ABB Alarm Codes 20400 – 32500

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20400, Debug Settings In Auto
A static/semistatic task (alias background task) has been stopped.
The static/semistatic task will not be started.
System will not be in full production mode in auto.
Recommended actions
For full production mode:
1) Switch back to manual mode.
2) Set system parameter Controller/Auto Condition Reset/
AllDebugSettings/Reset to Yes.
3) Switch back to automatic mode and confirm.
4) For more info, see the Technical Reference Manual – System

20401, Too many CFG instances
There are too many instances arg of type arg in topic arg.
The wrong instance may be used and cause unexpected behavior.
Probable causes
There are multiple instances of argof type arg in topic arg.
Recommended actions
Remove all instances but one.

20440, Failed to initialize FW upgrade
The firmware upgrade framework for hardware boards could not be
No firmware upgrade of hardware boards will be performed
Probable causes
An invalid xml file in the controller installation:
Recommended actions
For developers:
– Correct the file. Use the hw_compatibility.xsd schema to verify.
For other users:
– Reinstall the system.

20441, Failed to initialize firmware patch
Failed to initialize the firmware patch handling for hardware boards.
No firmware patches for hardware boards will be applied
Probable causes
The firmware patch file was invalid:
Recommended actions
Correct the patch file. Use the schema hw_compatibility.xsd to verify.

20443, Multiple firmware upgrade restarts
A new restart to firmware upgrade mode was ordered after two
consecutive upgrade restarts.
No further restart to firmware upgrade mode was performed.
Probable causes
Firmware upgrade of a hardware board has most likely failed. The
board’s firmware or hardware may be corrupt.
Recommended actions
Check the event log for previous error messages.

20450, SC argCBC Speed exceeded
Cyclic Brake Check (CBC) speed limit is exceeded in Safety
Controller (SC) on Mechanical unit arg, when Brake check is required
Recommended actions
Decrease speed and execute Brake check

20451, SC arg Not synchronized
Safety Controller (SC) arg is not synchronized with supervised
Mechanical units.
Recommended actions
Move all Mechanical units supervised by Safety Controller arg to
the synchronization positions defined in the Safety Configuration.

20452, SC arg Synchronized
Safety Controller (SC) arg is now synchronized to supervised
Mechanical units. Safety supervision can be used.

20453, SC arg Wrong Sync. Position
The positions of the supervised Mechanical units do not match the
synchronization positions defined in the Safety Configuration for
Safety Controller (SC) arg on axis arg.
Recommended actions
– Check that all supervised Mechanical units are positioned at the
configured synchronization position.
– Check that the synchronization switch is working properly.
– Check that motor calibration and revolution counters are updated
and correct.
– Check that the synchronization position in the Safety
Configuration is correct.
– Check for configuration error.
– Download Motor calibration values.
– Check if axis 4 or 6 is configured as independent, if YES, check
that the EPS configuration is configured likewise.

20454, SC arg Servo-Lag Limit exceeded
Safety Controller (SC) arg detected a too big difference between
the ordered and actual position, for Mechanical unit arg on axis arg.
Recommended actions
– Check for collision.
– If using external axis, check Servo Lag settings in the Safety
– If using Soft Servo, Check that the Operational Safety Range
(OSR) Tolerance in the Safety Configuration is not set too low
– Verify that revolution counters are updated.
– Check for communication problems to the Main Computer, Axis
Computer or the Serial Measurement Board.
– Check if tool weight is correctly defined.

20455, SC arg Incorrect Position Value
Incorrect position value from Serial Measurement Board detected
by Safety Controller (SC) arg on Mechanical unit arg.
Recommended actions
– Check resolver and resolver connections.
– Replace Serial Measurement Board.
– Replace resolver.

20456, SC arg Reference Data Timeout
The Robot Controller has stopped sending reference data to Safety
Controller (SC) arg.
Recommended actions
1. Check previous error logs for possible causes.
2. Restart System.

20457, SC arg Corrupt Safety Configuration
The Safety Configuration for Safety Controller (SC) arg is corrupt
or contains invalid data.
Recommended actions
– Warm start Robot Controller.
– Download a Safety Configuration to the Safety Controller.
– Reinstall System.

