Fanuc CMND Alarm Codes

Fanuc CMND Alarm Codes

CMND-001 WARN Directory not found
Cause: The specified directory can not be found.
Remedy: Check the device and path that you entered. If none entered, check the system default
device from the FILE Menu or from the KCL command, CHDIR.
CMND-002 WARN File not found
Cause: The specified file could not be found.
Remedy: Check to make sure the file has been spelled correctly and that it exists. Also verify the
device and path name are correct.
CMND-003 WARN File already exists
Cause: The file already exists and could not be overwritten.
Remedy: Make sure the overwrite option has been specified.
CMND-006 WARN Self copy not allowed
Cause: A file cannot be copied to itself.
Remedy: Change the name of the destination file so it is different from the source file.
CMND-010 WARN Source type code is invalid
Cause: The source variable was not a position type when converting between a Cartesian and joint
Remedy: The valid postion types are POSITION, JOINTPOS, XYZWPR, and XYZWPREXT.
CMND-011 WARN Destination type code is invalid
Cause: The destination variable was not a position type when converting between a Cartesian and
joint position.
Remedy: The valid postion types are POSITION, JOINTPOS, XYZWPR, and XYZWPREXT.
CMND-012 WARN Type codes do not match
Cause: The requested type code doesn’t match the passed variable type.
Remedy: Internal error. Insure that the type code matches the variable type.
CMND-013 WARN Representation mismatch
Cause: An attempt was made to compare two positions that are not the same type.
Remedy: Both positions must be the same type. Convert one before comparing.
CMND-014 WARN Positions are not the same
Cause: Two positions were compared and found not to be equal.
Remedy: The two positions were not equal within the specified tolerance. This could be a normal
occurence. This warning is the logical opposite of SUCCESS.
CMND-015 WARN Both arguments are zero
Cause: Both arguments to ATAN2 were zero or an internal error occurred when attempting to convert
Remedy: If calling ATAN2, insure that both arguments are not zero. If converting a POSITION, then
it is not converable to an XYZWPR.
CMND-016 WARN Division by zero
Cause: An attempt was made to divide by zero.
Remedy: This is an internal error. Insure that the divisor is not equal or close to zero.
CMND-017 WARN Angle is out of range
Cause: The rotational angle is to great.
Remedy: Make sure that the rotational angle is no greater than 100 times PI, or about 314.15926…
CMND-018 WARN Invalid device or path
Cause: An invalid device or path has been specified.
Remedy: Check the device and path that you entered. If none entered, check the system default
device from the FILE Menu or from the KCL command, CHDIR.
CMND-019 WARN Operation cancelled
Cause: The operation was cancelled because CTRL-C or CTRL-Y was pressed.
Remedy: Repeat the operation.
CMND-020 WARN End of directory
Cause: The directory listing is finished.
Remedy: This is a notification. You do not have to do anything for this warning message.
CMND-021 WARN Cannot rename file
Cause: The destination file name contained both alphanumeric characters and the global character ‘*’.
Remedy: Use only alphanumeric characters or a single global character when renaming a file.
CMND-022 STOP Time motion with dist before
Cause: A time-based motion was specified along with distance before.
Remedy: Do not use these options in combination.
CMND-023 WARN No destination device or path
Cause: No device or path has been specified for the destination.
Remedy: Check the device and path that was provided. If none, provide a destination device or path