Fanuc FRCE Alarm Codes

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Fanuc FRCE Alarm Codes

FRCE-001 WARN Sensor board doesn’t exist
Cause: Force control board doesn’t exist.
Remedy: 1. Turn the controller OFF. 2. Mount the force control board.
FRCE-002 WARN Sensor board doesn’t exist 2
Cause: Force controlboard doesn’t exist.
Remedy: 1. Turn the controller OFF. 2. Mount the force control board.
FRCE-004 SYSTEM Communication error
Cause: The system cannot cammunicate with the force control board.
Remedy: Please check the force control board.
FRCE-005 WARN Robot not mastered
Cause: Force control function is disabled because robot has not been mastered.
Remedy: Perform mastering from the calibration screen.
FRCE-006 WARN Sensor board is disabled 2
Cause: Force board has been disabled because of the alarm displayed at the same time.
Remedy: Refer to the remedy of the alarm displayed at the same time.
FRCE-007 WARN Memory initialization error
Cause: There was an error at memory initialization internally. Maybe, memory is lack, or, the
memory module is broken.
Remedy: Perform a cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
FRCE-008 STOP Option is not loaded
Cause: Option is not loaded.
Remedy: Load the option.
FRCE-011 STOP Force group mismatch
Cause: The program cannot control the specified motion group.
Remedy: Please check the default motion groups in the program.
FRCE-012 STOP Time out error occurred
Cause: The system cannot start force control.
Remedy: Please check the force control board.
FRCE-013 STOP Communications error
Cause: The system cannot communicate with the force control board.
Remedy: Please check the force control board.
FRCE-014 STOP Invalid tool number
Cause: The tool number is set to 0.
Remedy: Please set the correct tool number.
FRCE-015 STOP Force sensor error exceed limit
Cause: As a result of the force sensor diagnosis the error of the force sensor exceeded the tolerance.
Remedy: Replace the force sensor.
FRCE-016 WARN Diagnosis normal end
Cause: Force sensor is normal
Remedy: No action is required.
FRCE-017 STOP Init data already set up
Cause: Initial force sensor data already setting up
Remedy: If you want to change the initial force sensor data, Please change the system variable
FRCE-018 STOP Uninitialized data
Cause: Initial force sensor data is uninitialized
Remedy: Please initialize the force sensor data.
FRCE-019 STOP Tolerance data is 0 or less
Cause: Tolerance data is uninitialized
Remedy: Please set up the system variable $CCS_GRP.$INIT_TOL.
FRCE-020 STOP Sensor error excess (S:%d E:%X)
Cause: The force sensor output data is too large.
Remedy: Check the force sensor
FRCE-021 STOP Sensor index does not exist
Cause: The force sensor which is specified by sensor index does not exist.
Remedy: Please specified correct sensor index.
FRCE-022 STOP Offset value is needed
Cause: An INSERTION instruction was executed before an OFFSET CONDITION instruction. A
position register was not taught in the OFFSET PR[] instruction.
Remedy: Add an OFFSET CONDITION instruction before the INSERTION instruction. Teach
the position register.
FRCE-023 STOP Force sensor error occurred
Cause: Force sensor error has occurred.
Remedy: Please check the state of the force sensor.
FRCE-024 STOP Force control error occurred
Cause: The error occurred from the force control board. The error jump is not done, because label
number is 0.
Remedy: Refer to the remedy of the force control alarm which occurred before this alarm.
FRCE-025 STOP Function type is unused
Cause: Cannot execute instruction because Unused is selected.
Remedy: Select appropriate function type.
FRCE-026 WARN Init data has been set
Cause: Initial force sensor data has been set now
Remedy: No action is required.
FRCE-027 STOP Another tuning already enabled
Cause: Another tuning mode is already enabled
Remedy: Remove another tuning instruction
FRCE-028 STOP Customize tuning little DOF
Cause: There is a schedule whose DOF is bigger than executed one
Remedy: Execute tuning with a schedule of biggest DOF
FRCE-029 SERVO Internal error(%d) occurred
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and contact your FANUC or FANUC Robotics
representative and report the error status.
FRCE-101 WARN Default data is incorrect
Cause: Selected default data is not correct
Remedy: Please confirm the default data of system variables
FRCE-102 WARN Default data is not selected
Cause: The default data still has not been selected
Remedy: Please select the default data at the default menu
FRCE-103 WARN Index value is incorrect
Cause: Index value is not correct
Remedy: Please enter the index value
FRCE-104 WARN Number of array is incorrect
Cause: Number of array in selected default data is not correct
Remedy: Please confirm the number of array in the default data ($CCBD_ARRAY[x,y].$BDDN or
FRCE-105 WARN Force group is incorrect
Cause: The force group of program has not been existed in this system
Remedy: Please create this statement in this system again
FRCE-106 WARN Mass data is out of range
Cause: The mass data which has been calculated by entering data is out of range
Remedy: Please enter proper data
FRCE-107 WARN Damper data is out of range
Cause: The damper data which has been calculated by entering data is out of range
Remedy: Please enter proper data
FRCE-108 WARN Input data is out of minimum
Cause: The input data is out of minimum range
Remedy: Please enter proper data
FRCE-109 WARN Input data is out of maximum
Cause: The input data is out of maximum range
Remedy: Please enter proper data
FRCE-110 WARN Setting data is not enough
Cause: The setting data has not been set yet
Remedy: Please confirm and enter proper the data
FRCE-111 WARN Number of array mismatch
Cause: Mismatch the number of array data between the source data and default data
Remedy: Please confirm the data and enter proper the data in the default data
FRCE-112 WARN Program data is incomplete
Cause: The force data of selected program is not complete
Remedy: Please confirm the force data of selected program
FRCE-113 WARN Specified data doesn’t exist
Cause: The specified data does not exist
Remedy: Please confirm and enter the proper data
FRCE-114 WARN Converted individual difference
Cause: Because the ending condition switch is changed, the individual difference exceeds limit.
