Fanuc INTP Alarm Codes

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Fanuc INTP Alarm Codes

INTP-001 PAUSE Cannot lock the motion grp
Cause: Motion control for the specified group cannot be locked.
Remedy: Check the teach pendant enable switch and other running programs to determine who has
motion control.
INTP-002 ABORT Program manager internal error
Cause: Internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
INTP-003 ABORT Invalid request
Cause: Internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
INTP-004 PAUSE Cannot ATTACH with TP enabled
Cause: The ATTACH statement requires the teach pendant to be disabled.
Remedy: Disable the teach pendant.
INTP-005 PAUSE Cannot release motion control
Cause: Motion control cannot be released.
Remedy: Abort the running or paused program.
INTP-100 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Internal error (PXnn)
Cause: Internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
INTP-101 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Internal error (system)
Cause: Internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the
SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If
the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
INTP-102 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Code format is invalid
Cause: Program data is corrupted.
Remedy: For TPE programs, if possible, reload program from back-up device. If a back-up is not
available, it may be necessary to re-create the particular routine. For KAREL programs, re-translate
and re-load the program.
INTP-103 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Program error
Cause: An error occurred while the program was running.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-104 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Single step failed
Cause: Single step cannot be executed
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-105 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Run request failed
Cause: Program cannot be started.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-106 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Continue request failed
Cause: Program cannot be resumed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-107 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Pause request failed
Cause: An error occurred when program execution was held.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-108 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Abort request failed
Cause: An error occurred when program execution was aborted.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-109 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) BWD motion request failed
Cause: Backward motion cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-110 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Get task status request failed
Cause: The specified task attribute is not found or is not read accessible.
Remedy: Check the attribute.
INTP-111 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Skip statement request failed
Cause: The currently executing line cannot be changed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-112 PAUSE Cannot call interrupt routine
Cause: The interrupt routine cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-113 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Stop motion request failed
Cause: An error occurred when motion was stopped.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-114 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Cancel motion request failed
Cause: An error occurred when motion was canceled.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-115 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Resume motion request failed
Cause: An error occurred when motion was resumed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-116 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Hold motion request failed
Cause: An error occurred when motion was held.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-117 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Unhold motion request failed
Cause: An error occurred when motion was unheld.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-118 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Walk back data request failed
Cause: An error occurred trying to obtain the execution history.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-119 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Get trace data request failed
Cause: An error occurred trying to obtain the trace data.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-120 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Unwait action request failed
Cause: An error occurred trying to continue program execution.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-121 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Release inquiry request failed
Cause: An error occurred trying to obtain motion information for the RELEASE statement.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-122 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Process motion data failed
Cause: An error occurred during process motion.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-123 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Process application data failed
Cause: An error occurred during process application.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-124 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid ITR routine
Cause: The specified interrupt routine is not a valid type.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-125 ABORT Failed to convert position
Cause: The conversion of one position type to another failed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-126 ABORT Vision built-in return failed
Cause: The vision built-in failed to return.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-127 WARN Power fail detected
Cause: Power failure was detected.
Remedy: Resume the program after hot start is complete.
INTP-128 PAUSE Pos reg is locked
Cause: Pos register is locked.
Remedy: Wait a moment
INTP-129 ABORT Cannot use motion group
Cause: Try to lock motion group even though this program cannot use motion group
Remedy: Clear motion group mask in program detail screen
INTP-130 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Exec status recovery failed
Cause: Failed to recover execution status.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-131 ABORT Number of stop exceeds limit
Cause: Too many stop data is created at one time.
Remedy: Decrease number of stop data.
INTP-132 PAUSE Unlocked groups specified
Cause: The specified motion groups are already unlocked.
Remedy: Change the specify of motion group.
INTP-133 PAUSE Motion is already released
Cause: Some specified motion groups are already unlocked.
Remedy: Change the specify of motion group. Lock the motion group.
INTP-134 PAUSE Over automatic start Max counter
Cause: The automatic start was done the defined times but the alarm was not fixed. And the automatic
start count of auto error recovery function is over the defined maximum count.
Remedy: Please fix the alarm by manual.
INTP-135 PAUSE Recovery DO OFF in auto start mode
Cause: The error recovery DO status is OFF in the automatic start feature So the resume program
cannot be exeucted automatically.
Remedy: Please check the condition of error recovery DO status
INTP-136 WARN Can not use motion group for dry run function
Cause: $PAUSE_PROG should specify a program that has NO motion group.
Remedy: Please set another program with no motion group.
INTP-137 WARN Program specified by $PAUSE_PROG doesn’t exist.
Cause: The program which is specified by $PAUSE_PROG doesn’t exist.
Remedy: Please check $PAUSE_PROG.
INTP-138 WARN Program specified by $RESM_DRYPROG doesn’t exist.
Cause: The program which is specified by $RESUME_PROG doesn’t exist.
Remedy: Please check $RESUME_PROG.
INTP-139 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Local variable request failed
Cause: An error occurred trying to access the local variable(s).
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-140 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Start pre-planed motion failed
Cause: Error occured just before sending start motion packed for pre-planned motion.
Remedy: This is internal error. Perform cold start.
INTP-200 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Unimplemented TP instruction
Cause: The teach pendant program instruction is not available.
Remedy: Check the appropriate option is loaded.
INTP-201 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Untaught element encountered
Cause: The instruction is not taught.
Remedy: Teach the instruction.
INTP-202 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Syntax error
Cause: Instruction syntax error.
Remedy: Reteach the instruction.
INTP-203 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Variable type mismatch
Cause: The variable type is not correct.
Remedy: Check the variable type.
INTP-204 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid value for index
Cause: The index value is invalid.
Remedy: Check the index value.
INTP-205 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Analog port access error
Cause: Analog I/O is not functioning properly.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-206 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Digital port access error
Cause: Digital I/O is not functioning properly.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-207 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Group I/O port access error
Cause: Group I/O is not functioning properly.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-208 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Divide by 0
Cause: Division by 0 was executed.
Remedy: Check the value.
INTP-209 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) SELECT is needed
Cause: A CASE instruction was executed before a SELECT instruction.
Remedy: Add a SELECT instruction before the CASE instruction.
INTP-210 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Start TIMER failed
Cause: The program timer cannot be started.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-211 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Delete TIMER failed
Cause: The program timer cannot be stopped.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-212 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid value for OVERRIDE
Cause: The indicated value cannot be used for the OVERRIDE instruction.
Remedy: Check the value.
INTP-213 PAUSE %s^7 (%s^4, %d^5) UALM[%d^9]
Cause: A user alarm occurred.
Remedy: Refer to the user alarm code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-214 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Specified group not locked
Cause: The position register or frame setup instructions were executed in a program without a
motion group.
Remedy: Set up the motion group in the program DETAIL screen.
INTP-215 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Group mismatch
Cause: The position data is invalid.
