Fanuc CD Alarm Codes

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Fanuc CD Alarm Codes

CD-001 WARN No global variables
Cause: Coordinated Motion global variables are not loaded.
Remedy: Perform a controlled start and initialize motion softparts.
CD-002 WARN Unable to allocate memory
Cause: A failure occurred while allocating memory.
Remedy: Check amount of memory being used by the system.
CD-003 STOP Follower recv invalid segment
Cause: Leader segment MMR number does not match that of the follower
Remedy: Call FANUC Robotics.
CD-004 STOP Illegal leader INTR point data
Cause: Illegal Leader Interpolated Point Data is detected when trying to convert it to a transform
Remedy: Call FANUC Robotics.
CD-005 STOP Non-coordinated group detected
Cause: Coordinated Motion is used for a group which has not been SETUP for coordinated motion.
Remedy: Check motion statement. Perform Coordinated Motion SETUP and perform a COLD
CD-006 STOP Illegal follower joint motion
Cause: JOINT MOTYPE was used for a follower during coordinated motion.
Remedy: Use LINEAR or CIRCULAR MOTYPE instead
CD-007 STOP Circular motype not supported
Cause: CIRCULAR MOTYPE Not Implemented Yet
Remedy: Use LINEAR MOTYPE instead
CD-008 STOP No leader
Cause: There is no leader in the coordinated motion
Remedy: Check motion statement. Perform Coordinated Motion SETUP and then perform a COLD
CD-009 STOP More than one leader
Cause: There is more than one leader in the coordinated motion
Remedy: Check motion statement. Perform Coordinated Motion SETUP and then perform a COLD
CD-010 STOP Invalid angle in point data
Cause: Invalid Angle detected in Point Data
Remedy: Internal Error, call FANUC Robotics.
CD-011 STOP Error in flushing CD mailbox
Cause: Error in reporting mailbox status
CD-012 STOP Illegal leader motion
Cause: Leader single group motion after coordinated motion not allowed
Remedy: Issue non-coordinated motion involving the follower group
CD-013 WARN Jog group is not a leader
Cause: Attempt to perform coordinated jog with a non-leader group
Remedy: Select leader group for coordinated jog
CD-014 WARN Jog group has multi follower
Cause: Attempt to perform coordinated jog with a leader group which has multiple followers
Remedy: Select only one leader/follower pair
CD-015 STOP Wrist joint is not supported
Cause: WRIST JOINT Motion is not supported with coordinated motion
Remedy: Delete Wjnt motion instruction
CD-016 STOP INC motion is not supported
Cause: INCREMENTAL motion is not supported with coordinated motion
Remedy: Delete INC instruction
CD-017 STOP INDEP motn is not supported
Cause: Independent motion is not supported with coordinated motion
Remedy: Change Independent motion to Simultaneous motion
CD-018 STOP No calibration for CD
Cause: Calibration for coordinated motion is not done
Remedy: Execute calibration of coordinated motion in SETUP screen
CD-019 STOP Illegal follower setting
Cause: Number of follower is zero or two or greater on this motion
Remedy: Set number of follower correctly or set group mask correctly
CD-020 WARN Not reach relative speed
Cause: Follower can not reach relative speed in program
Remedy: Teach follower and leader position again to reach relative speed
CD-021 STOP No kinematics in CD group
Cause: Attempt to perform coordinated motion with non-kinematics robot
Remedy: Initialize robot library correctly
CD-022 STOP Prev term type is not FINE
Cause: Term type before coordinated motion is not Fine or CNT0
Remedy: Change term type before coordinated motion to FINE or CNT0 or JOINT motion
CD-023 STOP Illegal CD setting
Cause: Setting of coordinated motion is not correct
Remedy: Check setting of coordinated motion in SETUP screen And set correctly
CD-024 WARN Calibration was inaccurate
Cause: Teaching points is incorrect or Leader’s mechanics is inaccurate
Remedy: Check the mechanics and reteach the points
CD-025 STOP Can’t convert position
Cause: System can’t convert position properly
Remedy: Call FANUC Robotics.
CD-026 STOP Illegal transition:nonCD<->CD
Cause: Illegal transition (nonCD->CD or CD->nonCD) happens.
Remedy: Add or remove motion option COORD.
CD-027 STOP Illegal follower transition
Cause: Transition from one CD pair to another happens. But same follower group is used in both
CD pair.
Remedy: Insert non coordinated motion between coordinated motion of different pair.
CD-028 STOP T1 speed limit(G:%d^2)
Cause: The speed of the TCP or Face Plate exceeded the T1 speed limit.
Remedy: Specify a slower speed or change to AUTO mode.