Fanuc DMER Alarm Codes

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Fanuc DMER Alarm Codes

DMER-011 STOPL (%s^4, %d^5)Already sampling
Cause: A Sample Start instruction has already been executed.
Remedy: Remove the duplicate Sample Start instruction.
DMER-012 STOPL (%s^4, %d^5)Other task sampling
Cause: Sampling has already been started by another task.
Remedy: Sample with one task at a time when using multiple tasks.
DMER-013 STOPL Invalid item number
Cause: The executing Data Monitor schedule specifies an invalid item number.
Remedy: Edit the Data Monitor schedule specified in the program. Correct all monitored items which
do not have item numbers in the range of 1 to $DMONCFG.$NUM_DM_ITMS.
DMER-014 STOPL Unsupported item type
Cause: The item type is not supported for sampling.
Remedy: Change the item type.
DMER-015 STOPL Invalid schedule number
Cause: The sampling schedule references an invalid item number.
Remedy: Change the item number in the sampleing schedule.
DMER-016 STOPL Invalid register type
Cause: The register n referenced by the Sample Start[R[n]] instruction is not a valid type.
Remedy: Change the register type in the DATA screen.
DMER-017 WARN Warn Limit item (%d)
Cause: The Data Monitor functions is checking this item. The item is past the warning limit.
Remedy: Examine the system for problems.
DMER-018 STOPL Pause Limit item (%d)
Cause: The Data Monitor functions is checking this item. The item is past the pause limit.
Remedy: Examine the system for problems.
DMER-019 STOPL Data cannot be saved
Cause: Data Monitor cannot save data to the specified device.
Remedy: Check the if the device listed in the schedule is available.
DMER-020 STOPL Record buffer limit
Cause: The Data Monitor record buffer became full.
Remedy: Decrease the record frequency or increase the record buffer size and cold start.
DMER-021 STOPL Not enough device memory free
Cause: The device specified in the Data Monitor schedule does not have enough file space available.
Remedy: Use a memory card or floppy disk with more memory available or specify a smaller
file_size in the Data Monitor schedule.
DMER-024 WARN Data is not saved
Cause: Data Monitor is not saving data to the specified device.
Remedy: Verify the device listed in the schedule is available.
DMER-025 STOPL Data item type mismatch
Cause: The type specified for a Data Monitor item does not match the type of the variable being
Remedy: Correct the item type in the Data Monitor screen, and retry the operation.
DMER-026 WARN Not enough memory for pipe
Cause: There is not enough memory to allocate the size of the requested pipe.
Remedy: Select a smaller size for the pipe, or select a different device.
DMER-027 WARN Failed to write to pipe
Cause: Data Monitor was not able to write data to the pipe.
Remedy: Reallocate the pipe by changing the pipe size or device using the system variables
DMER-031 WARN DAQ task not available
Cause: Data Acquisition task is not active on the system.
Remedy: Make sure the Data Acquisition option has been loaded. Contact FANUC Robotics for
DMER-032 WARN DAQ system failed
Cause: The Data Acquisition system has encountered a critical failure.
Remedy: Contact FANUC Robotics for assistance.
DMER-033 WARN DAQ initialization failed
Cause: The Data Acquisition system failed to initialize properly.
Remedy: Contact FANUC Robotics for assistance.
DMER-035 WARN Pipe already registered
Cause: The Data Acquisition pipe you are attempting to register has already been registered in
the system.
Remedy: Unregister the pipe and attempt the operation again.
DMER-036 WARN Pipe not registered
Cause: The Data Acquisition pipe you are attempting to use has not been registered.
Remedy: DAQ pipes must be registered by a controller task before they can be used.
DMER-037 WARN Pipe already active
Cause: You are attempting to activate a Data Acquisition pipe which is already active.
Remedy: Deactivate the pipe first.
DMER-038 WARN Cannot allocate global FD
Cause: No global files are available to be used by the Data Acquisition system.
Remedy: Close a global file before re-attempting this operation.
DMER-039 WARN Pipe %d could not be activated
Cause: The pipe you have attempted to use could not be activated for some reason.
Remedy: Check all parameters of the activation call.
DMER-040 WARN Pipe not active
Cause: The pipe you are attempting to access has not been activated.
Remedy: Activate the pipe before attempting this operation.