Remedy: Check the position data.
INTP-216 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid value for group number
Cause: The indicated value is invalid for the motion group number.
Remedy: Check the value.
INTP-217 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) SKIP CONDITION needed
Cause: The SKIP instruction was executed before a SKIP CONDITION instruction.
Remedy: Add a SKIP CONDITION instruction.
INTP-218 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Skip failed
Cause: The SKIP instruction or SKIP CONDITION instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-219 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Pause task failed
Cause: The PAUSE instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-220 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Abort task failed
Cause: The ABORT instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-221 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Application failed
Cause: The application instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-222 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Call program failed
Cause: The program CALL instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-223 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Delay time failed
Cause: The WAIT instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-224 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Jump label failed
Cause: The BRANCH instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-225 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Motion statement failed
Cause: The MOTION instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-226 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Read position register failed
Cause: The position register cannot be read.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-227 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Write position register failed
Cause: The position register cannot be written.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-228 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Read register failed
Cause: The register cannot be read.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-229 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Write register failed
Cause: The register cannot be written.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-230 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Wait condition failed
Cause: A condition WAIT instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-231 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Read next line failed
Cause: The next line cannot be read.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-232 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid frame number
Cause: The frame number is invalid.
Remedy: Check the frame number.
INTP-233 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Read frame value failed
Cause: The specified frame cannot be read.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-234 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Write frame value failed
Cause: The specified frame cannot be written.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-235 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Read pos item failed
Cause: The position variable cannot be read.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-236 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Write pos item failed
Cause: The position variable cannot be written.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-237 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) No more motion for BWD
Cause: Backward execution cannot be executed any more because the current program line is
at the top.
Remedy: Do not use backward execution at this point
INTP-238 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) BWD execution completed
Cause: Backward execution was completed.
Remedy: Do not use backward execution from this point.
INTP-239 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot execute backwards
Cause: This instruction cannot be executed backwards.
Remedy: Set the cursor to the following line.
INTP-240 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Incompatible data type
Cause: The specified data type in the PARAMETER instruction is invalid for the parameter type.
Remedy: Check the data type.
INTP-241 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Unsupported parameter
Cause: This type of parameter cannot be used.
Remedy: Check the parameter type.
INTP-242 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Offset value is needed
Cause: An OFFSET instruction was executed before an OFFSET CONDITION instruction. A
position register was not taught in the OFFSET PR[] instruction.
Remedy: Add an OFFSET CONDITION instruction before the OFFSET instruction. Teach the
position register.
INTP-243 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Def grp is not specified
Cause: This program has no motion group defined. The MOTION instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Remove the MOTION instruction or set up the motion group in the program DETAIL
INTP-244 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid line number
Cause: The input line number is incorrect.
Remedy: Check the line number.
INTP-245 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) RCV stmt failed
Cause: The RECEIVE R[] instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-246 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) SEMAPHORE stmt failed
Cause: The SEMAPHORE instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-247 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Pre exec failed
Cause: Pre-execution system of motion or application has some trouble and system pauses the
program execution for safety.
Remedy: Press RESET to clear the error and continue the program. If this error continues to occur,
perform a cold start by turning off the robot, then while pressing SHIFT and RESET on the teach
pendant, turn the robot back on. If the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error
and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
INTP-248 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) MACRO failed
Cause: The MACRO instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-249 PAUSE Macro is not set correctly
Cause: The MACRO setup was invalid.
Remedy: Check the MACRO setup. For more information on setting up macros, Refer to the KAREL
and TPP Setup and Operations Manual.
INTP-250 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid uframe number
Cause: The user frame number is invalid.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-251 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid utool number
Cause: The tool frame number is invalid.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-252 PAUSE User frame number mismatch
Cause: The user frame number in the positional data is not the same as the currently selected user
frame number.
Remedy: Check the user frame number.
INTP-253 PAUSE Tool frame number mismatch
Cause: The tool frame number in the positional data is not the same as the currently selected tool
frame number.
Remedy: Check the tool frame number.
INTP-254 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Parameter not found
Cause: The specified parameter name cannot be found.
Remedy: Check the parameter name.
INTP-255 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) CAL_MATRIX failed
Cause: The CAL_MATRIX instruction cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-256 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) No data for CAL_MATRIX
Cause: The origin 3 points or destination 3 points are not taught.
Remedy: Teach the origin 3 points or destination 3 points.
INTP-257 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid delay time
Cause: The wait time value is negative or exceeds the maximum value of 2147483.647 sec.
Remedy: Input a correct value.
INTP-258 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Weld port access error
Cause: The weld is not functioning properly.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-259 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid position type
Cause: The data type of the position register was taught using joint type.
Remedy: Change position register data to cartesian.
INTP-260 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid torque limit value
Cause: Invalid torque value.
Remedy: Input a correct value.
INTP-261 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Array subscript missing
Cause: A subscript is missing from a TPE PARAMETER statement that specifies an array.
Remedy: Correct the PARAMETER statement to include the subscript of the desired array element.
INTP-262 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Field name missing
Cause: A field name is required in a PARAMETER statement that specifies a structure.
Remedy: Correct the PARAMETER statement to include the name of the desired field
INTP-263 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid register type
Cause: The register type is not valid.
Remedy: Check the register type.
INTP-265 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid value for speed value
Cause: The indicated value cannot be used for the AF instruction.
Remedy: Check the value.
INTP-266 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Mnemonic in interupt is failed
Cause: A MOVE statement was executed in an interrupt routine while a motion in the interrupted
program was still in progress.
Remedy: One (or both) of the following should correct this problem: 1. Add CANCEL or STOP
condition handler action before the call to the interrupt routine in the condition handler. 2. Add a
DELAY 500 statement before the first move in the interrupt routine to allow the motion to complete.
INTP-267 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) RUN stmt failed
Cause: Specified program is already running
Remedy: Abort specified program
INTP-268 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) This statement only one in each line
Cause: This startment can exist in one in each line
Remedy: Delete the extra statement
INTP-269 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Skip statement only one in each line
Cause: Skip startment can exist in one in each line
Remedy: Delete the extra skip statement
INTP-270 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Different group cannot BWD
Cause: During backward execution, a move is encountered that has a different group number from
the previous motion statement.
Remedy: Use FWD execution carefully
INTP-271 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Excessive torque limit value
Cause: Torque limit value exceeds maximum value. Torque limit value was modified to the
maximum value.
Remedy: Set torque limit value less than or equal to the maximum value.
INTP-272 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Unsupported operator
Cause: This operator is not supported.
Remedy: Check the operator Refer to the KAREL and TPP Setup and Operations Manual for more
INTP-273 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Too many conditions
Cause: The number of the condition exceeds the maximum number.
Remedy: Reduce the number of condition.
INTP-274 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) CH program error
Cause: This monitor statement cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-275 PAUSE Invalid sub type of CH program
Cause: The sub type of specified ch program cannot be used.