Remedy: Verify the pushing depth
FRCE-115 WARN Insert direction is changed
Cause: Modified bearing rotation axis or groove direction is set to be the same as insert direction.
This is impossible in the present case.
Remedy: Verify the insert direction in ‘Basic Data’.
FRCE-116 WARN Bearing rot axis is changed
Cause: Modified bearing rotation axis or groove direction is set to be the same as insert direction.
This is impossible in the present case.
Remedy: Verify the bearing rotation axis.
FRCE-117 WARN Auto tuning not done
Cause: Cannot set phase match impedance rate because auto impedance tuning is not finished.
Remedy: Do auto tuning and set phase match impedance rate again
FRCE-118 WARN Groove direction is changed
Cause: Modified insert direction is the same as groove direction. For this case, it cannot be
Remedy: Verify the groove direction.
FRCE-119 WARN Customize infinit loop
Cause: Parent schedule’s parent is child : Infinit loop
Remedy: Verify parent and child relationship And set right parent number
FRCE-120 WARN Customize exceed rty-child num
Cause: There are two children for retry
Remedy: Parmitted number of child for retry is only one
FRCE-121 WARN Customize exceed ins-child num
Cause: There are two children for insertion
Remedy: Parmitted number of child for insertion is only one
FRCE-122 WARN Customize exceed retry num
Cause: Child for retry can’t have child
Remedy: Prohibited operation
FRCE-123 WARN Customize syncro change OK
Cause: Parameters of customized schedules were synchronized changed
Remedy: If you don’t want to synchronized chage, turn off synchronized switch
FRCE-124 WARN Customize syncro change NG
Cause: Parameters of customized schedules were not synchronized changed
Remedy: If you want to synchronized chage, turn on synchronized switch
FRCE-125 WARN Customize intr. TP err0
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-126 WARN Customize intr. TP err1
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-127 WARN Customize intr. TP err2
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-128 WARN Turn on Gain Auto Modify
Cause: The switch of F.Ctrl. Gain Auto Modify is OFF.
Remedy: Turn on the switch of F.Ctrl. Gain Auto Modify.
FRCE-129 WARN Direction is same as ins. dir.
Cause: Input direction for the search menu is same as the insertion direction.
Remedy: Select the other directions
FRCE-130 STOP Illegal insert data index
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Contact FANUC Robotics to report the error.
FRCE-151 STOP F/S FPGA version error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The version of FPGA is old.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
FRCE-152 STOP F/S SCL2 slave error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Communication with the sensor board failed.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this
alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Remove any sources of noise in the sensor system. Turn
the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 4. Make sure
that the shield lines of the cables are connected to the frame ground. Make sure that the peeled
part of the cable in the cabinet is properly connected to the earth plate. If this alarm occurs again,
go to the next step. 5. This alarm occurs when the number of errors exceeds the serial allowed
number or the total allowed number. Therefore, this alarm can be avoided by increasing the serial
allowed number (system var $CCS_GRP.$ALARMSERAL) or the total allowed number (system var
$CCS_GRP.$ALARMTOTAL). If the alarm still occurs after increasing these numbers, go to the
next step. 6. Replace the sensor board.
FRCE-153 STOP F/S SLC2 frmaing error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Communication with the sensor board failed.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this
alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Remove any sources of noise in the sensor system. Turn
the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 4. Make sure
that the shield lines of the cables are connected to the frame ground. Make sure that the peeled
part of the cable in the cabinet is properly connected to the earth plate. If this alarm occurs again,
go to the next step. 5. This alarm occurs when the number of errors exceeds the serial allowed
number or the total allowed number. Therefore, this alarm can be avoided by increasing the serial
allowed number (system var $CCS_GRP.$ALARMSERAL) or the total allowed number (system var
$CCS_GRP.$ALARMTOTAL). If the alarm still occurs after increasing these numbers, go to the
next step. 6. Replace the sensor board.
FRCE-154 STOP F/S SLC2 internal parity error (F:%d^1)
Cause: A parity error occurred on the sensor board.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm
occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Replace the sensor board.
FRCE-155 STOP F/S SLC2 external parity error (F:%d^1)
Cause: A parity error occurred on the sensor board.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm
occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Replace the sensor board.
