Fanuc CVIS Alarm Codes

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Fanuc CVIS Alarm Codes

CVIS-001 E_WARN Not enough memory to process
Cause: Not enough memory is available to process the request.
Remedy: First, make sure your RD: drive is not unnecessarily large. If so, reduce the size of it. If you
continue to encounter the error, cycle power on your controller. If the error still occurs, document the
events that led to the error and contact your FANUC Robotics technical representative.
CVIS-002 E_WARN Bad arguments to the function
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-003 E_WARN Cannot find specified file
Cause: The specified file cannot be found.
Remedy: Check to make sure you have entered the correct filename. If the file is supposed to be on a
memory card or other removable media, check to make sure you are using the correct media.
CVIS-004 E_WARN The file already exists
Cause: The specified file already exists.
Remedy: Change the file name or, if using removable media such as a memory card, change the
CVIS-005 E_WARN File access is denied
Cause: File access is denied.
Remedy: Make sure you are attempting to access the correct file. If the file is on media which has a
read/write lock, and you are attempting to write or modify the file, make sure the lock is off.
CVIS-006 E_WARN Not enough space on the disk
Cause: Not enough space exists on the media.
Remedy: Free up space on the existing media by deleting unused files, or switch to a larger or
emptier media.
CVIS-007 E_WARN Invalid/unsupported BMP file
Cause: The BMP file is broken, or its format is unsupported.
Remedy: Convert your image to a different format, such as PNG (Portable Network Graphics).
CVIS-008 E_WARN Bad vector/matrix dimensions
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-009 E_WARN The matrix is not square
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-010 E_WARN The matrix is singular
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-011 E_WARN The objects are parallel
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-012 E_WARN The quadratic is a parabola
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-013 E_WARN The quadratic is a hyperbola
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-014 E_WARN Not enough points for fitting
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-015 E_WARN Too few calibration points
Cause: The number of points is not enough to compute the calibration.
Remedy: Check if the calibration points are found properly. You might need to adjust your camera
settings or lighting.
CVIS-016 E_WARN Cannot calibrate the camera
Cause: Calibration cannot be computed from the given point set.
Remedy: Check if the calibration points are found properly. You might need to adjust your camera
settings, or lighting.
CVIS-017 E_WARN Invalid file name
Cause: The specified file name is invalid.
Remedy: Check if the file name contains unusable characters. Note that the controller only supports
DOS file names (8-character file name, followed by a period, followed by a 3-character extension)
and does not support Windows-style long file names.
CVIS-018 E_WARN The mask size is bad
Cause: Internal error
Remedy: Please notify FANUC of the conditions (program executed, operation made, etc.) in which
the error occurred.
CVIS-019 E_WARN The window size is bad
Cause: The specified window is bad.
Remedy: Change the window size.
CVIS-030 E_WARN The model pattern is not trained.
Cause: The model pattern is not trained.
Remedy: Train the model pattern, and retry the operation.
CVIS-031 E_WARN There are not enough features in the training window.
Cause: There are not enough features in the image to train the model pattern.
Remedy: Use another part of the image as the model. Or, teach a model using another image by
taking it after adjusting the exposure time so that the contrast becomes high.
CVIS-033 E_WARN The operation has timed out.
Cause: The system could not find the object within the time limit.
Remedy: In the Geometric Pattern Match (GPM) Tool Setup screen, check if you have the
Orientation, Scale, or Aspect Ratio degrees of freedom enabled. If so, reduce the maximums and/or
increase the minimums and try to find again. If it still fails, disable one or more degrees of freedom.
Increase the allowable processing time. Alternatively, make one of the following adjustments so as to
decrease the required processing time.
• Use a complex geometry as the model.
• Uncheck the orientation, scale, and aspect ratio check boxes whichever are unnecessary.
• Specify a larger score threshold.
• Specify a larger contrast threshold.
• Narrow the orientation, scale, and aspect ratio search ranges.
• Reduce the size of the search window.
CVIS-034 E_WARN The emphasis area is not trained.
Cause: The emphasis area is not trained.
Remedy: Train the emphasis area, or configure the tool not to use emphasis area.
CVIS-035 E_WARN The emphasis area is too large.
Cause: The emphasis area is too large to train.
Remedy: Train a smaller area as the emphasis area.
CVIS-036 E_WARN The emphasis area is too small.
Cause: The emphasis area is too small and does not contain enough features to train.
Remedy: Train a larger area as the emphasis area.
CVIS-037 E_WARN The model pattern is not symmetrical.
Cause: For a non-rotatable model, an attempt was made to have the model origin automatically set
by clicking the Center Origin button.
Remedy: The model origin of a non-rotatable model cannot be set automatically by clicking the
Center Origin button. Use the Set Origin button to set the model origin.
