Fanuc HOST Alarm Codes

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Fanuc HOST Alarm Codes

HOST-001 WARN End of directory reached
Cause: Your’s listing has reached the end of the directory. You do not have to do anything for this
warning message.
Remedy: This is a notification.
HOST-002 WARN File already exists
Cause: The file name you are trying to create or copy to already exists on this device.
Remedy: Delete the file on this device or choose a different file name.
HOST-003 WARN File does not exist
Cause: The file you are trying to open or copy does not exist on this device.
Remedy: Open or copy a file that exists on the device.
HOST-004 WARN Illegal command received
Cause: The requested operation is not supported.
Remedy: Use only supported operations, or check command syntax.
HOST-005 WARN Disk is full
Cause: The disk file capacity has been reached.
Remedy: Delete some unneeded files or use a disk with sufficient free space.
HOST-006 WARN End of file reached
Cause: The end of the file was reached while reading.
Remedy: Do not attempt to read beyond the end of a file.
HOST-008 WARN Only one file may be opened
Cause: An attempt was made to open more than one file.
Remedy: Do not attempt to open more than one file at a time.
HOST-100 WARN Communications error
Cause: The protocol format was invalid.
Remedy: Verify protocol field in the setup menu and retry the operation.
HOST-101 WARN Directory read error
Cause: The directory information is corrupted and unreadable.
Remedy: Clean the disk drive,try another disk or reformat the disk.
HOST-102 WARN Block check error
Cause: The checksum data is bad. Data is corrupted on the disk and can not be read.
Remedy: Try another disk, or reformat the disk
HOST-103 WARN Seek error
Cause: There is a bad sector or track on the disk.
Remedy: Clean the disk drive, try another disk, or reformat the disk.
HOST-104 WARN Disk timeout
Cause: The drive did not respond to a command.
Remedy: Check the cable to the drive and make sure drive power is on.
HOST-105 WARN Write protection violation
Cause: The disk has write protection enabled.
Remedy: Remove write protection from the disk or use a disk that is not write protected.
HOST-106 WARN $PROTOENT entry not found
Cause: Protocol Entry structure ($PROTOENT) is invalid. It should be reset to default values.
Remedy: Return Protocol Entry structure to initial values from Setup and Operations manual.
HOST-107 WARN $SERVENT entry not found
Cause: Server Entry structure ($SERVENT) is invalid. It should be reset to default values.
Remedy: Return Server Entry structure to initial values from Setup and Operations manual.
HOST-108 WARN Internet address not found
Cause: Internet Address needs to be set.
Remedy: Set Internet Address in the Setup Host Comm TCP/IP Protocol Menu.
HOST-109 WARN Host name not found
Cause: Host Name needs to be set.
Remedy: Set Host Name and Internet Address in the Host Comm TCP/IP Protocol Setup Menu.
HOST-110 WARN Node not found
Cause: The Remote Node Name needs to be set. 9
Remedy: Set Remote Node Name in the Host Comm TCP/IP Protocol Setup Menu.
HOST-111 WARN Cycle power to use Ethernet
Cause: ER-1 or ER-2 Ethernet hardware is already running and can not be restarted without cycling
Remedy: Turn off and then turn on the controler.
Cause: The TCP/IP Stack has encountered a situation that may result in corruption or disruption
in normal network activity.
Remedy: Copy ETHERNET.DG file from MD: and save it. Note the PANIC string. Cycle power to
the controller and contact the Support hotline and provide them with that information.
HOST-114 WARN PROXY: %s socket error
Cause: A new TCP/IP socket cannot be allocated because all system resources are in use.
Remedy: Check for abnormal activity with all installed internet options. Obtain the ethernet.dg file
from the MD: device and contact the FANUC Robotics Hotline.
Cause: The Ethernet address needs to be set.
Remedy: Set the Ethernet address in Configuration Menu.
HOST-126 WARN Invalid Ethernet address
Cause: The Ethernet address needs to be set.
Remedy: Set the Ethernet address in Configuration Menu.
HOST-127 WARN Ethernet firmware not loaded
Cause: The Ethernet Board firmware is not loaded.
Remedy: Load the Ethernet Board firmware in BMON.
HOST-128 WARN Ethernet hardware not installed
Cause: The Ethernet Board needs to be reinitialized.
Remedy: Install or reseat the Ethernet Board.
HOST-129 WARN Receiver error
Cause: Data received from external device is invalid. Most likely caused by electrical noise on
Remedy: The error can be cleared by Stopping and Starting the Tag in Host Comm Setup Menu.