FRCE-156 STOP F/S head data request error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The data request from the sensor board to the sensor head failed.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this
alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Remove any sources of noise in the sensor system. Turn
the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 4. Make sure that
the shield lines of the cables are connected to the frame ground. Make sure that the peeled part of
the cable in the cabinet is properly connected to the earth plate. If this alarm occurs again, go to
the next step. 5. Check the sensor cable connectivity. Check also for cut lines. If there is nothing
wrong, go to the next step. 6. Replace the sensor head. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
7. Replace the sensor board.
FRCE-157 STOP F/S force data calc. overflow (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm
occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Replace the sensor board.
FRCE-158 STOP F/S gauge data overflow (F:%d^1)
Cause: An output error occurred from the sensor head.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm
occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Replace the sensor head.
FRCE-159 STOP F/S sensor limit overflow (F:%d^1)
Cause: An excessive load was put on the sensor head.
Remedy: 1. Make sure that the value of ‘Insert Force’ in ‘Basic Data’ is not too large. If not, go
to the next step. 2. Bad impedance parameters can cause vibration during force control. Increase
the Mass value in the impedance parameters.
FRCE-160 STOP F/S cable is cut (F:%d^1)
Cause: Cable is cut.
Remedy: Re-connect or replace the cable.
FRCE-161 STOP F/S timeout error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The force control board or the main control board has failed.
1. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
2. Replace the force control board. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
3. Replace the main board.
FRCE-162 STOP F/S temperature data overflow (F:%d^1)
Cause: Temperature output error occurred in the sensor head.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm
occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Replace the sensor head.
FRCE-163 STOP F/S watch dog error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Watchdog error occurred on the sensor board.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this
alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Remove any sources of noise in the sensor system. Turn
the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 4. Make sure that
the shield lines of the cables are connected to the frame ground. Make sure that the peeled part of
the cable in the cabinet is properly connected to the earth plate. If this alarm occurs again, go to the
next step. 5. Check the sensor cable connectivity. Check also for cut lines. If there is nothing wrong,
go to the next step. 6. Replace the sensor board. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
7. Replace the sensor head.
FRCE-164 STOP F/S temp. lower limit error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The temperature measured at the sensor head is too low.
Remedy: 1. Check the temperature around the sensor head. If it is not low, go to the next step. 2.
Check the sensor cable connectivity. Check also for cut lines. If there is nothing wrong, go to the
next step. 3. Replace the sensor board. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 4. Replace
the sensor head.
FRCE-165 STOP F/S temp. upper limit error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The temperature measured at the sensor head is too high.
Remedy: 1. Check the temperature around the sensor head. If it is not high, go to the next step. 2.
Check the sensor cable connectivity. Check also for cut lines. If there is nothing wrong, go to the
next step. 3. Replace the sensor board. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 4. Replace
the sensor head.
FRCE-167 SYSTEM SCRDY set error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-168 SYSTEM HCRDY set error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-169 SYSTEM SCRDY reset error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-170 SYSTEM HCRDY reset error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-171 STOP F/S output data frozen (F:%d^1)
Cause: The output data from the sensor head is frozen (unchanging).
Remedy: 1. Check the force sensor output data on TP (Force sensor status screen). The value must
vary slightly over time due to sensor background noise. If the value is constant, it is frozen; go to
the next step. 2. Check the sensor cable connectivity. Check also for cut lines. If there is nothing
wrong, go to the next step. 3. Replace the sensor board. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
4. Replace the sensor head.
FRCE-172 STOP F/S communication error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Communication failed between the sensor head and the sensor board.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this
alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Remove any sources of noise in the sensor system. Turn
the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 4. Make sure that
the shield lines of the cables are connected to the frame ground. Make sure that the peeled part of
the cable in the cabinet is properly connected to the earth plate. If this alarm occurs again, go to the
next step. 5. Check the sensor cable connectivity. Check also for cut lines. If there is nothing wrong,
go to the next step. 6. Replace the sensor board. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
7. Replace the sensor head.
FRCE-173 STOP F/S external error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Error(s) occurred on the sensor board.
Remedy: Refer to the remedy of the alarm displayed at the same time.
FRCE-175 STOP F/S force differential limit (F:%d^1)
Cause: The differential value of the force during force control is too large.
Remedy: 1. Gradually increase the values of the ‘Mass’ and ‘Damper’ impedance parameters. 2.
Decrease the value of ‘Insert Force’ or ‘Pushing Force’ in Basic Data.
FRCE-176 STOP F/S shard memory parity error (F:%d^1)
Cause: A parity error occurred on the sensor board.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm
occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Replace the sensor board.
FRCE-177 STOP F/S local memory parity error (F:%d^1)
Cause: A parity error occurred on the sensor board.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm
occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Replace the sensor board.
FRCE-178 WARN F/S SLC2 slave data error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-179 WARN F/S SLC2 slave comm. error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-180 STOP F/S ITP counter error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Communication failed between the sensor board and the force sensor.
Remedy: 1. Move the robot to a safe pose. 2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm
occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Check the sensor cable connectivity. Check also for cut lines. If
there is nothing wrong, go to the next step. 4. Replace the sensor board. If this alarm occurs again, go
to the next step. 5. Replace the sensor head.