CVIS-038 E_WARN Too many candidates to process.
Cause: There is not enough memory to perform the detection with the specified condition. The
image has too many candidate patterns to find.
Remedy: In the Geometric Pattern Match (GPM) Tool SETUP screen, check if you have the
Orientation, Scale, or Aspect Ratio degrees of freedom enabled. If so, reduce the maximums and/or
increase the minimums and try to find again. If it still fails, disable one or more degrees of freedom.
Make the following adjustments to reduce the search candidates:
• Use a complex geometry as the model.
• Of Orientation, Scale, and Aspect Ratio, uncheck the unnecessary items.
• Specify a larger score threshold.
• Specify a larger contrast threshold.
• Narrow the search ranges for Orientation, Scale, and Aspect Ratio.
• Reduce the size of the search window.
CVIS-039 E_WARN The mask doesn’t fit the model pattern.
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-040 E_WARN The mask doesn’t fit the search window.
Cause: Internal error
Remedy: Please notify FANUC of the conditions (program executed, operation made, etc.) in which
the error occurred.
CVIS-041 E_WARN File version error.
Cause: The version of the file is too new to load.
Remedy: This error indicates there is no way to convert the file to use on this robot controller. To use
this file, you will either need to find a controller with newer software, or reload this controller with
newer software. If necessary, contact FANUC for updated robot software.
CVIS-042 E_WARN File is broken.
Cause: The GPM tool data in the file is broken.
Remedy: None.
CVIS-043 E_WARN The search window is too small.
Cause: The specified search window is too small to process.
Remedy: Set the search area larger, and retry the operation.
CVIS-051 E_WARN Laser window is invalid
Cause: No laser measurement area has been set up or a set laser measurement area is too small.
Remedy: Re-teach a measurement area. The minimum allowable laser measurement area is 8 pixels
in both height and width. If it is necessary to measure laser beams in a smaller area, increase the size
of the measurement area and then limit it by setting up a mask.
CVIS-052 E_WARN Calibration data is not perspective
Cause: The calibration data is improper.
Remedy: Make sure that 3D laser sensor calibration data has been selected.
CVIS-053 E_WARN Calculation is not converged.
Cause: Measured laser spots did not converge at one point.
Remedy: The probable causes are that the calibration data is incorrect, or within the measurement
range the height of a workpiece differs largely from that of another workpiece.
CVIS-054 E_WARN Laser line is not found.
Cause: No straight line was found from a string of laser spots.
Remedy: First, adjust the setting of exposure so that an appropriate laser image can be obtained. Next,
make sure that the laser measurement area was taught properly. If the pattern match model origin is
changed after the laser measurement area has been taught, it is likely that the laser measurement area
might move to an unintended position during execution. If you changed the model origin, re-set the
laser measurement area. If these methods cannot solve the problem, adjust the detection parameter
for the string of laser spots.
CVIS-055 E_WARN Not enough laser points for calculation.
Cause: The number of found laser spots is not larger than the threshold.
Remedy: First, adjust the setting of exposure so that an appropriate laser image can be obtained. Next,
make sure that the laser measurement area was taught properly. If the pattern match model origin is
changed after the laser measurement area has been taught, it is likely that the laser measurement area
may move to an unintended position during execution. If you changed the model origin, re-set the
laser measurement area. If these methods cannot solve the problem, adjust the detection parameter for
the string of laser spots. Alternatively, enabling the [Search narrow area] function can increase the
number of laser spots even if the measurement area remains the same.
CVIS-056 E_WARN Laser plane is not found.
Cause: No plane was found during laser measurement.
Remedy: First, adjust the setting of exposure so that an appropriate laser image can be obtained. Next,
make sure that the laser measurement area was taught properly. If the pattern match model origin is
changed after the laser measurement area has been taught, it is likely that the laser measurement area
may move to an unintended position during execution. If you changed the model origin, re-set the
laser measurement area. If these methods cannot solve the problem, adjust the detection parameter
for the string of laser spots.
CVIS-057 E_WARN Zero vector is used in calculation.
Cause: This is an internal error found during laser measurement.
Remedy: Please notify FANUC of the conditions (program executed, operation made, etc.) in which
the error occurred.
CVIS-058 E_WARN Input data is out of range.
Cause: This is an internal error found during laser measurement.
Remedy: Please notify FANUC of the conditions (program executed, operation made, etc.) in which
the error occurred.
CVIS-059 E_WARN Leaning angle exceeded limit.
Cause: During 3D measurement, it was found that the workpiece had been tilted more than the
setting, as compared when the reference data was obtained.
Remedy: If this tilting of the workpiece is permissible, increase the setting. Otherwise, eject the
workpiece. Alternatively, make adjustments so that the tilting of the workpiece will fall within the
CVIS-060 E_WARN No features in image
Cause: No features are found in the image.
