Fanuc DNET Alarm Codes

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Fanuc DNET Alarm Codes

DNET-001 ERR_STOP_C No system device file
Cause: The system device definition file is missing from the system.
Remedy: INIT start and reload the DeviceNet Interface option. If the error still exists, document the
events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
DNET-002 ERR_STOP_C No application device file
Cause: The application device definition file is missing from the system.
Remedy: INIT start and reload the DeviceNet Interface option. If the error still exists, document the
events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
DNET-003 ERR_STOP_C Too many DNet motherboards
Cause: There are too many DeviceNet motherboards connected to the robot controller.
Remedy: Turn off controller power. Disconnect one of the DeviceNet motherboards. Re-connect any
DeviceNet cables to the other DeviceNet motherboard. Power on your controller.
DNET-004 ERR_STOP_C Board init failed: Bd %d
Cause: The specified board has failed to initialize.
Remedy: Make sure the board parameters are correct. Make sure the board is properly connected to
the network and power is supplied.
DNET-005 WARN User dev def Err, line:%d
Cause: The text based device definition is invalid. It is missing one of the required fields or the
values specified are invalid.
Remedy: Correct the text based device definition and then use it. Refer to the header in MD:dndef.dg
for more information regarding validity and required fields.
DNET-006 ERR_SYS_C System error: %d
Cause: A system error has occurred.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical
DNET-008 WARN Invalid board index
Cause: An invalid board index has been specified.
Remedy: Specify a board index between 0 and 3.
DNET-009 WARN Invalid MAC Id: Bd %d MAC %d
Cause: An invalid MAC Id has been specified.
Remedy: Specify a MAC Id between 0 and 63 inclusive.
DNET-010 WARN Board already online
Cause: The specified board is already on-line.
Remedy: Take the board off-line before attempting the operation.
DNET-011 WARN Board not online
Cause: The specified board is not on-line.
Remedy: Put the board on-line before attempting the operation.
DNET-012 WARN Device already online
Cause: The specified device is already on-line.
Remedy: Take the device off-line before attempting the operation.
DNET-013 WARN Device not online
Cause: The specified device is not on-line.
Remedy: Put the device on-line before attempting the operation.
DNET-014 WARN Request timed out
Cause: The attempted DeviceNet command request has timed out.
Remedy: Check all network connections. If all connections appear to be in order, re-attempt the
DNET-015 WARN Board not initialized
Cause: The specified board has not been initialized.
Remedy: Initialize the board by attempting to put it on-line, and then cycle power. Then, re-attempt
the operation.
DNET-016 ERR_SYS_C System failed
Cause: The DeviceNet Interface system has failed.
Remedy: Cold start the system. If the problem persists, INIT start or reload the system. If the
problem continues to persist, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics
technical representative.
DNET-017 WARN Board not found
Cause: The specified board was not found in the system.
Remedy: Make sure the daughter boards are properly configured and properly seated on the
DNET-019 WARN Code file open failed
Cause: The code file required to initialize the board cannot be accessed.
Remedy: Cold start the system. If the problem persists, INIT start and reload the DeviceNet Interface
DNET-020 WARN Code file read failed
Cause: The code file required to initialize the board cannot be read.
Remedy: Cold start the system. If the problem persists, INIT start and reload the DeviceNet Interface
DNET-021 WARN Code file checksum error
Cause: There is a problem with the DeviceNet scanner code file.
Remedy: Cold start the system. If the problem persists, INIT start and reload the DeviceNet Interface
option. If the problem continues to persist, document the events that led to the error and call your
FANUC Robotics technical representative.
DNET-022 WARN Board initialization timeout
Cause: The board initialization routine has timed out.
Remedy: Turn the controller off. Make sure the motherboard is correctly seated on the back plane.
Cold start the controller. If the problem persists, document the events that led to the error and call
your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
DNET-023 WARN Board initialization error
Cause: An error has occurred in the board initialization process.