HOST-130 WARN Buffer alignment wrong
Cause: A buffer was passed to the Serial Port Driver which can not be accessed.
Remedy: Ensure program can run on this version of controller. You might need to retranslate your
HOST-131 WARN Wrong state
Cause: The Host Comm system can not execute the requested command in the present operating
Remedy: Stop and Start the Host Comm Tag in the Host Comm Setup Menu to reset the operating
HOST-132 WARN Can’t allocate memory
Cause: The Host Comm system can not allocate memory buffers for receiving or transmitting
Remedy: Either add more memory to the controller or reduce the number of simultaneous
HOST-133 WARN Wrong setup conditions
Cause: The Host Comm system is receiving messages but can not decode them.
Remedy: Correct port settings: data rate, data size, stop bits, etc to match external device.
HOST-134 WARN BCC or CRC error
Cause: The Host Comm system is receiving checksum errors on all messages.
Remedy: Ensure that the external device is using the same protocol.
HOST-135 WARN Timeout
Cause: There has not been any network activity on the Comm Tag for a period specified by Inactivity
Timeout. The Comm Tag has been stopped as a result.
Remedy: Restart the Comm Tag.
HOST-136 WARN Device not ready
Cause: The remote device is connected but is not responding to requests.
Remedy: Check cabling between the devices and/or insure the device is powered.
HOST-137 WARN Request cancelled
Cause: The remote device indicates the operation was successfully terminated.
Remedy: The cancel command was successful.
HOST-138 WARN Request aborted
Cause: The remote device did not indicate operation was terminated.
Remedy: The command might have been completed before the cancel command was received.
HOST-139 WARN Invalid function
Cause: The Host Comm Protocol does not support the requested function.
Remedy: Check the Host Comm Protocol to ensure the function is supported.
HOST-140 WARN Device offline
Cause: The remote device is connected but it is not online.
Remedy: Set the remote device online.
HOST-141 WARN Protocol Start/Stop error
Cause: The Host Comm Protocol could not be started (Mounted) or stopped (dismounted) on the
selected comm tag.
Remedy: Either use another Comm Tag or Stop and Undefine the selected Comm Tag under
HOST-142 WARN Connection error
Cause: The Host Comm Protocol could not establish communication with the remote device.
Possible software mismatch.
Remedy: Ensure both local and remote are using compatible software versions.
HOST-143 WARN Comm port cannot be closed
Cause: The selected hardware port defined for the Comm Tag could not be closed.
Remedy: Power the controller OFF and then ON and try again. If the error occurs again a cabling
or hardware problem might exist with the port.
HOST-144 WARN Comm Tag error
Cause: The Comm Tag either does not have a protocol defined or if required does not have a port
Remedy: DEFINE a protocol to the Comm Tag or assign a port.
HOST-145 WARN Permission denied
Cause: An attempt has been made either to read a file opened for write access only or to write a file
opened for read access only.
Remedy: If possible, close and reopen the file with the correct access parameters.
HOST-146 WARN Bad address for Comm Tag
Cause: A bad address has been detected.
Remedy: Verify the tag has a supported protocol then UNDEFINE and DEFINE the Comm Tag
HOST-147 WARN Block device required
Cause: The selected protocol requires a device port.
Remedy: First ensure the Port has No Use from Port Init Setup. Then assign it to the selected
Comm Tag.
HOST-148 WARN Mount device busy
Cause: Either the Comm Tag is STARTED or it is presently in use.
Remedy: Either STOP the Comm Tag or select another Tag.
HOST-149 WARN No such device
Cause: The passed Device Type is not a Comm Tag type (Cx or Sx).
Remedy: Only Comm Tags can be used with this command.
HOST-150 WARN Invalid argument
Cause: The system does not support selected protocol.
Remedy: Either select another protocol or install the selected protocol.
HOST-151 WARN No more Ethernet buffers.
Cause: The System has run out of buffers to communicate with the Ethernet Remote PCB.
Remedy: Reduce the number of simultaneous connections as there is not enough memory.
HOST-158 WARN FTP: no connection available
Cause: An error occurred in the networking software.
Remedy: Consult your network administrator. If the error is not cleared, document the events that led
to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
HOST-159 WARN FTP: login failed
Cause: The Comm Tag does not have a valid username and password.
Remedy: Enter a valid username and password for the Comm Tag.
HOST-160 WARN FTP: tag dismount request ignored
Cause: An error occurred in the networking software.
Remedy: Consult your network administrator. If the error is not cleared, document the events that led
to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
HOST-161 WARN FTP: need remote host name
Cause: The Comm Tag does not have a remote host defined.