Remedy: Check the sub type of this CH program.
INTP-276 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid combination of motion option
Cause: The motion option instructions (SKIP, TIME BEFORE/AFTER, and application instruction)
cannot be taught together
Remedy: Delete the motion option instruction
INTP-277 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Internal MACRO EPT data mismatch
Cause: The EPT index in macro table doesn’t point the program name defined in macro table. That
is, the EPT index in macro table is incorrect.
Remedy: Please set the correct EPT index for the program name defined in macro table.
INTP-278 PAUSE %s^7
Cause: The DI monitor alarm for auto error recovery function occurs.
Remedy: This alarm is defined by the customer. Therefore the customer knows the remedy for
this alarm.
INTP-279 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Application instruction mismatch
Cause: The application instruction was executed. But this application instruction doesn’t match
to the application process data of this program.
Remedy: Please change the application process data of this program to the adequate application for
this application instruction.
INTP-280 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Application data mismatch
Cause: The application data of called program is different from that of the original program.
Remedy: Please change the structure of program
INTP-281 PAUSE No application data
Cause: This program doesn’t have the application data
Remedy: Please define the application data in the program detail screen
INTP-283 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Stack over flow for fast fault recovery
Cause: Stack over flow to record the fast fault recovery nesting data
Remedy: Reduce the nesting of the program
INTP-284 PAUSE No detection of fast fault recovery
Cause: The point for the fast fault recover cannot detected
Remedy: Reduce the nesting of the program
INTP-285 WARN Karel program cannot entry in fast fautl recovery
Cause: The fast entry cannot be performed in the karel program.
Remedy: Use TP program.
INTP-286 WARN MAINT program isn’t defined in fast fautl recovery
Cause: MAINT program is not defined in fast fault recovery.
Remedy: Use TP program.
INTP-287 PAUSE Fail to execute MAINT program
Cause: It failed to execute MAINT program
Remedy: Confirm the MAINT program name is correct or MAINT program exist in acutual.
INTP-288 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Parameter does not exist
Cause: The parameter designated by AR register does not exist.
Remedy: Please confirm the index of AR register and the parameter in CALL/MACRO command in
main program.
INTP-289 PAUSE Can’t save ffast point at program change
Cause: When fast fault is enabled, the program was paused at the part of program change
Remedy: Check whether the CONT terminaton exists at end of sub-program If exist, please change it
to FINE. This is the limitation of the fast fault recovery function.
INTP-290 PAUSE Fast fault recovery position is not saved
Cause: During fast fault recovery sequence, any alarm occurs. So the fast fault recovery position is
not saved.
Remedy: Check whether the CONT terminaton exists at end of sub-program If exist, please change it
to FINE. This is the limitation of the fast fault recovery function.
INTP-291 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Index for AR is not correct
Cause: The parameter designated by AR register does not exist. But this error does not occur
at present.
Remedy: Please confirm the index of AR register and the parameter in CALL/MACRO command in
main program.
INTP-292 PAUSE more than 6 motion with DB executed
Cause: More than six Distance Before (DB) motion options were processed at the same time.
Remedy: Either change the termination type from CNT to FINE as in the example below, or reduce
the number of DB motion options being used consecutively: 1: L P[1] 2000mm/sec CNT 100 DB
10mm DO[1] = ON 2: L P[2] 2000mm/sec CNT 100 DB 10mm DO[2] = ON 3: L P[3] 2000mm/sec
CNT 100 DB 10mm DO[3] = ON 4: L P[4] 2000mm/sec CNT 100 DB 10mm DO[4] = ON 5: L P[5]
2000mm/sec CNT 100 DB 10mm DO[5] = ON 6: L P[6] 2000mm/sec FINE 7: L P[7] 2000mm/sec
CNT 100 DB 10mm DO[7] = ON 8: L P[8] 2000mm/sec CNT 100 DB 10mm DO[8] = ON 9: L P[9]
2000mm/sec CNT 100 DB 10mm DO[9] = ON 10: L P[10] 2000mm/sec CNT 100 DB 10mm DO[10]
= ON 11: L P[11] 2000mm/sec CNT 100 DB 10mm DO[11] = ON
INTP-293 PAUSE (%s,%d)DB too small(away)(%dmm).
Cause: A Distance Before condition was not established.
Remedy: Change the program so that the TCP moves into the trigger region or increase the size of
trigger region in order for the Distance Before condition to take effect.
INTP-294 ABORT TPE parameter error
Cause: The parameter designed in CALL/MACRO instruction is not correct. This error is internal
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical
INTP-295 WARN (%s,%d)DB too small(away)(%dmm).
Cause: A Distance Before condition was not established.
Remedy: Change the program so that the TCP moves into the trigger region or increase the size of
trigger region in order for the Distance Before condition to take effect.
INTP-296 WARN (%s,%d) $SCR_GRP[%d].$M_POS_ENB is FALSE.
Cause: Distance Before doesn’t work if $SCR_GRP[ ].$M_POS_ENB is FALSE.
Remedy: Please set $SCR_GRP_[ ].$M_POS_ENB to TRUE.
INTP-297 WARN (%s,%d)DB too small(done)(%dmm)
Cause: Motion completed before trigger of DB condition.
Remedy: Please change distance value.
INTP-300 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Unimplemented P-code
Cause: KAREL program error. This KAREL statement cannot be executed.
Remedy: Check the KAREL translater software version.
INTP-301 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Stack underflow
Cause: KAREL program error. Execution entered into a FOR loop by the GOTO statement.
Remedy: A GOTO statement cannot be used to enter or exit a FOR loop. Check the label of the
GOTO statement.
INTP-302 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Stack overflow
Cause: The program stack overflowed. Too many local variables were declared or too many routines
were called.
Remedy: For KAREL programs, refer to the KAREL Reference Manual, Stack Usage and the
%STACKSIZE Translator Directive.
INTP-303 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Specified value exceeds limit
Cause: KAREL program error. The specified value exceeds the maximum limit.
Remedy: Check the value.
INTP-304 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Array length mismatch
Cause: KAREL program error. The dimensions of the arrays are not the same.
Remedy: Check the dimensions of the arrays.
INTP-305 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Error related condition handler
Cause: KAREL program error. A condition handler error occurred.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-306 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Attach request failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The ATTACH statement failed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-307 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Detach request failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The DETACH statement failed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-308 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) No case match is encountered
Cause: KAREL program error. The CASE statement does not match any branches.
Remedy: Check the CASE value and branches.
INTP-309 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Undefined WITHCH parameter
Cause: KAREL program error. The specified parameter cannot be used in the with clause of the
condition handler.
Remedy: Check the parameter.
INTP-310 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid subscript for array
Cause: KAREL program error. The index of the array is invalid.
Remedy: Check the length of the array and index value.