Remedy: Check that your field of view is well-lit, and your image is in focus.
CVIS-061 E_WARN Parameter is not initialized
Cause: Vision Shift error. This is an internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-062 E_WARN Target is rotated too much
Cause: Vision Shift error. Unable to find a target in a image because the rotation angle of the target is
larger than the allowable rotation angle.
Remedy: Adjust the Rotation Angle parameter in the Vision SETUP screen.
CVIS-063 E_WARN Target is too close
Cause: Vision Shift error. Unable to find a target in a image because the target in the image is
too large.
Remedy: The distance between a camera and a target might be shorter than the allowable distance
limit. Check the distance between the target and the camera, or adjust the ‘Distance Limit’ parameter
in Vision SETUP screen.
CVIS-064 E_WARN Target is too far away
Cause: Vision Shift error. Unable to find a target in an image because the target in the image is
too small.
Remedy: The distance between a camera and a target might be longer than the allowable distance
limit. Check the distance between the target and the camera, or adjust the ‘Distance Limit’ parameter
in the Vision SETUP screen.
CVIS-065 E_WARN Target is tilted too much
Cause: Vision Shift error. Unable to find a target in a image because the target in an image is too small.
Remedy: The distance between a camera and a target may be longer than allowable distance limit.
Check the distance between the target and the camera, or adjust the ‘Distance Limit’ parameter in
Vision SETUP screen.
CVIS-066 E_WARN Contrast is too low
Cause: Vision Shift error. Unable to find a target in an image because the image contrast is low.
Remedy: The image contrast may be lower than the image contrast threshold. Check the image and
adjust camera and lighting conditions so that the clear target image can be captured. Otherwise adjust
the Contrast parameter in Vision SETUP screen.
CVIS-067 E_WARN Target is not clear
Cause: Vision Shift error. Unable to find a target in an image because the detection score is low.
Remedy: The score of geometrical feature matching between the target and the taught model might be
less than the threshold value. Check the image or adjust the Score parameter in Vision SETUP screen.
CVIS-068 E_WARN Mastering calculation is failed
Cause: Vision Shift error. This is an internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-069 E_WARN Data is not for vision shift
Cause: Vision Shift error. The specified vision data is not for vision shift.
Remedy: The specified vision data might be created by iRVision setup. Rename or delete the
currently speified vision data using iRVision setup, then create the vision data using Vision SETUP
screen for Vision Shift.
CVIS-070 E_WARN Remove Vision Board
Cause: Vision Shift cannot run when the vision board is plugged in.
Remedy: Remove the vision board temporarily while running Vision Shift.
CVIS-080 E_WARN The camera is busy
Cause: The camera is busy and cannot respond to the request.
Remedy: None.
CVIS-081 E_WARN Invalid camera type specified
Cause: The specified camera type is invalid.
Remedy: Select the current camera type.
CVIS-083 E_WARN Exposure time is out of range
Cause: The specified exposure time is out of range.
Remedy: Select an exposure time within range.
CVIS-084 E_WARN Invalid camera port specified
Cause: The invalid camera port is specified.
Remedy: Select a correct camera port.
CVIS-085 E_WARN Camera time out
Cause: Internal error. The image cannot be acquired within the time limit.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-086 E_WARN Camera is not 3D laser sensor
Cause: The specified camera is not the 3D laser sensor.
Remedy: Configure the camera to be 3D laser sensor.
Cause: Images could not be captured by a USB camera.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-088 E_WARN Vision FPGA version error
Cause: The FPGA version is too old to work with vision.
Remedy: Contact FANUC to update your hardware to the correct version.
CVIS-089 E_WARN Camera is not initialized
Cause: The camera is not initialized.
Remedy: Check that the camera cable is securely connected to both the camera and the robot
controller. If the problem persists, contact FANUC.
CVIS-090 E_WARN Vision DMA error
Cause: A DMA transfer error occurred during the image acquisition.
Remedy: Check that the camera cable is securely connected to both the camera and the robot
controller. Cycle power on the controller. If the problem persists, document the events that led to the
error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-091 E_WARN The auto exposure setting is not trained
Cause: The auto exposure setting has not been trained.
Remedy: Train the auto exposure setting.
CVIS-092 E_WARN The auto exposure setting is too bright
Cause: The auto exposure setting is too bright.
Remedy: Set the auto exposure setting lower.
CVIS-093 E_WARN The auto exposure setting is too dark
Cause: The auto exposure setting is too dark.
Remedy: Set the auto exposure setting higher.
CVIS-094 E_WARN The auto exposure setting is bad
Cause: The auto exposure setting is bad.
Remedy: Re-train the auto exposure setting.
CVIS-095 E_WARN This Board has no CAMERA I/F
Cause: This board has no CAMERA I/F.