Remedy: Cycle power to the controller. If the problem persists, turn the controller off and check the
motherboard connection to the back plane. Cold start the controller. If the problem persists, document
the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
DNET-025 WARN No device assigned for Bd/MAC
Cause: A data mismatch has occurred such that the system cannot find a device assigned for the
specified board number and MAC Id.
Remedy: Turn the controller off and cold start the controller. If the problem persists, delete the board
from the Board List screen, reconfigure the board, and re-add devices to the Device List. Cycle power.
Also, check the device MAC Id configurations.
DNET-026 WARN No match on dev type look-up
Cause: The system cannot find the specified device type in its list of defined device types.
Remedy: Check the selected device type on the Device List. Next, check the Defined Device List
and the Standard Device Definition List for the required device type. If it does not appear, go to the
Defined Device List and add the required device definition, then select it on the Device List screen.
When you have finished, turn off then turn on the controller.
DNET-027 ERR_STOP_C Dev online err: Bd %d MAC %d
Cause: The device at the specified board number and MAC Id cannot be brought on-line.
Remedy: Make sure the device is properly connected to the network. Check the device’s MAC Id
and baud rate configuration. Check the board’s baud rate configuration on the Board Detail screen.
Check the board’s network connection. Cold Start the controller.
DNET-028 ERR_STOP_C Board online err: Bd %d
Cause: The specified board cannot be brought on-line.
Remedy: Make sure the board is properly connected to the network. Check that network power is
being supplied. Check that baud rates for the board and devices are in agreement. Cold Start the
DNET-030 ERR_STOP_C Std dev file fmt err: Line %d
Cause: There is an error in the format of the specified device definition file, on the specified line.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain a correct device definition
DNET-031 ERR_STOP_C App dev file fmt err: Line %d
Cause: There is an error in the format of the specified device definition file, on the specified line.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain a correct device definition
DNET-033 WARN Unknown keyword
Cause: An unknown keyword has been found in the device definition files.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
DNET-034 WARN Cycle power to bring online
Cause: The user must turn power off and on to the controller to bring online a newly-added device to
a board’s device list.
Remedy: Cycle power to the controller. You will then be able to bring the device online.
DNET-035 WARN Bad format or out of range
Cause: An integer value in the device definition files is incorrect.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
DNET-036 WARN I/O size/type not specified
Cause: The specified line was not found in a device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
Cause: The specified line was not found in a device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
Cause: The specified lines were not found in a device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
DNET-039 WARN Too many MODULE lines
Cause: The specified lines were incorrect in a device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
Cause: A definition was incorrect in a device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
DNET-041 WARN Required field missing
Cause: A definition was incorrect in a device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
DNET-042 WARN DEVTYPE line absent/invalid
Cause: The specified line was not found in a device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
DNET-043 WARN VENDORID line absent/invalid
Cause: The specified line was not found in a device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
DNET-044 WARN PRODCODE line absent/invalid
Cause: The specified line was not found in a device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
DNET-045 WARN No I/O mode line supplied
Cause: The specified line was not found in a device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
DNET-046 WARN No PDTCODE line supplied
Cause: The specified line was not found in a device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
DNET-047 ERR_STOP_C DeviceNet motherboard not found
Cause: The DeviceNet motherboard is not plugged into the back plane.
Remedy: Turn off the controller and make sure the motherboard is properly seated into the back
plane of the controller. Cold start the controller.
DNET-048 WARN Multiple DEFAULT modes; ignored
Cause: The device definition file has too many I/O access modes designated as DEFAULT. Only
one mode should be designated as DEFAULT.
Remedy: Remove the DEFAULT designation from all I/O access modes except one.
DNET-049 WARN Device Name not found
Cause: Text based device definition does not have the device name for the device.
Remedy: Supply a device name along with the device definition and then use the text based device
definition. The device name is required and is the primary identification for that definition.