20458, SC arg Internal Failure
Internal Failure in Safety Controller (SC) arg.
Recommended actions
– Check Safety Controller cabling.
– Check Safety Controller health on LED
– Replace Safety Controller if remaining error

20459, SC arg Input/Output Failure
I/O Error on Safety Controller (SC) arg.
Recommended actions
– Check Safety Controller cabling.
– Check Safety Controller health.
Warm start Robot Controller, after performing recommended actions.

20460, SC arg Safety Configuration not
Failed to retrieve Safety Configuration for Safety Controller (SC)
Recommended actions
– Warm start Robot Controller.
– Download a Safety Configuration to the SC.
– Reinstall System.

20461, SC arg Robot Configuration not found
Failed to retrieve Robot Configuration for Safety Controller (SC)
Recommended actions
– Warm start Robot Controller.
– Reinstall System.

20462, SC arg Calibration Offset not found
Failed to retrieve Motor Calibration offsets for Safety Controller
(SC) arg.
Recommended actions
Download new Calibration offsets to the SC.

20463, SC arg Safety Configuration
Download of Safety Configuration was successful for Safety
Controller (SC) arg.

20464, SC arg OSR Limit exceeded
Safety Controller (SC) arg detected a too big difference between
the ordered and actual position inside Operational Safety Range (OSR)
, for Mechanical unit arg on axis arg.
Recommended actions
– Check for collision.
– Check that Operational Safety Range (OSR) Tolerance in the Safety
Configuration is not set too low.
– Synchronize the Safety Controller, if the revolution counters have
been updated since last synchronization.

20465, SC arg SAS Speed exceeded
Safe Axis Speed (SAS) violation on Mechanical unit arg Axis arg
on Safety Controller (SC)
Recommended actions
Decrease speed on Axis arg

20466, SC arg Input/Output Failure
I/O Error on Safety Controller (SC) arg I/O arg Type arg
Type 1: Input
Type 2: Output
Probable causes
– Wrong connection to I/O terminals on SC
– Two channel I/O mismatch
Recommended actions
– Check SC cabling.
– Check SC health.
Warm start Robot Controller, after performing recommended actions.

20467, SC arg STS speed exceeded
Safe reduced Tool Speed (STS) in Safety Controller (SC) on
Mechanical unit arg too high. Cause arg.
Probable causes
1. Tool0 speed
2. Elbow speed
3. Tool speed
4. Additional axis speed
Recommended actions
Reduce tool speed.

20468, SC arg STZ violation
Safe Tool Zone (STZ) arg is violated on Mechanical unit arg. Cause
Probable causes
1. Exceeded speed
2. Wrong tool position
3. Wrong tool orientation
4. Wrong elbow position
11. Wrong tool point 1 position
12. Wrong tool point 2 position
13. Wrong tool point 3 position
14. Wrong tool point 4 position
15. Wrong tool point 5 position
16. Wrong tool point 6 position
17. Wrong tool point 7 position
18. Wrong tool point 8 position
Recommended actions
– Reduce speed
– Move Robot tool to safe position
– Adjust tool orientation

20469, SC arg SAR violation
Safe Axis Range (SAR) arg is violated on Mechanical unit arg Axis
Recommended actions
Move Mechanical unit to safe position

20470, SC arg Synchronization Pre-warning
Synchronization required for Mechanical units supervised by Safety
Controller (SC) arg in less than arg hour(s).
Recommended actions
Perform synchronization before the time limit expires.

20471, SC arg Synchronization Timeout
Synchronization time limit expired for Safety Controller (SC) arg.
Last synchronization was arg hours ago.
Recommended actions
Perform synchronization.

20472, SC arg New Safety Configuration
Safety Controller (SC) arg has received a new Safety
Configuration. A new PIN-code is needed to activate.
Recommended actions
1. Log in as a user with Safety Configuration grants.
2. Enter new PIN-Code for the Safety Controller in the Control Panel.

20473, SC arg Dual Computer mismatch
Safety Controller (SC) arg have had conflicting values for a Safety
Output for too long.
The Safety Controller has entered a Safe State and issue an error after
10 minutes of internal mismatch, if recommended actions are not
Probable causes
– The Mechanical unit have been parked at a position on, or close
to, a supervised or monitored function limit for too long time.
– Internal computation error in Safety Controller.
Recommended actions
Move all Mechanical units’ axes and tools well inside or outside
monitored and supervised function limits.