Remedy: The camera I/F circuit is not implemented on your hardware, so vision functions cannot be
CVIS-096 E_WARN Multi exposure exceeded the limit. Number of exposures will be modified
at execution
Cause: Exposure times calculated for the multi-exposure function exceeded the limit of the exposure
time available with the camera. So the number of exposures will be different from your setting.
Remedy: Changing the number of exposures or exposure time is recommended.
CVIS-097 E_WARN Area is not trained. Area is reset.
Cause: The multi-exposure scale is not trained
Remedy: Train the multi-exposure scale area.
CVIS-100 E_WARN A vision data file with that name already exists.
Cause: The specified vision data already exists.
Remedy: Specify another name for the vision data.
CVIS-101 E_WARN The vision data file does not exist.
Cause: The specified vision data does not exist.
Remedy: Use an existing vision data name.
CVIS-102 E_WARN Invalid vision data pointer
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-103 E_WARN The vision data file is already open for writing.
Cause: The vision data file is already opened for writing.
Remedy: Close the setup window for this vision data file.
CVIS-104 E_WARN No more vision data found
Cause: Internal error. No more vision data exists.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-105 E_WARN Cannot delete the vision data file because it is open.
Cause: Cannot delete the vision data because it is opened for setup.
Remedy: Close the vision data before performing the delete.
CVIS-106 E_WARN Cannot rename the vision data file because it is open.
Cause: Cannot rename the vision data because it is opened for setup.
Remedy: Close the vision data before renaming.
CVIS-107 E_WARN Cannot apply because reserved
Cause: Cannot save the vision data because it is opened for setup.
Remedy: Close the vision data before performing the operation.
CVIS-108 E_WARN Tool type not found
Cause: The vision data included a vision tool that this controller does not support.
Remedy: Order the option for the vision tool.
CVIS-109 E_WARN Interface not supported
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-110 E_WARN Double registration
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-111 E_WARN The vision data file is broken.
Cause: The vision data file is broken.
Remedy: The corrupted data file cannot be recovered. If you have a backup of the vision data file,
overwrite the existing data file with the backup.
CVIS-112 E_WARN Parent camera view not found
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-113 E_WARN The vision data file is too old to load.
Cause: The vision data is too old, and this version of controller cannot load it.
Remedy: Contact FANUC to obtain an updated version of your robot software.
CVIS-114 E_WARN The vision data file is too new to load.
Cause: The vision data is too new, and this version of controller cannot load it.
Remedy: This error indicates there is no way to convert the file to use on this robot controller. To
use this file, you will either need to find a controller with older software, or reload this controller
with older software.
CVIS-115 E_WARN Invalid vision data name
Cause: The vision data name might contain invalid characters.
Remedy: Check the name for invalid characters.
CVIS-116 E_WARN There is not enough space on the disk.
Cause: There is not enough space on the disk to save the vision data.
Remedy: Delete any unnecessary vision data, and retry the operation.
CVIS-117 E_WARN Cannot insert this tool
Cause: The selected tool cannot be inserted.
Remedy: The 3DL vision process allows only laser measurement tools of the same type to be added.
If it is necessary to add a different type, the existing laser measurement tools must be deleted.
CVIS-118 E_WARN Target Controller has no vision
Cause: The target controller has no vision.
Remedy: Select the correct robot and retry the operation.
CVIS-120 E_WARN Could not log data
Cause: The vision log could not be recorded to the log file.
Remedy: Change the new memory card, or delete files on the disk.
CVIS-121 E_WARN Could not log image
Cause: Vision log function error. The logged image could not be recorded.
Remedy: Insert a new memory card into the controller, or delete unnecessary files.
CVIS-122 E_WARN Log file is broken
Cause: The log file is broken and cannot be read.
Remedy: None. The log file is not recoverable. Select a new log file to view.
CVIS-123 E_WARN Unknown tag specified to log
Cause: An internal error of the vision log function occurred.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-124 E_WARN Bad log file open mode
Cause: An internal error of the vision log function occurred.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-125 E_WARN Log record is full
Cause: An internal error of the vision log function occurred.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-126 E_WARN No more elements in log record
Cause: An internal error of the vision log function occurred.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-127 E_WARN Invalid index specified
Cause: An internal error of the vision log function occurred.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-128 E_WARN Specified tag not found
Cause: An internal error of the vision log function occurred.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-129 E_WARN Unknown tag found in log file
Cause: The log file is too new, and this version of the system cannot read it.
Remedy: This error indicates there is no way to convert the file to use on this robot controller. To use
this file, you will either need to find a controller with newer software, or reload this controller with
newer software. If necessary, contact FANUC for updated robot software.
CVIS-130 E_WARN No free disk space to log
Cause: There is not enough space to record on the media.
