Fanuc JOG Alarm Codes

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Fanuc JOG Alarm Codes

JOG-001 WARN Overtravel Violation
Cause: A robot overtravel has occurred
Remedy: Use the MANUAL FCTNS OT release menu in to find out which axis is in an overtravel
condition. Release overtravel by holding the SHIFT key and pressing the RESET key. At this time the
servo power will be turned on. If the SHIFT key is released, the servo power will be turned off
again. You can only use JOINT to jog the axis out of overtravel. If you want to jog the overtraveled
axis further into the overtravel direction, you have to release the axis by moving the cursor to the axis
direction you want, then press release function key in the OT release menu. At this point you can
jog the axis to that direction.
JOG-002 WARN Robot not Calibrated
Cause: Robot has not been calirated
Remedy: Set the system variable $MASTER_ENB to 1. Select SYSTEM then Master/Cal, to
display the Master/Cal menu. Select a method for calibrating the robot. If the robot can not be
calibrated, mastering is required. If the robot has been master before, set the system variable
$DMR_GRP[].$master_done to TRUE then calibrate the robot again. For more information on
mastering and calibrating the robot, refer to the KAREL and TPP Setup and Operations Manual.
JOG-003 WARN No Motion Control
Cause: Other program has motion control
Remedy: Abort the program that has motion control by pressing FCTN key then selecting ABORT.
JOG-004 WARN Illegal linear jogging
Cause: You cannot do more than one rotational jog at a time
Remedy: Only press one rotational jog key at a time.
JOG-005 WARN Can not clear hold flag
Cause: The system call to clear hold flag failed. error
Remedy: Perform a cycle start.
JOG-006 WARN Subgroup does not exist
Cause: No extended axis exist in this group with which to jog.
Remedy: This is a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning message.
JOG-007 WARN Press shift key to jog
Cause: The SHIFT key is not pressed
Remedy: You must press the SHIFT key when jogging the robot. Release the jog key then hold the
SHIFT key and press the jog key to jog.
JOG-008 WARN Turn on TP to jog
Cause: Teach pendant is not enable
Remedy: Hold the DEADMAN and turn on the teach pendant before jogging the robot.
JOG-009 WARN Hold deadman to jog
Cause: The DEADMAN switch is not pressed
Remedy: Press the DEADMAN switch, then press the RESET key to clear the error
JOG-010 WARN Jog pressed before shift
Cause: The jog key was pressed before the shift key was pressed
Remedy: Release the jog key. Then,hold the SHIFT key then press the jog key
JOG-011 WARN Utool changed while jogging
Cause: The selected tool frame changed while jogging
Remedy: Release the SHIFT key and the JOG key. The new TOOL frame will take effect
automatically. To start jogging, hold down the SHIFT key and press the JOG key.
JOG-012 WARN manual brake enabled
Cause: The manual brake enabled
Remedy: Engage all the brakes by pressing EMERGENCY STOP button, then press the RESET key.
To start jogging, press the shift and the jog key.
JOG-013 WARN Stroke limit (G:%d A:%x Hex)
Cause: Robot axis reaches its specified stroke limit
Remedy: The robot already reach the stroke limit and cannot jog in the current direction any more.
Extend the axis limit if it does not exceed the robot and software specifications.
JOG-014 WARN Vertical fixture position
Cause: Robot reaches its vertical fixture position
Remedy: To continue jogging, release the JOG key then press it again.
JOG-015 WARN Horizontal fixture position
Cause: Robot reaches its horizontal fixture position
Remedy: To continue jogging, release the JOG key then press it again.
JOG-016 SERVO Softfloat time out(G:%d)
Cause: Follow-up time is over when softfloat is ON
Remedy: Make the system variable $SFLT_FUPTIM larger.
JOG-017 WARN At R-Theta robot posture
Cause: Robot reaches its R-Theta posture position
Remedy: To continue jogging, release the JOG key then press it again.
JOG-020 WARN Can not PATH JOG now
Cause: PATH JOG has selected, but robot is not currently on a taught path, or tool Z direction is same
teaching path, so Y direction can not be determined. Can not PATH JOG
Remedy: Use shift-FWD to execute program path, or specify another jog frame.
JOG-021 WARN Multi key is pressed
Cause: Use of multiple jog keys is not supported in PATH JOG
Remedy: Use only one jog key at a time.
JOG-022 WARN Disabled in JOINT path
Cause: PATH jog is disabled in JOINT path
Remedy: PATH jog is available in LINEAR and CERCULAR path
JOG-023 WARN Available only in PAUSE
Cause: PATH jog is available only in PAUSE status
Remedy: PATH jog is available only in PAUSE status
JOG-024 WARN Currently this key is invalid
Cause: This key is invalid at current jog mode
Remedy: Change jog mode
JOG-025 WARN J4 is not zero
Cause: J4 angle is not zero.
Remedy: Move J4 to zero position.
JOG-026 WARN J4 is zero
Cause: J4 angle is zero. J4 joint jog is disabled.
Remedy: Now OFIX jog is available.
JOG-027 WARN Reverse direction from J4=0
Cause: This direction is reverse direction from J4 = 0.
Remedy: Press opposite jog key.
JOG-028 WARN OFIX TCP config limit
Cause: Stroke limit with this TCP configuration.
Remedy: Confirm TCP’s XYZ location.
JOG-029 WARN OFIX jog error
Cause: OFIX jog internal error.
Remedy: Contact FANUC Robotics.
JOG-030 WARN Can’t jog as OFIX
Cause: OFIX jog is not available.
Remedy: Check cause code.
JOG-031 WARN Multi-robot needs coord jog
Cause: A locked multi-robot system requires you to use coordinated jogging. Refer to the Coordinated
Motion Setup and Operations Manual for information on coordinated motion setup and jogging.
Remedy: Use coordinated jogging, or unlock the multi-robot system. Refer to the Coordinated
Motion Setup and Operations Manual for more information.
JOG-032 WARN Coord not supported in TJOG
Cause: The selected coordinate system (COORD) is not supported in Dual Arm Tracking Jog.
Remedy: Select a supported Tracking Jog COORD: Joint, Jgfrm, World, Tool, or User.
Cause: Wrist joint mode is not available in coordinated jog.
Remedy: Disable coordinated jog.