Fanuc PALL Alarm Codes

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Fanuc PALL Alarm Codes

PALL-001 WARN Length must be longer than width
Cause: The length dimension must always be greater than the width.
Remedy: If the specified length was less than the width, then the length is forced to the width
dimension. If the specified width was greater than the length, then the width is forced to the length
dimension. Specify the correct length or width.
PALL-002 WARN Maximum layers = 40
Cause: A layer number greater than the maximum allowed layers was specified.
Remedy: Specify a layer number less than the allowed maximum.
PALL-003 WARN Cannot Flip Lt or Wd for Unique
Cause: The length or width flip was specified for a unique matrix which is not allowed.
Remedy: Specify No flip or diagonal (length and width) flip for the unique matrix.
PALL-004 WARN P1 has not been taught
Cause: Point P1 on the teaching aid was not taught.
Remedy: Teach P1 on the teaching aid.
PALL-005 WARN Layer Barrier on last cyc only.
Cause: The layer barrier cannot be selected for anything but the last cycle of a layer.
Remedy: Select the layer barrier for the last cycle only.
PALL-006 WARN Layer Barrier not enabled.
Cause: The user selected * or Layer barrier without enabling Configure all layers from the Optimal
Path menu.
Remedy: Set Configure All Layers to TRUE in the Optimal Path menu before selecting * for the
PALL-007 WARN Layer Barrier invalid on top lyr
Cause: The layer barrier cannot be specified for the top layer.
Remedy: This is only a notification.
PALL-008 WARN Unit cycle %s not defined.
Cause: The specified sequence number was not found.
Remedy: The sequence should include all the items in the layer.
PALL-009 WARN Lyr bar invalid w/ slipsheet enb
Cause: You cannot break the layer barrier if you have a slip sheet between two layers.
Remedy: If you want a layer barrier, remove the slip sheet between the layers by removing the layer
spacing between the layers. Or do not use the layer barrier.
PALL-010 PAUSE %s is not reachable
Cause: The position the robot is trying to go to is not reachable. If the preceeding error is: ‘Error:
Pallet=x Unit=y’, it means that the robot was working with pallet x and box y when the error occured.
Remedy: Verify that the value of $UTOOL and/or $MNUTOOL are correct. If the robot stopped
while heading towards the pallet, then check the value of Pallet approach length and width in Optimal
path setup. You might have specified large pallet offsets or you might need to specify a correct
pallet offset in the Optimal path setup.
PALL-011 WARN Position has not been taught
Cause: The position has not been taught.
Remedy: Teach the position.
PALL-012 PAUSE MOVE-TO could not execute %s
Cause: Motion control was not obtained for robot motion.
Remedy: Check if another task is running, or if the teach pendant is enabled. The teach pendant
should be disabled
PALL-013 PAUSE GET_VAR failed %s
Cause: Data in a SETUP menu could not be set.
Remedy: Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-014 PAUSE SET_VAR failed %s
Cause: Data in a SETUP menu could not be set.
Remedy: Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-015 WARN Could not create station file
Cause: An error occurred while creating an infeed or pallet station file.
Remedy: Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-016 WARN Sequence valid.
Cause: The data in the sequence screen is valid.
Remedy: None.
PALL-017 ABORT Cycle number %s invalid.
Cause: PalletTool allows initialization of palletizing data by allowing users to pass a cycle number to
the CALL PMPROCDT(cycle_number) in some teach pendant programs. If the user passes an invalid
cycle number which is less than or equal to zero, or higher than the maximum number of cycles which
is 20, or a number higher than the number of cycles in the application, this error will result.
Remedy: Make sure to pass a valid cycle number to the call to PMPROCDT in the teach pendant
program used.
PALL-018 PAUSE Could not load .VR file
Cause: The .VR file does not exist, or an error occurred in communication.
Remedy: Check the communication line, and make sure that the file exists on the floppy.
PALL-019 PAUSE Could not create unit load file
Cause: An error occurred while creating unit load file.
Remedy: Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-020 ABORT Could not open .DT file for read
Cause: An error occurred while opening a .DT file.
Remedy: Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-021 WARN IO_STATUS error occurred
Cause: An I/O error occurred during the data transfer.
Remedy: Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-022 WARN Could not save .VR file %s
Cause: Error occurred while saving a .VR file.
Remedy: Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-024 WARN Could not load file %s
1. An error occurred while loading a .VR file.
2. The gripper setup file from previous versions of PalletTool cannot be read. The number of
grippers was increased and the structure of the data has change. The error: &qout;VARS-014
Create type – xxxx failed&qout; will be displayed.
Remedy: Cold start the controller and retry the operation if you know you should be able to read
the .vr file into PalletTool.
PALL-028 WARN Could not access files
Cause: An error occurred while accessing the floppy disk.
Remedy: Make sure the communication is correct, and retry the operation.
PALL-029 WARN File transfer not done
Cause: The file transfer was not successful. Some data might not have been transferred.
Remedy: Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-030 WARN .DT file list is empty
Cause: No .DT files exist on the floppy.
Remedy: .DT files must exist on the floppy in order to perform the transfer.
PALL-031 PAUSE Pallet Stn %s not found
Cause: The specified station number is not loaded.
Remedy: Load the station file, or create one.
PALL-032 PAUSE Pallet stn %s not taught
Cause: The pallet station specified in PalletSystem setup has not been taught.
