Fanuc FILE Alarm Codes

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Fanuc FILE Alarm Codes

FILE-001 WARN Device not ready
Cause: Specified file device is not ready.
Remedy: Check if the device is mounted and ready to use. Check if the device name is correct.
FILE-002 WARN Device is Full
Cause: Device is full. There is no more space to store data on the device.
Remedy: Delete any unnecessary files or change to a new device.
FILE-003 WARN Device is protected
Cause: Device is protected. So, you cannot write to the device.
Remedy: Release the device protection.
FILE-004 WARN Device not assigned
Cause: The device is not assigned. The specified device is not recognized by the system. If using
RD, then $FILE_MAXSEC is set to 0.
Remedy: If using RD, set $FILE_MAXSEC > 0, or else a system error will occur.
FILE-005 WARN Device not mounted
Cause: Device is not mounted. You should mount the device before using it.
Remedy: Mount the correct file device.
FILE-006 WARN Device is already mounted
Cause: You tried to mount the device which had been already mounted.
Remedy: Mount device only once.
FILE-008 WARN Illegal device name
Cause: Device name contains an illegal character.
Remedy: Check spelling and validity of device name.
FILE-009 WARN Illegal logical unit number
Cause: Illegal LUN is used.
Remedy: This is an internal error. Check the validity of the logical unit number.
FILE-010 WARN Directory not found
Cause: Specified directory does not exist
Remedy: Check validity of directory name.
FILE-011 WARN Directory full
Cause: Directory is full. You tried to create a file in the root directory which execeeded the maximum
number of files allowed on the device.
Remedy: Delete unnecessary files in the root directory.
FILE-012 WARN Directory is protected
Cause: You tried to write to a write protected directory.
Remedy: Release the protection to the directory.
FILE-013 WARN Illegal directory name
Cause: Directory name contains an illegal character.
Remedy: Check spelling of directory name.
FILE-014 WARN File not found
Cause: The specified file was not found.
Remedy: Check that the file exists and that the file name was spelled correctly.
FILE-015 WARN File is protected
Cause: You tried to access a protected file.
Remedy: Release the protection from file.
FILE-017 WARN File not open
Cause: You tried to access a file which is not open.
Remedy: Open the file before accessing.
FILE-018 WARN File is already opened
Cause: You tried to create/delete/rename a file which is already opened.
Remedy: Close file before such operations.
FILE-019 WARN File is locked
Cause: You tried to access a file which is locked.
Remedy: Release the lock.
FILE-020 WARN Illegal file size
Cause: File size is invalid.
Remedy: Change file size to be correct.
FILE-021 WARN End of file
Cause: End of file was detected.
Remedy: This is a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning message.
FILE-022 WARN Illegal file name
Cause: File name contains an illegal character.
Remedy: Check spelling of file name.
FILE-023 WARN Illegal file number
Cause: File number is illegal.
Remedy: Use a valid file number which is the ID returned from an open request.
FILE-024 WARN Illegal file type
Cause: File type contains an illegal character.
Remedy: Check the spelling and validity of the file type.
FILE-025 WARN Illegal protection code
Cause: File protection code is illegal.
Remedy: Check if the protection code is correct.
FILE-026 WARN Illegal access mode
Cause: File access mode is illegal.
Remedy: Check if the access mode is correct.
FILE-027 WARN Illegal attribute
Cause: File attribute in the SET_ATTRIBUTE request is illegal.
Remedy: Check that attribute specified is valid.
FILE-028 WARN Illegal data block
Cause: Data block is broken which is used in FIND_NEXT request.
Remedy: You should keep the data block which is returned from the previous FIND_FIRST or
FIND_NEXT request.
FILE-029 WARN Command is not supported
Cause: Illegal request command is specified.
Remedy: Check if the request code is corect.
FILE-030 WARN Device lun table is full
Cause: Device management table is full.
Remedy: Dismount any unnecessary devices.
FILE-031 WARN Illegal path name
Cause: Path name contains an illegal character.
Remedy: Check if the path name is correct.
FILE-032 WARN Illegal parameter
Cause: Illegal parameter is detected.
Remedy: Check that all parameters for the request are valid.
FILE-033 WARN System file buffer full
Cause: File management buffer is full.
Remedy: Close unnecessary files.
FILE-034 WARN Illegal file position
Cause: Illegal file position is specified.
Remedy: Check that the file position parameter from SEEK request is positive and not beyond
the end of file.
FILE-035 WARN Device not formatted
Cause: You tried to access a unformatted device.
Remedy: Format the device before using it.
FILE-036 WARN File already exist
Cause: You tried to rename a file to an already existing file name.
Remedy: Change the new file name to be unique or delete the existing file.
FILE-037 WARN Directory not empty
Cause: You tried to remove a subdirectory which contains some files or directories.
Remedy: Remove all files and directories in the subdirectory before removing subdirectory.
FILE-038 WARN File locked by too many tasks
Cause: There are too many lock requests to same file.
Remedy: Unlock any unnecessary file lock requests.
FILE-039 WARN Directory already exists
Cause: You tried to create a sub-directory that already exists.