Remedy: Change the memory card, or delete files on the media.
CVIS-131 E_WARN Resume data logging
Cause: Data logging is resumed.
Remedy: None.
CVIS-139 E_WARN Cannot delete this tool.
Cause: The specified tool cannot be deleted from the tree window.
Remedy: Some programs have been designed to prevent the number of command tools from being
set below a predetermined number. Before trying to delete the specified tool, create another one.
CVIS-140 E_WARN The value %s is out of range. The valid range is %s to %s.
Cause: The specified value is out of range.
Remedy: Specify a value within the range.
CVIS-141 E_WARN The tool name ’%s’ is already in use.
Cause: The specified name is already in use.
Remedy: Specify another name.
CVIS-142 E_WARN The tool name must start with a letter, contain no spaces, not contain the
characters \/*?””<>|, and be 8 characters or less.
Cause: The specified name is invalid.
Remedy: Specify a valid name.
CVIS-143 E_WARN The image display is busy setting a cursor, a window, or a mask.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform another operation while a window or mask was being set.
Remedy: Complete the setting of the window or mask before performing another operation.
CVIS-144 E_WARN The tool name has been truncated to ’%s’.
Cause: The specified tool name is too long and therefore truncated to a valid length.
Remedy: If truncating the tool name poses a problem, specify a shorter tool name.
CVIS-145 E_WARN The image display is in live mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform another operation while an image was being displayed in
live mode.
Remedy: Complete the live mode display before performing another operation.
CVIS-146 E_WARN There is no image.
Cause: An attempt was made to teach a model using a pattern match when there was no image
Remedy: Snap an image or read a saved image file.
CVIS-147 E_WARN Load failed for %s.
Cause: The tool failed to be loaded.
Remedy: None.
CVIS-149 E_WARN The system is busy doing continuous snaps and finds.
Cause: Continuous location is running.
Remedy: Before trying to perform another operation, press the [Stop S+F] button to stop the
continuous location.
CVIS-150 E_WARN Camera view index out of range
Cause: The camera view index specified in the RUN_FIND command is out of range.
Remedy: Type the correct camera view index for the vision process.
CVIS-151 E_WARN No more vision offsets
Cause: The vision process has no more vision offsets.
Remedy: None.
CVIS-152 E_WARN Failed to set ref. position
Cause: The object has not been found.
Remedy: Find the results before setting the reference position.
CVIS-153 E_WARN Ref. position has not been set
Cause: The reference position has not been set.
Remedy: Execute the SET_REFERENCE command before executing GET_OFFSET command.
CVIS-154 E_WARN Reference data does not exist
Cause: Reference data of the found model ID does not exist.
Remedy: Create a reference data, set the model ID, and set the reference position.
CVIS-155 E_WARN Bad vision process name
Cause: The vision process with the specified name does not exist.
Remedy: Check if the specified vision process exists, and type the correct name.
CVIS-156 E_WARN Vision process was not found
Cause: The vision process with the specified name does not exist.
Remedy: Check if the specified vision process exists, and type the correct name.
CVIS-157 E_WARN Camera does not exist
Cause: The camera setup with the specified name does not exist.
Remedy: Check if the specified camera setup exists, and type the correct name.
CVIS-158 E_WARN Camera calib. does not exist
Cause: The camera calibration with the specified name does not exist.
Remedy: Check if the specified camera calibration exists, and type the correct name.
CVIS-159 E_WARN Inappropriate request to tool
Cause: The vision tool cannot work for the given request.
Remedy: Do not use this request for the specified vision tool in this case. You might need to use a
different vision tool to fulfill this request.
CVIS-160 E_WARN Find has not been executed
Cause: Find has not been executed.
Remedy: Execute the RUN_FIND command or press the Find button in the SETUP menu.
CVIS-161 E_WARN No camera setup is selected
Cause: The camera setup has not been selected.
Remedy: Select a camera setup.
CVIS-162 E_WARN No camera calibration selected
Cause: The camera calibration has not been selected.
Remedy: Select a camera calibration.
CVIS-163 E_WARN No reference robot position for tool offset
Cause: In case of the tool offset, the robot position is needed to train the reference position. But the
reference position is the one set with the offset type = fixed offset.
Remedy: Set the reference position for the tool offset.
CVIS-164 E_WARN No robot position for robot mounted camera
Cause: In the case of robot a mounted camera, the robot position is needed to compute the part
position. However, the robot position is not set. Maybe the image is loaded from a file.
Remedy: Snap the image from a camera.
CVIS-165 E_WARN No robot position for tool offset
Cause: In case of tool offset, the robot position is needed to compute the part position. However, the
robot position is not set. Maybe the image is loaded from a file.
Remedy: Snap the image from a camera.