Remedy: Teach the pallet station specified in PalletSystem setup.
PALL-033 PAUSE Load file %s not found
Cause: The unit load file is not loaded.
Remedy: Perform one of the following:
• Load the Unit load file.
• Transfer the .DT file.
• Create a new .DT file.
Retry the operation.
PALL-035 PAUSE Invalid layer number %s
Cause: An invalid layer number was entered at cycle start or passed from the PLC. Or, PalletTool
encountered an invalid layer number while doing its data processing.
Remedy: Make sure to enter a valid layer for each cycle at cycle start or in passing the data to the PLC.
PALL-036 WARN Multi-case option not loaded.
Cause: The user is trying to select the multi-case gripper but the multi-case option is not installed.
Remedy: Install the Multi-case gripper option.
PALL-037 WARN Fork/Bag option not loaded.
Cause: The user is trying to select fork gripper but the fork gripper option is not installed.
Remedy: Install the fork gripper option.
PALL-038 PAUSE Infeed stn %s not taught
Cause: The infeed station specified in PalletSystem setup has not been taught.
Remedy: Teach the infeed station specified in the PalletSystem setup.
PALL-040 PAUSE Unknown flip type %s
Cause: The specified flip type is unknown to PalletTool.
Remedy: Check the value of flip type in Unit load SETUP. It should be a known flip type.
PALL-041 PAUSE Infeed stn %s not found
Cause: The specified infeed station is not taught or loaded.
Remedy: Teach or load the infeed station.
PALL-044 WARN Unknown unit orientation
Cause: An orientation besides LT_ON_LT or WD_ON_LT for a box in a layer was encountered by
PalletTool while either PalletTool PC or PalletPRO data was downloaded to the controller.
Remedy: Make sure to visit the screen in PalletTool PC or PalletPRO where unit orientation for each
unit in a layer is defined and make sure that there are no blanks. If this does not resolve the problem
while downloading, re-enter the proper orientation for each unit in PalletTool PC or PalletPRO
even though the screen might show valid values.
PALL-045 WARN Cannot change PC file data
Cause: The unit load data file was created using PalletMate PC.
Remedy: Data created using PalletMate PC cannot be changed in PalletTool. You must go back to the
PC to make the changes, and then retransfer the file.
PALL-046 WARN Could not run task %s
Cause: An error occurred while PalletTool was internally trying to run another program in
multi-tasking mode.
Remedy: Perform an ABORT ALL, and retry the operation.
PALL-048 PAUSE Error opening %s
Cause: An error occurred while PalletTool was trying to open a .TP program.
Remedy: Make sure that the .TP program is loaded, and retry the operation.
PALL-049 PAUSE Set_pos_tpe %s
Cause: An error occurred while PalletTool was trying to set a position in a .TP program.
Remedy: Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-050 PAUSE Error closing %s
Cause: An error occurred while PalletTool was trying to open a .TP program.
Remedy: Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-051 PAUSE Slip sheet not supported
Cause: Slip sheet support is not provided.
Remedy: Disable slip sheet in the PalletSystem menu.
PALL-052 WARN Pattern not supported
Cause: Some patterns from older versions of PalltetTool are no longer supported.
Remedy: Create a new unitload, and select a different pattern.
PALL-053 WARN Gripper is not DOUBLE type
Cause: Depalletizing was chosen with a gripper other than single.
Remedy: Choose single gripper for depalletizing, and retry the operation.
PALL-054 PAUSE Invalid parts requested %s
Cause: A request for picking up 0 part was received.
Remedy: Abort all and retry the operation.
Cause: Internal error occurred.
Remedy: Perform an ABORT ALL, and retry the operation.
PALL-057 PAUSE Gripper type not supported: %s
Cause: The specified gripper is unknown to PalletTool.
Remedy: Check the value of the gripper-id in Optimal path setup. The valid range is 1-9. A value of
10 is also allowed if the multi-case option is loaded. A value of 11 and 12 are also allowed if the
fork option is loaded.
PALL-058 WARN Cannot select PC pattern
Cause: A PalletMate PC pattern cannot be selected while creating or modifying a unit load.
Remedy: Single, Doubleside, DoubleTop, or Unique Other patterns can only be transferred from
PalletMate PC.
PALL-059 WARN Error using CLEAR built-in
Cause: An error occurred while clearing a variable file. If a .vr file was loaded into memory at
Controlled start, it can only be cleared at Controlled start.
1. Wait until production is aborted and clear the unit load.
2. If the unitload was loaded at Controlled start, you will have to go to controlled start to clear it.
At Controlled start, press MENUS, select Clear UnitLd. You will only be able to clear unitloads
that were loaded at Controlled start from the Controlled start menu.
PALL-063 WARN Id is uninit in UL %s
Cause: Product-id is not set in the UL file.
Remedy: Set the product_id in the UL file from Unit load SETUP.
Cause: The motion to P1, P2 or P3 on the teaching aid was successful.
Remedy: None.
PALL-065 PAUSE Invalid reg value %s
Cause: An invalid register value was encountered.
Remedy: From the DATA menu, verify that the register contains the correct value.
PALL-066 PAUSE Reg %s could not be set
Cause: The register operation failed.
Remedy: Check if the register is defined, if it is between 1-64, and if it has the right value. You must
perform an ABORT ALL and retry the operation.
PALL-067 PAUSE Reg value not set %s
Cause: An internally calculated value V could not be set to the register R.