INTP-311 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Uninitialized data is used
Cause: KAREL program error. Untaught or uninitialized data was used.
Remedy: Teach or initialize the data before using it.
INTP-312 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid joint number
Cause: KAREL program error. The wrong axis number was used.
Remedy: Check the axis number and the data value.
INTP-313 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Motion statement failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The MOTION statement cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-314 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Return program failed
Cause: KAREL program error. Execution cannot be returned from the routine.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-315 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Built-in execution failed
Cause: KAREL program error. A built-in routine error occurred
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-316 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Call program failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The routine cannot be called.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen. Verify the
routine is loaded.
INTP-317 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid condition specified
Cause: KAREL program error. The specified condition was invalid.
Remedy: Check the condition.
INTP-318 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid action specified
Cause: KAREL program error. The specified action was invalid.
Remedy: Check the action.
INTP-319 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid type code
Cause: KAREL program error. The data type was invalid.
Remedy: Check the data type.
INTP-320 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Undefined built-in
Cause: KAREL program error. The built-in routine is not defined.
Remedy: Check the appropriate option is loaded.
INTP-321 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) END stmt of a func rtn
Cause: KAREL program error. The END statement was executed in a function routine instead of a
RETURN statement.
Remedy: Add a RETURN statement to the function routine.
INTP-322 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid arg val for builtin
Cause: KAREL program error. The argument value of a built-in routine was wrong.
Remedy: Check the argument value.
INTP-323 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Value overflow
Cause: KAREL program error. The data value for the variable was too large.
Remedy: Check the variable’s type and data value.
INTP-324 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid open mode string
Cause: KAREL program error. The usage string in the OPEN FILE statement was invalid.
Remedy: Check the usage string in the OPEN FILE statement.
INTP-325 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid file string
Cause: KAREL program error. The file string in the OPEN FILE statement was invalid.
Remedy: Check the file string. If no device is specified, the default device is used.
INTP-326 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) File var is already used
Cause: KAREL program error. The FILE variable is already being used.
Remedy: Close the file before reusing the FILE variable or add a new FILE variable.
INTP-327 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Open file failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The file could not be opened.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-328 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) File is not opened
Cause: KAREL program error. The specified file was not opened before operation.
Remedy: Open the file before operation.
INTP-329 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Write variable failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The value cannot be written to the variable.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-330 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Write file failed
Cause: KAREL program error. Writing to the file failed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-331 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Read variable failed
Cause: KAREL program error. Reading the variable failed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-332 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Read data is too short
Cause: KAREL program error. Data read from the file is too short.
Remedy: Make sure the data in the file is valid.
INTP-333 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid ASCII string for read
Cause: KAREL program error. The string read from the file is wrong.
Remedy: Check the data of the file.
INTP-334 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Read file failed
Cause: KAREL program error. Reading from the file failed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-335 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot open pre-defined file
Cause: KAREL program error. A file pre-defined by the system cannot be opened.
Remedy: Use the file defined by the system without opening it.
INTP-336 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot close pre-defined file
Cause: KAREL program error. A file pre-defined by the system cannot be closed.
Remedy: Do not try to close it.
INTP-337 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid routine type
Cause: KAREL program error. This routine cannot be used.
Remedy: Make sure you have the correct routine type and name.
INTP-338 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Close file failed
Cause: KAREL program error. Closing the file failed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-339 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid program name
Cause: KAREL program error. The program name is invalid.
Remedy: Make sure you have the correct program name.
INTP-340 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid variable name
Cause: KAREL program error. The variable name is invalid.
Remedy: Make sure you have the correct variable name.
INTP-341 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Variable not found
Cause: KAREL program error. The variable cannot be found.
Remedy: Verify the program name and variable name.
INTP-342 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Incompatible variable
Cause: KAREL program error. The data type defined by the BYNAME function and the variable
type are mismatched.
Remedy: Make sure you have the correct data type and variable type.
INTP-343 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Reference stack overflow
Cause: KAREL program error. Too many variables are passed using the BYNAME function.
Remedy: Decrease the number of BYNAME functions.
INTP-344 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Readahead buffer overflow
Cause: KAREL program error. The buffer to read ahead from the device overflowed.
Remedy: Increase the buffer size.
INTP-345 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Pause task failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The PAUSE statement cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-346 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Abort task failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The ABORT statement cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-347 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Read I/O value failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The digital input signal cannot be input.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-348 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Write I/O value failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The digital output signal cannot be output.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-349 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Hold motion failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The HOLD statement cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-350 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Unhold motion failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The UNHOLD statement cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-351 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Stop motion failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The STOP statement cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-352 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Cancel motion failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The CANCEL statement cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-353 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Resume motion failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The RESUME statement cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-354 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Break point failed
Cause: KAREL program error. The break point function cannot be executed.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-355 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) AMR is not found
Cause: KAREL program error. The AMR operated by the RETURN_AMR built-in routine was
not found.
Remedy: Check program operation.
INTP-356 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) AMR is not processed yet
Cause: KAREL program error. The RETURN_AMR built-in routine cannot be used for an
unoperated AMR.
Remedy: Operate the AMR using the WAIT_AMR built-in routine.
INTP-357 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) WAIT_AMR is cancelled
Cause: KAREL program error. The execution of the WAIT_AMR built-in routine was cancelled.
Remedy: The program executing the WAIT_AMR must be restarted.
INTP-358 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Timeout at read request
Cause: KAREL program error. The READ statement timed out.
Remedy: Check the device being read.
INTP-359 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Read request is nested
Cause: KAREL program error. Another READ statement was executed while a READ statement
was waiting for input.
Remedy: Remove nested reads.
INTP-360 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Vector is 0
Cause: KAREL program error. The vector value was invalid.
Remedy: Check the vector value.
INTP-361 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) FRAME:P2 is same as P1
Cause: KAREL program error. The X-axis direction cannot be calculated in the FRAME built-in
routine because P1 and P2 are the same point.
Remedy: Teach P1 and P2 as different points.
INTP-362 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) FRAME:P3 is same as P1
Cause: KAREL program error. The X-Y plane cannot be calculated in the FRAME built-in routine
because P1 and P3 are the same point.
Remedy: Teach P1 and P3 as different points.
INTP-363 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) FRAME:P3 exists on line P2-P1
Cause: KAREL program error. The X-Y plane cannot be calculated in the FRAME built-in routine
because P3 is located in the X-axis direction.
Remedy: Teach P3 out of the X-axis direction.
INTP-364 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) String too short for data
Cause: KAREL program error. The target string was too short.
Remedy: Increase the target string size.
INTP-365 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Predefined window not opened
Cause: KAREL program error. A FILE pre-defined by the system is not opened.
Remedy: Check the use of this file.
INTP-366 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) I/O status is not cleared
Cause: KAREL program error. The last file operation failed.
Remedy: Reset the error using the CLR_IO_STAT built-in routine.