FRCE-181 STOP Force sensor type error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The force sensor type has been changed.
1. Move the robot to a safe position.
2. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
3. Check the sensor cable connectivity. Check also for cut lines. If there is nothing wrong, go to
the next step.
4. Replace the sensor board. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
5. Replace the sensor head.
FRCE-199 STOP Single singularity error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The axis has approached a singularity point during force control.
Remedy: There are two possible robot poses which cause this alarm: 1. The angle of J5 is 0
degrees. 2. The sum of the angles of J3 and J5 is 90 degrees. Be sure to avoid approaching these
states during force control.
FRCE-201 STOP Complex singularity error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The robot has approached a singularity due to the positions of J1 and J6 during force control.
Remedy: Force control must not be executed while J6 is directly above J1 (the robot base).
FRCE-203 STOP Joint axis limit error (F:%d^1)
Cause: One or more joint(s) has approached its stroke limit.
Remedy: Force control must not be executed near a joint limit.
FRCE-205 STOP Cool down fail in pause (F:%d^1)
Cause: Internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-206 STOP Pos. error limit at Hot Start (F:%d^1)
Cause: Internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-207 STOP Force error limit at Hot Start (F:%d^1)
Cause: Internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
service representative.
FRCE-208 STOP Hot Start after pause error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-209 STOP Inverse kinematics Error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-211 SERVO Servo error occurred (F:%d^1)
Cause: A servo error occurred.
Remedy: Refer to the remedy of the alarm displayed at the same time.
FRCE-212 STOP Servo is not ready
Cause: The servo is not ready.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and contact your FANUC or FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
FRCE-215 STOP Force calc. timeout error (F:%d^1)
Cause: An internal software error has occurred.
1. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
2. Replace the force control board. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
3. Replace the main board.
FRCE-216 STOP X Force Limit (F:%d^1)
Cause: the Force in X direction is too big.
Remedy: See the manual.
FRCE-217 STOP Y Force Limit (F:%d^1)
Cause: the Force in Y direction is too big.
Remedy: See the manual.
FRCE-218 STOP Z Force Limit (F:%d^1)
Cause: the Force in Z direction is too big.
Remedy: See the manual.
FRCE-219 STOP W Moment Limit (F:%d^1)
Cause: the Moment about X direction is too big.
Remedy: See the manual.
FRCE-220 STOP P Moment Limit (F:%d^1)
Cause: the Moment about Y direction is too big.
Remedy: See the manual.
FRCE-221 STOP R Moment Limit (F:%d^1)
Cause: the Moment about Z direction is too big.
Remedy: See the manual.
FRCE-223 STOP Ilegal end force control (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-224 STOP Not detect the touch (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-225 STOP Not move specified distance (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-226 STOP Tool correction calc. error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-227 STOP Unknown status from orbit func (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-228 STOP Unknown status from sub func (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-260 STOP Force at the end is not ok (F:%d^1)
Cause: Force at the end is smaller than ‘Minimum Force Rate’
Remedy: Change parameters or position and retry
FRCE-261 STOP Torque at the end is not ok (F:%d^1)
Cause: Torque at the end is larger than ‘Torque Upper Limit’
Remedy: Change parameters or position and retry
FRCE-262 STOP End Force and Torque is not ok (F:%d^1)
Cause: Force and Torque at the end doesn’t satisfy ‘Minimum Force Rate’and’Torque Upper Limit’
Remedy: Change parameters or position and retry
FRCE-263 STOP Approach timeout error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The robot did not contact the work surface during a required time period.
Remedy: 1. Check the distance betweent the approach position and contact position – 5 mm or less is
appropriate. 2. Make the value of ‘Approach Velocity’ in Basic Data larger.
FRCE-264 STOP Insertion timeout error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Insertion did not complete during the required time.
Remedy: 1. The orientation of the robot might have changed too much during the force control. If
so, correct the approach position. 2. The clearance between the object and work area might be too
small. 3. The ‘Insert Velocity’ in Basic Data might be too small. 4. The ‘Insert time MAX Limit’ in
Basic Data might be too short.
FRCE-265 STOP Angle change limit error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The orientation change during the insertion exceeded the limit value.
Remedy: 1. Check that the orientation of the insertion task is correct. 2. Check that ‘Change MAX
Limit’ in Basic Data is not too small.
FRCE-266 STOP Returning approach pos. failed (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-267 STOP Retry count exceeds limits (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-268 STOP Approach position error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-269 STOP Insert direction error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The insertion direction acquired by the end condition acquisition is wrong.
Remedy: Execute the end condition acquisition again.
FRCE-270 STOP Insert length error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The insertion length acquired by the end condition acquisition is wrong.
Remedy: Execute the end condition acquisition again.
FRCE-271 STOP Invalid teaching (F:%d^1)
Cause: The sign of the force command during torque error acquisition is different from the one
during force control.
Remedy: Reverse the sign of ‘Insert Force’ in Basic Data, or execute the torque error acquisition again.
FRCE-272 STOP Invalid torque data is set (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-273 STOP Setting end cond. failed (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-275 STOP Phase matching timeout (F:%d^1)
Cause: Insertion time exceeded the upper limit during the phase match insertion.