Remedy: From the DATA menu, verify that the register is defined, is in the range 1-64, and has the
correct value. You must perform an ABORT ALL and retry the operation.
PALL-068 PAUSE Infeed/Pallet for UL %s unknown
Cause: The infeed on which the unit load enters the workcell was not assigned in the PalletSystem
Remedy: Make the infeed-unit load assignment in the PalletSystem SETUP menu. You must perform
an ABORT ALL and retry the operation.
PALL-069 PAUSE Invalid UL %s found
Cause: A valid unit load number was not found at the layer indicated for the mixed unit load.
Remedy: From the Mixed UnitLd menu, indicate valid unit load numbers for each unit layer. Perform
an ABORT ALL and retry the operation.
PALL-071 WARN Not all pallets assigned UL
Cause: Not all the pallets have been assigned a unit load in the PalletSystem menu.
Remedy: Make sure that in the PalletSystem menu, all of the pallets have a corresponding unit
load assigned.
PALL-072 WARN Not all infeeds assigned UL
Cause: Not all of the infeeds have been assigned a unit load in the PalletSystem menu.
Remedy: Make sure that in the PalletSystem menu, all of the infeeds have a corresponding unit
load assigned.
PALL-073 WARN Station teaching completed
Cause: All the teaching aid points have been taught, and the teaching of the station is complete.
Remedy: None.
PALL-074 PAUSE Perch position not taught
Cause: The perch position is uninitialized (has not been taught).
1. Select PM_MAIN from the SELECT screen.
2. Press DATA.
3. Jog the robot to the perch position.
4. Record the variable perch position.
5. Perform an ABORT ALL and retry the operation.
PALL-081 WARN Moving to perch position..
Cause: This is a notification that the robot will move to the perch position.
Remedy: None.
PALL-082 WARN Indexing pallet %s
Cause: This is a notification that the pallet is being indexed.
Remedy: None.
PALL-083 WARN Placing slip sheet %s
Cause: This is a notification that the slip sheet is being placed.
Remedy: None.
PALL-085 PAUSE Operator Panel E-stop ON
Cause: The program cannot run with the operator panel EMERGENCY STOP button pressed.
1. Release the operator panel EMERGENCY STOP button.
2. Press RESET.
PALL-086 PAUSE Teach pendant E-stop ON
Cause: The program cannot run with the teach pendant EMERGENCY STOP button pressed.
1. Release the teach pendant EMERGENCY STOP button.
2. Press RESET.
PALL-087 PAUSE Teach pendant is enabled
Cause: The program cannot run with teach pendant enabled.
1. Disable the teach pendant.
2. Press RESET.
PALL-088 WARN Pal Stop must be disabled
Cause: PALLET STOP is already on. You can only have either CYCLE STOP or PALLET STOP
on, not both.
Remedy: Disable PALLET STOP, then enable CYCLE STOP.
PALL-089 WARN Cycle Stop must be disabled
Cause: CYCLE STOP is already on. You can only have either CYCLE STOP or PALLET STOP
on, not both.
Remedy: Disable CYCLE STOP, then enable PALLET STOP.
PALL-091 PAUSE Slip sheet stack door open
Cause: One of the slip sheet stack doors is open.
Remedy: Find out which slip sheet stack door is open, and close it. Press CYCLE START to resume.
PALL-101 WARN File is in use by robot. Cannot transfer
Cause: The robot is attempting to transfer a unit load file that is being used by the robot. It is being
used in production, or is being edited using the SETUP UNITLOAD or SETUP OPTIMAL PATH
1. Stop the robot.
2. Peform an ABORT ALL.
3. Try the file transfer again.
PALL-105 WARN Station not taught
Cause: Either (P1,P2), (P1, P3), (P2, P3), or (P1,P2,P3) were all taught at the same point.
Remedy: Use MODIFY under the Infeed Stn SETUP menu to reteach the frame points P1, P2
and P3 correctly.
PALL-106 WARN Cannot switch in 1 Pallet Cell
Cause: There is only one pallet in the workcell.
Remedy: This is only a message. NOSWITCH is the only option allowed for one Pallet cell.
PALL-108 WARN Part not present in tool %s
Cause: The robot did not get part presence or faulty part presence sensor.
Remedy: Check if the gripper is in contact with the part and determine why the part presence sensor
is not turning on.
PALL-109 WARN Part still present in tool %s
Cause: The part presence sensor is still detecting a part or faulty sensor.
Remedy: Check if the part presence is OFF and if it is not, check to see if the sensor is working
PALL-112 WARN NOSWITCH illegal when pallets > 1
Cause: The number of pallets is greater than 1 (one) and the pallet switch was NOSWITCH. This
is not allowed in PalletTool.
Remedy: This is only a message. By default, PalletTool forces PER_PICK. You can change this
to other values except NOSWITCH.
PALL-113 WARN Please enable teach pendant
Cause: The program cannot run if teach pendant is not enabled.
Remedy: This if for safety reasons. Enable the teach pendant, and press the Tool 1 or Tool 2
hardkey if necessary.
PALL-114 WARN Must index pallet before changing product
Cause: A partial or completed pallet is present at the station where you want to change the product. If
the existing pallet is not indexed, then the new product will crash with the existing pallet.
Remedy: Choose the Index pallet from the menu and index the existing pallet first.
