will not take effect until after a cold start.
Remedy: Informative message only.
MHND-040 WARN Cycle power to change no of tasks
Cause: The new number of tasks will not take effect until after a cold start.
Remedy: Informative message only.
MHND-041 WARN Perm memory is low
Cause: CMOS memory is getting too low to create more variable files.
Remedy: Warning only. Delete any unneeded data.
Cause: A customized pause error was detected.
Remedy: Follow instructions given.
MHND-101 PAUSE Reg %s could not be set
Cause: Register operation failed
Remedy: Check if the register is defined, if it is between 1-64 and if it has the right value. Must
ABORT ALL and retry
MHND-102 WARN %s
Cause: General status messages.
Remedy: N/A
MHND-103 PAUSE Register not defined %s
Cause: This is just a debug message
Remedy: N/A
MHND-104 WARN %s
Cause: General status messages.
Remedy: N/A
Cause: General status messages.
Remedy: N/A
MHND-106 WARN Controller has no UOPs assigned.
Cause: The controller has no UOPs installed. So you cannot select UOPs for job selection control.
Remedy: Check Hardware installation.
MHND-107 WARN Macro Table is too small for menu option
Cause: The MACRO table must have at least 100 elements for the MENU UTILITY option to
be installed properly.
Remedy: Increase the MACRO table size.
MHND-108 ABORT Aborting TP program
Cause: An error occurred in the TP program.
Remedy: Check the TP program.
MHND-120 WARN Loading error – %s
Cause: There was a problem loading the specified file.
Remedy: Check the communication line and make sure that the file exists on the floppy
MHND-121 WARN %s exists. Not loaded
Cause: The specified file already exists on the controller.
Remedy: Delete the file from the controller before reloading.
Cause: Data in a setup menu could not be created
Remedy: Cold start the controller and retry.
MHND-123 WARN File not loaded or created: %s
Cause: File does not exist in the controller RAM.
Remedy: This is a warning message.
MHND-124 PAUSE GET_VAR failed %s
Cause: Data in a setup menu could not be set
Remedy: Cold start the controller and retry.
MHND-125 PAUSE SET_VAR failed %s
Cause: Data in a setup menu could not be set
Remedy: Cold start the controller and retry.
MHND-127 WARN IO_STATUS error occurred
Cause: An I/O error occurred during data transfer
Remedy: Cold start the controller and retry.
MHND-128 WARN Could not save .VR file %s
Cause: Error occurred while saving a .VR file
Remedy: Cold start the controller and retry.
MHND-129 WARN Could not load file %s
Cause: Error occurred while loading a .VR file
Remedy: Cold start the controller and retry if you know you should be able to read the .vr file
into M.H. Shell.
MHND-130 WARN Could not access files
Cause: Error occurred while accessing the floppy disk
Remedy: Make sure the communication is correct and retry
MHND-133 WARN Error using CLEAR built-in
Cause: An error occurred while clearing a variable file.
Remedy: Reset controller and try again.
MHND-134 WARN File is in use by robot. Cannot transfer
Cause: The file you requested to transfer is being used by the robot. It is being used in production or
is being edited using SETUP
Remedy: First stop the robot. Then ABORT ALL. Then attempt to transfer
MHND-135 WARN Could not read %s
Cause: Could not read the .dt file – Data error.
Remedy: Check the communication status.
MHND-136 WARN Could not clear file
Cause: If the file is being used in production it cannot be cleared.
Remedy: Wait until production is aborted and clear the file.
MHND-137 WARN .VR file has not been created
Cause: During the transfer of data from the PC, the .VR data file could not be created.
Remedy: Check the available memory. If RAM is full, clear unneeded data and try again.
MHND-138 PAUSE Could not create .vr file
Cause: An error occurred while creating the file
Remedy: Cold start the controller and retry.
MHND-139 WARN Error creating new variables
Cause: An error occurred while creating a new file.
Remedy: Check the available memory. If RAM is full, clear unneeded data and try again. Cold
start the controller and retry.
MHND-160 WARN Robot in use-Cannot TEST menu.
Cause: You cannot TEST a menu when the robot is executing a TP program.
Remedy: All menu changes should be made when the robot is idle. TEST the menu when the robot
is idle.
MHND-161 WARN Error: tp program not running
Cause: The List menu test attempted to run a tp program.
Remedy: Reset the controller and try again.
MHND-162 WARN doing unpause in prompt box
Cause: Status debug message only.
Remedy: N/A
MHND-163 WARN doing continue in prompt box
Cause: Status debug message only.
Remedy: N/A
MHND-164 WARN %s Illegal type
Cause: A MACRO was called with a parameter that is illegal. The parameter has the wrong data type.
Remedy: Check the MACRO call in the TP program.
MHND-165 WARN %s missing
Cause: A MACRO was called without a parameter that must be entered.
Remedy: Check the MACRO call in the TP program.
MHND-166 WARN Status Menu does not exist
Cause: A Status Macro used a string name for a menu that does not exist.
Remedy: Check the MACRO call in the TP program.
MHND-200 WARN PLC not reading alarm outputs
Cause: The PLC is not handshaking with the robot to send alarms to the PLC.
Remedy: Check PLC status. Clear the PLC alarms.
MHND-201 WARN Error:too many entries in alarm table
Cause: At most 100 alarms can be entered into the PLC alarm table. Other alarms will be ignored.
Remedy: Extra alarms are ignored.
MHND-230 WARN FAULT must be reset
Cause: A fault has ocurred, so the operation requested cannot be performed.