CVIS-166 E_WARN Vision Standard DEMO expired
Cause: The 60-day use period of the iRVision demo version has expired.
Remedy: See the Remedy for the OPTN-022 alarm.
CVIS-167 E_WARN Target Controller is too old to communicate
Cause: The target controller is too old to communicate.
Remedy: Update the software of the target controller.
CVIS-168 E_WARN Target Controller is off-line
Cause: The target controller is off-line.
Remedy: Check the target controller power and networks.
CVIS-169 E_WARN Object is not found in some camera view(s).
Cause: The offset cannot be computed because the object is not found in some camera views.
Remedy: Modify parameters to find the object properly, then click Snap+Find to find the object.
CVIS-170 E_WARN Combine error exceed the limit.
Cause: Calculating a compensation value resulted in the misalignment becoming equal to or greater
than the permissible value.
Remedy: Check the found result of each camera view and make sure that no mal-detection occurred.
If no mal-detection occurred, make adjustments, using the program’s combined error limit.
CVIS-171 E_WARN Calibration must be perspective.
Cause: Camera calibration is not perspective.
Remedy: Use a perspective camera calibration.
CVIS-172 E_WARN Robot Pos(Z) is different from Calib Pos.
Cause: The robot position(Z) is different from the position to calibrate the camera.
Remedy: The robot position(Z) must be the same as the position to calibrate the camera.
CVIS-173 E_WARN Robot Pos(WP) is different from Calib Pos.
Cause: The robot position(WP) is different from the position to calibrate the camera.
Remedy: The robot position(WP) must be the same as the position to calibrate the camera.
CVIS-174 E_WARN Robot Pos(Z) is different from Reference Pos.
Cause: The robot position(Z) is different from the position to set the reference data.
Remedy: The robot position(Z) must be the same as the position to set the reference data.
CVIS-175 E_WARN Robot Pos(WP) is different from Reference Pos.
Cause: The robot position(WP) is different from the position to set the reference data.
Remedy: The robot position(WP) must be same as the position to set the reference data.
CVIS-176 E_WARN Application-Z has been changed after SetRef.
Cause: Application-Z has been changed after setting the reference data.
Remedy: Set the reference data again.
CVIS-177 E_WARN Error occured in Camera View %d.
Cause: An error occurred in this camera view.
Remedy: Check another error posted at the same time, and correct the setting of the camera view.
CVIS- 178 E_WARN No application setup is selected
Cause: No application data has been selected.
Remedy: Select application data.
CVIS-179 E_WARN Application setup does not exist
Cause: The specified application data was not found.
Remedy: Check whether the specified application data exists and enter the correct data.
CVIS-180 E_WARN No images found for image playback.
Cause: No images were found for image playback for the selected date. If you have selected to use
only images for the current vision process, there might be images for the selected date that were
logged for other processes.
Remedy: Verify that the log folder corresponding to the selected date contains the images you are
expecting. If so, select to use all images for the selected date.
CVIS-181 E_WARN End of image playback.
Cause: Image Playback has reached the end date/time limit. This is an internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-182 E_WARN VOFFSET type is wrong.
Cause: The VOFFSET type is wrong.
Remedy: Change the VOFFSET type. Verify if your teach pendant program or KAREL program
unexpectedly changed the offset type in the vision register.
CVIS-183 E_WARN Vision Board does not exist.
Cause: The Vision Board does not exist.
Remedy: Install the Vision Board.
CVIS-184 E_WARN GET_OFFSET command is conflicted.
Cause: GET_OFFSET command is conflicted. This is an internal error.
Remedy: Check the teach pendant program logic. Document the events that led to the error and
contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-185 E_WARN No visual tracking option
Cause: No visual tracking option is ordered.
Remedy: Order the visual tracking option.
CVIS-186 E_WARN No line tracking option
Cause: No line tracking option is ordered.
Remedy: Order the line tracking option.
CVIS-187 E_PAUSE VOFFSET(frame offset) is duplicated
Cause: VOFFSET(frame offset) is duplicated.
Remedy: Check the index value and offset type of VR.[]
CVIS-188 E_PAUSE VOFFSET(tool offset) is duplicated
Cause: VOFFSET(tool offset) is duplicated.
Remedy: Check index value and offset type of VR[].
CVIS-189 E_WARN Vision Reg is locked
Cause: Vision register is also locked by LOCK PREG command.
Remedy: Unlock vision register to use UNLOCK PREG command.
CVIS-190 E_WARN Only 1 vision tool (GPM, Histogram, etc.) allowed at this level. Delete the
existing tool before adding a new one.
Cause: Error proofing vision process accept only one command tool to be inserted.
Remedy: Delete the existing tool before adding a new one.
CVIS-200 E_WARN The camera calibration tool is not trained.