PALL-115 WARN Coldstart setup complete.
Cause: Part of the application setup of a robot is done at the first Cold start. This can take up to 20
seconds. The teach pendant Hints menu will be displayed before PalletTool has loaded all of its .tp
programs and macros. NOTE: PalletTool needs an additional Cold start after the application setup
Cold start to set up its macros completely.
Remedy: None.
PALL-117 WARN Error creating new variables
Cause: An error occurred while creating a new file.
Remedy: Check the available memory. If RAM is full, clear unneeded data and try the operation
again. If necessary, Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-118 WARN Cannot use MODIFY
Cause: The robot could not find the requested data.
Remedy: Teach or load the required data.
PALL-119 WARN Stn file not loaded or created
Cause: The specified station is not taught or loaded.
Remedy: Teach or load the station.
PALL-121 WARN Could not read %s
Cause: Could not read the unitload .dt file. A Data error exists.
Remedy: Check the MOTET communication and PTPC status.
PALL-122 WARN Cannot go to DETAIL page
Cause: Not all the gripper information has been specified in the PalletSystem setup.
Remedy: Display the Gripper MENU, and fill in the gripper information.
PALL-123 WARN Data modification disallowed
Cause: The robot is in production. SETUP data cannot be changed during production.
Remedy: Wait until production is aborted and then make the changes.
PALL-124 WARN Setting length = width
Cause: The data was not set up properly but was corrected automatically.
Remedy: Make sure the value is set as needed.
PALL-125 WARN Setting width = length
Cause: The data was not set up properly, but was corrected automatically.
Remedy: Make sure the value is set as needed.
PALL-126 WARN Setting layer = 1
Cause: The data was not set up properly, but was corrected automatically.
Remedy: Make sure the value is set as needed.
PALL-127 WARN Flip not allowed
Cause: The data was not set up properly, but was corrected automatically.
Remedy: Make sure the value is set as needed.
PALL-128 WARN Pallet Switch type changed
Cause: The data was not set up properly, but was corrected automatically.
Remedy: Make sure the value is set as needed.
PALL-131 WARN Layer num outside range (1-40)
Cause: Layer count cannot be more than 40 or less than 1.
Remedy: Pick a legal layer, and retry the operation.
PALL-132 WARN Cannot resume program
Cause: The program cannot run because an error condition will not clear. When on the ALARM
page, select this error and press HELP to see the error detail.
Remedy: Fix the error condition, and press RESET.
PALL-133 WARN Could not clear file
Cause: If the unitload is being used in production it cannot be cleared. If a unitload was loaded into
memory at Controlled start, it can only be cleared at Controlled start.
1. Wait until production is aborted and clear the unit load.
2. If the unitload was loaded at Controlled start, you will have to go to controlled start to clear
it. At a Controlled start, press MENUS, select Clear UnitLd.
3. You will only be able to clear unitloads that were loaded at Controlled start from the Controlled
start menu.
PALL-137 WARN Unit load num out of range
Cause: Specified Unit load number was out of range.
Remedy: Specify a Unit load number in the range 1-999.
PALL-138 WARN Only Pal OR Cycle stop allowed
Cause: PALLET STOP or CYCLE STOP is already on. You can only have either cycle stop,
or pallet stop on, not both.
Remedy: Disable one before trying to enable the other.
PALL-139 WARN %s :wrist angle correction failed
Cause: The routine that calculates the final destination position while moving from the current source
position has failed. The preceeding error should be : ‘Error: Infeed=x Pallet=y Unit=x’. This means
that the robot was working with infeed x, pallet y and box z when the error occured.
Remedy: Check that all positions are in range.
PALL-140 WARN Cycle power to increase registers
Cause: An old smaller NUMREG.VR or POSREG.VR file was loaded onto the controller. The
number of registers or position registers was changed to fewer than what the current version of
PalletTool needs.
Remedy: PalletTool logic has automatically set the number of registers to the necessary size again.
But a Cold start is needed to increase the register or position register table size. Perform a Cold start.
PALL-141 WARN Cycle power to increase macros
Cause: An old smaller SYSMACRO.SV file was loaded onto the controller. The number of macros
was changed to fewer than what the current version of PalletTool needs.
Remedy: PalletTool logic has automatically set the number of macros to the necessary size again. But
it needs a Cold start in order for the macro table size to be increased. Perform a Cold start.
PALL-142 WARN Program not selected
Cause: To run a teach pendant program .tp in local mode, you must first select the program.
Remedy: Press the SELECT key and choose a program to run. If you are trying to run PalletTool,
the keyswitch must be set to REMOTE. If there is no remote/local keyswitch on the controller you
have, go to the MENUS -> System -> Config page, and change the remote/local setting in that menu
to Remote.
PALL-143 WARN Data in use by Robot
Cause: The robot is in production. Set up data cannot be changed during production.
Remedy: Wait until production is aborted and then make the changes.
PALL-144 WARN Visit layer spacing/flip menus
Cause: Number of layers in the unit load was changed.
Remedy: This is only a warning message to remind you to visit the layer flips and layer spacing
menus to make sure that flips and spacing are correct for all the layers.
PALL-145 WARN %s
Cause: This error is a general purpose text message posted by PalletTool during production runs for
displaying status of an event or to show debug information to the user.