20474, SC arg I/O Supply Failure
I/O supply voltage level for Safety Controller (SC) arg is out of
Probable causes
Either the voltage is out of limits or the voltage is missing.
Recommended actions
1. Connect 24V supply with correct voltage level to I/O supply
2. Warm start Robot Controller.

20475, SC arg Synchronization rejected
Safety Controller (SC) arg is not correctly configured for
Probable causes
– Safety Configuration PIN is not set or is incorrect.
– Safety Configuration is empty.
– Safety Configuration is corrupt or missing.
– Safety Controller connected to the wrong SMB bus.
– I/O Power supply missing.
Recommended actions
Verify and check possible causes

20476, SC arg Disabled
Safety Controller (SC) arg is disabled.
All safety supervision has been disabled in the Safety Controller.
Risk for Safety hazards.
Recommended actions
Download a Safety Configuration to the Safety Controller.

20477, SC arg SMB Communication Failure
Safety Controller (SC) arg failed to communicate with Serial
Measurement Board (SMB).
Recommended actions
1. Make sure that the cabling from SMB to Safety Controller is
connected to the right SMB connector and functional.
2. Restart System.

20478, SC arg Main Supply Failure
The main power supply voltage for Safety Controller (SC) arg is
out of range.
Probable causes
Either the voltage is out of limit or the voltage is missing.
Recommended actions
1. Check Safety Controller cabling.
2. Check voltage from power supply.
3. Warm start Robot Controller.

20479, SC arg Additional Axis missing
An Additional Axis that is supervised by Safety Controller (SC) arg
is no longer present in the System Configuration.
Recommended actions
Reinstall the supervised Additional Axis, or Download a Safety
Configuration without supervision of the Additional Axis.

20480, SC arg SST violation
Safe Stand Still (SST) arg in Safety Controller (SC) is violated on
Mechanical unit arg Axis arg.
Recommended actions
– Verify Rapid program
– Verify process equipment
– Check that movement is not ongoing when SST is active
– Check previous elog messages

20481, SC arg OVR active
Override Operation (OVR) active on Safety Controller (SC) arg
SafeMove will stop the robot after approximately 20 minutes with
OVR active.
Speed is limited to 250 mm/s or 18 degrees/s.
Recommended actions
Deactivate signal connected to OVR input

20482, SC arg OVR time out
Override Operation (OVR) has been active too long time on Safety
Controller (SC) arg.
Recommended actions
1. Warmstart Robot Controller 2. Toggle signal connected to
OVR input
3. Activate Confirm stop by pressing Motors On push button
4. Jog Robot back into working area
5. Deactivate signal connected to OVR input

20483, SC arg CBC soon required
Cyclic Brake Check (CBC) required in less than arg hours.
Recommended actions
Perform a Brake Check before the time limit expires.

20484, SC arg CBC Time Limit expired
Cyclic Brake Check (CBC) time limit expired in Safety Controller
(SC). Last Brake Check was executed arg hours ago.
Recommended actions
Perform a Brake Check.

20485, SC arg Too low brake torque
Too low brake torque in Safety Controller (SC) on Mechanical unit
Probable causes
– Axis has not been tested.
– Worn out brake(s).
Recommended actions
– Check that the failing axis is activated
– If failing axis is activated replace brake(s)as soon as possible.

20486, SC arg CBC incorrect
Safety Controller (SC) has detected that the last Cyclic Brake Check
(CBC) on Mechanical unit arg was incorrect.
Recommended actions
– Perform a new Brake Check.
– Check previous elogs.

20487, SC arg Unsynchronized speed
Exceeded Axis speed when Safety Controller (SC) arg was
Recommended actions
Jog Mechanical unit to synch position with low axis speed. Reduce
speed to 250 mm/s or 18 degrees/s.

20488, SC arg Unsynchronized time limit
Available time to move the Robot when unsynchronized has expired
for Safety Controller (SC) arg.
Recommended actions
1. Do a Confirm stop by pressing the Motors ON push button or
activate System input
2. Synchronize SC arg.