Remedy: Enter a remote host name in SETUP TAGS menu Current Remote and Startup Remote
HOST-162 WARN FTP: Error on Ethernet Init.
Cause: The Ethernet PCB isn’t initialized properly.
Remedy: Ensure both Ethernet PCB firmware and Main PCB Ethernet tasks are activated.
HOST-163 WARN EXMG: Invalid Buffer Size
Cause: Invalid buffer size in call
Remedy: Ensure correct buffer size
HOST-164 WARN EXMG: Read Pending
Cause: Attempt to write before read.
Remedy: Make a read call after write before making a new write call.
HOST-165 WARN EXMG: Internal Error
Cause: Error in Explicit Messsaging Task.
Remedy: Unrecoverable – Contact Help Desk.
HOST-166 WARN EXMG: Write Pending
Cause: Attempt to read before write.
Remedy: A write should precede read.
HOST-167 WARN EXMG: Connection Error
Cause: Explicit Messaging Connection broken
Remedy: Check cable and remote device. Close connection and open again.
HOST-168 WARN EXMG: Invalid Channel
Cause: Invalid Channel specified. Channel may not be online.
Remedy: Make sure the channel specified is online or specify the correct channel
HOST-169 WARN EXMG: Invalid Path
Cause: Invalid Path Specified.
Remedy: Verify Path format specified EM:/DNET/1/10/40 DNET-Protocol, 1-Channel,10-MAC
Id 40-buffer size Also verify values are legal.
HOST-170 WARN EXMG: Invalid Name
Cause: Invalid Name specified.
Remedy: Verify Explicit Messaging mapping system variables are correctly set and the values
are legal.
HOST-171 WARN EXMG: Message Truncated
Cause: Connection Buffer size small.
Remedy: Reopen connection with correct buffer size.
HOST-172 WARN DNS: Host Not Found
Cause: Domain Name Does Not exist
Remedy: Make sure your host name and local domain name are correct. Your DNS server may not
have the. current host listed.
HOST-173 WARN DNS: Server Failure
Cause: Problem with DNS server.
Remedy: Verify that you DNS server is running. Check with your DNS administrator to verify
that the server is working properly.
HOST-174 WARN DNS: Format or Recovery Error
Cause: DNS Recovery Error .
Remedy: Verify that the host name and local domain name and formated correctly. Verify that your
server supports recursive queries. Verify that your server grants access to your robot.
HOST-175 WARN DNS: Server Has No Address
Cause: Server has no IP address listed.
Remedy: Your host name is valid and is recognized by the DNS server. The server has no IP address
for the host queried on. Have your DNS administrator provide the server with an IP address for the
host queried on.
HOST-176 WARN DNS: Configuration Error
Cause: DNS is not properly configured
Remedy: Go to the DNS configuration menu and verify that the server IP address and local domain
name are correct.
HOST-177 WARN Router Name Not Defined
Cause: No router name has been defined. The router name has been set to the robot name.
Remedy: If your network has a router, then define a router in the TCP/IP set up menu.
HOST-178 WARN Router Address Not Defined
Cause: The router does not have an address listed in the local host table.
Remedy: If your network has a router, then define an address for it in the TCPIP SETUP screen.
HOST-179 WARN IP Address mis-configuration
Cause: The entered IP address is invalid.
Remedy: Reconfigure the Ethernet interfaces such that each interface is on a different subnet, or only
configure a single interface.
HOST-180 WARN NETMEM: buffer is not created
Cause: Internal software problem. Network memory service request occurs before any memory is
not created.
Remedy: Network memory should be created before accessing.
HOST-181 WARN NETMEM: time out
Cause: Timeout occured at getting memory access right.
Remedy: Network may overload if this error occurs frequently.
Cause: Internal software problem. Specified network memory buffer descriptor was not correct.
Remedy: Verify that correct buffer descriptor is specified.
HOST-183 WARN NETMEM: buffer is auto ack mode
Cause: Internal software problem. Network memory update request issued to automatic acknowledge
transmit memory.
Remedy: Verify that correct buffer descriptor is specified.
HOST-184 WARN NETMEM: transmit BD error
Cause: Internal software problem. Specified buffer descriptor is not for transmit buffer.
Remedy: Verify that correct buffer descriptor is specified.
HOST-185 WARN NETMEM: receive BD error
Cause: Internal software problem. Specified buffer descriptor is not for receive buffer.
Remedy: Verify that correct buffer descriptor is specified.
HOST-186 WARN NETMEM: send socket open fail
Cause: UDP open for datagram sending was failed.
Remedy: Confirm that UDP port was consumed by another network application.
HOST-187 WARN NETMEM: receive socket open fail
Cause: UDP open for datagram receiving was failed.