Remedy: 1. Increase the value of ‘Phase Match Rot Vel’ in Basic Data. 2. Increase the value of ‘Phase
Match Torque’ in Performance Data. 3. Phase match insertion works well in a range of about 20
degrees. Make sure that the phases of the workpiece and the object match in this rotation. 4. Make
sure that the insertion clearance is large enough.
FRCE-276 STOP Recovering timeout (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-277 STOP Approach angle limit (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-278 STOP Overrun error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The object was inserted further than the specified length.
Remedy: 1. Check that the distance between the approach point and the Insertion finishing point
is appropriate. 2. Check that the value of ‘Insert Depth (Design)’ in Basic Data is appropriate. 3.
Increase the value of ‘Individual Diff.(+)’ in Basic Data.
FRCE-279 WARN Contouring aborted
Cause: A HOLD or an EMERGENCY STOP aborted the contouring.
Remedy: Restart the contouring process.
FRCE-280 STOP F. Ctrl during Contouring (F:%d^1)
Cause: Force control occurred during contouring.
Remedy: Abort contouring before you satrt force control.
FRCE-281 WARN Contouring start (F:%d^1)
Cause: Force control occurred during contouring.
Remedy: Abort contouring before you start force control.
FRCE-282 WARN Contouring end (F:%d^1)
Cause: Contouring end.
Remedy: None.
FRCE-283 STOP Contouring limit error (F:%d^1)
Cause: A position error occurred during contouring which exceeded the limit value.
Remedy: Reduce the velocity command or increase the value of the push distance limit in the
contouring force schedule.
FRCE-284 STOP Contouring option is not ordered
Cause: The contouring option was not ordered.
Remedy: Order and install the Contouring option. It is possible that backup data which contained
contouring data was restored on a controller where contouring was not installed.
FRCE-285 STOP Auto tuning is impossible
Cause: Auto tuning for contouring cannot be done.
Remedy: Do not attempt Auto tuning for contouring.
FRCE-286 STOP impedance ctrl. impossible
Cause: A parameter setting error has occurred.
Remedy: Press RESET. If the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call
your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
FRCE-287 STOP Contouring 07 (F:%d^1)
Cause: An internal software error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a Cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
FRCE-288 STOP Contouring 08 (F:%d^1)
Cause: An internal software error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a Cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
FRCE-289 STOP Contouring 09 (F:%d^1)
Cause: An internal software error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a Cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
FRCE-290 STOP Contouring 10 (F:%d^1)
Cause: An internal software error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a Cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
FRCE-291 STOP Contouring 11 (F:%d^1)
Cause: An internal software error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a Cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
FRCE-292 STOP Contouring 12 (F:%d^1)
Cause: An internal software error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a Cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
FRCE-293 STOP Contouring 13 (F:%d^1)
Cause: An internal software error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a Cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
FRCE-294 STOP Contouring 14 (F:%d^1)
Cause: An internal software error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a Cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
FRCE-295 STOP Contouring 15 (F:%d^1)
Cause: An internal software error has occurred.
Remedy: Perform a Cold start:
1. Turn off the robot.
2. On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys.
3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot. If the error is not cleared,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
FRCE-301 SYSTEM Illegal physical ITP (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-302 SYSTEM Illegal logical ITP (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-303 SYSTEM Illegal axis module number (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-304 SYSTEM Illegal axis number (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-305 SYSTEM Illegal axis order (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-316 SYSTEM Illegal F/C axis number (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-317 SYSTEM Illegal mech. parameter (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-318 SYSTEM Illegal DH parameter (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-319 SYSTEM Illegal motor parameter (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-324 SYSTEM Illegal joint singular (F:%d^1)
Cause: Bad values for the system variables $CCI_GRP.$SJSW[] and/or $CCI_GRP.$SJSE[].
Remedy: Default values are: $CCI_GRP.$SJSW[1],[2],[4],[6] = 0, $SJSW[3],[5] = 5
$CCI_GRP.$SJSE[1],[2],[4],[6] = 0, $SJSE[3],[5] = 3 Set the above values, then turn the controller
OFF, then ON again.
FRCE-325 SYSTEM Illegal F/S coord. system (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-326 SYSTEM Illegal F/S range (F:%d^1)
Cause: Bad values for the system variables $CCS_GRP.$RANGE_F[] and/or
Remedy: Default values are: $CCS_GRP.$RANGE_F[1],[2],[3] = 40
$CCS_GRP[1].$RANGE_T[1],[2],[3] = 400 Set the above values, then turn the controller OFF,
then ON again.
FRCE-327 SYSTEM Illegal F/C motion group (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-328 SYSTEM Illegal F/C motion group order (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-329 SYSTEM Timer variable init. error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-380 STOP Program copy failed(ROM->RAM) (F:%d^1)
Cause: Sensor board initialization failed.
Remedy: 1. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 2.
Replace the EPROM. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step. 3. Replace the sensor board.
FRCE-381 STOP F/S SLC2 error(STATERR) (F:%d^1)
Cause: Sensor board initialization failed.