20489, SC arg has been disabled
Safety Controller (SC) arg has been disabled and no supervision
functions are active.
Probable causes
Either a C-start has been performed or it’s the first startup of SC.
Recommended actions
Download a Configuration to SC arg.

20490, SC arg OVR Speed exceeded
Override (OVR) Speed limit exceeded on Mechanical unit arg.
Probable causes
If Override (OVR) is active, then OVR speed limitations will be active
Recommended actions
– Decrease speed.
– Deactivate OVR.

20491, SC arg Override active during startup
Override digital input was active during startup on SCarg

20492, SC arg SST violation in Brake test
Movement detected during Brake test on Safety Controller (SC)arg
Mechanical unit arg Axis arg
Probable causes
– Interrupted braketest.
– Worn out Brakes.
Recommended actions
– Restart CBC.
– Replace Brake.

20493, SC arg SBR triggered
Safe Brake Ramp (SBR) on Safety Controller (SC) was interrupted by
a Class 0 stop due to slow deceleration on Mechanical unit arg. This is
normal and occurs in cases when a stop1 is to slow. Check for other
safety controller elog.
Recommended actions
– Change parameter value for SBR in motion configuration
– Trigger a new stop to test the Brake Ramp.
– If this happens frequently, check the Application manual for
Mechanical units configuration.

20494, SC arg Tool change incorrect
Incorrect tool change with Tool arg on Mechanical unit arg
Recommended actions
– Check if correct tool.
– Decrease speed if needed.
– Perform a new tool change.

20501, ES panel open
The emergency stop panel has previously been broken, and while
broken, an attempt was made to operate the robot.
The system remains in the Emergency Stop status.
Probable causes
An attempt has been made to manoeuvre a control, e.g. the enabling
Recommended actions
1) To resume operation, first reset the emergency stop panel button.
2) Then switch the system back to state Motors ON by pressing the
Motors ON button on the Control Module.

20502, ES pendant open
The emergency stop pendant has previously been broken, and while
broken, an attempt was made to operate the robot.
The system remains in the Emergency Stop status.
Probable causes
An attempt has been made to manoeuvre a control, e.g. the enabling
Recommended actions
1) To resume operation, first reset the emergency stop pendant button.
2) Then switch the system back to state Motors ON by pressing the
Motors ON button on the Control Module.

20503, ES open
The emergency stop external has previously been broken, and while
broken, an attempt was made to operate the robot.
The system remains in the Emergency Stop status.
Probable causes
An attempt has been made to manoeuvre a control, e.g. the enabling
Recommended actions
1) To resume operation, first reset the emergency stop external button.
2) Then switch the system back to state Motors ON by pressing the
Motors ON button on the Control Module.

20505, Delayed stop open
Delayed stop open.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
1) To resume operation, first reset the delayed stop button.
2) Then switch the system back to state Motors ON by pressing the
Motors ON button on the Control Module.

20506, Test Stop open
The Test Mode Safeguarded Stop circuit has been broken.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Probable causes
One or more of the switch connected in series with the Test Mode
Safeguarded Stop circuit have been opened, which may be causes by a
large number of faults. This is only possible while in the Manual
operational mode
Recommended actions
1) Locate the switch, reset it and restart the system.
2) Check cables and connections.

20507, Hardware chain open
Relays (KA16 and KA17) on Safety Interface Board (SIB) not
Motor on command rejected.
Recommended actions
Press motor ON button to close the chain.

20521, Test Stop conflict
Status conflict for the Test Stop chain.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Please check the two-channel safety guard that caused the status

20525, ES panel conflict
Status conflict for the Emergency Stop panel chain.
The system goes to status emergency stop.
Recommended actions
Please check the two-channel safety guard that caused the status

20526, ES pendant conflict
Status conflict for the Emergency Stop pendant chain.
The system goes to status emergency stop.
Recommended actions
Please check the two-channel safety guard that caused the status

20527, ES conflict
Status conflict for the Emergency Stop chain.
The system goes to status emergency stop.
Recommended actions
Please check the two-channel safety guard that caused the status

20528, HV Interlock input conflict
Only one of the two input signals in the high voltage chains is opened.
Paint enable chain opens.
Recommended actions
Please check the two-channel safety guard that caused the status

20529, Cabin Interlock input conflict
Only one of the two input signals in cabin interlock chains is opened.
Paint enable chain opens.
Recommended actions
Check cables and connections.