INTP-367 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Bad base in format
Cause: KAREL program error. I/O mode operates only from binary to hexdecimal.
Remedy: Check the specified mode.
INTP-368 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot use specified program
Cause: KAREL program error. The specified program cannot be used.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-369 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Timeout at WAIT_AMR
Cause: KAREL program error. The WAIT_AMR built-in routine timed out.
Remedy: If an AMR was expected within the time-out value check logic in the task that sould
have posted the AMR
INTP-370 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Vision CPU not plugged in
Cause: KAREL program error. The vision CPU board is not plugged in.
Remedy: Plug in the vision CPU board.
INTP-371 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Vision built-in overflow
Cause: KAREL program error. The operation overflowed in the vision built-in routine.
Remedy: Modify program so fewer vision builtins are executing at the same time.
INTP-372 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Undefined vision built-in
Cause: KAREL program error. The vision built-in routine is not defined.
Remedy: Check the appropriate option is loaded.
INTP-373 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Undefined vision parameter type
Cause: KAREL program error. The parameter to the vision built-in routine is invalid.
Remedy: Check the parameter of the vision built-in routine.
INTP-374 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Undefined vision return type
Cause: KAREL program error. The return value from the vision built-in routine is invalid.
Remedy: Check the return value from the vision built-in routine.
INTP-375 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) System var passed using BYNAME
Cause: KAREL program error. System variables cannot be passed using the BYNAME function.
Remedy: Pass without using BYNAME or use GET_VAR and SET_VAR instead.
INTP-376 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Motion in ISR failed
Cause: A MOVE statement was executed in an interrupt routine while a motion in the interrupted
program was still in progress.
Remedy: One (or both) of the following should correct this problem: 1. Add CANCEL or STOP
condition handler action before the call to the interrupt routine in the condition handler. 2. Add a
DELAY 500 statement before the first move in the interrupt routine to allow the motion to complete.
INTP-377 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Local COND recovery failed
Cause: This local condition can’t be recovered.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen.
INTP-378 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Local variable is used
Cause: Local variable or parameter is used for the condition.
Remedy: Use global variable to recover local condition.
INTP-379 ABORT Bad condition handler number
Cause: An invalid condition handler number was used in a condition handler definition, or an
ENABLE, DISABLE, or PURGE statement or action
Remedy: Correct the condition handler number. Condition handler numbers must be in the range
INTP-380 ABORT Bad program number
Cause: A invalid program number has been specified in an ABORT PROGRAM, PAUSE
PROGRAM, or CONTINUE PROGRAM condition or action.
Remedy: Use a valid program number. Prorgam numbers must be in the range
INTP-381 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid Delay Time
Cause: An invalid delay time has been specified in DELAY statement.
Remedy: Use a valid delay time. Delay time must be in the range 0..86400000 .
INTP-382 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid bit field value
Cause: An invalid value has been specified in bit field
Remedy: Use a valid value for the bit field.
INTP-383 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Path node out of range
Cause: The specified path node is out of range.
Remedy: Check the path node.
INTP-384 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid value for CNT
Cause: The indicated value cannot be used for the CNT instruction.
Remedy: Check the value.
INTP-400 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Number of motions exceeded
Cause: Too many motions are executed at the same time.
Remedy: Decrease the number of motions executed at the same time. Execute the next motion
after the completion of the last motion.
INTP-401 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Not On Top Of Stack
Cause: Paused motion exists after the motion was resumed.
Remedy: Resume the motion that was previously paused.
INTP-410 PAUSE Motion Optim. not loaded
Cause: Loading/Running optimized program without OPTM loaded.
Remedy: Refer to the error cause code. Check program and options.
INTP-420 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) OFIX is not available
Cause: OFIX is not available.
Remedy: Please check motion type and options
INTP-421 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Stitch disable(S/S)
Cause: Single step mode is enable.
Remedy: Please disable single step
INTP-422 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Stitch enable signal off
Cause: Stitch enable signal is off.
Remedy: Please turn on stitch enable signal
INTP-423 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Eq.condition signal error
Cause: Equipment conditon signal is abnormal
Remedy: Please check Equipment conditon signal
INTP-424 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Stitch speed error
Cause: Setting of Stitch speed is illegal.
Remedy: Please check stitch speed
INTP-425 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Illegal motion type(J)
Cause: Please check motion type The motion statement is JOINT motion.
Remedy: Change the motion statement to LINEAR motion.
INTP-426 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Another prog is in stitching
Cause: Another program is in stitch mode.
Remedy: Please force abort another program if it is executing stitch or it paused in stitch area.
INTP-427 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Stitch disable(T1 mode)
Cause: Master/Slave/SlaveAlone program cannot call KAREL program
Remedy: Master/Slave/SlaveAlone program cannot call KAREL program
INTP-430 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Dry Run needs other groups
Cause: The program does not have all motion groups. All motion groups are required for Dry Run.
Remedy: Enable all motion groups for the program. If some groups should not be affected by Dry
Run, set $DRYRUN.$GRP_MASK to indicate which motion groups should be affected. 1 = affect
this group; 0 = do not affect this group.
INTP-431 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Dry Run on Incremental motion
Cause: Dry Run cannot start in an incremental motion statement.
Remedy: Exit the incremental motion statement by moving the cursor to another line, or do backward
INTP-432 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Dry Run on Circular motion
Cause: Dry Run cannot start in a circular motion statement.
Remedy: Exit the circular motion by moving the cursor to another line, or perform backward
INTP-433 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Dry Run in P-SPS
Cause: Dry Run cannot start in an interrupt routine.
Remedy: Exit the interrupt routine.
INTP-434 PAUSE Please do BWD to exit P-SPS
Cause: This is used as a cause code for INTP-433, to recommend backward execution.
Remedy: None.
INTP-435 PAUSE Dry Run execution error
Cause: An error occurred in Dry Run execution.
Remedy: Refer to additional errors for more information.
INTP-436 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid item for output
Cause: The item specified in left side of assignment statement is not available for output.
Remedy: Do not use the item for output.
INTP-437 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Marker nesting too deep
Cause: Depth of Marker nesting is greater than 10.
Remedy: Reduce the nesting level of Marker.
INTP-438 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Undefined Marker
Cause: The Marker being read is not defined by any expression.
Remedy: Define the Marker expression.
INTP-439 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Marker conflict
Cause: Multiple tasks are attempting to execute the same Marker at the same time.
Remedy: Check recursive references to Markers.
INTP-440 PAUSE (%s^4) Stopped by TC_ONLINE
Cause: Program is paused by TC_ONLINE, because the result of the defined expression is FALSE.
Remedy: Check TC_ONLINE expression.
INTP-441 WARN Please stop Background Logic
Cause: The setting of Background Logic cannot be changed when the Background Logic is running.
Remedy: Stop the Background Logic.
