Fanuc ASBN Alarm Codes

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Fanuc ASBN Alarm Codes

ASBN-021 WARN Expecting a ’[’
Cause: A required [ was not found in this context.
Remedy: Add [] to this register reference, application modifier, or as otherwise necessary.
ASBN-060 WARN Invalid attribute syntax
Cause: The program header is invalid or missing
Remedy: Repair or provide a valid /ATTR section. Print a program from this robot for an example.
ASBN-080 WARN Duplicated Position data
Cause: A position register has been defined twice.
Remedy: Make sure that each entry in the /POS section has a unique P[] number.
ASBN-081 WARN Unused Position data
Cause: P[(number)] is referenced somewhere but is not defined in the /POS section.
Remedy: Define P[(number)] in /POS section.
ASBN-095 WARN Instruction not supported
Cause: Instruction is not supported on this robot as configured.
Remedy: Load or enable the relevant feature. Delete the instruction if unnecessary. Modify the
instruction appropriately for the currently configured robot.
ASBN-195 WARN Tool frame number mismatch
Cause: The tool frame number in /MN is different from that in /POS.
Remedy: Use the same tool frame number in both /MN and /POS section.
ASBN-196 WARN Duplicated Position ID
Cause: Same position ID has been used twice in /MN.
Remedy: Make sure that each entry in the /MN section has a unique Positon ID.
ASBN-197 WARN Too many Positions are teached
Cause: More than 9999 positions are taught in the program.
Remedy: Reduce the number of teach positions in the program.
ASBN-198 WARN Too many I/Os are specified
Cause: More than 64 I/Os are specified in one line.
Remedy: Reduce the specified I/Os in the line.