20531, Delayed Stop conflict
Status conflict for the delayed stop circuit.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check cables and connections.

20534, Mode selector conflict
Any of the connections to the mode selector are faulty.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check cables and connections.

20535, AUX Interlock conflict
Only one of the two AUX interlock chains was opened. Normally used
on CBS door interlock.
Paint enable chain opens.
Recommended actions
Check cables and connections.

20536, Motor on chain conflict
Only one of the two motor on chain signals in run chain is opened.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check cables and connections.

20556, Enable 2 AXC 1 open
Status active when enable from Axis Computer 1 open.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
1. Check other error messages for primary fault reason.
2. If no other error messages, please check line voltage for one phase

20557, Enable 2 AXC 2 open
Status active when enable from Axis Computer 2 open.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
1. Check other error messages for primary fault reason.
2. If no other error messages, please check line voltage for one phase

20558, Manipulator fault
Status active when power to manipulator arg connected to Manipulator
Interface Board (MIB) arg is lost, or manipulator’s enable chain
conditions is not OK.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
1. Check the power to the manipulator.
2. Check that the enable chain on Manipulator Controller Board
(MCOB) is OK.

20559, Collision sensor active
Status active when digital collision sensor on Manipulator Controller
Board (MCOB) is active.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check the collision sensors connected to MCOB.

20560, Axis limit on MCOB
Status active when limit sensor on Manipulator Controller Board
(MCOB) is active.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check the limit sensors connected to MCOB.

20561, MCOB software has opened enable
Status active when Manipulator Controller Board (MCOB) software
has opened the enable chain on MCOB.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check the MCOB software.

20562, Reset ES fault
Status active when Reset Emergency Stop input is activated for more
than 3 seconds.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
1. Check the connection of external reset of Emergency Stop.
2. Check the motor on push button.

20563, Servo disconnect open
Status active when Servo disconnect switch on system arg is off.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
If Servo disconnect switch is not installed, check the disable link on
Manipulator Interface Board (MIB).

20564, Brake rel. on axes 1 & 7
Status active when manual brake release on axes 1 and 7 enabled.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check switch for manual brake release of axes 1 and 7.

20565, External enable 1 open
Status active when external enable 1 on Manipulator Controller Board
(MCOB) is open.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check connection on MCCB X25.

20566, External enable 2 open
Status active when external enable 2 on Manipulator Controller Board
(MCOB) is open.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check connection on MCCB X43.

20567, Power low on MCOB
Status active when power below 16V on Manipulator Controller Board
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check power on MCOB.

20568, Hardware enable open on MCOB
Status active when firmware on Manipulator Controller Board
(MCOB) has opened the enable chain.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.

20569, Watchdog fault on MCOB
Status active when watchdog on Manipulator Controller Board
(MCOB) fails.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.

20570, TPU wiring error
Status active when Process Interface Board (PIB) detects fault on
emergency stop pendant and enabling device signals (glitch test).
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
1. Check cables and connections to Teach Pendant Unit (TPU).
2. Check Pendant Interface Board (TIB) and Manipulator Interface
Board (MIB).

20571, HV Interlock open
Paint system High Voltage (HV) interlock is opened by external
interlock connection.
Paint enable chain opens.
Recommended actions
Check manual switch for disconnecting of the HV system.

20572, Cabin Interlock open
Cabin Interlock is opened by external interlock connection.
Paint enable chain opens.
Recommended actions
Check cabin ventilation and other cabin safety functions.

20573, Controller ID is Missing
Controller ID is the controller’s unique identity. It is by default equal
to the serial number of the controller’s cabinet. The software
configuration of the controller is missing this identity information.
Probable causes
This may happen if the storage media of the controller has been
replaced or reformatted.
Recommended actions
Read the serial number of the controller from the controller cabinet to
find out what the controller ID should be. Use RobotStudio tools to set
this value for the controller.