Remedy: Verify that there is RLSYNC entry in $SERVENT system variable. Verify that port number
for RLSYNC is correct.
HOST-188 WARN PPP init on port %d fails
Cause: invalid port/insufficient memory
Remedy: Verify that a correct port number is specified
HOST-189 WARN Invalid port number
Cause: invalid port/insufficient memory
Remedy: Verify that a correct port number is specified
HOST-190 WARN Invalid baud rate
Cause: invalid port/insufficient memory
Remedy: Verify that a correct port number is specified
HOST-191 WARN Invalid device type
Cause: invalid port/insufficient memory
Remedy: Verify that a correct port number is specified
HOST-192 WARN PPP channel already initialized
Cause: invalid port/insufficient memory
Remedy: Verify that a correct port number is specified
HOST-193 WARN TLNT:Login to %s
Cause: login made to a device using telnet
Remedy: This is not an error
HOST-194 WARN TLNT:Logout of %s
Cause: logout made out of device using telnet
Remedy: This is not an error
HOST-195 WARN TLNT:rejected conn request
Cause: TELNET connection attempt rejected. Please look at cause code for further information
Remedy: Correct the cause of failure and try again
HOST-196 WARN TLNT:%s already connected
Cause: the device is already connected
Remedy: ensure the device is not connected and try again
HOST-197 WARN TLNT:invalid login id
Cause: invalid login id supplied
Remedy: ensure the login id is valid and try again
HOST-198 WARN TLNT:invalid password %s
Cause: invalid password supplied
Remedy: ensure the password is valid and try again
HOST-199 WARN TLNT:timeout on %s
Cause: the inactivity timer for the device expired
Remedy: log in again or increase the timer value for the device from the TELNET screens
HOST-200 WARN TLNT:FSAC no access lvl for %s
Cause: the FSAC security feature is enabled and the client PC doesn’t have sufficient privileges
Remedy: make an entry for the PC in the FSAC table
HOST-201 WARN TLNT:no access lvl for %s
Cause: Insufficent access level
Remedy: check the access level for the device from the TELNET screens
HOST-202 WARN TLNT:invalid port for %s
Cause: valid port not configured for device
Remedy: configure a valid port for device from Port Init screens first
HOST-203 WARN TLNT:from %s
Cause: connection from remote host detected
Remedy: not an error
HOST-204 WARN SM: Remote Client Name is invalid
Cause: The host name in the Client tag is not set correctly. If DNS is enabled, DNS server did
not resolve the name.
Remedy: Change the host name to be a valid name in the client tags.
HOST-205 WARN SM: Tag Already Mounted
Cause: A request to mount a tag which was already mounted was received.
Remedy: Do not try to remount a tag without dismounting it.
HOST-206 WARN SM: Bad Port Number
Cause: The system variable $server_port in the Client tag or the host tag was invalid.
Remedy: Set the $hosts_cfg[n].$server_port sysvar for the server tag or $hostc_cfg[n].$server_port
for the client to a valid number
HOST-207 WARN SM: Tag is not mounted
Cause: The requested tag is not mounted
Remedy: Mount the tag before using it
HOST-208 WARN SM: Not Yet Connected
Cause: The requested tag is not yet connected to the remote host/device
Remedy: Use MSG_CONNECT to connect the tag before opening it.
HOST-209 WARN SM: Connection Aborted
Cause: The connection was aborted by remote host
Remedy: Check the remote host and reconnect to it
HOST-210 WARN SM: Connection Timed Out
Cause: Connection was timed out by remote.
Remedy: Reconnect to remote host.
HOST-211 WARN SM: Connection Write Buffer is full
Cause: Write buffer is full. The remote host may not be responding or the network is down.
Remedy: Check remote host and network connection.
HOST-212 WARN SM: Write Direction shut down by Peer
Cause: Write direction was shutdown by remote.
Remedy: Check remote and reconnect to remote host
HOST-213 WARN SM: Read Direction shut down by Peer
Cause: Read direction was shutdown by remote.
Remedy: Check remote and reconnect to remote host
HOST-214 WARN SM: Connection is Pending
Cause: Remote host has not yet connected.
Remedy: Wait for remote to connect.
HOST-215 WARN SM: Connection is in use
Cause: The requested tag is in use.
Remedy: Stop using the remote tag. If necessary close any open file to the tag and disconnect the
tag by using MSG_DISCO.
HOST-216 WARN SM: Invalid Socket
Cause: A request was received for a socket which is invalid
Remedy: Re-establish the connection.