INTP-442 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Background program is changed
Cause: The Background Logic that was running at power down was changed before this COLD start.
This Background Logic is stopped.
Remedy: Execute the Background Logic manually.
INTP-443 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid item for Mixed Logic
Cause: There is an operator or data that cannot be used in Mixed Logic. Mixed Logic statements are
those that have parentheses.
Remedy: Use the operator or data in a normal Logic instruction.
INTP-444 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Invalid item for Fast mode
Cause: There is an operator or data that cannot be used in Fast mode Background Logic. Fast Mode
Background Logic can have only I/O ports and logical operators.
Remedy: Remove the operator or data, or execute this program in Normal mode Background Logic
INTP-445 WARN (%s^4, %d^5) Indirection in Fast mode
Cause: There is an indirection of index, (ex. DI[R[1]]), in Fast mode Background Logic. Fast
mode Background Logic cannot use indirection.
Remedy: Remove the indirection, or execute this program in Normal mode Background Logic
INTP-446 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Too many parentheses
Cause: The parentheses nesting is too deep. The maximum number of nesting is 11.
Remedy: Divide the expression into two lines.
INTP-447 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Parentheses mismatch
Cause: The combination of parentheses is wrong.
Remedy: Check the parentheses pairs.
INTP-448 WARN Fast mode programs too big
Cause: Total size of Fast mode programs is greater than 4000 steps. 4000 steps is approx. 4000
Remedy: Set execution mode of some Background programs to Normal
INTP-449 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Marker recursion
Cause: There is a recursive reference of a Marker.
Remedy: Check recursive reference of Marker.
INTP-450 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot call KAREL program
Cause: Master/Slave/SlaveAlone program cannot call KAREL program
Remedy: Master/Slave/SlaveAlone program cannot call KAREL program
INTP-451 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot call Motion program
Cause: Master/Slave/SlaveAlone program cannot call Normal program which has motion group.
Remedy: Master/Slave/SlaveAlone program can call Normal program which does not have motion
INTP-452 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Robot link type mismatch
Cause: Master/Slave/SlaveAlone program can call different type of program.
Remedy: Master/Slave/SlaveAlone program can call only same type of program.
INTP-453 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Not in remote
Cause: Slave program cannot be execute without remote status.
Remedy: Satisfy the remote condition
INTP-454 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Illegal return occurred
Cause: Program type is different between caller program and called program.
Remedy: Satisfy the remote condition
INTP-455 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Group mismatch(Link pattern)
Cause: Master program does not have the same motion group which is specified by the link pattern of
robot link data.
Remedy: Master program must have the same motion group which is specified by the link pattern of
robot link data.
INTP-456 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Group mismatch(Slave group)
Cause: Slave program does not have the same motion group which is specified by the slave group of
robot link data.
Remedy: Slave program must have the same motion group which is specified by the slave group of
robot link data.
INTP-457 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Master tool number mismatch
Cause: Current tool frame number of master robot is different from the master tool No of robot link
data of the slave program.
Remedy: Current tool frame number of master robot and the master tool No of robot link data of the
slave program must be same number.
INTP-458 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Robot is still moving
Cause: Since robot is still moving, it is impossible to synchronize.
Remedy: After robot stops completely, countinue the program again.
INTP-459 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Slave cannot JOINT motion
Cause: The motion statement of slave program is JOINT motion.
Remedy: Change the motion statement of slave program to LINEAR motion.
INTP-460 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot use JOINT pos for Slave
Cause: The position data of slave program is JOINT type.
Remedy: Change the position data of slave program to LINEAR type.
INTP-461 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Master TP is enabled
Cause: Master program is executed by TP.
Remedy: Slave program is paused, when master program is executed by TP.
INTP-462 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot start Robot Link
Cause: Master program is executed by TP.
Remedy: Slave program is paused, when master program is executed by TP.
INTP-463 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Motion group is Master
Cause: The motion group of specified program becomes to be master.
Remedy: Change the robot to normal from master. Then, please try to execute again.
INTP-464 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Motion group is Slave
Cause: The motion group of specified program becomes to be slave.
Remedy: Change the robot to normal from slave. Then, please try to execute again.
INTP-465 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Tracking error
Cause: Tracking of slave program is failed.
Remedy: Change the robot to normal from slave. Then, please try to execute again.
INTP-466 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Robot link not calibrated
Cause: Robot link calibration has not been done yet.
Remedy: Calibrate the robot link.
INTP-467 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot use INC for Slave
Cause: The slave program cannot use Incremental instruction.
Remedy: Remove the Incremental instraction.
INTP-468 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot use OFFSET for Slave
Cause: The slave program cannot use Offset instruction.
Remedy: Remove the Offset instraction.
INTP-469 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) BWD is failed for Master
Cause: Synchronize of Master is falid for BWD.
Remedy: Change the Slave robot to be synchronize waiting state.
INTP-470 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Not support BWD for Slave
Cause: BWD of Slave program is not supported.
Remedy: BWD of Slave program is not supported.
INTP-471 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Robot is Master(Manual)
Cause: Current status of the robot is Master(Manual).
Remedy: When robot is Master(Manual), you cannot use external program execution. To use external
program execution, please change the status to Master(Alone) at the manual operation screen.
INTP-472 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Robot is Slave(Manual)
Cause: Current status of the robot is Slave(Manual).
Remedy: When robot is Slave(Manual), you cannot execute other Slave program. To execute other
Slave program execution, please hold the program to exit Slave(Manual) status.
INTP-473 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Synchro ID is ZERO
Cause: The synchro ID of the specified program is zero.
Remedy: Synchro ID 0 is not available number. Please set another synchro ID.
INTP-474 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Synchro ID mismatch
Cause: The program whose synchro ID is different from current synchro ID is executed.
Remedy: Please change the synchro ID to fit the current synchro ID.
INTP-475 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot single step
Cause: Need two motion lines.
Remedy: Add a motion line.
INTP-476 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) BWD is failed
Cause: BWD is failed.
Remedy: BWD is failed.
INTP-477 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Cannot run Slave directly
Cause: Slave program cannot be executed directly.
Remedy: Slave program must be called by normal program.
INTP-478 WARN This group can not be MASTER
Cause: This motion group is not specified as master in SETUP.
Remedy: Use another group as master or change SETUP.
INTP-479 PAUSE Bad Hostname or Address(MASTER)
Cause: HOSTNAME, IP Address or group number about MASTER is not correct.
Remedy: Confirm RobotLink and HOST Comm TCP/IP SETUP.
INTP-480 PAUSE Bad Hostname or Address(SLAVE)
Cause: HOSTNAME, IP Address or group number about SLAVE is not correct.
Remedy: Confirm RobotLink and HOST Comm TCP/IP SETUP.
INTP-481 PAUSE Bad Synchronization ID
Cause: Synchronization ID in program is invalid.
Remedy: Modify Synchronization ID at Program List Screen.