20574, Process Interlock open
Process Interlock is opened by external interlock connection.
Paint enable chain opens.
Recommended actions
Check manual switch for disconnecting of the process system.

20575, AUX Interlock open
AUX Interlock is opened by external interlock connection. Normally
used for Cartridge Bell System (CBS).
Paint enable chain opens.
Recommended actions
Check cables and equipments connected to AUX inputs.

20576, System 2 Interlock open
System 2 Interlock is opened. Normally used for Cartridge Bell
System (CBS) or paint pumps
Paint enable chain opens.
Recommended actions
Check cables and equipments connected to system 2.

20577, HV ON open
High Voltage (HV) switch on operating panel is opened.
Paint enable chain opens.
Recommended actions
Give acknowledge on motor ON and switch on the HV key to close the
HV interlock chain.

20581, SPI communication towards SIB is down
Status active when cyclic enable 1 test fails from Safety Interface
Board (SIB).
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
1. Check status on Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) status.
2. Check cables between Process Interface Board (PIB) abd SIB.

20582, SPI communication towards MIB is
Status active when cyclic enable 1 test fails from Manipulator Interface
Board (MIB) arg.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check cables and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) status.
2. Check cables between SIB and Manipulator Interface Board (MIB).

20583, Watchdog towards PIB software fails
Status active when firmware on Process Interface Board (PIB)
discover watchdog fault between PIB firmware and PIB software.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Probable causes
Too high processor load on PIB software.

20584, Fault on internal SPI
Status active when firmware on Process Interface Board (PIB)
discover watchdog fault towards Safety Interface Board (SIB) and
Manipulator Interface Board (MIB).
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Probable causes
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) communication is down on SPI 1.
Recommended actions
Check cables between PIB, SIB and MIB.

20585, Enable chain opened from IPS
Status active when enable chain is opened from signal Safety/PibSw/
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Check the actuator connected to signal Safety/PibSw/Enable.

20586, Watchdog fault towards PIB firmware
Status active when software on Process Interface Board (PIB) discover
watchdog fault towards PIB firmware caused by fault on FPGA.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.

20587, Watchdog fault towards PIB firmware
Status active when software on Process Interface Board (PIB) discover
watchdog fault towards PIB firmware caused by fault on the In-System
Micro Controller.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Probable causes
Firmware not running.

20588, Watchdog fault between PIB and MC
Status active when software on Process Interface Board (PIB) discover
watchdog fault towards Main Computer (MC).
The system goes to status SYS FAIL.
Recommended actions
Check ethernet cable between PIB and MC.

20589, Watchdog fault between PIB and MCOB
Status active when agent connection on CAN between Process
Interface Board (PIB) and Manipulator Controller Board (MCOB) is
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
1. Check CAN cables.
2. Check MCOB status.

20590, Open circuit mask not set
The open circuit mask for brakes on Manipulator Controller Board
(MCOB) is not set. The mask should be set from Process Interface
Board (PIB) during start-up.
This message will be given every time the brakes are released, until the
open circuit mask on MCOB is set.
Probable causes
IPS configuration on PIB is not loaded or configuration file for brake
settings is missing.
Recommended actions
1. Check that IPS configuration is loaded during start-up.
2. Check that IPS configuration file for brake settings are installed on

20591, TPU hot plug timeout
The TPU hot plug button is pressed for too long time.
The system goes to status SYS HALT.
Recommended actions
Press motor ON button to close the chain.

20600, Unofficial RobotWare release
The current RobotWare is not an officially supported release.
Unofficial RobotWare releases may only be used for time-limited test
and validation purposes.
ABB will not provide long-term support on unofficial releases.
Recommended actions
If this is a production system, install an official RobotWare release as
soon as possible.

20601, Too long paths when unpacking
RobotWare files
The RobotWare installation package was not properly unpacked on the
controller. Some files in the package have a path that is too long and
could not be handled by the controller software.
During the installation process the controller software was upgraded to
handle longer paths, so a re-installation of the system should solve the
Some RobotWare files are missing on the controller and your system
may not be able to operate properly.
Recommended actions
Re-install the system by using SystemBuilder. If the error is still
present after the re-installation, contact customer support.