DNET-050 WARN Board or network warning: Bd %d
Cause: An problem has occurred with the specified daughter board or the DeviceNet network
connected to it. The problem is not severe enough to disrupt communications, but should be
addressed as soon as possible.
Remedy: Refer to the next DNET alarm posted in the alarm log for specific alarm recovery
DNET-051 WARN Netwk comm errors: Bus warning
Cause: The DeviceNet scanner has detected an abnormal number of communications errors on
the network. This message is a warning that the scanner may go offline if errors continue to occur
at an abnormal rate.
Remedy: Check your network topology to ensure conformance with DeviceNet standards. Check
that your network terminators are in place and properly connected. Check that your network power
supply is able to handle all of the devices on the network. Ensure that you are using properly shielded
cables and connectors.
DNET-052 WARN Data line too long
Cause: The specified line was incorrect in the device definition file.
Remedy: Contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative to obtain the correct device
definition files.
DNET-053 WARN Line above DEVICE line ignored
Cause: An extraneous line was found in a device definition file.
Remedy: Check the Standard Device Definition List to see if device types have been properly loaded.
If not, contact FANUC Robotics to obtain the correct device definition files.
DNET-054 WARN All space in shared RAM used
Cause: There is no space left in the DeviceNet I/O buffer.
Remedy: Contact FANUC Robotics to report the problem. Provide all details of the DeviceNet
network, including number and type of devices, baud rates, MAC Ids, and network wiring
DNET-055 ERR_STOP_C Board or network error: Bd %d
Cause: An error has occurred with the specified daughter board or the DeviceNet network connected
to it.
Remedy: Refer to the Cause and Remedy of the cause code (displayed immediately below this error
code on the teach pendant).
DNET-056 WARN Network power lost
Cause: Power has been removed from the DeviceNet network.
Remedy: Check the cable connecting the daughter board to the DeviceNet network. Also, check the
connection to the power source. Cycle power to the controller.
DNET-057 WARN Network communications error
Cause: A network communications error has occurred on the network connected to the specified
Remedy: Check that the board’s baud rate corresponds to that of the devices. Check cable connections
to both the board and devices. Check that the proper device definitions are selected for the devices on
the network and that parameters are correct for user-defined devices. Turn off both the controller
and the DeviceNet network power, then cold start the controller.
DNET-058 WARN Message queue overrun
Cause: The board has received more messages than it can handle at one time.
Remedy: The problem may be momentary; attempt to bring the board on-line again. If the problem
persists, check that the board baud rate corresponds to the baud rate of the devices. Turn off then
turn on the controller.
DNET-059 WARN Message lost
Cause: The board has missed a message over the DeviceNet network.
Remedy: The problem might be momentary; attempt to bring the board on-line again. If the problem
persists, check that the board baud rate corresponds to the baud rate of the devices. Turn off then turn
on power to the controller.
DNET-060 WARN Xmit timeout: Network flooded
Cause: The traffic on the DeviceNet network is too heavy for the board to communicate with the
Remedy: Check that the board baud rate agrees with the baud rate of the devices. If no baud rate
problem exists, turn off both the controller and the DeviceNet network power, then turn on both.
DNET-061 WARN No other nodes on network
Cause: All of the devices expected by the board to be on the network appear to be disconnected
to the network.
Remedy: Check cable connections to the board and to the devices. If a device has been disconnected,
reconnect and press RESET on the teach pendant. Check that the board baud rate is the same
as baud rate of the devices.
DNET-062 WARN Bus off due to comm errors
Cause: The board is not communicating to the network because there are too many errors.
Remedy: Check that the baud rate of the board and of the devices is the same. Make sure that power
is connected to the DeviceNet network. Press RESET on the teach pendant. If the problem persists,
begin removing devices from the network; after each device is removed, press RESET. When the
board is brought on-line, check the device configuration and the parameters of the device definition.