Remedy: None
PALL-146 WARN UOP Ignored. Wrong Start Mode
Cause: The operator selects which device can be used to start palletizing on the SETUP Pallet System
menu. The start device can be set to SOP or UOP/PLC or PTPC.
Remedy: The UOP/PLC must be set as the start device or the UOP signal will be ignored.
PALL-147 WARN SOP Ignored. Wrong Start Mode
Cause: The operator must select which device can be used to start palletizing on the SETUP Pallet
System menu. The start device can be set to SOP or UOP/PLC or PTPC.
Remedy: The SOP must be set as the start device on the SETUP Pallet System menu or the SOP
signal will be ignored.
PALL-148 PAUSE Approach Posn out of range
Cause: The approach position the robot is trying to go to is not reachable. The preceeding error
should be : ‘Error: Pallet=x Unit=y’. This means that the robot was working with pallet x and box y
when the error occured.
Remedy: Verify that the value of $UTOOL and/or $MNUTOOL are correct. If the robot stopped
while heading towards the pallet, then check the value of Pallet approach length and width in Optimal
path setup. You might have specified large pallet offsets or you may need to specify a correct pallet
offset in the Optimal path setup.
PALL-149 PAUSE Unit Posn out of range
Cause: The placement position the robot is trying to go to is not reachable.
Remedy: Verify that the value of $UTOOL and/or $MNUTOOL are correct. If the robot stopped
while heading towards the pallet, then check the value of Pallet approach length and width in Optimal
path setup You may have specified large pallet offsets or you mamight need to specify a correct
pallet offset in the Optimal path setup menu.
PALL-150 WARN Loading error – %s
Cause: There was a problem loading the specified file.
Remedy: Check the communication line, and make sure that the file exists on the floppy.
PALL-151 WARN %s exists. Not loaded
Cause: The specified file already exists on the controller.
Remedy: Delete the file from the controller before trying to reload it.
PALL-152 WARN Warning-ignoring entry where CASE# was 0.
Cause: The gripper’s setup information has an illegal (zero) case number.
Remedy: Edit the gripper data and specify a valid case number.
PALL-153 WARN Initializing Data
Cause: Initializing data for production.
Remedy: None.
PALL-154 WARN Error setting gripper data %s
Cause: The robot could not read or write the gripper data.
Remedy: Check the available memory. Remove unnecessary files, if possible. Try to reload a
backup of the gripper data.
PALL-155 PAUSE Register not defined %s
Cause: This is just a debug message
Remedy: None
PALL-156 PAUSE Current pallet unknown
Cause: R[80] is not set up properly when SET UTOOL macros are used.
Remedy: Make sure R[80] contains the number of the desired pallet.
PALL-157 PAUSE UTOOL unknown for tool %s
Cause: The UTOOL of the pallet requested in R[80] is not set up properly.
Remedy: Make sure all the stations are completely set up.
PALL-158 PAUSE Last Utool not known
Cause: This is a warning message posted by PalletTool to help debug problems with unit placement
on the pallet.
Remedy: None
PALL-159 WARN Can change UnitLd on palt %s only
Cause: During product changeovers through the Cycle Stop menu, you are first prompted to enter the
pallet number where you want to bring the new unitload. This is followed by another menu where you
can enter the unitload for that pallet and also assign the infeed which brings the new unitload. If you
enter this information for a pallet other than the one you chose first, you will get this error.
Remedy: Change the unitload number of the selected pallet.
PALL-160 WARN PalletTool aborted
Cause: PalletTool production is aborted because of an error.
Remedy: Refer to other errors in the ALARM log for details.
PALL-161 WARN ’Not all cases have I/O defined
Cause: Each of the gripper’s cases must have inputs and outputs defined for control.
Remedy: Complete the gripper information tables.
PALL-162 WARN Recvd PLC signal for indexing pallet %s
Cause: This is a message to notify the user that PLC data for initiating product changeovers has
been received.
Remedy: None.
PALL-163 WARN Infeed I/O undefined-OKTOPICK.TP
Cause: The infeed I/O must be set up.
Remedy: Make sure the infeed I/O is set up properly:
1. Press MENUS.
2. Select SETUP.
3. Select INFEED STN.
4. SET IO.
PALL-164 WARN Gripper number not set in register
Cause: R[15] is not set up properly when gripper macros are used.
Remedy: Make sure R[15] contains the number of the desired gripper.
PALL-165 WARN Invalid Gripper number set in register
Cause: R[15] is not set up properly when gripper macros are used. The Gripper numbers supported in
PalletTool are:
• Single = 1
• Double icc = 3
• Triple case = 5
• Custom 1 = 6
• Custom 2 = 7
• Custom 3 = 8
• Custom 4 = 9
• Multi case = 10
• Fork pick = 11
• Bag push = 12
Remedy: Make sure R[15] contains the number of the desired gripper.
PALL-166 WARN Upgrading %s variable file
Cause: Certain variable files can change with each release of PalletTool. Files saved with an older
release are automatically updated as needed.
Remedy: None.
PALL-167 WARN Variable file is older version
Cause: Certain variable files can change with each release of PalletTool. Files saved with an older
release are automatically updated as needed.
Remedy: None.
PALL-168 WARN Units/layer %s exceeds allowed maximum
Cause: One of the following has occurred:
1. The number of units in the unitload is less than the start unit entered.
2. The number of units is greater than the maximum allowed (50).
Remedy: Enter a valid number of layers.