HOST-217 WARN SM: Socket Error
Cause: A socket error was returned by the tcpip library.
Remedy: Retry the operation. All sockets may be use. Free some resources by closing some
connections to telnet, ftp or socket mesg If that is not feasible, the same error may occur again.
HOST-218 WARN DTP: Connect %s
Cause: A diagnostic TP session was connected in interactive mode. Input is allowed.
Remedy: not an error
HOST-219 WARN DTP: Monitor %s
Cause: A diagnostic TP session was connected in monitor mode. Input is not allowed.
Remedy: not an error
HOST-220 WARN DTP: Disconnect %s
Cause: A diagnostic TP session was disconnected.
Remedy: not an error
HOST-221 WARN DTP: ident %s
Cause: connection from remote browser detected
Remedy: not an error
HOST-222 WARN DHCP: server %s
Cause: response from DHCP server detected
Remedy: not an error
HOST-223 WARN DHCP: using IP %s
Cause: A response from the DHCP server was detected.
Remedy: None.
HOST-224 WARN DHCP: No response from server
Cause: No response exists from the DHCP server.
Remedy: Check your cable and server configuration, and retry the operation.
HOST-225 WARN DHCP: duplicate IP %s
Cause: The DHCP server returned an IP address which is already in use.
Remedy: Check the DHCP server configuration. Identify the device that is using the same IP address
that the DHCP server assigned to the robot controller. This is strictly a DHCP server configuration/IP
address management problem.
HOST-226 WARN DHCP: Lease time expired
Cause: The DHCP lease time expired and the robot could not renew the DHCP lease on the robot
controller’s IP address.
Remedy: Check the Ethernet cables and make sure the robot controller is still connected to the
Ethernet network. Check that the DHCP server is online. Check the DHCP server configuration and
verify it is able to assign IP address to the robot controller.
HOST-227 WARN DHCP: shutting down ethernet
Cause: The Ethernet interface was shut down.
Remedy: The lease might have expired. Check the cabling/server configuration and start DHCP
again from the DHCP screens.
HOST-228 WARN DHCP: invalid reply from server
Cause: this may be normal protocol operation
Remedy: not an error
HOST-229 WARN DHCP: request rejected by server
Cause: Normal protocol operation has occurred.
Remedy: None.
HOST-230 WARN DHCP: renewal attempt failed
Cause: The robot tried to renew IP address, but the renew attempt failed.
Remedy: Check the network cabling and DHCP server setup.
HOST-231 WARN Initializing
Cause: The DHCP operation is initialized.
Remedy: None.
HOST-232 WARN In progress
Cause: The DHCP operation is in progress.
Remedy: No action is required.
HOST-233 WARN Failed
Cause: The DHCP operation failed.
Remedy: Check the network cabling for defects, or the DHCP server setup for possible errors.
HOST-234 WARN Success
Cause: The DHCP operation succeeded.
Remedy: This is a status message. No remedy is required.
HOST-235 WARN Disabled
Cause: The DHCP operation is disabled.
Remedy: This is a status message. No remedy is required.
HOST-236 WARN FTP: servers not auto-started
Cause: After loading the FTP option, the FTP servers could not be automatically started.
Remedy: Start the FTP servers from the Hostcomm Server SETUP screen.
HOST-237 WARN FTP: server tags not available
Cause: The system was unable to start the FTP servers because no free server tags were found.
Remedy: Start FTP servers manually.
HOST-239 WARN KCL option not loaded
Cause: A web page tried to issue a KCL command, but KCL is not loaded on the robot controller.
Remedy: Load the KCL option on the robot controller at Controlled Start.
HOST-240 WARN EMAIL: Email send failed
Cause: An SMTP server failure has occurred.
Remedy: Check and verify your SMTP configuration. On an iPendant, this is done using the DRC
menus. Otherwise, see the $SMTP_CTRL system variable. It is likely that $SMTP_CTRL.$SERVER
was not set with the IP address of an SMTP server.
HOST-241 WARN EMAIL: Email send successful
Cause: An SMTP message was delivered.
Remedy: This warning can be disabled from the DRC menus: Data Services Setup. The warning can
also be disabled by setting the system variable $SMTP_CTRL.$POST_DLVR to FALSE.
HOST-242 WARN SNTP: NTP server unreachable
Cause: No packets were received from NTP server.
Remedy: Check to make sure the NTP server IP address is correct. If it is not, correct the address
and try the operation again.
HOST-244 WARN Ethernet Throttle
Cause: Important robot operations might be effected by the high level of traffic on the Ethernet
network. The Ethernet interface has been shut down for four seconds.
Remedy: Contact your system administrator to fix the network problem