DNET-063 ERR_STOP_C Device error: Bd %d MAC %d
Cause: An error has occurred with the device at the specified board number and MAC Id.
Remedy: Refer to the Cause and Remedy for the cause code (displayed directly beneath this error
code on the teach pendant).
DNET-064 WARN Connection error
Cause: An error has occurred when attempting connection to the specified device.
Remedy: Check that the baud rate of the device agrees with the board baud rate. Check that the
device is properly connected to the network; make sure the device is receiving power from the
network. Inspect the device definition to see that the I/O type, access mode, and size of I/O are
correct. Press RESET on the teach pendant to re-attempt connection.
DNET-065 WARN Incorrect vendor Id
Cause: The vendor Id for the device, as specified in the device definition, is incorrect.
Remedy: Delete the device from the Device List. Check the device documentation for the correct
vendor Id. Make corrections in the device definition and add the device to the Device List.
DNET-066 WARN Incorrect product code
Cause: The product code for the device, as specified in the device definition, is incorrect.
Remedy: Delete the device from the Device List. Check the device documentation for the correct
product code. Make corrections in the device definition and add the device to the Device List.
DNET-067 WARN Incorrect device type
Cause: The device type for the device, as specified in the device definition, is incorrect.
Remedy: Delete the device from the Device List. Check the device documentation for the correct
device type. Make corrections in the device definition and add the device to the Device List.
DNET-068 WARN Device timeout
Cause: The connection to the specified device has timed out.
Remedy: Check the device’s connection to the network. Make sure the device baud rate agrees with
the board baud rate. Attempt to bring the device on-line by pressing RESET on the teach pendant.
DNET-069 ERR_STOP_C Unknown error code %d
Cause: An unknown error has occurred with the specified device.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical
representative. Make sure the error code number is noted and reported.
DNET-070 WARN Connection allocation error
Cause: An error has occurred when attempting connection to the specified device.
Remedy: Check that the baud rate of the device agrees with the board baud rate. Check that the
device is properly connected to the network; make sure the device is receiving power from the
network. Inspect the device definition to see that the I/O type, access mode, and size of I/O are
correct. Press RESET on the teach pendant to re-attempt connection.
DNET-071 ERR_STOP_C Dup dbrd: Bd:%d Mbd:%s
Cause: You have two or more DeviceNet daughter boards with the same board number configuration.
Remedy: Re-configure the DIP switches on your daughter boards so that you no longer have
duplicates. DIP switch configuration information is found in the User’s Guide to the FANUC Robotics
DeviceNet Interface.
DNET-072 WARN Found dupl. DNet daughterboard
Cause: This cause code is posted together with DNET-071 above to allow the user to easily identify
the duplicate daughter board. Please see the Cause text for DNET-071 for more information.
Remedy: Please see the Remedy text for DNET-071 to fix this problem.
DNET-073 WARN No match on mod type look-up
Cause: The system could not find the module type corresponding to a module on the specified device.
Remedy: View the module list for the device and delete or change the module in question. If this
module was previously functional, cold start the controller and attempt to use this module type again.
If the problem persists, perform an INIT start and re-load the DeviceNet Interface option.
DNET-074 ERR_STOP_C Load only at ctrl start
Cause: An I/O configuration file (.IO file) containing DeviceNet configuration data was loaded at
COLD START. The DeviceNet configuration data in this file is ignored.
Remedy: Reload the .IO file at controlled start.
DNET-076 WARN $DN_DEV_DEFS array is full
Cause: There is no more room in the Defined Device List system variable.
Remedy: Delete any unneeded device definitions from the Defined Device List before adding
a new one.
DNET-077 WARN DNet I/O inactive at CTRL start
Cause: At controlled start, I/O data assigned to DeviceNet devices is not active.
Remedy: This message is for informational purposes only. To make DeviceNet I/O active, COLD
start the controller.