Cause: The camera calibration has not been trained.
Remedy: Train the camera calibration.
CVIS-201 E_WARN The camera calibration tool is broken.
Cause: The calibration data might be broken.
Remedy: Create new calibration data.
CVIS-202 E_WARN The camera calibration tool is broken.
Cause: No calibration points have been found on one or more calibration planes.
Remedy: Find the calibration points.
CVIS-203 E_WARN Invalid calibration plane number.
Cause: An invalid calibration plane number is passed to the CAMERA_CALIB command.
Remedy: Enter the correct plane number to the CAMERA_CALIB command.
CVIS-204 E_WARN Either camera or fixture needs to be mounted on a robot.
Cause: Either the camera or fixture needs to be mounted on a robot for 2-plane calibration.
Remedy: Mount either the camera or fixture on a robot, and retry the operation.
CVIS-205 E_WARN Both camera and fixture should not be mounted on a robot.
Cause: Both the camera and fixture should not be mounted on robots.
Remedy: Fix either the camera or fixture on a table or other sturdy surface.
CVIS-206 E_WARN No robot position for robot mounted camera.
Cause: The position of the robot holding the camera is unknown.
Remedy: You need to snap an image from the camera instead of loading an image file.
CVIS-207 E_WARN No robot position for robot mounted fixture.
Cause: The position of the robot holding fixture is unknown.
Remedy: You need to snap an image from the camera instead of loading an image from a file.
CVIS-208 E_WARN No robot position for robot mounted fixture.
Cause: The index of the calibration point is out of range.
Remedy: Type a correct index of the calibration point.
CVIS-209 E_WARN The calibration points are too close to each other.
Cause: Simple 2-D calibration error. Calibration data cannot be calculated because the two
calibration points are too close to each other.
Remedy: Teach two points that are farther apart.
CVIS-210 E_WARN The calibration points are too close to each other.
Cause: The robot position is needed when the fixture is mounted on a robot. However, the robot
position is not set. This alarm might occur when you are using an image loaded from a file.
Remedy: Snap the image from a camera to use a real-world image.
CVIS-211 E_WARN The calibration points are too close to each other.
Cause: The plane specified in the CAMERA_CALIB is disabled.
Remedy: Enable the calibration plane, or pass another index to the CAMERA_CALIB.
CVIS-212 E_WARN No robot position for robot mounted camera.
Cause: The robot position at calibration is needed for the robot-mounted camera.
Remedy: You cannot use an image file for calibration of robot-mounted camera. Snap a new image
from a camera instead of loading image file.
CVIS-213 E_WARN Robot positions for two points must be the same.
Cause: The calibration points must be set with the same camera position.
Remedy: Do not move the robot holding the camera during the calibration.
CVIS-214 E_WARN Laser calibration fails.
Cause: No calibration data was calculated for the 3D laser sensor.
Remedy: Perform calibration again.
CVIS-215 E_WARN Laser frame cannot be calculated.
Cause: No calibration data was calculated for the 3D laser sensor.
Remedy: Perform calibration again.
CVIS-216 E_WARN Laser window is not trained.
Cause: No laser measurement area has been set up.
Remedy: Set up the measurement area.
CVIS-217 E_WARN No laser image.
Cause: No laser image was taken.
Remedy: Snap an image using the Snap button.
CVIS-218 E_WARN No found pose of parent locator tool.
Cause: The parent tool of the associate tool has not been found.
Remedy: Check whether the target is within the camera view. Adjust the parent tool parameters and
model so that the parent tool can be found normally.
CVIS-219 E_WARN Histogram tool is not trained.
Cause: There is a histogram tool yet to be taught.
Remedy: Teach all histogram tools or delete the unnecessary tool yet to be taught.
CVIS-220 E_WARN Histogram tool: Fail to get reference position.
Cause: Internal error of a histogram tool.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-221 E_WARN Histogram tool: Fail to set reference position.
Cause: Internal error of a histogram tool.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-222 E_WARN Subtool is not trained.
Cause: Some child tools are not trained.
Remedy: Train all child tools.
CVIS-223 E_WARN Conditional Execution: Fail to set measument.
Cause: Internal error of a histogram tool.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-224 E_WARN Camera is not parallel to Z axis of UF.
Cause: The camera is not parallel to the Z axis of the User Frame.
Remedy: Adjust the camera orientation.
CVIS-225 E_WARN Conditional Execution is not trained
Cause: The conditional execution tool is not trained.
Remedy: Train the conditional execution tool.
CVIS-226 E_WARN Conditional Execution: Fail to get value.
Cause: Measurements are not set, or an invalid measurement is set.
Remedy: Train measurements on the Conditional Execution SETUP screen.
CVIS-227 E_WARN No found pose of parent locator tool.
Cause: Condition judgment tool error.
