Fanuc CALM Alarm Codes

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Fanuc CALM Alarm Codes

CALM-000 WARN Cal Mate motion aborted.
Cause: The TCP Mate motion was aborted because of an unexpected change of menu, or it was
aborted by the user.
Remedy: Start the motion again.
CALM-001 WARN Form Operation Error.
Cause: A Form Operation Error occurred because the dictionary was not found.
Remedy: Turn off the controller and turn it on again. If the error still exists, document the events that
led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
CALM-002 WARN System is not initalized.
Cause: The system is not fully initalized.
Remedy: Use the SETUP menu to set up all required variables.
CALM-003 WARN Fail to run CalMate Motion
Cause: The TCP Mate motion cannot be started.
Remedy: Clear all the errors before running TCP Mate motion.
CALM-004 WARN Please record all position
Cause: Not all positions in the reference menu are recorded.
Remedy: Verify that all the positions in the menu have been recorded, and try the operation again.
CALM-005 WARN Do reference motion first.
Cause: TCPMate cannot be executed without mastering the TCP first.
Remedy: Display the reference menu, and press MASTER to run the reference motion first. Then
try the operation again.
CALM-006 WARN Point is not initialized.
Cause: The position is not initialized.
Remedy: Record positions in the reference menu first. Then, try the operation again.
CALM-007 WARN Robot is not calibrated.
Cause: The position cannot be recorded since the robot is not calibrated.
Remedy: Calibrate the robot. Then, try the operation again.
CALM-008 WARN Record home position first
Cause: The home position must be recorded before recording other positions.
Remedy: Record the home position. Then, try the operation again.
CALM-009 WARN Keep same WPR as home pos.
Cause: These positions require to have the same WPR as the home position.
Remedy: Keep the same orientation (WPR) when recording these positions.
CALM-010 WARN Please press SHIFT key.
Cause: The SHIFT key was not pressed.
Remedy: Press the SHIFT key.
CALM-011 WARN Position is not in range.
Cause: The destination position is not reachable.
Remedy: Re-teach a new starting position.
CALM-012 WARN Singular solution.
Cause: The robot cannot compute the circle due to a singularity.
Remedy: Check and correct robot’s mastering, and check the hardware. Try reteaching the position.
CALM-013 WARN Cannot converge.
Cause: The robot cannot converage to a solution.
Remedy: Check and correct the robot’s mastering. Check hardware. Try to reteach the position.
CALM-014 WARN Points are too close.
Cause: The recorded positions are too close to each other.
Remedy: Points should be at least 10 mm apart. Reteach the positions.
CALM-015 WARN Contact before search.
Cause: The robot was in contact with the part before starting a search motion.
Remedy: Reteach the starting position so that the robot is not in contact with the part before starting
the search motion.
CALM-016 WARN No contact detected.
Cause: No contact was made during the TCPMate motion.
Remedy: Make sure the sensor and software are installed correctly.
CALM-017 WARN Undefined program name.
Cause: The enter/exit program names are not defined.
Remedy: Display the SETUP menu to select teach pendant programs.
CALM-018 WARN TPE operation error.
Cause: An internal teach pendant program error has occurred.
Remedy: Turn off the controller and turn it on again. If the error still exists, document the events that
led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
CALM-019 WARN Circle Fitting error: %s.
Cause: The circle fitting error is greater than expected.
Remedy: Check hareware/tooling or increase the fit tolerance.
CALM-020 WARN No DIN support.
Cause: The search motion can not be executed withtout TOS sensor.
Remedy: Display the SETUP menu and select TOS in the Sensor Type.
CALM-021 WARN Cannot continue motion.
Cause: The robot cannot continue the paused motion.
Remedy: Abort the paused motion and re-run TCPMate again.
CALM-022 WARN Cal Mate internal error.
Cause: A CalMate internal error has occurred.
Remedy: Turn off the controller and turn it on again. If the error still exists, document the events that
led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
CALM-023 WARN Dictionary is not loaded.
Cause: The dictionary file is not loaded.
Remedy: Turn off the controller and turn it on again. If the error still exists, document the events that
led to the error and call your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
CALM-024 WARN No saved reference data.
Cause: No saved reference data exists for the current tool.
Remedy: Set the reference motion for the current tool.
CALM-025 WARN File open error: %s
Cause: The output file cannot be opened.
Remedy: Check the path and file name of the output file.
CALM-026 WARN No recorded Utool.
Cause: No recorded utool exists to save.
Remedy: Record a new utool.
CALM-027 ABORT Not enough TPE stack.
Cause: The teach pendant program does not have enough stack size to run TCPMate automatically.
Remedy: Display the TCPMATE main menu. TCPMate will update your teach pendant program stack
size after you have displayed this menu. Leave the menu, and re-run the teach pendant program again.
CALM-028 ABORT Cannot compute new TCP.
Cause: TCPMate cannot complete its operation successfully.
Remedy: Check for a severely bent tool, or for loose hardware.
CALM-029 WARN Please record all position
Cause: Not all positions in the SETUP menu are recorded.
Remedy: All positions in the menu must be recorded. Check the recorded positions and try the
operation again.
CALM-030 WARN Position is not in range.
Cause: The center position is not within CalMate joint limits.
Remedy: Re-teach a new center position with all joints atleast 45 degrees away from the limits.
CALM-031 WARN Run new tcp mode first.
Cause: The new tcp mode has not been performed.
Remedy: Set the adjust mode to the new tcp and run it once before running Mastering recovery mode.
CALM-032 ABORT Surface point not measured
Cause: No Z points were measured.
Remedy: Check for a severely bent tool or loose hardware.
CALM-033 ABORT Large fit error.
Cause: The Fit error is greater than expected.
Remedy: Check for a severely loose tool or for loose hardware.
CALM-034 ABORT Insufficient points.
Cause: The number of positions measured is less than required.
Remedy: Record positions away from joint limits and sigularity positions in the Touch Plate menu.
CALM-035 ABORT Search distance <= 10mm
Cause: The move distance is set to less than 10 mm.
Remedy: Enter a value greater than 10mm for the move distance.
CALM-036 ABORT Invalid data restore index
Cause: There is no data to restore.
Remedy: Move the cursor to a valid data line, and press the F3 function key.
CALM-037 WARN Orientation not calculated
Cause: The orientation point was not measured correctly and orientation will not be calculated.
Remedy: Check and repair any loose server tools or loose hardware.
Cause: $MNUTOOLNUM is invalid.
Remedy: Calmate reset $MNUTOOLNUM=1.