DNET-078 WARN No room for more devices
Cause: The system variable for storage of devices is full.
Remedy: If there are devices which are off-line, delete these devices unless they are required to be
kept on the Device List. After entries in the device list are freed, new devices can be added.
DNET-079 ERR_STOP_C Unknown dev type: Bd %d MAC %d
Cause: The device type used by this device is currently unknown to the system.
Remedy: This error occurs during the I/O restore. Cold start the controller, add a new device
definition corresponding to the specified device, then add the device to the device list.
DNET-080 ERR_STOP_C Loaded config too large
Cause: The previous I/O configuration contains too many modules, devices, or device definitions to
be loaded.
Remedy: Make sure you have the same memory configuration as the system on which the I/O
configuration was saved.
DNET-082 WARN Press RESET to reconnect
Cause: This message appears when a board automatically restarts communication with a DeviceNet
network, but some or all devices are not designated as autoreconnecting. Pressing RESET will
attempt reconnection with these devices.
Remedy: Pressing RESET will attempt reconnection with the non-communicating devices and
clear this message.
DNET-083 WARN Board %d auto-restarted
Cause: A board which was previously in error state has automatically restarted communications
with the DeviceNet network.
Remedy: This message is intended for user notification only and does not indicate the presence
of an error situation.
DNET-084 ERR_STOP_C Board reset failed: Bd %d
Cause: The command to reset the specified board has failed.
Remedy: Refer to the Cause and Remedy for the cause code (displayed directly beneath this error
code on the teach pendant).
DNET-085 ERR_STOP_C Dev reset failed: Bd %d MAC %d
Cause: The command to reset the specified device has failed.
Remedy: Refer to the Cause and Remedy for the cause code (displayed directly beneath this error
code on the teach pendant).
DNET-086 ERR_STOP_C Stop scan cmd failed: Bd %d
Cause: The specified board is unable to acknowledge the stop-scanning command.
Remedy: Check DeviceNet connection to the board, as well as DeviceNet power to the network. If
board is already in ERROR state, this error can be disregarded.
DNET-087 ERR_STOP_C Bd offline cmd failed: Bd %d
Cause: The board is not acknowledging the command to take it off-line.
Remedy: Check DeviceNet connection to the board, as well as DeviceNet power to the network. If
the board is already in the ERROR state, this error can be disregarded.
DNET-088 ERR_STOP_C Ignored: Bd %d MAC %d Slot %d
Cause: The system does not recognize the module type of the module being loaded.
Remedy: Make sure the device definition data files are the same between the current system being
loaded and the system on which the I/O configuration was saved. Contact FANUC Robotics for
the correct definition files.
DNET-089 WARN Can’t specify POLL and STROBE
Cause: The data file contains lines which specify both POLL access and STROBE access for the
same device.
Remedy: Contact FANUC Robotics to obtain the correct device definition files.
DNET-090 WARN Can’t STROBE w/ num outs > 0
Cause: The device definition file specifies a strobed-access device but the number of outputs is
not equal to zero.
Remedy: Contact FANUC Robotics to obtain the correct device definition files.
DNET-091 WARN Input size error
Cause: The number of inputs specified in the device definition for this device does not match the
number expected by the scanner when it communicates with the device.
Remedy: Delete the device, correct the device definition, then re-add the device to the device list.
DNET-092 WARN Output size error
Cause: The number of outputs specified in the device definition for this device does not match the
number expected by the scanner when it communicates with the device.
Remedy: Delete the device, correct the device definition, then re-add the device to the device list.
DNET-093 WARN Error reading vendor ID
Cause: The scanner board encountered an error while trying to read the device’s vendor ID.
Remedy: Check that the device baud rate matches the board baud rate. Check also the device’s
connection to the network.
DNET-094 WARN Error reading device type
Cause: The scanner board encountered an error while trying to read the device’s device type.
Remedy: Check that the device baud rate matches the board baud rate. Check also the device’s
connection to the network.