INTP-482 PAUSE Bad Link Pattern Number
Cause: Link Pattern Number in program is invalid.
Remedy: Modify Link Pattern Number at Program List Screen.
INTP-483 PAUSE Bad Master Number
Cause: Master Number in program is invalid.
Remedy: Modify Master Number at Program List Screen.
INTP-484 PAUSE Bad Group number (MASTER)
Cause: Specified group number about MASTER is invalid.
Remedy: Confirm group number setup about MASTER.
INTP-485 PAUSE Bad Group number (SLAVE)
Cause: Specified group number about SLAVE is invalid.
Remedy: Confirm group number setup about SLAVE.
INTP-486 PAUSE SLAVE is not calibrated
Cause: Specified SLAVE is not calibrated.
Remedy: Calibrate SLAVE robot.
INTP-487 PAUSE No Valid SLAVE in Link Pattern
Cause: No valid SLAVE is specified in Link Pattern data.
Remedy: Confirm Link Pattern at RobotLink SETUP screen.
INTP-488 PAUSE RLINK communication timeout
Cause: At comm-buffer init, comm-processor is too busy.
Remedy: Increase $RK_SYSCFG.$RMGR_PHTOUT by 100.
INTP-489 PAUSE Bad Hostname or Address, Group
Cause: Hostname or IP Address, Group number setup is invalid.
Remedy: Check HOST Comm TCP/IP and RobotLink SETUP.
INTP-490 PAUSE Timeout for link start
Cause: Timeout for Robot Link start
Remedy: Check another robot and robot link program
INTP-491 PAUSE Linked robot or comm stopped
Cause: Robot link communication stopped
Remedy: Check another robot is paused or communication status
INTP-492 PAUSE Master program stopped
Cause: Detect Master HELD input signal
Remedy: Check master robot status
INTP-493 PAUSE Slave program stopped
Cause: Detect slave HELD input signal
Remedy: Check slave robot status
INTP-494 PAUSE Proc_sync Sched number not set
Cause: Schedule number for PROC_SYNC is not initialized
Remedy: Use SYNC_SCHED instruction prior to using INPOS, PROC_STRT or PROC_SYNC
Cause: PROC_END statement is not found after PROC_START
Remedy: Use PROC_END instruction after a PROC_START instruction or use PROC_SYNC
INTP-570 ABORT IBGN internal error
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Please do COLD start.
INTP-571 PAUSE IBGN file format error(%d^9)
Cause: File format for IBGN is not correct.
Remedy: After check and modify the contents of the file, then try again.
INTP-572 PAUSE IBGN file cannot open
Cause: IBGN file cannot open.
Remedy: Check file and then try again.
INTP-573 WARN IBGN rtcp and usual tool mixed
Cause: During IBGN recording, remote tcp motion and usual motion cannot used together
Remedy: Modify programand try again.
INTP-574 PAUSE No motion statement exected before RECORD start
Cause: No motion statement executed before RECORD start[ ] instruction
Remedy: Execute at least one motion statement before RECORD start[ ].
INTP-575 PAUSE IBGN ITP time does not match
Cause: ITP time in ASCII file is not same as this system.
Remedy: Check whether ASCII file is correct.
INTP-576 PAUSE IBGN TCP data does not match
Cause: ITP time in ASCII file is not same as this system.
Remedy: Check whether ASCII file is correct.
INTP-577 PAUSE IBGN Program can not be restarted
Cause: Program can not be restarted because Constant Joint Path is disabled.
Remedy: Enable Constant Joint Path function.
INTP-578 WARN IBGN RECORD interrupted
Cause: Program is paused. Recording is stopped.
Remedy: To start recording, start your program again from the beginning.
INTP-579 WARN IBGN RECORD doesn’t work in single step mode
Cause: RECORD start instruction doesn’t work in single step mode
Remedy: Disable single step. There is no poin data in buffer. Check IBGN**.IBG file.
INTP-581 ABORT IBGN Cannot execute backwards
Cause: The program can not be executed using BWD.
INTP-582 WARN IBGN RECORD buffer is full
Cause: Buffer for recording is full. Record stopped here.
Remedy: Please shorten time to record
INTP-583 WARN IBGN program call/return during RECORD
Cause: Program call or return from program occurred during recording.
Remedy: Teach RECORD start and end in a program and don’t use CALL.
INTP-584 WARN IBGN tool changed during RECORD
Cause: Tool changed during recording.
Remedy: Don’t change tool between IBGN RECORD START and IBGN RECORD END.
INTP-585 WARN IBGN user frame changed during RECORD
Cause: User frame changed during recording.
Remedy: Don’t change user frame between IBGN RECORD START and IBGN RECORD END.
INTP-586 WARN IBGN jmp label during RECORD
Cause: Jmp label occured during recording.
Remedy: Don’t change user frame between IBGN RECORD START and IBGN RECORD END.
INTP-587 WARN IBGN illegal speed unit(%s,%d)
Cause: Illegal speed unit for IBGN record.
Remedy: If Joint, use %. If linear/circle, use mm/sec, cm/min or inch/min. Buffer for executing is
full. Check the number of point in IBGN file. Teaching of IBGN instruction is not correct. Check
whether IBGN END instruction is exist. Check whether IBGN END instruction is taught before IBGN
instruction. File transfer by FTP protocol failed. Check setting for communication.
INTP-591 PAUSE IBGN FWD execution cannot be done
Cause: When BWD execution is paused, FWD execution cannot be done until BWD execution
Remedy: Afetr BWD execution is finished, perform FWD execution.
INTP-592 PAUSE IBGN RECORD index mismatch(%d, %d)
Cause: Index of IBGN REC END[ ] is different from IBGN REC START[ ]. Record of the 1st index
was in progress when end instruction of the 2nd index was executed
Remedy: Use proper index.
INTP-593 PAUSE IBGN file cannot read
Cause: IBGN file cannot read because previous IBGN command does not finish.
Remedy: Please do COLD start.
INTP-594 PAUSE IBGN record file is being copied
Cause: IBGN record file is being copied.
Remedy: Wait for a while and resume program.
INTP-595 WARN Updating IBGN exe file
Cause: Someone is updating IBGN file. Now IBGN file cannot be saved.
Remedy: Wait for a while and try again.
INTP-596 WARN Saving IBGN exe file
Cause: Someone is saving IBGN file. Now IBGN file cannot be updated.
Remedy: Wait for a while and try again.
INTP-597 WARN IBGN exe file is in use
Cause: IBGN START[ ] instruction is using one of IBGN file. Now IBGN file cannot be updated.
Remedy: Wait for a while and try again.
INTP-598 WARN IBGN no record data
Cause: There is no successful record data of specified index.
Remedy: Please make sure record is successful. Access record file before another record stars. If
index is wrong, record file isn’t found.
INTP-599 PAUSE IBGN Now recording
Cause: Another IBGN RECORD instruction is recording.
