Fanuc FLPY Alarm Codes

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Fanuc FLPY Alarm Codes

FLPY-001 WARN End of directory reached
Cause: Your listing has reached the end of the directory. You do not have to do anything for this
warning message.
Remedy: This is a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning message.
FLPY-002 WARN File already exists
Cause: The file name you are trying to create already exists on this device.
Remedy: Delete the file of this name or choose a different file name.
FLPY-003 WARN File does not exist
Cause: The file you are trying to open does not exist on this device.
Remedy: Open a file that does exist on the device.
FLPY-004 WARN Unsupported command
Cause: Operation is not supported on floppy disk.
Remedy: Use only operations supported on floppy disk.
FLPY-005 WARN Disk is full
Cause: The disk file capacity has been reached.
Remedy: Delete some unneeded files or use a disk with sufficient free space.
FLPY-006 WARN End of file reached
Cause: The end of the file was reached while reading.
Remedy: Do not attempt to read beyond the end of a file.
FLPY-008 WARN Only one file may be opened
Cause: An attempt was made to open more than one file.
Remedy: Do not attempt to open more than one file at a time.
FLPY-009 WARN Communications error
Cause: The protocol format was invalid.
Remedy: Retry the operation.
FLPY-015 WARN Write protection violation
Cause: The disk has write protection enabled.
Remedy: Remove write protection from the disk or use a disk that is not write protected.
FLPY-100 WARN Directory read error
Cause: The directory information is corrupted and unreadable.
Remedy: Try another disk or reformat the disk.
FLPY-101 WARN Block check error
Cause: The checksum data is bad. Data is corrupted on disk and can not be read.
Remedy: Try another disk, or reformat the disk
FLPY-103 WARN Seek error
Cause: There is a bad sector or track on the disk.
Remedy: Clean the disk drive, try another disk, or reformat the disk.
FLPY-104 WARN Disk timeout
Cause: The drive did not respond to a command.
Remedy: Check the cable to the drive and make sure drive power is on.
FLPY-105 WARN Write protection violation
Cause: The disk has write protection enabled.
Remedy: Remove write protection from the disk or use a disk that is not write protected.
FLPY-106 WARN Memory Card hardware error
Cause: Memory Card hardware error is detected.
Remedy: Check Memory Card I/F unit connection or battery of the card.
FLPY-107 WARN Not formatted card
Cause: The Memory Card is not formatted.
Remedy: Format the card with UTILITY menu on FILE screen.