DNET-095 WARN Error reading product code
Cause: The scanner board encountered an error while trying to read the device’s product code.
Remedy: Check that the device baud rate matches the board baud rate. Check also the device’s
connection to the network.
DNET-096 WARN Error setting packet rate
Cause: The scanner board encountered an error while trying to set the communication packet rate
for this device.
Remedy: Check that the device baud rate matches the board baud rate. Check also the device’s
connection to the network. Reset the device if possible.
DNET-097 WARN Connection sync fault
Cause: The board was unable to achieve synchronization in the connection with the specified device.
Remedy: Check that the device baud rate matches the board baud rate. Check also the device’s
connection to the network. Reset the device if possible.
Cause: The BROWSE operation failed.
Remedy: Check that the board status is ONLINE. Check that the board is not the only node.
DNET-102 WARN Invalid board MAC Id
Cause: The board’s MAC Id is not between 0 and 63.
Remedy: Check the Board Detail screen to see if the board’s MAC Id is between 0 – 63, inclusive. If
it is not, change the MAC Id to a valid value and press RESET on the teach pendant. If the MAC Id
appears valid, cold start the controller. If the problem persists, document the events that led to the
error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
DNET-103 WARN Invalid board baud rate
Cause: The board’s baud rate is not one of: 125 KB, 250 KB, or 500 KB.
Remedy: Check the Board Detail screen to see if the board’s baud rate is one of the above values. If
it is not, change the baud rate to a valid value and press RESET on the teach pendant. If the baud
rate appears valid, cold start the controller. If the problem persists, document the events that led to
the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
DNET-104 WARN Duplicate MAC Id error
Cause: The specified device has the same MAC Id as another device on the network.
Remedy: Check that no other devices have the same MAC Id, particularly those connected to a
different master on the same network. Change the MAC Id of the offending device at both the device
and on the Device List, and attempt to bring it on-line. If the problem persists, cold start the controller
and try again. If the problem continues, document the events that led to the error and call your
FANUC Robotics technical representative.
DNET-105 WARN Duplicate device error
Cause: There was an attempt to add a device to the board’s device list that was a duplicate of
a device already on the list.
Remedy: If the desired device is already on the network and a second one is not being added, you
may ignore the error. Otherwise, change the MAC Id of one of the duplicate devices.
DNET-106 WARN Device not found error
Cause: A device expected to be on the network was not found.
Remedy: Check that the device is connected to the network. Check that the device baud rate matches
the board baud rate. Reset the device if possible. Cycle power to the controller. If the problem persists,
document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
DNET-107 WARN Bus offline error
Cause: The board could not perform an operation because the bus was off-line.
Remedy: Press RESET on the teach pendant to attempt to bring the board on-line. If the problem
persists, cycle power to the controller. If the problem continues to persist, cycle power to the
DeviceNet network.
DNET-108 WARN Scanner active error
Cause: The board could not perform an operation because the it is actively scanning the network.
Remedy: Take the board off-line and re-attempt the operation.
DNET-109 WARN Bus not offline error
Cause: The board could not perform an operation because the bus is not off-line.
Remedy: Take the board off-line and re-attempt the operation.
DNET-110 WARN Error: board scanning
Cause: The board could not perform an operation because the it is actively scanning the network.
Remedy: Take the board off-line and re-attempt the operation.
DNET-111 WARN Error: board not scanning
Cause: The board could not perform an operation because the it is not actively scanning the network.
Remedy: Bring the board on-line and re-attempt the operation.
DNET-112 WARN Board not ready; pls. wait
Cause: An attempt to bring the board on-line was unsuccessful because the board was busy.
Remedy: Wait ten seconds and re-attempt to bring the board on-line. If the problem persists, check
board connection to the network, baud rate, and network power.
DNET-114 WARN Bus fault error detected
Cause: The board has detected a fault on the DeviceNet network, and cannot communicate with
Remedy: Check that the baud rate of the board matches the baud rate of all devices on the network.