Remedy: 1. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
2. Replace the sensor board.
FRCE-382 STOP F/S SLC2 error(BITERR) (F:%d^1)
Cause: Sensor board initialization failed.
Remedy: 1. Turn the controller OFF, then ON again. If this alarm occurs again, go to the next step.
2. Replace the sensor board.
FRCE-412 STOP Unestablished F/C data (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-413 STOP Established F/C data at hot start (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-414 STOP Illegal basic data array num. (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-415 STOP Illegal Insert data array num. (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-416 STOP Unknown F/C mode (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-420 STOP Search Retry Limit (F:%d^1)
Cause: Retry number of the search exceeded the limit.
Remedy: Check the values of the following parameters 1.the search range 2.the search frequency
3.the clearance & chamfer
FRCE-421 STOP Search Range over (F:%d^1)
Cause: The robot moved beyond the search range limit before finishing the search.
Remedy: Check the parameter ‘search range’ Make the velocity command smaller Set the ‘reverse
switch’ ON
FRCE-422 STOP Search Frc/Vel wrong (F:%d^1)
Cause: Force or Velocity command of the search direction is wrong.
Remedy: Set the values of the search force or torque other than zero. Set the values of the velocity or
angular velocity other than zero. Sign for the search force and velocity must be same.
FRCE-423 STOP Search Vel order error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The velocity order for the search function is invalid.
Remedy: Set the different value for the different direction. This value >= 1 and continuous integer
FRCE-424 STOP Search direction error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Search directions are invalid.
Remedy: Set different direction to the search direction 1 and 2 for ‘cylinder hole search’ and ‘clutch
FRCE-425 STOP Search range param. error (F:%d^1)
Cause: ‘search range’ is smaller than ‘Clearance & Chamfer’.
Remedy: Make ‘search range’ >= ‘Clearance & Chamfer’.
FRCE-426 STOP Search velocity Calc. error (F:%d^1)
Cause: ‘Search acc. time’ or ‘Clearance & Chamfer’ are zero.
Remedy: Set the values ‘Search frequency’, ‘Search range’ or ‘Clearance & Chamfer’ non-zero.
FRCE-427 STOP Search reverse SW invalid (F:%d^1)
Cause: The value of Reverse switch is wrong.
Remedy: Set the ‘reverse switch’ ON.
FRCE-428 STOP Search velocity MAX error (F:%d^1)
Cause: The values of ‘Search frequency’, ‘Search range’ or ‘Clearance & Chamfer’ are wrong.
Remedy: Reduce the value of ‘Search frequency’. Reduce the value of ‘Search range’. Reduce the
value of ‘Clearance & Chamfer’.
FRCE-447 STOP Illegal B/D (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-451 STOP Unknown initializing status (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-452 STOP Illegal cool down rate (F:%d^1)
Cause: Settling rate is out of range.
Remedy: The value of ‘Settling Rate’ in Performance Data must be between 0 and 100.
FRCE-453 STOP Illegal tool weight get time (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Contact FANUC or FANUC Robotics and report the error status.
FRCE-454 STOP Tool weight is uninit (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Contact FANUC or FANUC Robotics and report the error status.
FRCE-482 STOP Illegal end condition(approach) (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-483 STOP Illegal retry number (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-484 STOP Illegal insertion force (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-485 STOP Setting torque error failed (F:%d^1)
Cause: Failed to acquire torque error data.
Remedy: 1. Make sure that the distance between the approach position and the contact position is not
too long. (5 mm is appropriate.) 2. Increase the value of ‘Approach Velocity’ in Basic Data.
FRCE-486 STOP Setting end cond. failed(TEACH) (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-487 STOP Setting end cond. failed(USE) (F:%d^1)
Cause: Insertion direction acquired by the end condition acquisition is wrong.
Remedy: Execute the end condition acquisition again.
FRCE-488 STOP Display graph data on debug console (F:%d^1)
Cause: Display graph data on debug console
Remedy: No action is required.
FRCE-489 STOP Illegal pushing depth (F:%d^1)
Cause: The value of ‘Individual Diff (-)’ is Basic Data is less than zero or larger than the value of
‘Insert Depth (Design)’ in Basic Data.
Remedy: Make the value of ‘Individual Diff (-)’ positive and smaller than the value of ‘Insert Depth
FRCE-490 STOP Illegal rotation angle max (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-491 STOP Illegal decelerate time (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-492 STOP Illegal decel depth rate (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-493 STOP Illegal rotation direction (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-494 STOP Illegal initial Fd (F:%d^1)
Cause: The sign of ‘Initial Insert Force’ in Performance Data is different from the sign of ‘Insert Force’.
Remedy: Make the sign of ‘Initial Insert Force’ in Performance Data the same as the sign of ‘Insert
FRCE-495 STOP Illegal velocity adjust gain (F:%d^1)
Cause: The value of ‘Velocity Adjust Gain’ in Performance Data is illegal.
Remedy: ‘Velocity Adjust Gain’ must be between 0 and 3.
FRCE-496 STOP Illegal starting rate (F:%d^1)
Cause: The value of ‘Starting Rate’ in Performance Data is illegal.
Remedy: ‘Starting Rate’ must be larger than 12.5.