Remedy: Clear the source of the fault, and press FAULT RESET.
MHND-231 WARN Program already running or paused
Cause: A program is already running, so the operation requested cannot be performed.
Remedy: Re-issue the request when the current program is paused or aborted.
MHND-232 WARN Teach pendant must be enabled
Cause: The teach pendant must be enabled when accessing this teach pendant hardkey.
Remedy: Enable the teach pendant.
MHND-233 WARN TP hardkey macros are in use
Cause: One of the MH gripper macros is already in use. Only one macro can be used at a time
Remedy: Wait until the current macro is finished.
MHND-234 WARN Valve %s: Manual grip part
Cause: Information message only
Remedy: N/A
MHND-235 WARN Valve %s: Manual release
Cause: Information message only
Remedy: N/A
MHND-236 WARN Error: Valve is not setup.
Cause: The valve signal number (S#) can not be zero.
Remedy: Select MENU, I/O, MH Valves to setup the gripper signals.
MHND-237 WARN Error: Clamp is not setup.
Cause: The clamp signal number (S#) can not be zero.
Remedy: Select MENU, I/O, MH Valves to setup the gripper signals.
MHND-238 WARN Error: PartPres is not setup.
Cause: The part present signal number (S#) can not be zero.
Remedy: Select MENU, I/O, MH Valves to setup the gripper signals.
MHND-239 WARN Error: Vacuum Made is not setup.
Cause: The vacuum made signal number (S#) can not be zero.
Remedy: Select MENU, I/O, MH Valves to setup the gripper signals.
MHND-240 ABORT %s missing
Cause: A MACRO was called without a parameter that must be entered.
Remedy: Check the MACRO call in the TP program.
MHND-241 WARN %s Illegal type
Cause: A MACRO was called with a parameter that is illegal. The parameter has the wrong data type.
Remedy: Check the MACRO call in the TP program.
MHND-242 WARN Parameter %s error
Cause: Send PC Macro data error.
Remedy: Check other alarm log errors for more details.
MHND-243 PAUSE %s I/O error
Cause: I/O data error.
Remedy: Check other alarm log errors for more details.
MHND-244 WARN Parameter %s ignored
Cause: A MACRO was called with too many parameters.
Remedy: Check the MACRO call in the TP program.
MHND-245 ABORT Valve %s is not a vacuum gripper
Cause: This MACRO requires a vacuum gripper.
Remedy: Check the MACRO call in the TP program.
MHND-246 ABORT Valve %s is not a clamp gripper
Cause: This MACRO required a clamp gripper.
Remedy: Check the MACRO call in the TP program.
MHND-247 ABORT Parm %s is not between 1-2
Cause: Parameter passed to MH macro is not between 1 and 2. The valve referenced must be a
vacuum valve.
Remedy: Change parameter to an integer between 1 and 2
MHND-248 PAUSE TRYOUT MODE: %s reading part
Cause: In TRYOUT mode: The part present input does detect the signal
Remedy: There must be no part present in tryout mode.
MHND-249 WARN Must press SHIFT key too
Cause: The shift key must be pressed when accessing this teach pendant hardkey.
Remedy: Press the shift key.
MHND-250 ABORT Parm %s is not an integer
Cause: Parameter passed to MH macro is not an integer
Remedy: Change parameter to an integer
MHND-251 ABORT Parm %s is not between 1-9
Cause: Parameter passed to MH macro is not between 1 and 9
Remedy: Change parameter to an integer between 1 and 9
MHND-252 ABORT Valve %s is not setup
Cause: Valve selected by paramter has not been setup
Remedy: Enter appropriate information through user screens
MHND-253 ABORT No parameters passed to routine
Cause: No parameters have been passed to the routine
Remedy: Place parameter in the list following the macro call
MHND-254 PAUSE %s not sensing part
Cause: The part present input does not detect the signal
Remedy: Check if part is in range of the switch
MHND-255 PAUSE %s still reading part
Cause: The part present input sees the signal after dropoff
Remedy: Ensure robot has dropped off the part
MHND-256 PAUSE Clamp %s state error
Cause: The specified clamp open signal failed.
Remedy: Check if all the clamp has is obstructed or the cylindicator is working properly.
MHND-257 PAUSE Clamp %s state error
Cause: The specified clamp closed signal failed.
Remedy: Check if all the clamp has is obstructed or the cylindicator is working properly.
MHND-258 PAUSE %s did not make vacuum
Cause: The vacuum switch is not detecting vacuum.
Remedy: Check all of the vacuum cups for a complete seal.
MHND-259 PAUSE %s vacuum is not off
Cause: The vacuum switch is still detecting vacuum.
Remedy: Check if all the clamps have completely closed.
MHND-260 ABORT Parm %s is not between 1-10
Cause: Parameter passed to MH macro is not between 1 and 10
Remedy: Change parameter to an integer between 1 and 10
Cause: File FR:HTVALVE contains errors.
Remedy: Fix data and try again to gripper CONFIG.
MHND-262 WARN The Macro Table was updated.
Cause: The MACRO table was reloaded and is now too small. The table size has been reset.
Remedy: Must coldstart to physically increase the MACRO table size.
MHND-264 WARN Check Clamp Enabled but delay=0.
Cause: Check Clamp Opened or Check Clamp Closed is enabled. An Operation Delay of 0 ms is
not enough time to allow the clamps to operate.
Remedy: Either disable the Clamp Checks or set a reasonable Clamp Operation Delay.