Also, check that power is being supplied to the network. If the problem persists, cycle power to the
controller, and then to the network if the problem continues.
DNET-115 WARN Invalid I/O connection attempt
Cause: A device does not support the requested I/O connection(s). and cannot communicate with
Remedy: Check the device documentation to ensure that the requested I/O connection is supported.
DNET-119 ERR_STOP_C Dup. MAC Ack Fault
Cause: Ack Fault-No acknowledge received during Duplicate MAC ID sequence.
Remedy: Check it the Interface is not the only node on the network. Check the baudrate of the
interface and make sure it is the network baudrate. Check physical wiring of the network.
DNET-120 WARN Dev online err: Bd %d MAC %d
Cause: The device at the specified board number and MAC Id cannot be brought on-line.
Remedy: Make sure the device is properly connected to the network. Check the device’s MAC Id
and baud rate configuration. Check the board’s baud rate configuration on the Board Detail screen.
Check the board’s network connection. Cold Start the controller.
DNET-121 WARN Device not ready: Bd %d MAC %d
Cause: When a device has been added to a scan list, it cannot be brought online without cycling
power to the controller.
Remedy: Cycle power to the controller. You will then be able to bring the device online.
DNET-122 WARN Device error: Bd %d MAC %d
Cause: An error has occurred with the device at the specified board number and MAC Id.
Remedy: Refer to the Cause and Remedy for the cause code (displayed directly beneath this error
code on the teach pendant).
DNET-123 WARN Dev reset failed: Bd %d MAC %d
Cause: The command to reset the specified device has failed.
Remedy: Refer to the Cause and Remedy for the cause code (displayed directly beneath this error
code on the teach pendant).
DNET-124 WARN Device not autorec: Bd %d MAC %d
Cause: This message appears when a board automatically restarts communication with a DeviceNet
network, but some or all devices are not designated as autoreconnecting. Pressing RESET will
attempt reconnection with these devices.
Remedy: Pressing RESET will attempt reconnection with the non-communicating devices and
clear this message.
DNET-125 WARN Slave Conn. Idle: Bd %d
Cause: The slave connection of the specified board is idle The remote Master has not yet connected
to the slave connection.
Remedy: Make sure the remote Master is online and configured properly.
DNET-130 ERR_PAUSE_C Invalid parameter
Cause: An invalid parameter has been specified for a DeviceNet KAREL built-in.
Remedy: Refer to the cause code to determine which parameter is invalid.
DNET-131 WARN Invalid board number
Cause: The specified board number is invalid.
Remedy: Make sure the board number is an integer between 1 and 4, inclusive.
DNET-132 WARN Invalid MAC ID
Cause: The specified MAC ID is invalid.
Remedy: Make sure the MAC ID is an integer between 0 and 63, inclusive.
DNET-133 WARN I/O Size mismatch
Cause: This indicates that there is a user device definition on the system that matches the one
supplied using text-based definitions except for the I/O size. A match is indicated by name, vendor id,
device type, product code and mode of operation.
Remedy: This error is for display only. No action is required.
DNET-134 WARN Mode mismatch
Cause: The text-based device definition has matched with an existing user definition on the robot
except for the mode of operation. A match is indicated by name, vendor id, device type and product
Remedy: This error is for display only. No action is required.
DNET-135 WARN Analog size mismatch
Cause: There is a user defintion on the system that matches one of the entries in the text-based user
definition except the size of analog input/outputs. A match is indicated by name, vendor id, product
code, device type and mode of operation.
Remedy: This is for display only. No action is required.
DNET-137 WARN Name and Analog do not match
Cause: The text-based device definition matches one that exists on the controller, except for the name
and number of analog points. Any entry that has the same vendor id, product code, device type and
mode of operation is considered a perfect match.
Remedy: This error is for display only. No action is required