PALL-169 WARN Number of layers %s exceeds allowed maximum
Cause: One of the following has occurred:
• The number of units in the unitload is less than the start unit entered.
• The number of units is greater than the maximum allowed (50).
Remedy: Enter a valid number of layers.
PALL-170 WARN Invalid pattern type in data file
Cause: An illegal matrix type was received from PalletTool PC.
Remedy: Check the MOTET communication and PTPC status.
PALL-171 PAUSE System still in fault state
Cause: An error condition exists such that the robot cannot be reset.
Remedy: Fix the error condition, and press RESET.
PALL-172 ABORT Invalid infeed number from PLC %s
Cause: The PLC sent an invalid infeed number. The number must be greater than 0, and less than or
equal to the ‘number of infeeds’ set up.
Remedy: Make sure a valid infeed number was sent by PLC. Check the PLC communication status.
PALL-173 ABORT Invalid Pallet number from PLC %s
Cause: PLC sent an invalid pallet number. The number must be greater than 0 and less than or
equal to the ‘number of pallets’ set up.
Remedy: Make sure a valid pallet number was sent by the PLC. Check the PLC communication status.
PALL-174 WARN Setup Application Completed
Cause: This indicates that PalletTool Controlled start setup is complete.
Remedy: None.
PALL-175 ABORT Can’t use labels-out for triple gripper
Cause: Labels out is supported only for the single and double case gripper.
Remedy: None.
PALL-176 ABORT Cannot upgrade vr file
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to upgrade an older variable file to the current release
Remedy: Create a new variable file.
PALL-177 ABORT Single or Double pattern not supported
Cause: The selected unitload has the wrong matrix type (it is less than type 4). This very old data is
no longer supported by PalletTool.
Remedy: Create a new unitload.
PALL-178 WARN Data not calculated for UL %s
Cause: To run in production, you must calculate each unitload’s optimal path data.
Remedy: Display the SETUP OPTIMAL PATH screen for this unitload, and press the CALC key.
PALL-179 WARN GETINF.TP not setup correctly
Cause: GETINF.TP returned an infeed number which is assigned ul = 0. In other words, PalletTool
received an invalid infeed number, most likely 0 from GETINF.TP.
Remedy: Check GETINF.TP for infeed/unitload data. Check production setup data. GETINF.TP is
used to return an infeed number for the current cycle. You should modify this program if more than
one infeed brought the same unitload to the workcell. In this case, you have to tell PalletTool which
infeed to pickup a unit from when both the infeeds have units present. There is an error in the logic of
GETINF.TP. Alternatively, you might have provided incorrect assignments at the Cycle Start menu.
PALL-180 WARN Label data may need updating
Cause: The optimal path data was automatically updated.
Remedy: Check the labels out data for completeness.
PALL-181 WARN Labels-out disabled
Cause: Labels out was selected for a gripper that is not supported.
Remedy: None.
PALL-182 WARN Not allowed for this gripper type
Cause: Labels out is supported only for the single and double case gripper. –OR– ‘Place remaining
boxes’ is not allowed for single case grippers.
Remedy: None.
PALL-183 WARN Cycle stop disabled
Cause: The CYCLE STOP option has been disabled.
Remedy: None.
PALL-184 WARN Cycle stop enabled
Cause: The CYCLE STOP option has been enabled.
Remedy: None.
PALL-185 WARN Pallet stop disabled
Cause: The PALLET STOP option has been disabled.
Remedy: None.
PALL-186 WARN Pallet stop enabled
Cause: The PALLET STOP option has been enabled.
Remedy: None.
PALL-187 WARN Active only during palletizing
Cause: CYCLE STOP and PALLET STOP functions are only available when the robot is palletizing.
Remedy: None.
PALL-188 WARN Palletizing:STEP mode not allowed
Cause: The STEP key was pressed before entering or while in palletizing mode.
Remedy: None. The STEP mode is automatically cleared by the system.
PALL-189 ABORT Unit load data error.
Cause: Unit load gripper data has not been completely set up.
Remedy: Check the variable pick_ar_tc_n and pick_ar_tc_f in the unit load file. Also check the
variables new_order_n and new_order_f. See the FANUC Robotics PalletTool Setup and Operations
manual for details on accessing these variables.
PALL-190 WARN .VR file has not been created
Cause: During the transfer of data from the PC, the .VR data file could not be created.
Remedy: Check the available memory. If RAM is full, clear the unneeded data and try again.
PALL-191 WARN TEMP DRAM memory is low
Cause: Temporary memory is getting too low to download more unitload files.
Remedy: Delete any unneeded data before downloading more unitload files.
PALL-192 WARN Cannot CALC; TEMP memory low
Cause: Temporary memory is too low to calculate a unitload.
Remedy: Delete any unneeded data and perform a Cold start before attempting to calculate the
unit load.
PALL-193 WARN File copy not done
Cause: The file was not copied. The file is either in use, or there’s not enough memory to copy the file.
Remedy: Cold start the controller, and retry the operation.
PALL-194 WARN Units missing in sequence.
Cause: All units must be picked up. Not all the units have been listed in the NEW column.
Remedy: Check that no units have been listed twice, change the NEW info, and VERIFY again.
PALL-195 WARN All units not picked up.
Cause: The total number of PLACEs must add up to the number of PICKs for each row of the
config table.
Remedy: Make sure the sum of the PLACEs adds up to the same number of PICKs.
