Fanuc CNTR Alarm Codes

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Fanuc CNTR Alarm Codes

CNTR-001 WARN No global variables
Cause: Continuous Turn global variables are not loaded.
Remedy: Perform a controlled start and initialize motion softparts.
CNTR-002 WARN No MIR pointer
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start on the controller.
CNTR-003 WARN No sysvar pointer
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a cold start on the controller.
CNTR-004 WARN No cnir pointer
Cause: This is an internal system error.
Remedy: Perform a controlled start and initialize the motion softparts.
CNTR-005 WARN Wrong CN Axis/N1 or N2(G:%d^2)
Cause: The continuous turn axis that was selected is not a valid cont. turn axis, or cn_gear_n1 or
cn_gear_n2 have a zero value
Remedy: Check Continuous turn axis, cn_gear_n1, and cn_gear_n2 Select different continuous turn
axis and/or set correct gear ratio for continuous turn axis.
CNTR-006 WARN Unable to Allocate Memory
Cause: A failure occured while allocating memory.
Remedy: Check amount of memory being used by the system.
CNTR-007 STOP Serious Internal error (G:%d^2)
Cause: Internal Continuous Turn error
Remedy: Record error and report to hotline
CNTR-008 STOP Invalid dest. angle, (G:%d^2)
Cause: Invalid destination angle during linear motion. Incompatibility with Continuous Turn and
other options.
Remedy: Check compatibility of motion options. Remove other options.
CNTR-009 WARN Warn-Cont Vel too high(G:%d^2)
Cause: Continuous turn axis velocity is too high. cn_turn_no will not be valid because of high
rotational speed.
Remedy: Lower contaxisvel. This warning may be ignored if cn_turn_no is not used.
CNTR-010 STOP Ind.EV option not allowed.
Cause: Continuous turn is not compatible with independent extended axes The Ind.EV motion
option is not allowed.
Remedy: Remove Ind.EV option or disable continuous turn on the group
CNTR-011 STOP Axis speed exceeds lim(G:%d^2)
Cause: Programmed motion exceeds the speed limits on the continuous turn axis. Speed limit is 180
degrees per ITP time
Remedy: Lower the speed either through KAREL or Teach Pendant
CNTR-012 STOP Ending Cont Rot on Rel Motion
Cause: Attempted to end Continuous Rotation with a Relative Motion
Remedy: Continuous Rotation must be ended with an absolution motion Use an absolution motion
to end continuous rotation