Fanuc FRSY Alarm Codes

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Fanuc FRSY Alarm Codes

FRSY-001 WARN FROM disk is full
Cause: The FROM disk does not have enough available memory to perform the specified command.
Remedy: Delete all unnecessary files and then purge the device. If the device is still full, then backup
the files to an off-line device and reformat the device.
FRSY-002 WARN Device not formatted
Cause: The device is not formatted.
Remedy: Format the device before using it.
FRSY-003 WARN Invalid parameter
Cause: An invalid parameter is detected.
Remedy: Verify all the parameters for the requested command are correct.
FRSY-004 WARN RAM disk must be mounted
Cause: Copying a file to the FROM disk requires that the RAM disk be mounted with enough
memory available to temporarily contain the file.
Remedy: Mount the RAM disk before specifying the command.
FRSY-005 WARN Device not mounted
Cause: The device is not mounted.
Remedy: Mount the device before using it.
FRSY-006 WARN Device is already mounted
Cause: The device is already mounted.
Remedy: This is a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning message.
FRSY-007 WARN Invalid device name
Cause: The specified device is not valid.
Remedy: Verify the device name.
FRSY-008 WARN File already exists
Cause: The specified file already exists.
Remedy: Delete the file first or specify overwrite if available with the command.
FRSY-009 WARN Too many files opened
Cause: The maximum number of files is already open. THerefore the requested command cannot be
Remedy: Either close one or more of the files or set $OPEN_FILES to a larger number and perform a
cold start.
FRSY-010 WARN Invalid file position
Cause: An invalid file position is specified. The position is beyond the end of the file or a negative
Remedy: Check the file position.
FRSY-011 WARN Directory full
Cause: No more files are allowed on the device.
Remedy: Delete any unnecessary files or dismount and remount MF: device which will increase the
maximum number of files allowed.
FRSY-012 WARN Invalid file access mode
Cause: The requested command cannot be performed because the file is not opened with the proper
access mode. This error is also caused by trying to update or append to an existing file on the FROM
disk or to an existing compressed file on the RAM disk. Update and append are only allowed with
uncompressed files on the RAM disk.
Remedy: Open the file with the proper access mode.
FRSY-013 WARN Device is too fragmented
Cause: The file cannot be created on the device because not enough consecutive blocks are available.
Remedy: Delete all unnecessary files and then purge the device. For more information on purging,
refer to the PURGE_DEV Built-in in the KAREL Reference Manual. If the device is still full, then
backup the files to an off-line device and reformat the device.
FRSY-014 WARN File not found
Cause: The specified file is not found.
Remedy: Verify the file name and the specified or default device is correct.
FRSY-015 WARN Invalid file name
Cause: The file name contains an invalid character or is blank.
Remedy: Verify the file name is correct.
FRSY-016 WARN Invalid file type
Cause: The file type contains an invalid character.
Remedy: Verify the file type is correct.
FRSY-017 WARN File not open
Cause: File not open The file is not open.
Remedy: Open the file before accessing.
FRSY-018 WARN File is already opened
Cause: The requested command cannot be performed because the file is already opened.
Remedy: Close the file before specifying the command.
FRSY-019 WARN Command is not supported
Cause: The specified command is not supported for the device.
Remedy: This is a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning message.
FRSY-020 WARN RAM disk is full
Cause: The RAM disk does not have enough available memory to perform the specified command.
Note that copying a file to the FROM disk requires that the RAM disk be mounted with enough
memory available to temporarily contain the file.
Remedy: Delete all unnecessary files and then purge the device. For more information on purging,
refer to the PURGE_DEV Built-in in the KAREL Reference Manual. If the device is still full, then
back up the files to an off-line device and reformat the device after setting $FILE_MAXSEC to
a larger number.
FRSY-021 WARN End of file
Cause: The end of the file is detected.
Remedy: This is a notification. Your do not have to do anything for this warning message.
FRSY-022 WARN File ID exceeded maximum
Cause: The file identification number has reached the maximum number for the device.
Remedy: You must backup all your files, reformat the device, and restore the files. Refer to chapter
9, &qout;File System&qout;, in the KAREL Reference Manual for more information.
FRSY-023 WARN No blocks were purged
Cause: No blocks were purged for one of the following reasons: 1) No garbage blocks exist. 2) No
spare blocks exist because the FROM disk is full.
Remedy: If you require more blocks, you must back up all your files, reformat the device, and
restore the files. Refer to Chapter 9, &qout;File System&qout;, in the KAREL Reference Manual
for more information.
FRSY-024 WARN Purge is disabled
Cause: You are not allowed to purge the FROM disk because purge is disabled.
Remedy: Set $PURGE_ENBL to TRUE and retry the purge operation. You may wish to set
$PURGE_ENBL to FALSE before running a program or application which requires fast cycle time.
FRSY-026 WARN CRC check failed
Cause: One or more files on the FROM disk are corrupted. This may occur if the FROM is wearing
Remedy: You should backup all your files, reformat the device, and restore the files. Refer to chapter
9, &qout;File System&qout;, in the KAREL Reference Manual for more information. If the problem
persists, the FROM might need to be replaced.
FRSY-028 WARN %d out of %d bad FROM blocks
Cause: The FROM disk is wearing out.
Remedy: The system will continue to operate as long as enough blocks are available. When too many
blocks become bad, the FROM will need to be replaced.