PALL-196 WARN Pick too big error: row %s
Cause: The PICK size cannot be bigger than the gripper’s number of grips.
Remedy: Check the selected gripper’s grip size, change the PICK info, and VERIFY again.
PALL-197 WARN Illegal place sequence: row %s
Cause: The PLACE values must be placed into the PL1 column first, then PL2, then PL3. The total
of the PLACEs must add up to the number of PICKs for each row of the config table.
Remedy: Make sure the sum of the PLACEs adds up to the number of PICKs, and are in the
proper columns.
PALL-198 WARN Other error: row %s
Cause: This is a general configuration table error.
Remedy: In the Sequence menu, you need to make sure that for the total number of picks, you clearly
indicate how all the units are put down. Ex: Pick 3, place_1_1_1.
PALL-199 WARN All units not listed in FlipConfig
Cause: All units must be picked up.
Remedy: Check that no units have been listed twice, change the NEW info, and VERIFY again.
PALL-200 WARN All units not listed in NoFlip
Cause: All units must be picked up.
Remedy: Check that no units have been listed twice, change the NEW info, and VERIFY again.
PALL-201 WARN Too many units picked up.
Cause: The total of the PLACEs must add up to the number of PICKs for each row of the config
table. And, the total number must add up to the number of units in a layer.
Remedy: Make sure the sum of the PLACEs adds up to the number of PICKs.
PALL-202 WARN Illegal. At perch or maintenance.
Cause: Part drop recovery: the selected option cannot be used when the robot is at perch or at the
gripper maintenance position.
Remedy: Choose another option.
PALL-203 WARN NO boxes are remaining.
Cause: Part drop recovery: the selected option must have boxes remaining in the gripper.
Remedy: Choose another option, or check the gripper sensors.
PALL-204 WARN Illegal:boxes are remaining!
Cause: Part drop recovery: the selected option cannot have boxes remaining in the gripper.
Remedy: Choose another option, or check the gripper sensors.
PALL-205 WARN Error – Processing UL data NOT done
Cause: There are errors in the unitload data that caused the CALC calculations failed.
Remedy: Correct the unit load errors, and try the CALC operation again.
PALL-206 WARN Invalid Unit load req: ul %s
Cause: The requested unitload gripper type cannot be run on this controller. That is, a multi-case
gripper unitload can only be run if the multi- case option is loaded on the controller.
Remedy: Choose another unitload.
PALL-207 WARN Item %s : illegal data ignored
Cause: There is something wrong with the data that was entered.
Remedy: Retype the data, and try the operation again.
PALL-208 WARN Item %s : duplicate data ignored
Cause: The item in error is a duplicate of another entry on the menu.
Remedy: Check the entered data. The duplicate will be ignored.
PALL-209 WARN Cannot CALC; PTPC production running.
Cause: This unitload cannot be calculated during production when PalletTool PC is set as the data
Remedy: Try this operation again when you are not running production.
PALL-210 WARN Xfer in process, cannot edit file
Cause: The same unitload as being transferred from PalletTool PC cannot be edited.
Remedy: Try the operation again when not transferring or running the unitload.
PALL-211 WARN Unitload not replaced.
Cause: The controller could not read the .dt file. This is a data error. However, a unitload with the
same name still exists on the robot.
Remedy: Check the MOTET communication and PTPC status.
PALL-212 WARN DT file not read: %s
Cause: The unitload data file transferred from PalletTool PC was not read because there is not
enough memory to save the unitload on the robot.
Remedy: Delete any unneeded data, and perform a Cold start.
PALL-213 ABORT Dropped part during recovery-abort
Cause: A part was dropped during part drop recovery. PalletTool does not support further recovery.
Remedy: Check why parts are being dropped. Continue normal restart of palletizing.
PALL-214 WARN The tool pointer length is changed.
Cause: You have changed the length of the station teaching tool. All station positions must be
taught using the SAME tool length.
Remedy: Make sure all station positions are taught with the same tool length.
PALL-215 WARN Moving to maintenance position..
Cause: The robot is moving to the gripper maintenance position.
Remedy: None.
PALL-216 ABORT SlipSheet pos. must be cartesian representation
Cause: The slip sheet position registers have positions that are taught in JOINT representation. For
the slip sheet logic to work properly, the positions must be taught in Cartesian representation.
Remedy: Change the position representation to CARTESIAN:
1. Press DATA.
2. Press F1, [TYPE].
3. Select Position Regs.
4. Select the register.
5. Select POSITION.
6. Press [REPRE].
7. Select Cartesian.
PALL-217 PAUSE Position is not reachable
Cause: The position the robot is trying to go to is not reachable.
Remedy: Verify that the value of $UTOOL and/or $MNUTOOL are correct. If the robot stopped
while heading towards the pallet, then check the value of Pallet approach length and width in the
Optimal path SETUP menu. You might have specified large pallet offsets or you might need to
specify a correct pallet offset in the Optimal path SETUP menu.
PALL-220 WARN Message buffer to PC is full
Cause: More than 20 messages have not been read by PTPC. The communication is slow, or has
Remedy: Check the MOTET communication and PTPC status.