Remedy: Use a unique name for new sub-directory
FILE-040 WARN Illegal file access mode
Cause: You tried to read from a write only opened file or tried to write to a read only opened file.
Remedy: Open a file with correct access mode.
FILE-041 WARN File not locked
Cause: You tried to unlock file which you had not locked.
Remedy: Don’t unlock a file that is not locked. You can only unlock files which YOU have locked.
FILE-045 WARN need to set $FILE_MAXSEC
Cause: $FILE_MAXSEC has not been set and must be be set before device can be formatted.
Remedy: Set variable $FILE_MAXSEC to valid value. 800 is a good default value.
FILE-049 WARN File is not standard file
Cause: A file operation has been attempted on a file which is not a standard file
Remedy: Use a standard file device (e.g., FR: or RD:
FILE-050 WARN PChamp %s device NOT ready – device FULL
Cause: PChamp output device NOT ready or FULL
Remedy: Check device OR delete old files on device
FILE-051 WARN NESTED kread issued
Cause: A call to kread was made while a WOULDBLOCK read was pending
Remedy: Do not call kread again until the packet from the previous read has been rcvd
FILE-052 WARN Kread re-call with different buf_p
Cause: A call to kread was made following a WOULDBLOCK read with a different buf_p
Remedy: Call kread with the same buf_p as was used in the original kread call
FILE-053 WARN MC Inserted
Cause: Memory Card (MC) has been inserted and properly detected by the system
Remedy: Start MC access after receiving this message
FILE-054 WARN MC Removed
Cause: Memory Card (MC) has been removed from the system
Remedy: Reinstall Memory Card if you wish to continue
FILE-055 WARN MC not detected
Cause: Either the Memory Card (MC) is not properly inserted or the Card that is inserted is not a
Memory Card type (SRAM or Flashdisk)
Remedy: Either insert a MC or exchange inserted card with a MC
FILE-056 WARN Modem Card Inserted
Cause: Modem Card has been inserted and properly detected by the system
Remedy: Start Modem Card access after receiving this message
FILE-057 WARN Modem Card Removed
Cause: Modem Card has been removed from the system
Remedy: Reinstall Modem Card if you wish to continue
FILE-058 WARN Illegal Character in Name
Cause: Name contains an illegal character.
Remedy: Remove any non alpha numeric character which is not an underscore.
FILE-059 WARN Not enough TEMP memory for file operation
Cause: The TEMP memory is too low to complete the file operation.
Remedy: Try one of the following: 1. Remove unnecessary files/programs from the system. 2.
Remove unused options from the controller by reloading with fewer options. 3. Add more D-RAM to
the system.
FILE-060 WARN Max %d,Req %d,Ac %d
Cause: Requested RD Size (Req) exceeds Max Available (Max). RD Left at Actual Size (Ac)
Remedy: Adjust $FILE_MAXSEC Memory Size (Req) to less than or equal to the Max Available
FILE-061 WARN Requested RD Sz too big
Cause: The requested RD Size (Req)exceeds the Max Available (Max). RD Left at Actual Size (Ac).
Remedy: Adjust $FILE_MAXSEC Memory Size (Req) to less than or equal to the Max Available
FILE-062 WARN Backup files are not correct
Cause: The backup file is not correct.
Remedy: Try performing the file backup operation to another device, or use another media type.
FILE-063 STOP (%s) is not loaded
Cause: The indicated file is not loaded when all files are restored in Automatic Software Update
Remedy: Check cause code for more information.
FILE-066 WARN UD%d Ins %s %s
Cause: The USB memory stick has been inserted and properly detected by the system.
Remedy: Start UDx: access after receiving this message.
FILE-067 WARN UD%d Removed
Cause: The USB memory stick has been removed from the system.
Remedy: Reinstall the memory stick if you want to continue.
FILE-068 WARN UD not detected
Cause: Either the USB memory stick is not properly inserted, or the stick that is inserted is not a
the correct type.
Remedy: Try removing and reinserting the memory stick, or use a different memory stick.
FILE-069 WARN USB hub Ins %s %s
Cause: A USB hub was inserted and detected as identified in the string parameters. This is
informational only to identify the insertion of a hub device.
Remedy: None.
FILE-070 WARN USB hub Removed
Cause: A USB hub was removed. This is informational only.
Remedy: None.
FILE-071 WARN USB vend: %04x prod: %04x
Cause: USB device details. This will appear as a cause code to the FILE-066 alarm to identify the
device inserted.
Remedy: None.
FILE-072 WARN USB over current detected
Cause: The attached USB devices are drawing more than 500mA of current.
Remedy: Reduce the power draw by removing some devices, or use an external power supply.
FILE-074 WARN USB not supported
Cause: The USB device is not supported on this hardware.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error, and call your FANUC Robotics technical
FILE-075 WARN No media inserted or detected
Cause: The appropriate media is not inserted or properly inserted, or the media that is inserted is
not of the correct type.
Remedy: Insert the appropriate media, such as a USB memory stick or a memory card. Try removing
and reinserting the media, or use a different one.
FILE-076 WARN %s invalid sector size %d
Cause: The device has an invalid sector size and can not be used by the file system.
Remedy: Try a different device.