Remedy: Execute an IBGN RECORD END instruction, then start another IBGN record instruction.
INTP-600 WARN IBGN RECORD file index error
Cause: Record file of Specified index isn’t available now. Robot doesn’t have record data of specified
Remedy: Access record file before another recording starts.
INTP-601 PAUSE IBGN more than 256 characters in a line
Cause: SENSPS file or IBGN file contains a line that has more than 255 characters.
Remedy: Check ascii file and fix it.
INTP-602 PAUSE ARC:Accupath enabled
Cause: A motion cannot be used if Accupath is enabled
Remedy: Disable Accupath
INTP-604 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:Cannot use this instruction
Cause: This instruction is not allowed between A motion statements
Remedy: Delete this instruction
INTP-605 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:Offset increment in A motion
Cause: Offset is used with $SCR.$ofstincval in A motion.
Remedy: Please set $SCR.$ofstincval = 0
INTP-606 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:No motion statement
Cause: Motion statement is not found
Remedy: Internal error
INTP-607 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:Syntax error
Cause: Syntax error is found by A motion processing
Remedy: Internal error
INTP-608 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:It is not A
Cause: The specified line is not A motion
Remedy: Internal error
INTP-611 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:Group mismatch
Cause: The specified group is not processed
Remedy: Internal error
INTP-612 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:PR[R[ ]] in A motion
Cause: position register of A motion must not be indirect.
Remedy: Delete indirection.
INTP-613 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:Position conflict
Cause: Destination position data conflict internally.
Remedy: Internal error. It may be caused by motion option.
INTP-614 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:Palletizing in A motion
Cause: Palletizing is not allowed for A motion
Remedy: Please delete palletizing
INTP-615 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:Call nesting is too deep
Cause: The call nesting between A motion statements is too deep.
Remedy: Please check recursive call.
INTP-616 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:Sub program has motion line
Cause: Sub program called between A motion statement has motion statement.
Remedy: Don’t call the program that has motion statement between A motion statements.
INTP-617 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:JMP between A motion
Cause: There is JMP statement between A motion statements.
Remedy: Please delete JMP statement.
INTP-618 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:END between A motions
Cause: There is END statement between A motion statements.
Remedy: Please delete END statement.
INTP-619 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:PR is set between A motion
Cause: There is assignment statement to PR between A motion statements.
Remedy: Please delete assignment statement to PR.
INTP-620 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:LBL between A motion
Cause: There is a LBL statement between A motion statements.
Remedy: Delete the LBL statement.
INTP-621 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:INC in A motion
Cause: There is an INC instruction in A motion statement.
Remedy: Delete the INC instruction.
INTP-622 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:SKIP in A motion
Cause: There is SKIP instruction in A motion statement.
Remedy: Delete the SKIP instruction.
INTP-623 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:UFRAME/UTOOL between A motion
Cause: UFRAME data, UFRAME numer, UTOOL data, UTOOL number must not be changed
between A motion statements.
Remedy: Don’t change UFRAME and UTOOL.
INTP-625 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:OFFSET cond between A motion
Cause: There is OFFSET / TOOL OFFSET condition statement between A motion statements.
Remedy: Please delete OFFSET / TOOL OFFSET condition statement.
INTP-626 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:KAREL call between A motion
Cause: KAREL program is called between A motion statements.
Remedy: Please delete KAREL call.
INTP-627 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:Inconsistent position
Cause: Position data is changed in a sequence of A motion statements.
Remedy: Please find the reason why the position data is changed.
INTP-628 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:Inconsistent line sequence
Cause: Line order of execution is changed in a sequence of A motion statements.
Remedy: Please find the reason why the line order is changed.
INTP-629 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:UFRAME/UTOOL is changed
Cause: UFRAME/UTOOL is changed in a sequence of A motion statements.
Remedy: Please find the reason why FRAME/UTOOL is changed.
INTP-630 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:Logic error
Cause: Specified line violate restriction of logic between A motion
Remedy: Please refer to cause code.
INTP-631 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)ARC:RTCP mismatch
Cause: If A motion uses RTCP, related motion lines must use RTCP,too. Vice versa
Remedy: Cause code shows which line is inconsistent. Teach or delete RTCP.
INTP-632 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)Illegal time
Cause: Illegal value is specified as time of TB.
Remedy: Set proper time
INTP-633 PAUSE (%s^4, %d^5)Illegal distance
Cause: Illegal value is specified as distance of DB.
Remedy: Set proper distance
INTP-635 PAUSE Instruction number is wrong
Cause: The specified RESUME/MAINT instruction number cannot be used.
Remedy: Use another RESUME/MAINT instruction number. If the error still occurs, document the
events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
INTP-636 PAUSE There’re multiple RESUME/MAINT
Cause: There are two RESUME/MAINT instructions in one teach pendant program.
Remedy: Only one RESUME/MAINT instruction can be used in one teach pendant program.
INTP-637 PAUSE Please install J605
Cause: The Multi Robot Control (J605) option (required for all Multi-Arm systems) is not installed.
Remedy: Multi Robot Control (J605) is necessary to use the instruction. Make sure this option is
installed and try the operation again.
INTP-638 PAUSE This program can’t execute by RUN
Cause: The program where the RESUME/MAINT instruction exists can not execute by RUN.
Remedy: Remove the RESUME/MAINT instruction from this program.
INTP-639 PAUSE Other program are using RESUME/MAINT
Cause: Another program is using the RESUME/MAINT instruction.
Remedy: Remove the RESUME/MAINT instruction from this program.
INTP-643 PAUSE RESUME/MAINT cannot be used here
Cause: The RESUME/MAINT instruction cannot be used in RESUME/MAINT program.
Remedy: Remove the RESUME/MAINT instruction from this program.
INTP-644 PAUSE Instruction number is wrong
Cause: The specified RESUME/MAINT instruction number cannot be used. The relation between
RESUME/MAINT instruction number and the program number is wrong.
Remedy: Use another RESUME/MAINT instruction number.
INTP-645 PAUSE PNSTROBE signal is input
Cause: Because the PNSTROBE pulse signal is input, resume program or fast fault recovery cannot
be executed.
Remedy: Do not input the PNSTROBE pulse signal while resume program or fast fault recovery are
being executed.
INTP-646 WARN Maintenance DO is OFF
Cause: Because the maintenance DO is OFF, the fast fault recovery sequence cannot be executed.
Remedy: Confirm the setup of fast fault recovery.
INTP-647 PAUSE Please install J664
Cause: The Error Recovery option (J664) is not installed.
Remedy: The Error Recovery Option (J664) is necessary to use the instruction.
INTP-648 PAUSE Ffast sequence can’t be executed
Cause: The fast fault recovery sequence cannot be executed.
Remedy: Reset the alarm. If the error still occurs, document the events that led to the error and
contact your FANUC technical representative.