PALL-221 WARN PTPC message type %s – illegal data received
Cause: Message received from PalletTool-PC/MOTET was not in the proper format. The PT-PTPC
message types are:
• 1-start
• 2-cycle stop
• 3-pallet stop
• 4-status
• 5-go
• 6-abort
• 7-unit data
• 8-pallet data
• 9-part drop
• 10-hold
• 11-reset
• 12-change done
• 13-index
• 14-op.grip
• 15-cancel
• 16-unitload
• 17-setup
• 18-monitor grip
• 19-stop grip
• 20-alarms
Remedy: Check the MOTET communication and PTPC status.
PALL-222 WARN PTPC command ignored, in wrong mode
Cause: PalletTool is not in the correct mode to act on this message.
Remedy: Try the operation again.
PALL-223 WARN PTPC %s – ignored, robot busy
Cause: PalletTool is busy and cannot act on this message.
Remedy: Try the operation again.
PALL-224 WARN Invalid infeed number from PTPC: %s
Cause: PTPC sent an invalid infeed number. The number must be greater than 0 and less than or
equal to the ‘number of infeeds’ set up.
Remedy: Make sure a valid infeed number was sent by PTPC. Make sure that the robot has current
setup data from PTPC. Check the MOTET communication and PTPC status.
PALL-225 WARN Invalid Pallet number from PTPC: %s
Cause: PTPC sent an invalid pallet number. The number must be greater than 0 and less than or
equal to the ‘number of pallets’ set up.
Remedy: Make sure a valid pallet number was sent by PTPC. Make sure that the robot has current
setup data from PTPC. Check the MOTET communication and PTPC status.
PALL-226 WARN Invalid Gripper number from PTPC: %s
Cause: PTPC sent an invalid gripper number. The Gripper numbers supported in PalletTool are:
• Single = 1
• Double icc = 3
• Triple case = 5
• Custom 1 = 6
• Custom 2 = 7
• Custom 3 = 8
• Custom 4 = 9
• Multi case = 10
• Fork pick = 11
• Bag push = 12
Remedy: Check the MOTET communication and PTPC status.
PALL-227 WARN Wrong unitload recvd from PTPC: %s
Cause: PTPC sent the wrong unit load. The unitload that was expected is given in the error message.
Remedy: Check the MOTET communication and PTPC status.
PALL-228 WARN Unitload not recvd from PTPC %s
Cause: PTPC did not send the requested unitload data.
Remedy: Check the MOTET communication and PTPC status.
PALL-229 WARN Setup data not recvd from PTPC
Cause: PTPC did not sent the requested setup data.
Remedy: Check the MOTET communication and PTPC status.
PALL-230 WARN using unitload NOT from PTPC
Cause: PalletTool requested a unitload from PTPC that PTPC did not have. But PalletTool has a
copy of the unitload which it will use.
Remedy: Make sure the right unitload is being used. Consider changing the control so that Unitload –
Use data from: is set to ROBOT/PTPC.
Cause: PalletTool is not in the correct mode to act on this message.
Remedy: Pause or abort the robot, and try the operation again.
PALL-235 ABORT Fork infeed positions not taught.
Cause: The conveyor infeed positions must be taught in order to use the fork or bag gripper.
Remedy: Teach the conveyor infeed positions.
PALL-236 ABORT Errors in infeed positions.
Cause: The conveyor infeed positions must be taught correctly in order to use the fork or bag gripper.
Remedy: Teach the conveyor infeed positions.
PALL-237 ABORT Fork not big enough to pick box
Cause: The boxes are too big for this fork gripper.
Remedy: Check the conveyor infeed positions and gripper UTOOL values.
PALL-240 WARN Infeed %s end-of-batch signal received
Cause: MULTI_IO.TP logic received a signal to perform end of batch processing.
Remedy: None.
PALL-241 WARN Infeed %s IGNORE end-of-batch signal
Cause: Previous end of batch signal processing is still in progress, or a CYCLE STOP or PALLET
STOP is still in progress.
Remedy: None.
PALL-242 WARN End-of-batch PLC – request infeed number
Cause: The robot is requesting pallet, unitload and infeed information from PLC.
Remedy: None.
PALL-243 WARN End-of-batch PLC – wrong part ID method
Cause: Part ID select method must be set to PLC.
Remedy: Set the Part ID method to PLC:
1. Press MENUS.
2. Select SETUP.
3. Select PalletSystem.
4. Set the Part ID method to PLC.
PALL-244 WARN Wait for PLC index pallet %s
Cause: The end of batch is complete. The robot is waiting for the PLC to index the pallet.
Remedy: None.
PALL-245 WARN End-of-batch processing error
Cause: The end of batch request was ignored.
Remedy: None.
PALL-246 WARN End-of-batch none at infeed
Cause: Nothing exists at the infeed to pick up.
Remedy: None.
PALL-247 WARN End-of-batch enough at infeed
Cause: During a product changeover with the End-of-Batch feature enabled, PalletTool expected
fewer than needed boxes at infeed for that cycle. However, it detected more boxes than required.
Remedy: The end of batch feature works only when there are fewer boxes than needed for that cycle.
PALL-248 ABORT End-of-batch part drop – abort
Cause: The robot dropped a box during the end of batch logic.
Remedy: Replace the dropped box, and continue the operation.
PALL-252 WARN Bag Gripper UTOOL not set
Cause: The bag gripper UTOOL is not set up in the Gripper SETUP menu.
Remedy: Set up the bag gripper UTOOL in the gripper SETUP menu. Without this data, you cannot
teach the downstream pick position for the bag on the infeed.