DMER-041 WARN DAQ ran out of memory
Cause: The Data Acquisition system has run out of memory.
Remedy: Remove programs to free controller memory, then re-attempt the operation.
DMER-042 WARN Invalid DAQ output device
Cause: You have specified an invalid output device.
Remedy: Check the device parameter you have specified.
DMER-043 WARN DAQ output mode mismatch
Cause: The output operation you are attempting cannot be performed using the current output device.
Remedy: Check the parameters of your output operation.
DMER-044 WARN DAQ output file not defined
Cause: No output file has been defined for the requested operation.
Remedy: Define an output file for the pipe, then re-attempt the operation.
DMER-045 WARN DAQ monitor not found
Cause: The specified Data Acquisition monitor could not be located.
Remedy: Correct your monitor parameter for the requested operation.
DMER-046 WARN DAQ monitor already exists
Cause: You are attempting to add a Data Acquisition monitor which already exists.
Remedy: Use the existing monitor, or remove the existing monitor before proceeding.
DMER-047 WARN No client tags available
Cause: No client device tags are available for use.
Remedy: Deallocate one or more client tags before proceeding.
DMER-048 WARN Client tag not used
Cause: The specified client tag is not being used.
Remedy: Check the client tag parameter to make sure the correct tag is specified.
DMER-049 WARN DAQ data size mismatch
Cause: A mismatch has been detected between the specified data size and the data size for the pipe.
Remedy: Check the specified data size.
DMER-050 WARN DAQ: Bad parameter
Cause: A bad parameter has been detected in the routine call.
Remedy: Check all parameter values before making the routine call.
DMER-051 WARN DAQ: monitors still active
Cause: Monitors are still active when you attempted the current operation.
Remedy: Remove monitors from the pipe before attempting the operation.
DMER-052 WARN DAQ: Bad parameter: mem type
Cause: The memory type parameter is invalid.
Remedy: Specify a valid memory type.
DMER-053 WARN DAQ: Bad parameter: pipe size
Cause: The pipe size parameter is invalid.
Remedy: Specify a valid pipe size.
DMER-054 WARN DAQ: Bad parameter: prog name
Cause: The program name parameter is invalid.
Remedy: Specify a valid program name.
DMER-055 WARN DAQ: Bad parameter: var name
Cause: The variable name parameter is invalid.
Remedy: Specify a valid variable name.
DMER-056 WARN DAQ: Bad param: output mode
Cause: The output mode parameter is invalid.
Remedy: Specify a valid output mode.
DMER-057 WARN DAQ task ID mismatch
Cause: The specified task ID does not match the task ID used to register the pipe.
Remedy: Unregister the pipe only from the task in which the pipe was registered.
DMER-058 WARN Invalid DAQ pipe name
Cause: The specified pipe name is invalid.
Remedy: Check the name of the pipe for a null string or invalid characters.
DMER-100 STOPL Buffer index error(Item:%d)
Cause: $DMONBUF specifed by $DMONITEM.$BFFV_INDEX does not exist.
Remedy: Set the index properly, and retry the operation.
DMER-101 STOPL [%s]%s doesn’t exist
Cause: A KAREL variable has been specified that does not exist.
Remedy: Confirm whether the variable name is correct. Confirm if specified program is loaded.
Then, retry the operation.
DMER-102 STOPL [%s]%s isn’t array
Cause: The KAREL variable for the data output must be an array.
Remedy: Use an ARRAY variable.
DMER-103 STOPL [%s]%s is array
Cause: The KAREL variable to store the number of record must not be an array.
Remedy: Use a variable that is not an array.
DMER-104 STOPL [%s]%s is full
Cause: The KAREL variable for data output is used up.
Remedy: Change the setup for the array to accomodate all records. Or increase the number of
elements of the array.
DMER-105 WARN [%s]%s is full
Cause: The KAREL variable for data output is used up.
Remedy: Change setup for the array to accomodate all records. Or increase the number of elements
of the array.
DMER-106 STOPL [%s]%s is multiple dimension array
Cause: The KAREL variable for data output must be a single dimension array.
Remedy: Use a single dimension array.
DMER-107 STOPL Invalid axis number
Cause: The Data Monitor item to be sampled specifies an invalid axis number.
Remedy: Edit the Data Monitor Item to be sampled to specify the correct axis number and group
number. The present axis should be specified.