FRCE-497 STOP Illegal ending rate (F:%d^1)
Cause: The value of ‘Ending Rate’ in Performance Data is illegal.
Remedy: ‘Ending Rate’ must be smaller than 95.
FRCE-498 STOP Illegal approach length (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-499 STOP Illegal approach modify time (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-500 STOP Illegal reduction ratio (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-501 STOP Illegal velocity adjust switch (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-502 STOP Illegal overrun length (F:%d^1)
Cause: The value of ‘Individual Diff. (+)’ in Basic Data is illegal.
Remedy: ‘Individual Diff. (+)’ must be between 0 and 10000.
FRCE-508 STOP AIT X direction environment NG (F:%d^1)
Cause: An environmental characteristic in the X direction could not be acquired in the impedance
parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Modify the force control parameters in the following order; then execute the impedance
parameters auto tuning again. 1. The impedance change for the environmental characteristic
acquisition might be too rough. Increase the system variable $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].$TD.$NUM_KEI[1].
[The schedule number is calculated as ((xx-10)*5+i). Modify the appropriate $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].
2. The desired force might be too small. Increase the desired force. 3. The desired force might be
too large. Decrease the desired force.
FRCE-509 STOP AIT Y direction environment NG (F:%d^1)
Cause: An environmental characteristic in the Y direction could not be acquired in the impedance
parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Modify the force control parameters in the following order; then execute the impedance
parameters auto tuning again. 1. The impedance change for the environmental characteristic
acquisition might be too rough. Increase the system variable $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].$TD.$NUM_KEI[1].
[The schedule number is calculated as ((xx-10)*5+i). Modify the appropriate $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].
2. The desired force might be too small. Increase the desired force. 3. The desired force might be
too large. Decrease the desired force.
FRCE-510 STOP AIT Z direction environment NG (F:%d^1)
Cause: An environmental characteristic in the Z direction could not be acquired in the impedance
parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Modify the force control parameters in the following order; then execute the impedance
parameters auto tuning again. 1. The impedance change for the environmental characteristic
acquisition might be too rough. Increase the system variable $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].$TD.$NUM_KEI[1].
[The schedule number is calculated as ((xx-10)*5+i). Modify the appropriate $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].
2. The desired force might be too small. Increase the desired force. 3. The desired force might be
too large. Decrease the desired force.
FRCE-511 STOP AIT W direction environment NG (F:%d^1)
Cause: An environmental characteristic in the W direction could not be acquired in the impedance
parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Modify the force control parameters in the following order; then execute the impedance
parameters auto tuning again. 1. The impedance change for the environmental characteristic
acquisition might be too rough. Increase the system variable $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].$TD.$NUM_KEI[1].
[The schedule number is calculated as ((xx-10)*5+i). Modify the appropriate $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].
2. The desired force might be too small. Increase the desired force. 3. The desired force might be
too large. Decrease the desired force.
FRCE-512 STOP AIT P direction environment NG (F:%d^1)
Cause: An environmental characteristic in the P direction could not be acquired in the impedance
parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Modify the force control parameters in the following order; then execute the impedance
parameters auto tuning again. 1. The impedance change for the environmental characteristic
acquisition might be too rough. Increase the system variable $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].$TD.$NUM_KEI[1].
[The schedule number is calculated as ((xx-10)*5+i). Modify the appropriate $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].
2. The desired force might be too small. Increase the desired force. 3. The desired force might be
too large. Decrease the desired force.
FRCE-513 STOP AIT R direction environment NG (F:%d^1)
Cause: An environmental characteristic in the R direction could not be acquired in the impedance
parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Modify the force control parameters in the following order; then execute the impedance
parameters auto tuning again. 1. The impedance change for the environmental characteristic
acquisition might be too rough. Increase the system variable $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].$TD.$NUM_KEI[1].
[The schedule number is calculated as ((xx-10)*5+i). Modify the appropriate $CCSCH_GRPxx[i].
2. The desired force might be too small. Increase the desired force. 3. The desired force might be
too large. Decrease the desired force.
FRCE-514 STOP AIT X direction unstable (F:%d^1)
Cause: The force in the X direction became excessive while acquiring an environmental characteristic
in the impedance parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Please specified correct sensor index.
FRCE-515 STOP AIT Y direction unstable (F:%d^1)
Cause: The force in the Y direction became excessive while acquiring an environmental characteristic
in the impedance parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Correct the errors in the following order; then execute the impedance parameters auto
tuning again. 1. Execessive force was generated during the auto tuning. Stop any vibration sources
that are near the robot. 2. The desired force might be too small. Increase the desired force.
FRCE-516 STOP AIT Z direction unstable (F:%d^1)
Cause: The force in the Z direction became excessive while acquiring an environmental characteristic
in the impedance parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Correct the errors in the following order; then execute the impedance parameters auto
tuning again. 1. Execessive force was generated during the auto tuning. Stop any vibration sources
that are near the robot. 2. The desired force might be too small. Increase the desired force.