Remedy: An attempt to find a parent tool failed. Adjust the exposure setting so that an appropriate
image can be taken and the parent tool can be found, or adjust the detection parameter.
CVIS-228 E_WARN The calibration planes are too close.
Cause: The calibration planes are too close.
Remedy: The calibration planes must be apart from each other.
CVIS-229 E_WARN Model ID mismatch.
Cause: The Model ID of the found part is different from the one of the selected reference data.
Remedy: Place a part for the model ID in FOV.
CVIS-230 E_WARN Reference scale is not set.
Cause: No reference scales are set.
Remedy: Set the reference scales in advance.
CVIS-231 E_WARN Identical reference scales for different Z.
Cause: Two reference scales must be different for different application Z values.
Remedy: Set reference scales with the different application Z values.
CVIS-232 E_WARN No robot position for reference scale is set.
Cause: No robot position is set for the reference scale. The current reference scale would be set
with the camera on the robot disabled.
Remedy: Set reference scale with the camera on the robot enabled.
CVIS-233 E_WARN Robot posture must not be changed.
Cause: Robot posture must be the same as the one when you set the reference scales.
Remedy: Run the vision process with the same robot posture.
CVIS-234 E_WARN Robot-mounted camera is not supported.
Cause: A Robot-Mounted Camera is not supported in visual tracking.
Remedy: Change the camera setup to the fixed Camera.
CVIS-235 E_WARN Encoder count is not consistent with the current image.
Cause: The encoder count is not consistent with the current image.
Remedy: Perform the snap again.
CVIS-236 E_WARN Encoder count of this robot is differnt from one of other robot.
Cause: The encoder count of this robot is different from one of the other robots.
Remedy: Turn all of the robots off and then on again.
CVIS-237 E_WARN Points touched up is too close.
Cause: The touched up points are too close to calculate the fixture position.
Remedy: Touch up the points farther apart.
CVIS-238 E_WARN Double GET_QUEUE from the robot.
Cause: GET_QUEUE is executed twice in the programs.
Remedy: Modify your teach pendant programs not to call GET_QUEUE twice.
CVIS-239 E_WARN Invalid timing mode for visual tracking.
Cause: The specified timing mode is incorrect.
Remedy: Check that the correct timing mode was specified in the visual tracking environment setting.
CVIS-240 E_WARN Vision overtimes against conveyer movement.
Cause: The vision location was not completed before the conveyor moved through the specified
Remedy: Make the conveyor slower or the conveyor travel distance longer in the visual tracking
environment setting.
CVIS-241 E_WARN No found pose of parent locator tool.
Cause: The parent location tool for an associate tool has not been found.
Remedy: Adjust the parameter and model so that the parent location tool can be found.
CVIS-242 E_WARN Caliper tool is not trained.
Cause: There is a length measurement tool yet to be taught.
Remedy: Teach all length measurement tools.
CVIS-243 E_WARN Caliper tool: Fail to get reference position.
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-244 E_WARN Caliper tool: Fail to set reference position.
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-245 E_WARN Blob Locator tool: Fail to get reference position.
Cause: Internal error.
Remedy: Document the events that led to the error and contact your FANUC technical representative.
CVIS-246 E_WARN No found pose of parent locator tool.
Cause: The parent location tool failed to find the part.
Remedy: Modify parameters of the parent location tool before training the child tool.
CVIS-247 E_WARN There are not any blobs in the training window.
Cause: There are not any blobs in the training window.
Remedy: Train another part of the image, or use another image.
CVIS-248 E_WARN Invalid register number.
Cause: The register number is not specified so the software cannot get the application Z value.
Remedy: Set the register number in which the application Z value is set.
CVIS-249 E_WARN GET_QUEUE is timeout.
Cause: GET_QUEUE has timed out.
Remedy: Adjust the waittime.
CVIS-250 E_WARN This robot recieved packet from robot with the diffrent software series
Cause: This robot received a packet from the robot with a different software series.
Remedy: Be sure to use the same software series for all robots.
CVIS-251 E_WARN The distance between reference position is too small
Cause: The distance between reference positions is too small.
Remedy: Change the Minimum distance between reference positions.
CVIS-252 E_WARN The range maximum value must be greater than or equal to the minimum.
Cause: You have entered a maximum value for the range that is less than the minimum value.
Remedy: Enter a maximum value that is greater than the minimum value.
CVIS-253 E_WARN The range minimum value must be less than or equal to the maximum.
Cause: You have entered a minimum value for the range that is greater than the maximum value.
Remedy: Enter a minimum value that is less than the maximum value.
CVIS-254 E_WARN This part can not be returned in queue
Cause: The returned part is different from the part that was in the queue previously.
Remedy: The last part retrieved by the GET_QUEUE instruction can be returned to the queue.