20602, Unofficial RobotWare image
The current RobotWare main computer image is not the original, and
is hence not officially supported.
ABB will not provide long-term support on unofficial RobotWare
Probable causes
The officially released main computer image has been replaced, e.g.,
for the purpose of collecting diagnostic data for a specific problem.
Recommended actions
If this is a production system, install an official RobotWare release as
soon as possible.

20610, Motor phase short circuit
The drive unit for joint arg has reported short circuit. The joint is
connected to drive module arg with unit position arg and node arg.
No operation will be possible until the fault is corrected. The system
goes to Motors Off state with zero torque.
Probable causes
1) Short circuit in cables or connectors between the phases or to
2) Short circuit in motor between the phases or to ground.
Recommended actions
1) Check/replace cables and connectors.
2) Check/replace motor.

20620, The system has entered an internal test
A feature to perform ABB Robotics internal tests has been enabled
in arg.
The system may not behave as expected.
Recommended actions
Restart the system when the test has been performed. If this was
an unexpected message, please contact your contact your local ABB
representative for assistance.

31810, DeviceNet master/slave board is
The DeviceNet master/slave board does not work.
No communication on the Devicenet is possible.
Probable causes
The DeviceNet master/slave board is either malfunctioning or missing.
Recommended actions
1. Make sure a DeviceNet master/slave board is installed.
2. Replace the board if faulty.

31811, Second DeviceNet master/slave board is
Dual option is configured but only one DeviceNet master/slave board
is installed.
Only one DeviceNet bus is available.
Probable causes
The Second DeviceNet master/slave board is either malfunctioning or
Recommended actions
1. Make sure a Second DeviceNet master/slave board is installed.
2. Replace the Second board if faulty.

31812, Incompatible DeviceNet Boards
The system has detected incompatible types of DeviceNet boards.
No communication on the DeviceNet is possible.
Probable causes
Incompatible types of DeviceNet boards have been installed in the
Recommended actions
Make sure that compatible board types are installed.

31910, Profibus-DP master/slave board is
The Profibus-DP master/slave board does not work.
No communication on the Profibus is possible.
Probable causes
The Profibus-DP master/slave board is either malfunctioning or
Recommended actions
1. Make sure a Profibus-DP master/slave board is installed.
2. Replace the board if faulty.

31911, Profibus board update error
The RobotWare software was not able to download new driver
software to the Profibus-DP master/slave board. The arg channel (ch
arg) of the Profibus board could not be programmed. Internal error
No communication on the Profibus is possible.
Probable causes
The RobotWare software may be corrupt or the board hardware may
be malfunctioning.
Recommended actions
1. Restart the system to reattempt downloading the software.
2. Reinstall the present system files.
3. Create and run a new system to download the driver software.
4. Replace the board if faulty.

31912, Profibus-DP master/slave board failure
The Profibus-DP master/slave board did not start up correctly.
No communication on the Profibus is possible.
Probable causes
The Profibus-DP master/slave board hardware may be malfunctioning.
Recommended actions
1. Restart the system.
2. Replace the Profibus-DP master/slave board if faulty.

31913, Profibus-DP master/slave board internal
The Profibus-DP master/slave board reported internal error arg.
No communication on the Profibus is possible.
Probable causes
The Profibus-DP master/slave board hardware may be malfunctioning.
Recommended actions
1. Restart the system.
2. Replace the Profibus-DP master/slave board if faulty.

31914, Profibus startup error
– Profibus master bus error Error code arg. Check cabling, terminators
and modules then restart.
Recommended actions

31915, Profibus Bus Error
Profibus master bus error.
Internal error
Error code arg.
Certain expected associated errors may be delayed.
Probable causes
Faulty profibus cabling, terminators and/or module(s).
Duplicated profibus addresses.
Recommended actions
Check cabling, terminators and modules.

31916, Profibus bus OK
– Profibus regained contact on the master bus.
Recommended actions

31917, Profibus-DP master/slave board
A fatal error has occurred on the Profibus-DP master/slave board. arg
channel in task arg. Parameters arg
No communication on the Profibus is possible.
Probable causes
The Profibus-DP master/slave board hardware may be malfunctioning.
Recommended actions
1. Restart the system.
2. Replace the Profibus-DP master/slave board if faulty