FRCE-517 STOP AIT W direction unstable (F:%d^1)
Cause: The force in the W direction became excessive while acquiring an environmental
characteristic in the impedance parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Correct the errors in the following order; then execute the impedance parameters auto
tuning again. 1. Execessive force was generated during the auto tuning. Stop any vibration sources
that are near the robot. 2. The desired force might be too small. Increase the desired force.
FRCE-518 STOP AIT P direction unstable (F:%d^1)
Cause: The force in the P direction became excessive while acquiring an environmental characteristic
in the impedance parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Correct the errors in the following order; then execute the impedance parameters auto
tuning again. 1. Execessive force was generated during the auto tuning. Stop any vibration sources
that are near the robot. 2. The desired force might be too small. Increase the desired force.
FRCE-519 STOP AIT R direction unstable (F:%d^1)
Cause: The force in the R direction became excessive while acquiring an environmental characteristic
in the impedance parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: Correct the errors in the following order; then execute the impedance parameters auto
tuning again. 1. Execessive force was generated during the auto tuning. Stop any vibration sources
that are near the robot. 2. The desired force might be too small. Increase the desired force.
FRCE-520 STOP AIT all switch OFF (F:%d^1)
Cause: Force control is disabled in all directions during the impedance parameters auto tuning.
Remedy: If the prepared default data for the application is used, this error should not occur. Try to
copy the default data corresponding to the application into the schedule data.
FRCE-521 STOP AIT X direction fail (F:%d^1)
Cause: Impedance parameters auto tuning in the X direction did not complete.
Remedy: Correct the errors in the following order; then execute the impedance parameters auto
tuning again. 1. Stop any vibration sources that are near the robot. 2. The desired force might be
too small. Increase the desired force.
FRCE-522 STOP AIT Y direction fail (F:%d^1)
Cause: Impedance parameters auto tuning in the Y direction did not complete.
Remedy: Correct the errors in the following order; then execute the impedance parameters auto
tuning again. 1. Stop any vibration sources that are near the robot. 2. The desired force might be
too small. Increase the desired force.
FRCE-523 STOP AIT Z direction fail (F:%d^1)
Cause: Impedance parameters auto tuning in the Z direction did not complete.
Remedy: Correct the errors in the following order; then execute the impedance parameters auto
tuning again. 1. Stop any vibration sources that are near the robot. 2. The desired force might be
too small. Increase the desired force.
FRCE-524 STOP AIT W direction fail (F:%d^1)
Cause: Impedance parameters auto tuning in the W direction did not complete.
Remedy: Correct the errors in the following order; then execute the impedance parameters auto
tuning again. 1. Stop any vibration sources that are near the robot. 2. The desired force might be
too small. Increase the desired force.
FRCE-525 STOP AIT P direction fail (F:%d^1)
Cause: Impedance parameters auto tuning in the P direction did not complete.
Remedy: Correct the errors in the following order; then execute the impedance parameters auto
tuning again. 1. Stop any vibration sources that are near the robot. 2. The desired force might be
too small. Increase the desired force.
FRCE-526 STOP AIT R direction fail (F:%d^1)
Cause: Impedance parameters auto tuning in the R direction did not complete.
Remedy: Correct the errors in the following order; then execute the impedance parameters auto
tuning again. 1. Stop any vibration sources that are near the robot. 2. The desired force might be
too small. Increase the desired force.
FRCE-527 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-528 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-529 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-530 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-531 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-532 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-533 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-534 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-535 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-536 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-537 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-538 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-539 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-540 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-541 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-542 STOP Rotate angle limit (F:%d^1)
Cause: The rotation angle exceeded the upper limit during the phase match insertion.
Remedy: 1. Increase the value of ‘Phase Match Push F’ in Basic Data. 2. Make sure that the clearance
between the workpiece and the object is not too small.
FRCE-543 STOP AIT system error (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-544 STOP clutch ins. force lim. (F:%d^1)
Cause: Force exceeded the limit during clutch ins.
Remedy: decrease the amplitude of the search check if the approach point is in a center
FRCE-545 STOP clutch ins. & tuning (F:%d^1)
Cause: tried to make auto tuning for clutch ins.
Remedy: auto tuning for clutch ins. is prohibitted
FRCE-546 STOP No custom cont. exe. (F:%d^1)
Cause: Not customized force control were continuously executed
Remedy: 1. Customize two force control schedule 2. Move robot position before second force
control execution
FRCE-547 STOP Customize no parent (F:%d^1)
Cause: Previous executed force control was not parent force control
Remedy: Execute child force control immediately after parent force control
FRCE-548 STOP Customize Position NG (F:%d^1)
Cause: Final position of parent and initial position of child are different
Remedy: Execute child force control immediately after parent force control
FRCE-549 STOP Customize parent err (F:%d^1)
Cause: Parent finished with error Child is for insetion
Remedy: 1. If you want to retry, set same frame number and reversed insert direction 2. If you want
to insert, you can’t execute child after errror of parent
FRCE-550 STOP Customize intr. err0 (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-551 STOP Customize intr. err1 (F:%d^1)
Cause: Software internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC technical service
FRCE-552 STOP Customize intr. err2 (F:%d^1)
Cause: Parent finished with error Child is for insetion
Remedy: Contact FANUC or FANUC Robotics and report the error status.